Janet Beckersdzvwgjbg20hse.cloudfront.net/pdf-etc/Shine-Online/The...2 The Success Quadrant Blueprint “Share The Love & Pass It On” Welcome to The Success Quadrant Blueprint! Hello

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The Success Quadrant


Janet Beckers

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Welcome to The Success Quadrant Blueprint! Hello and welcome

Janet Beckers here, founder of Wonderful Web Women. It’s wonderful to

welcome you here to the Success Quadrant Blueprint.

In this report I share a powerful and proven system designed to position

you as the trusted “go-to” person in your market. This is the result of

hundreds of interviews with the most successful business women and

men who have used the Internet as a core part of their business growth.

Although every business and every person I interviewed was very

different I saw a pattern start to emerge. Every business that had grown

to multiple 6 and 7 figures followed the same 5 (and a half) steps even

though, on the surface, they had little in common. I have since gone on to

implement these steps in my own business to create International success and, until now, have only

shared this system with my high end clients.

This system is not for everyone. If you are looking for the “overnight success on the internet” that is

promised by so many yet rarely delivered, you will not find it here. However, if you want to create a

business that is built to last, in any economy and allows you to make a difference in the lives of your

customers as well as that of you and your family, then this system is designed for you.

In this Blueprint I walk you through the 5 (and a half) steps to create a successful online business that

is not only profitable but elegantly simple. I include action points at the end of each step so you can

start implementing straight away. After all, in business you are not judged by how much you know,

you are judged by the results you get and you can’t get results without taking action

Firstly, let me introduce to The Success Quadrant. You see, after mentoring hundreds of

entrepreneurs, I have discovered there are 4 “Star Types” of entrepreneurs and each one needs to

implement the 5 (and a half) steps in different ways. So before we go through the steps I’ll introduce

you to the Success Quadrant so you can determine which “Star Type” you are. At the end of each

step in the blueprint I have listed how each “Star Type” needs to implement that step so you are

taking actions in the right order. I have even included a 1 page action plan for each Star Type at the

end of the report so you can see at a glance what you need to do.

As you can see, I’m into taking action!

Let’s get to it.

Janet Beckers

Founder Wonderful Women

International author, speaker, mentor and

multi-award winning entrepreneur

(including Australian Marketer of The Year)

P.S. If you’re reading this report because a friend passed it on, and you haven’t done The

Quadrant Quiz yet I recommend you head over to www.TheQuadrantQuiz.com now. It will only take

you a few minutes and we’ll let you know where on the Success Quadrant you fall.

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The Success Quadrant and Your Path to

Success Online

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Star Gazer

You have a passion for your topic and entrepreneurial spirit. In fact, you

may have a problem in that you are passionate about many things and

aren’t sure which is the one you want to focus your business on. You

may not be clear on who your target market is and what the unique

offering is you bring to the market but you know, if you can just get clear

on this, you will be successful. Cash Flow is a bit challenged. You know

you don’t have much money to invest in your business so, until it starts

paying its own way, you are going to have to learn how to do everything


Shooting Star

The Shooting Star is very similar to a Star Gazer except for one big

difference. You have money to invest in your business. This has

advantages but also disadvantages. The advantage is you know, once

you are clear on your niche and the value you bring to that niche, you

can move fast. You can afford to outsource the areas you really don’t

want to master and so can concentrate your time and energy on the

things you are good at.

It can sometimes be even more frustrating being a Shooting Star than a

Star Gazer (I’m sure Star Gazers will disagree though). Sometimes you

can feel like a sprinter stuck at the starting line. You’re psyched for the

race, you know you have the ability to win but you can’t take off until the Starter Gun goes. This

brings us to the disadvantage I mentioned. Because you have the resources and ambition to succeed

it can be very easy to have a false start and use your valuable resources on a business that was

never going to succeed.

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Star Blazer

A Star Blazer differs from a Shooting Star and Star Gazer in that they

are very clear on the niche / topic they will be building their business

on. Further than that, they are already helping people in their area of

expertise and passion and getting results. This doesn’t mean you are

making money though. You may be helping people for free or for

buying you lunch or a coffee. You may have transitioned into charging

for the solutions you provide but you don’t have near enough paying

customers and it can be difficult to get them to continue spending

money with you. You suspect you’re not really charging enough though

it’s a bit of a Catch 22. You’re worried if you charge more, you may end

up with fewer customers. There is also a chance you are getting results

for people but you are not in your own business. You may have an employer and you now want to go

out on your own.

Cash flow is likely very tight and it’s about time you started getting paid what you are worth!

Super Star

A Super Star may seem like they have achieved success, and they

have to a great extent, but they may not agree with you. In fact, they

haven’t got time to disagree with you! This is because they are

getting excellent results with people and are in great demand but

they are at risk of burning out.

Very often a Super Star may be in a service or coaching business

and often working one-on-one or on projects that require a lot of their

input. Sometimes they are running lots of workshops and travelling

which they enjoy but they only have so much time available to do this

and they’re a bit over the travel.

If this sounds like you, you’re probably hanging out for a holiday but know when you are away your

income will drop. Your income may have reached a ceiling because the only way to bring more

money in is to work more hours and you’ve reached your limit.

For some Super Stars, there’s a chance you have already started creating information products and

group programs so you can leverage your knowledge and start making income that is not tied to the

number of hours you work. If that’s you, that’s brilliant. Your challenge now is to make this your major

source of income so you can really enjoy the success you deserve.

Cash flow is likely quite variable for Super Stars. Like Shooting Stars you have resources to invest in

your business but you also know that some months can get pretty tight. You’d love cash flow to be

much more predictable.

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Can you identify which Star Type you are on the Success


If you haven’t done The Quadrant Quiz yet I recommend you head over to

www.TheQuadrantQuiz.com now. It will only take you a few minutes and

we’ll let you know where on the Success Quadrant you fall.

