James R. Ginder, MS,NREMT,PI,CHES,NCEE Hamilton County Health Department Health Education Specialist Sport Supplement Safety.

Post on 29-Mar-2015






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Hamilton County Health Department

Health Education Specialist


Muscle Juice

Sport Supplement Safety

Review By: Brain Clarke, NSCA-CSCS Head Strength Coordinator Noblesville High School

The Reader Will Be Able To..

List three types of supplements.

Recall how to read a supplement label.

Define what a supplement is.

Identify three negative effects of supplement use.

Review other ways to be healthy without the use of supplements.

Before You Take A Supplement Talk to your healthcare

provider to see which one fits your needs.

Make sure that you read the label before taking the product.

Overdose could occur if you take too much of a supplement.

What Are Sports Supplements? They are products used to enhance

athletic performance that may include:

Vitamins Minerals Amino acids Herbs Botanicals (plants)

What Are Sports Supplements? Supplements or ergogenic

aids, consist of substances, drugs, procedures and even devices that are intended to improve athletic performance.

Some of these substances are naturally occurring, easily available and completely legal while others are manufactured, illegal, or banned by many sporting organizations.

History of Supplements

Ergogenic used by athletes to improve athletic performance is not a new practice.

As early as 776 BC, the Greek Olympians used substances, such as mushrooms, dried figs, and strychnine, to enhance performance.

Policies On Sport Supplements Sports organizations have

developed policies on sports supplements.

The National Football League (NFL), the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) have banned the use of steroids, ephedra, and androstenedione by their athletes, and competitors who use them face fines, ineligibility, and suspension from their sports.

Fairness In Sports

There is concern about the fairness regarding ergogenic aids, especially supplements, because using them gives the athlete an unfair advantage.

This violates the spirit of fair play in athletics.

The American Academy of Pediatrics state, “The intentional use of any substance for performance enhancement is unfair and, therefore, morally and ethically indefensible” .

American Academy Of Pediatrics The American Academy of

Pediatrics cautions that using supplements may undermine proper nutrition, coaching and training.

If someone takes a supplement, they may think it is “OK” to use that instead of good old sweat and hard work. This sends the wrong message to kids.

National Federation Of State High School Associations

The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) strongly recommends that student athletes consult with their doctor before taking any supplement.

Why Do Teens Take Performance-enhancing Supplements?

Some teens experiment with performance-enhancing supplements as a way to cope with insecurities, the difficulties of fitting in with a group of peers or a desire for independence.

Others may be influenced by societal pressure to win at all costs.

Why Do Teens Take Performance-enhancing Supplements?

Common risk factors for teen use of performance-enhancing supplements include: A desire to gain muscle mass or

strength A negative body image or a

tendency to compare one's appearance with others

Pressure from parents or peers regarding weight or muscles

Being male — boys are more likely to use performance-enhancing drugs than are girls

Supplements And FDA

Sports supplements are considered a dietary supplement.

Dietary supplements do not require U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval before they come on the market.

Supplement manufacturers do have to follow the FDA's current good manufacturing practices to ensure quality and safety of their product though.

Examples Of Supplements Amino Acids Androstendione Caffeine Creatine Fat Burners Nitric Oxide Protein powder Yohimbe

Amino Acids

Are the building blocks of protein.

Twenty amino acids are needed to build the various proteins used in the growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues.

Eleven of these amino acids can be

made by the body itself, while the other nine (called essential amino acids) must come from the diet.

Foods of animal origin and plants are the richest dietary sources of essential amino acids.

Amino Acids

Amino acids improve endurance, physical fitness and build muscle mass.

If a person would like to build more muscle mass, they should eat foods high in amino acids.

Taking too much amino acid supplement can cause major health effects on the body.

Side Effects Of Amino Acids Restlessness, anxiety

Rapid heartbeat

If you have liver or kidney disease, Amino Acids supplements should never be taken.

Depression (Stress-related tension)

Muscle aches

Side Effects Of Amino Acids Nausea



Possible stroke

Weakness and fatigue



Androstenedione (andro) is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, ovaries and testes.

It is a hormone that is normally converted to testosterone and estradiol in both men and women.


Manufacturers and bodybuilding magazines tout its ability to allow “athletes to train harder and recover more quickly”.

However, its use as a performance-enhancing drug is illegal in the United States.

Side Effects Of Androstenedione Side effects of andro in men include:

Acne Diminished sperm production Shrinking of the testicles Enlargement of the breasts

In women, side effects include: Acne Masculinization, such as deepening of the voice and

male-pattern baldness

In both men and women, andro can decrease HDL cholesterol (the "good" cholesterol), which puts you at greater risk of heart attack and stroke.


Caffeine is a stimulant drug that is widely used to improve both high intensity and endurance exercise performance.

Caffeine stimulates muscle contraction more effectively.

Caffeine can be found in many types of supplements.

Caffeine Is Used For

“Enhanced endurance exercise performance”

Enhanced sprint/short-term exercise


Enhanced metabolic rate

Increased rate of fat metabolism

Enhanced fat loss

Improved short-term mental function

Side Effects Of Caffeine


Nervousness and restlessness

Stomach irritation

Nausea and vomiting

Increased heart rate, respiration and blood pressure


Side Effects Of Caffeine

Headache, anxiety


Chest pain

Ringing in the ears



People who take creatine usually take it to improve strength, but the long-term and short-term effects of creatine use haven't been studied in teens and kids.

Researchers found no effect on athletic performance in nearly a third of athletes studied.

Creatine is manufactured by the body in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas.

It also occurs naturally in foods such as meat and fish.

Creatine supplements are available over the counter, and teens make up a large portion of the supplement's users.


Creatine Side Effects

The most common side effects of creatine supplements include:

Weight gain Muscle cramps Diarrhea and abdominal pain

People with kidney problems should not use creatine because it may affect kidney function.

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that people younger than 18 years old do not use creatine.

Fat Burners

Known as thermogenics were often made with an herb called ephedra, also known as ephedrine or ma huang, which acts as a stimulant and increases metabolism.

Evidence has shown that it can cause heart problems, stroke, and occasionally even death.

Because athletes and others have died using this supplement, ephedra has been taken off the market.

Fat Burners

Since the ban, "ephedra-free" products have emerged, but they often contain ingredients with ephedra-like properties, including bitter orange or country mallow.

Similar to ephedra, these supplements can cause high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, and seizures.

Nitric Oxide

Taken in powder or pill from

Taken to gain muscle mass

This supplement is used for “faster recovery” from workouts

“Better Endurance”

What Does Nitric Oxide Do Nitric oxide signals the

blood vessels to expand, thereby increasing the flow of blood to muscles. 

With increased blood flow,

the muscles are provided with greater amounts of nutrients, protein, and valuable oxygen. 

Side Effects Of Nitric Oxide

Excessive bleeding

Low blood pressure





Side Effects Of Nitric Oxide Water retention

Increased heart rate & palpitations


Skin irritations

Dry mouth

Kidney damage

Protein Powders

Protein powders that are available on the market are made from either: Egg Soy Whey Rice

Organic whey protein powder is widely available too.

People consume protein powder after mixing it in water, milk or a fruit juice, or they add the protein powder to breakfast cereals, soups or other foods.

Side Effects Of Protein Powder Consumption of excess

protein powder can turns the blood acidic in nature.

Kidney damage

Liver damage

Allergic reaction

Side Effects Of Protein Powder


Ketosis (body can not absorb carbs)

Nausea, vomiting

Death Some protein powders

may contain metals which can cause health problems


Yohimbe bark is a product of