In the next few pages I’ll introduce the 5 (and a half) step formula for creating

success online. At the end of each step I’ll run through how each Star Type

needs to approach each step differently.

Sometimes you may identify with a couple of Star Types. That’s OK. After all,

you may very well be on the cusp and moving from one Star Type to

another. In that case, look at the guidance for both Star Types and see which strategy fits best with

your goals.

I’d love to know what Star Type you are. You can share over here, join the conversation and ask any

questions over here.

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Step 1: Identify the Profit In You There are 2 schools of thought when it comes to building a successful

business. 1 school says it doesn’t matter what your personal passions

are, you create a business on topics where there is the greatest

demand, even if you have no personal interest in the topic.

The other school says the strongest businesses are built on the

passions, values and skills of the entrepreneur.

Personally I’ve tried both and the first approach is certainly the hard way.

When you come up against challenges, it is your passion that keeps you

going. When you communicate with clients and potential clients they can

tell if you are truly aligned with the topic of your business and are naturally drawn to you.

I find the people who ARE successful creating businesses on topics they have no passion for actually

do have a strong passion. They are passionate about tracking and measuring.

From years interviewing the most successful business women on the Internet and years mentoring

thousands of people I have found the most successful people are those who take the time to really

identify the profit within them. They use this as the strong foundation their business is built on and the

result is something magical no-one else can ever replicate, even if they have the same niche market.

So how do you identify the profit in you?

Get very clear on your 2 big “whys” and financial milestones

Tap into your passions and identify which ones are profitable

Align your personal and business values and complete a Congruency Checklist

Understand your personality type so you flow with your energy and outsource things that sap

your energy.

Complete a Skills and Intellectual Property audit so you can leverage resources you may not

have valued before.

Refine your unique story to uncover your unique message, reframed vulnerability and alignment with your market

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Step 1 and the 4 Star Types

Star Gazer

Your challenge is to narrow down the huge number of topics you are fascinated by and choose the

one that will be profitable and importantly, builds on your current skills and experience. It is very

common for Star Gazers to undervalue the amazing knowledge, experience and skills they have

developed over years because they think either it is boring or it is impossible to build a business

around. If you ever find yourself thinking “everyone knows this” or “why do people complicate things

when it is so straight forward” you may have identified an area to investigate further for your business.

Whatever you do, do not rush through this step.

Shooting Star

A Shooting Star is very much a “cashed up Star Gazer”. Because you have the resources to invest in

building your business, it is very common for Shooting Stars to start running before they know clearly

what direction to run! It can be easy to invest in a web site, blog, creating first products etc before you

are really clear on the uniqueness you bring to your market. My message to you: Patience. Take your

time to thoroughly master Step 1 (and the following step on Your Profitable Avatar). Once you are

clear on these 2 steps you can really move fast.

Star Blazer

As a star Blazer you will already be very clear on your passions because you are already helping

people (though not getting paid enough yet). Your challenge is to concentrate primarily on 2 areas.

Firstly you need to analyse HOW you have been helping people so you can identify your unique

methods and can confidently replicate them. This is a core part of your Intellectual Property Audit.

Secondly, you need to deeply explore your personal story that sets you apart from everyone else in

your industry.

Super Star

As a Super Star you need to revisit the Profit in You step at least once per year. Your Intellectual

Property and the capacity you have to help your customers will evolve fast and it is possible you will

need to “reinvent” as you evolve. It can be common for Super Stars to appear to “lose connection”

with their customers as their business grows which is why it is essential to be very clear on the

alignment of your personal and business values, passions and story to stay grounded and congruent

as you evolve. As your business grows so will your team. Understanding your personality type will

allow you to focus on what you do well and outsource the roles that drain your energy.

If you’re reading this report because a friend passed it on, and you haven’t done The Quadrant

Quiz yet I recommend you head over to www.TheQuadrantQuiz.com now. It will only take you a few minutes and we’ll let you know where on the Success Quadrant you fall.

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Step 2: Identify Your Profitable Avatar Now you’ve really tapped into The Profit in You, the next step is to get

very clear on who you serve in your business. This is much more than

identifying a “target market”. This step is about getting inside the mind of

your ideal customer so you really connect through every contact they

have with your business. So you get emails like I do, saying “It feels like

you are reading my mind. You seem to know exactly how I feel”.

To understand how to do this let’s look at the 2 words Avatar and


Avatar: This is a composite of your perfect customer. In fact, you can give them a name (mine is

called Jenny) as they will become very real to you. You should know what your avatar’s biggest

frustrations are, their aspirations and dreams. You should know what stage of life they are in, their

education and family life. It is your avatar you are talking to when you write emails and blog posts. It

is this specific person you create products for and who you are talking to when you write sales letters.

It doesn’t mean if someone who is not exactly like your Avatar reads your sales letter they will feel

excluded. It means if they can relate to her, then your words will resonate. If they don’t resonate, then

you have succeeded in not attracting a person who you never wanted as a customer anyway.

Profitable: Just because you CAN help someone doesn’t mean you SHOULD. If they can’t or won’t

pay then you will be building a charity, not a business. At this step you will get very clear on who is

most able to pay for your service and exactly what problems they want you to help them solve. I have

refined a technique I call “Your Profitable Avatar Quadrant” which powerfully identifies your most

profitable customers and what products are most likely to meet their greatest frustrations. In fact, The

Shine Online Coaching program is the result of applying this exercise to my own business.

So How Do You Identify Your Profitable Avatar?

Research online (and offline) where your ideal customers hang out and use social media sites

in clever ways to really get inside the mind of your avatar.

Survey your customers and potential customers asking powerful questions

Define the key variables that define your perfect avatar to identify who is the most profitable

customer to attract and know what problems they will pay you to solve.

Record the language your avatar uses to describe their frustrations and aspirations so you can

use the same language in all communication with them.

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Step 2 and the 4 Star Types

Star Gazer

Because Star Gazers (and also Shooting Stars) do not usually have customers yet, you don’t have

the advantage of being able to survey your existing customers. So you need to think outside the box

to find the people you want to get to know. As an example, before I started Wonderful Web Women I

was a Star Gazer (on the cusp of Star Blazer). I had refined my passion to finding role models of

women who had created successful businesses online but I didn’t have a clear picture of who my

customers would be and what problems I would solve. So I went to where my customers were. They

were at Internet Marketing conferences and more specifically, they were lined up in the Women’s

toilets at lunch time. So that’s where I did my research. I took my MP3 recorder into the Women’s

loos and went along the line asking them my survey questions. Unorthodox but it worked!

Shooting Star

It can be tempting to pay someone to do the research for you if you are a Shooting Star but I caution

against it. You can certainly get someone to do some of it for you but, because you are the person

with the insight into your industry already, you will notice things that someone else never will. I know

you are keen to get moving but don’t rush this step. For you, getting clear on your Avatar is the most

important thing you can do.

Star Blazer

Star Blazers often have a pretty good insight into who their avatar is but often have not identified who

their PROFITABLE Avatar is. If you have been helping people but until now have not been charging

or charging enough, then really looking at who is in a position to pay for your help and also most likely

to take action on the help you give, is your priority. It is just as important for you to identify who you

don’t want to work with so you can be careful you are not attracting the wrong people to your


Super Star

Super Stars have the advantage that they already have customers who have proven they are willing

and able to pay. A Customer Audit is your priority for 2 reasons: Firstly you want to find the customers

that are the most satisfying to work with, take the least time and emotion to serve and pay. You also

want to identify how your customer profile will change as you change your business over to a more

leveraged, group and product delivery model.

If you’re reading this report because a friend passed it on, and you haven’t done The Quadrant

Quiz yet I recommend you head over to www.TheQuadrantQuiz.com now. It will only take you a few minutes and we’ll let you know where on the Success Quadrant you fall.

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Step 3: Create Your Unique Branding

Language and Signature System When you have implemented the first 2 steps in The Shine Online

Blueprint you will have already laid a strong foundation to be the trusted

advisor many customers in your industry will choose. They will identify

you as someone they resonate with, who understands how they think,

and can act as their trusted guide. In this step, we set you apart from

everyone else in your industry with your unique branding language and

system. We then create product and service packages which leverage

your expertise and maximise your profits.

Let’s look at the 2 steps:

1. Create Your Unique Branding Language and System

Let’s use an example of 2 life coaches. I’ve chosen this example because there are a lot of people

who call themselves a life coach and it can be difficult to differentiate yourself amongst the crowd of

people who are also offering transformational experiences that are difficult to quantify. Without your

branding language, potential customers are comparing apples with apples. Our aim is to turn you into

an orange so there is no comparison.

So let’s see how it would look. One life coach (highly experienced and caring) offers to work closely

with the client in personalized sessions, perhaps even with workbooks and audios as a supplement.

She explains they will overcome limiting beliefs, set goals and tap into inner passions.

The other coach offers to work closely, guiding the client through the proven and unique 4 step

“FLOW” coaching system. The 4 steps are described with their own language. For example, the first

step may start with F for “Freedom from the Past”. The second step may be L for “Life Mapping or

Life Vision”. I’m sure you can see where I’m going with this. Within each step there will be “sub-steps”

which may or may not fit as an acronym. The term “flow” lends itself to great imagery, stories and

language such as “find your flow, tapping into energy flow, etc”. It is essential that the language and

imagery matches what your target market resonates with.

By the way, your system and language does not need to fit into an acronym. Later in this report

I’ll introduce you to my “Romance your Tribe” model which is unique to my teaching. It uses language

of romance and dating, something which really resonates with my Avatar (and I can also be quite

cheeky with it). I often hear my customers use the language of my system when talking to me and

also between each other. For eg they will refer to “flirting” when talking about traffic generation!

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2. Packaging For Profit

This is where it gets exciting because now we take all the hard work you have done so far and turn it

into irresistible products and packages that are highly profitable. If you are currently providing

services 1 to 1 this is incredibly liberating because it frees you from setting an hourly rate for your

time. In fact, in this way it is impossible for your clients to calculate your hourly rate and so compare

you with others in your market. Let’s see how it works:

How to Explode Your Hourly Rate

Let’s compare 2 scenarios:

1. You work closely with customers taking them through your 5 steps. You work 1: 1 and

can only work with 5 people per day, an hour each. If you have been a great marketer you may

have filled your books with 25 clients (the most you can serve). The standard rate in your

industry may be $100 / hour so you can make $2500 each week or $10,000 per month. When

you are on holidays you don’t make money.

2. You have created a series of different programs, based on your system.

1: A membership site where your members receive a new lesson each week via email. They

pay $50 per month and you have 50 people signed up. ($2,500 per month, an hour per month)

2: You have one program that has a workbook, 5 recorded audios, checklists and templates.

You sell it for $500 and sell 5 each month ($2500 per month, an hour per month)

3: You have a higher program, with group mastermind calls, worksheets, audios and

templates. You sell it for $500 per month (6 month minimum) and you have 10 people enrolled

($5000 per month, 8 hours per month)

4: You can see, in the second scenario, you still earn $10,000 per month. After you have taken

the time to create the programs, you only need to work 10 hours per month instead of 100

hours. You do the maths.

So How Do You Create Your Unique Branding and System?

Identify the different steps your clients need to follow to move from where they are now to

where they want to be.

Choose an acronym or theme for the steps in your program that resonates with your market.

Plan out different packages, at different price points that use a combination of automated

delivery via email, audios, group tele-classes and access to you (for a higher price).

Take the time to create 1 program at a time and market it to get new customers. As you

replace a portion of your income, reduce the number of hours you work doing 1:1 work (or

days at your job) so you can invest that time creating the next program.

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Step 3 and the 4 Star Types

Star Gazer

After completing Steps 1 and 2 you have most likely come to one of two outcomes. You may have

identified that you do have a way you work with people already to get results and have the basis for

your programs. If this is you I suggest you test out your system with a few customers, one on one,

before you create your programs. This will help you identify any gaps, get testimonials and

importantly be able to say with integrity your system works. You may offer these first few people a

discount. I don’t suggest you work for free. The other scenario is you don’t identify a way you already

help people but you do discover a passion and a market. In this case you need to see yourself as the

reporter (on a mission to find the best resources and share it with your Avatar). You will still need a

system that acts as a structure for the resources and education you provide (eg interviews with

experts). This will give you a unique branding even though you aren’t the expert.

Shooting Star

The advice I gave above for Star Gazers applies to you as well. The big difference is you will be able

to create your programs much faster because you can outsource. I know you are keen to get moving

so I suggest you create your first program in a way that does not take a long time and allows you test

the market as a lower price. For example, a simple audio recording solving your Avatars biggest

frustration, with a transcript or workbook. You can sell this for $47 from a simple web site.

Star Blazer

You are really going to see some big changes in your life when you have implemented this step.

Often Star Blazers are uncomfortable charging what they are worth which is why creating packages

that combine product, service and group work is so powerful. You are now offering a solution that is

not just about you. You are offering a system. This will also help you attract more customers to you as

you are demonstrating you have a professional system that gets results and they can see clearly

what they get from their investment. Go get’em!

Super Star

I imagine you could really relate to the example of how to reduce the number of hours you work while

still getting the same income. You’ll notice I didn’t use ridiculous examples as you may have seen

elsewhere. I deliberately gave conservative examples. Can you think of customers you already have

now who would really be attracted to the programs I outlined? I suggest you survey your customers,

giving them potential scenarios of programs you may launch and ask them which ones appeal to

them. Then you’ll know which one to create first.

Hang on. Are you thinking “when am I going to get time to create one of these programs?” Here’s a

solution that works. Raise your prices by 20%. Your best clients won’t care but your worse clients will.

You can then afford to drop 20% of your clients which could free you up 20% more time (1 day per

week). Schedule that extra day per week to create your first program.

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Step 4: Identify Powerful Joint Venture

Partners Now you are clear on the value you bring to your chosen market and

have developed a unique branding and system that really makes you

stand out, it’s time to get known. The absolutely most effective method I

have found for growing my business is Joint Ventures (JVs). But most

people don’t know the simple secrets to doing them the right way. Firstly,

let’s look at what a JV is and then we’ll look at 3 powerful ways they can

grow your business.

What is a Joint Venture partner?

A JV partner is someone who has the same Avatar as you but it solving

slightly different problems. (Again, this shows why your Avatar is so powerful). They can help you

build a powerful, profitable business because they already have your perfect customers in their


3 Ways JV Partnerships Can Grow Your Business

With JVs you need to be crystal clear on the benefits both parties get from working together. You also

need to be very clear in how you communicate this. You see, you’re not after a once off promotion.

You are after a long-term relationship. Once you have found your common ground here’s some ideas:

1. Your JV partner can promote you and your new programs to their database in return for a

commission or other sweetener. Their endorsement of you gives high conversions.

2. You can promote their products to your customers or negotiate a special price so you can

solve problems for your clients you can’t solve yourself (for a commission).

3. You can co-create products. For example, in your program you may include an interview

recording you do with them, where they teach something you can’t (and visa versa).

I have built my entire business on JV partnerships and used them to move quickly from Star

Gazer to Super Star.

So How Do You Master Joint Ventures?

Define who would be the perfect JV partner for you and identify ideal characteristics

Search online and offline to create a wish-list of partners.

Outline what you want from a JV partner and what you have to offer

Develop a relationship with JVs BEFORE you ask to work together

Only ever form JVs with people of high integrity. Their reputation will be linked with yours.

Think big. Approach people way beyond your expectations. They might surprise you.

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Step 4 and The 4 Star Types

Star Gazer

When I started out I was a Star Gazer yet I still used JV partnerships to launch my business. I knew

my area of passion and had quite a bit of experience but didn’t know the system yet I am sharing with

you. So instead, I positioned myself as the reporter. I interviewed the most successful women in the

world on how they created successful Internet businesses. They promoted my series of interviews to

their databases and my business was born. Through this experience I developed my methods for

successful JV partnerships. As a Star Gazer you may not think you have anything to offer a JV

partner but you do. It is all about correcting power imbalances. Never underestimate the

attractiveness of passion, a well thought out plan and your willingness to contribute all the hard work!

Shooting Star

Because you can move faster than a Star Gazer by outsourcing, you can seem bigger than you are

by creating a web presence that clearly reflects the branding and system you have put together

through the first 3 steps. You can also use your ability to bring a project together faster as a benefit of

partnering with you.

Star Blazer

Because you have a system you have been using that already gets results for people you are

attractive to JV partners. And because you have taken the time to create packaged programs with

unique branding, you will really stand out from others in your industry. I’d bet anything, if someone sat

down and asked you questions about what you do and how you help people, you can easily talk for

hours. That’s what you need to do. Being interviewed as a guest on a tele-seminar is one of the most

effective ways to build your reputation and business. Your challenge is to create an interesting title for

your interview, create a list of suggested questions and make it easy for a JV partner to be able to

interview you. You get to impress people for an hour with your knowledge and unique system and

your JV partner gets a percentage of any sales you make.

Super Star

You are perfectly placed for JV partnerships. You already have results and a reputation and you can

emphasise this in your discussions with potential partners. I recommend you focus on developing

reciprocal promotion strategies with just a few key partners. You can still use the same techniques

the other Star Types use but you can also start to develop a dream “in-crowd” list of partners. These

are people who you strongly believe in and they truly believe in you. They have credibility and

influence in their niche and you agree to support each other with promotion of new programs.

Because you agree to co-promote, you have to choose carefully and only a handful of people. You

don’t want to overwhelm your customers with multiple promotions.

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Step 5: Create Your Tribal Platform to

“Romance Your New Tribe” Now you have established the unique value you bring to serve your

perfect customer. You have leveraged your intellectual property into

programs that will explode your hourly rate. Now it is time to create an

online presence that attracts your perfect avatar and moves them

seamlessly through the process to be a profitable customer who not only

takes action on the knowledge you share, but is a raving fan who refers

new clients to you.

The process of finding potential new clients and moving through the

process of becoming a paying customer, in fact a raving fan, is very

much like a romance. If you try to go for the hard sell too quick, you’ll

leave them feeling like a one-night-stand! If you treat every new lead in your business as if they are

going to be “The One’ you will spend the rest of your (business) life with, then you will see how the

Romance Your Tribe model works to build a business of customers committed to you for life!

In this step I’ll walk you through the 5 stages of this “romance” and how it ties together all the things

you need to put in place to have an automated online business. You’ll see how all the moving pieces

fit together. I refer to this as your Tribal Platform.

Your Tribal Platform refers to the web sites, auto-responders, videos, audios, ebooks, social media,

shopping carts etc that are the nuts and bolts of your online presence. You may be wondering what

the story is with Tribes. The power of social media has changed the way businesses operate online.

We are no longer communicating with just individuals. Messages are shared quickly online and

people turn to their online network of friends when making decisions on which business to spend their

money with. You are now communicating with their tribe. This brings challenges but also incredible

opportunities to the business person who knows how to integrate the new tribal nature of the Internet

into their business strategies.

The 5 stages to Romance Your Tribe are:


Invite Back to your place




Let’s look at how this relates to your business. After each stage I’ll share how The Shine Online

Program can help you master that stage. I’ve saved the recommendations for each Star Type to the

end of the 5 stages, so you can see which order is best for you personally to implement.

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We all know about flirting in clubs or at parties – putting on your best

face, trying to make a good impression on somebody who catches your

eye. You’re not asking for any commitments here – you’re just out

flirting and being friendly. This is really the same thing when you’re

working with social media – Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

This is where you go out, meet people, and see who catches your eye.

Just like flirting, you will go to the places where you are most likely to

meet the kind of person you want to spend your (business) life with.

Remember, we’re not into one-night-stands in business. We’re looking

for soul mates OK?

This is where social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and

You Tube work best as well as powerful Joint Ventures (they act as your match maker if we are

thinking about a romance here). To maximize your chances of attracting the right potential customer,

just like with flirting, you need a game plan so you don’t miss opportunities.

The important thing to keep in mind at this stage is “It is all about them”. Have you ever met

someone and all they wanted to do was talk about themselves? It’s not impressive. It’s the same

thing in business. So remember, in all things at this stage, you need to focus on helping and

supporting them. You’re not trying to get commitment here. Just as asking a first date how many

children you should have together can be a turn off, so can trying to make a sale in your first


So How Do You Flirt Online?

Refer back to your research on Your Profitable Avatar. Identify the places online your Avatar is

most likely to be. This is where you will flirt.

Choose just a few strategies (such as Facebook, Joint Venture tele-seminars, guest article

writing) to get in front of your Avatar and impress them with your knowledge. Perfect and

review your chosen strategies before you add others. In other words, don’t spread yourself too


Always have a strategy. For example you want to take every opportunity to move them onto

the next step which is…”Invite them back to your place”

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Back To Your Place

After you invite someone back to your place, they’re going to have a look

around – at your décor, CD collection, or your bookshelf – and get a real

feel for who you are. It’s casual, friendly – and if you want a long-term

relationship, you’re not going to show them straight to the bedroom!

At this stage, it’s still about building a relationship – both sides getting to

know each other. The online equivalent is your website or blog – this is

where they get to know more about you.

Your website needs to serve 2 purposes at this stage. Firstly, you want

to make it easy for them to get to know you. They want to see if you

have the same interests and values, if you know your stuff and if they

can trust you. Your web site also needs to make sure you get that

second date! Here’s how it works:

So How Do They Get to Know You?

A blog is the perfect way for your Avatar to get to know you. This turns your website from a static

brochure into a dynamic place. Here you can write articles and share videos, photos and audios on

topics that solve the problems and frustrations of your ideal customer. Gone are the days of needing

to be a geek to build a web site or have a huge budget. As an example, The Wonderful Web Women

website uses the following software:

WordPress (free)

Optimise Press, which is the theme that gives the appearance and is absolutely amazing for

creating great looking pages with filling in the blanks (less than $100)

Wonderful Web Hosting (Less than $4 per month)

Wonderful Web Shopping Cart ( for our shopping cart, auto-responders, affiliate program, ad

tracking. Less than $100 per month)

So How Do You Get a Second Date?

The most important thing your website must do is entice your ideal Avatar to join your mailing list.

Then you can continue the relationship. To do this you need:

A gift that solves the biggest frustration your Avatar experiences. This could be an ebook,

video series or audio recording for example. The most important thing is it must be irresistible

to your Avatar.

A way for them to join your mailing list

A page on your website that has no other distractions and focuses totally on why they should

join your mailing list

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The courting phase is where you’re really keeping in touch with them. They’re ready for another date with you, and you’re serious about developing a lasting relationship with them. In online terms, after they’ve signed up for your e-mail list, you’ll follow up with your newsletter and your e-mail auto-responders. You may have made it to the second date but, just as in a romance, don’t assume they are a sure thing. At this stage the relationship is still a bit one-sided. You are still doing the hard work to impress. It is OK to start selling at this stage but don’t make that the total focus of your relationship. Just as you wouldn’t turn up to your second

date with your parents and a wedding planner (scary thought eh?), you won’t get a great response if all you do is sell, sell, sell once they have

joined your email list. But it is important that you do start to sell at this stage. I recommend about 20% offers for every 80% of great content you give. Why is it important to sell and not just give content at this stage?

Imagine you were on your second date and you don’t even get offered a kiss good night? You’d start to assume they aren’t interested in you and you probably don’t have a future. You need your new subscriber to know you are here to help them and give great value, and you are also here to serve them even further with great programs you have for sale. In my experience, if you are giving great value content in your follow-up communication, people will be disappointed if you don’t have anything to sell.

So How Do You Court Online?

Look back at the research you did on your Avatar. What is their #1 frustration? Create a

downloadable information product that helps them solve part of that frustration.

When creating your gift, tie it in with your signature system. You want to expose them to your

unique language and your process from the very beginning.

Create an email follow up series that gracefully introduces them to your system and introduces

them to the programs you offer for sale.

Schedule regular communication that gives 80% inspiring and actionable content.

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This is where they’re starting to give you a little attention now – they’re

starting to get “into” you. The relationship is going both ways and that’s

what you want to encourage.

An internet example is when they start leaving comments on your blog

or get active in the challenges you offer your customers. These

challenges may be as simple as asking your readers to share something

on your blog, and…I challenge YOU to move out of your comfort zone

and work to really engage your readers. This is when they start

referring other people to you and happily spread the word.

Like with relationships, you can’t expect your partner to be able to read

your mind. Sometimes you just need to tell them straight out what it is

you want. The same works with your business online. You need to TELL your customers to leave a

comment. You need to instruct them to click the link and enter the competition. You need to ask them

to leave a testimonial and even give them guidelines on what makes a great testimonial.

And like relationships, you’ll probably have to tell them every time! Every time they take an action you

have asked them to do they move one step closer to being a lifetime, loyal customer.

So How Do You Romance Online?

In every communication with your subscribers, give them something to click. Even if it to read a

blog post or read the rest of an article. By “training” them to click on your emails they are more

likely to click the link when you send an email with something to sell.

When you write a new blog post, send an email to your subscribers with a teaser message,

then tell them to click and also tell them to leave a comment on the blog post. When they read

the blog post tell them again to leave a comment. Aim for 3 mentions.

Include challenges in your marketing. For example, if you teach a concept, encourage them to

make a video, write and article, leave a case study…anything really, and offer a prize. The

best challenges give them an opportunity to implement something you have taught them and

also give them an opportunity to talk about themselves.

Ask for testimonials. Simply ask people if they have any questions or feedback on the

program/ service you have provided. You can include this request as part of your follow up

email series.

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This is where you’re looking forward to a long-term relationship – and in

romantic terms, this would be where you might start thinking about

children. In business, this is where they become your customer, where

they purchase your products – a very big step! They may start with your

less-expensive products – a perfectly reasonable way to start! – but

they’ll go on to become a loyal customer who’ll spend more and more

money over time… and become a devoted, dedicated fan.

In the 4th step, when you created your Signature System, you determined

the product packages you could offer. In this stage, we get into the nitty

gritty of putting it all together so you can create products fast and sell and

deliver your programs on auto-pilot.

There are 3 steps to commitment to start with:

1. Create the product using the methods that best appeal to you and also your market.

Examples are writing workbooks, running live tele-classes, recording audios or videos. I LOVE

creating products using my voice. It is fast and comes easily for me and it is easy to leverage

into many other types of products after the recording has been transcribed. In fact, I have

identified over 17 different products you can create from a 1 hour voice recording.

2. Set up a shopping cart on your website and a sales letter page so you can easily sell your

products without needing to talk to each potential buyer.

3. Set up an automated email system to send your new customer instructions on how to

access their purchase and create a secure area of your website where they can access

everything, even if you are on holidays.

So How Do You Get Commitment Online?

Master the most efficient ways to create information products and leverage your expertise.

Learn how to write compelling sales copy so you can explain the benefits of your programs.

Set up a shopping cart and merchant facility to take sales

If you aren’t ready to create your own products yet, sign up to be an affiliate for other

people you respect and sell their products to your subscribers in return for a commission.

Continue to survey and communicate with your customers to find out what further products

and services they want you to provide.

Invite your JV partners to help you launch your programs with a step-by-step launch. This is

a great way to put you on the map at the same time as selling more of your programs.

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Step 5 and the 4 Star Types

Star Gazer

It can be tempting to not start creating your tribal Platform until you have created your products and

have all your ducks in a row (is that phrase used outside of Australia?). As a Star Gazer you need to

start focusing on building your mailing list as fast as you can. This is because, once you have a list of

people who have subscribed to your list for help on your niche topic, you can survey them to find out

what problems they most need help with. You can then create your products on these topics first and

you already have people to sell to. So focus on setting up a simple blog, offering a valuable gift and

get out there and start flirting!

Shooting Star

My advice to you is similar to Star Gazers except for one thing. Unless your expertise is with web

design, don’t use your energy and time learning how to set up your blog and email system. Outsource

this to someone who knows how to do this well and actually enjoys it. Instead focus your time, energy

and emotions doing what you do well.

Star Blazer

As I mentioned earlier, we want to find you the first few clients you can work with personally to test

drive your new system, get you some raving testimonials and get you some cash. You don’t need to

have your entire system set up to do this. You can take your first payments offline and explain your

programs over the phone or with a word document. So you need to focus on setting up a simple web

presence with a blog and get out there and flirt big time. This is how you will find your first few

customers. This will give you the cash to outsource someone else to set up your tribal Platform for


Super Star

You already have customers ready to buy your programs so, after you have outsourced someone to

build your web site for you I recommend you focus on the commitment part of your Tribal Platform.

That’s because the sooner you have programs ready to offer to your loyal customers, the sooner we

can free up your time. You can focus on flirting and getting more subscribers on your database when

your outsource team has set up your website and email system for you but let’s make the most of the

existing and loyal customers you already have. Then let’s build you a team and get you a holiday!

When you come back refreshed, you can focus on strategies to launch your new program to your JV

partners’ customers.

If you’re reading this report because a friend passed it on, and you haven’t done The Quadrant

Quiz yet I recommend you head over to www.TheQuadrantQuiz.com now. It will only take you a few minutes and we’ll let you know where on the Success Quadrant you fall.

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Step 5 (and a half): Surround Yourself

With a Support Network To really shine, every successful business owner knows they cannot do

everything themselves. Even if they work from home on their own (which

is what I do and what many of the successful business people I have

interviewed do) they take responsibility for creating their own support

team. They don’t do this passively. They actively create support in the

following 3 areas:

Create a team of people who love doing what you find tedious.

Even when you are first starting out and cash flow is tight, you can still

start to build a team. My only regret is I did not bring on my first virtual

assistant earlier. As it was, I could only afford her for about 4 hours per

week but, because I gave her the jobs that totally drained my energy and enthusiasm, I freed up far

more than 4 hours of my time each week. I spent this on tasks that would result in increased income.

Invest in a mentor

The best leaders are also the best students and successful business people recognize they will

always have areas to master and develop as their business grows. Often they will have multiple

mentors to guide them in different areas they wish to develop and they continually invest in

themselves. I regret not investing in a mentor earlier in my business. It was false economy. I thought I

was saving money doing everything on my own but in hindsight I would have saved myself easily

$60,000 in costly mistakes and bad decisions and at least 2 years of poor profit. Now I constantly

invest in mentoring programs on the topics I need to master and invest in a private mindset coach to

keep me focused on my vision.

Create a Peer Mastermind Group

Business can be quite isolating when you are the owner. This is especially true if you work on your

own at home but is also true if you have staff as they will never truly understand the frustrations and

celebrations of the owner. Successful people surround themselves with peers who expect them to be

better than they think they can be themselves. They also hold each other accountable, listen to

frustrations and are there to celebrate the wins you have that other people just don’t get. The best

mastermind group is run with a structure that ensures each person is heard and also held


So How Do You Surround Yourself With a Support Network?

Identify the tasks that drain you and outsource to someone else, even a few hours per month

Investigate mentors who have already achieved what you want to do and follow their advice.

Invite business owners you trust to join you in a mastermind group and meet every 2 weeks

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Step 5 (and a half) and The 4 Star Types

Star Gazer

Until you are clear on the focus of your business you will not need to create a team. You do need to

actively create a mastermind group as it can be very easy for you to lose focus and not move forward

in business. You need people to hold you accountable more than any other Star Type. You will save

yourself a lot of wasted time by investing with a mentor. I know cash flow is tight for you so get on the

mailing lists of the mentors you would like to work with and invest in any of the programs that fit your

budget. Look for programs with payment plans or membership fees so you don’t have to find a lump

sum of cash and put more pressure on yourself. Most mentors give great value on their blogs and

newsletters. The secret is to take massive action on what they share.

Shooting Star

Finding great people for your future team is important for you but be careful you don’t get them

creating your business platform before you are clear on the value you will bring to the market.

Investing in a mentor is definitely the best investment you can make but don’t be tempted to invest in

programs that are designed for people who are already clear on their niche and unique offering. This

will only frustrate you further. Invest in help to get clear on your offering and then you can spend

money on learning specific strategies. A peer mastermind group will hold you accountable and keep

you focused.

Star Blazer

You may not think you can afford team support at the moment but don’t put it off. Even an hour each

week will free you up incredibly. Importantly, having someone to schedule appointments for you will

make you less accessible to the people who may be used to getting your attention for free. A mentor

will be the best investment for you because you are already clear on your unique value which means

you can implement faster and get a return on your investment faster. As with Star Gazers, look for

programs with payment plans and also great free resources you can take action on. Focusing on

enrolling your first paying clients into a personal program will bring you the cash you need to invest in

further support. As with all Star Types, a peer mastermind group is essential.

Super Star

Attracting a wonderful team of people to you is essential for Super Stars. Give them small tasks at

first to see if they are reliable, then gradually increase what you delegate to them. Investing in a

mentor is essential for you and often you are best to look for program options that may cost more, but

give you closer access to the mentor. This will save you a lot of time, which is the commodity you are

most short of. So if you’ve found the right person (or people) but they don’t advertise closer access to

themselves, ask what they can do for you. A peer mastermind group is essential and make sure it is

comprised of other Super Stars who can understand the unique pressures you have.

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1 Page Action Plans

For Each Star


The Success Quadrant

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Star Gazer

Focus your time on getting clarity on your existing skills, experience and

passions and what value you can bring to your market

If you narrow down your topic but are still not sure on your value, start a

blog to give you a focus and write and research on your passion.

Get inside the minds of your potential avatar. Research online and offline to understand their

frustrations and needs

Don’t wait to have everything perfect before you start building your list. It may take you a while

to get your first product up and running so list building is your priority while you set other things


Create a great product to offer as an incentive for people to join your list and get out there and

start flirting!

Once you have 100 people on your mailing list, send them a short survey via email to ask them

what help they need.

Bring in cash by selling other people’s products as an affiliate

Bring in cash by developing your signature system and refine it by providing a service 1 on 1 –

make sure you charge for this.

If you do not have the expertise yourself, position yourself as “the reporter on a mission”

If you do not have cash to outsource, learn how to set up a free blog using wordpress. If techy

stuff freezes you in your tracks you have 2 choices: find someone to do it for you or get over it

and learn! You can literally have a blog up and running in an hour by following simple video


As your confidence increases and your understanding of your market increases, start

implementing the other strategies recommended for the other Star Types.

Create a support group quickly to keep you accountable and focused. I suggest a local or

remote mastermind group.

Invest with a mentor if you can. It will save you a lot of time (and tears).

Keep the following quote in mind: F.O.C.U.S. (Follow One Course Until Successful)

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Shooting Star

Focus your time on getting clarity on your existing skills, experience and

passions and what value you can bring to your market

If you narrow down your topic but are still not sure on your value, start a blog to give you a

focus and write and research on your passion.

Get inside the minds of your potential avatar. Research online and offline to understand their

frustrations and needs

Don’t wait to have everything perfect before you start building your list. It may take you a while

to get your first product up and running so list building is your priority while you set other things


Create a great product to offer as an incentive for people to join your list and get out there and

start flirting!

Once you have 100 people on your mailing list, send them a short survey via email to ask them

what help they need.

Define your signature system and recruit your first few personal clients so you can test out

your system, refine it and then expand with integrity.

If you do not have the expertise yourself, position yourself as “the reporter on a mission”

Don’t spend your time learning how to set up a blog and other techy stuff. Pay someone else

to do this for you but make sure they teach you how to update it yourself. You need to stay in

control but don’t need to know how to establish everything.

As your confidence increases and your understanding of your market increases, start

implementing the other strategies recommended for the other Star Types.

Create a support group quickly to keep you accountable and focused. I suggest a local or

remote mastermind group.

Invest with a mentor, especially to help you get clear on your unique positioning in your market

place. It will save you a lot of time (and tears).

Keep the following quote in mind: F.O.C.U.S. (Follow One Course Until Successful)

www.TheQuadrantQuiz.com The Success Quadrant Blueprint “Share The Love & Pass It On” 28

Star Blazer

Do a huge brain dump to identify all the different steps you follow to get a

result for a client.

Refine your personal story that will differentiate you in the market. What is

your before, your changing defining moment and your inspiring after story?

Get inside the minds of your potential avatar. Research online and offline to understand their

frustrations and needs

Look at your existing customers to identify a profile of your most profitable avatar.

Develop your unique branding language for your Signature System.

Raise your prices!

Define your signature system and recruit your first few personal clients so you can test out

your system, refine it and then expand with integrity.

Create your marketing package to be an awesome teleseminar guest.

Set up a blog and set list building as your priority while you set other things up.

Create a great product to offer as an incentive for people to join your list and get out there and

start flirting!

Once you have 100 people on your mailing list, send them a short survey via email to ask them

what help they need.

Bring in cash by developing your signature system and refine it by providing a service 1 on 1 –

make sure you charge for this.

If you do not have cash to outsource, learn how to set up a free blog using wordpress. If techy

stuff freezes you in your tracks you have 2 choices: find someone to do it for you or get over it

and learn! You can literally have a blog up and running in an hour by following simple video


As your confidence increases and your understanding of your market increases, start

implementing the other strategies recommended for Super Stars.

Create a support group quickly to keep you accountable and focused. I suggest a local or

remote mastermind group.

Invest with a mentor if you can, especially one that can help you leverage your existing

intellectual property in a unique package. It will save you a lot of time (and tears).

Keep the following quote in mind: F.O.C.U.S. (Follow One Course Until Successful)

www.TheQuadrantQuiz.com The Success Quadrant Blueprint “Share The Love & Pass It On” 29

Super Star

Do a huge brain dump to identify all the different steps you follow to get a

result for a client.

Refine your personal story that will differentiate you in the market. What is

your before, your changing defining moment and your inspiring after story?

Get inside the minds of your potential avatar. Research online and offline to understand their

frustrations and needs

Look at your existing customers to identify a profile of your most profitable avatar.

Raise your prices 20% so you can afford to let your least profitable clients go and free up time

to expand your business.

Define your signature system and develop your unique branding language for your Signature


Create a series of product and service offerings, ranging from free, to low cost to high priced,

so each flows logically onto the next.

Create your marketing package to be an awesome teleseminar guest.

Don’t spend your time learning how to set up a blog and other techy stuff. Pay someone else

to do this for you but make sure they teach you how to update it yourself. You need to stay in

control but don’t need to know how to establish everything.

Set up a launch of your programs so you can hit the internet in style.

Set up a Project Automate Me so you can have a well deserved holiday.

Create a support group quickly to keep you accountable and focused. I suggest a local or

remote mastermind group consisting of other Super Stars.

Invest with a mentor, especially one that has packages that give you access to them one-on-

one as a premium client. It will save you a lot of time (and tears).

Keep the following quote in mind: F.O.C.U.S. (Follow One Course Until Successful)

www.TheQuadrantQuiz.com The Success Quadrant Blueprint “Share The Love & Pass It On” 30

What Next? I hope you have great value from this blueprint. I know I enjoyed writing it.

It is one thing to learn, take notes and make plans. It is another to actually do something!

If there is just one thing you take away from this report, it is the need to take action. Even small

steps are better than big intentions. Every time you take an action, no matter how small, you are

moving closer to creating the time and financial freedom a passionate and profitable business can

give you.

If you are serious about taking your business to the next level, I am here to help you.

Here’s how I can help you NOW

Step1: Now you’ve read The Success Quadrant Blueprint, come back to the free training page

and leave a comment or questions. Here’s a few suggestions:

Share your biggest ah-ha

Share what Star Type you are and if you agree or not

Tell us a bit about you and your business and how you intend to use the ideas in this blueprint

to grow your business

Share 1 action you will take this week from what you learned

Ask questions and I’ll come back and help you

Step 2: Watch the next training video

I’ve created a series of totally free, content rich training videos for you. I’ll send you links to them over

the next few days but if you’ve got time, you can go and watch them now. There are links to them at

the top of this page. They are total content, no fluff and designed for you to be able to implement


Step 3: Check out our Mentoring Programs

If you’re serious about creating success then my team and I are here to help you.

All our mentoring programs are based on the Romance Your Tribe model I have introduced in this

blueprint. Check out this page where I outline the different programs we have to help you and to help

you choose the best option for you. You’ll see we have programs to suit most budgets and business


You can check out all the details and read what people enrolled in the program have to say over here.

I’m looking forward to helping you.


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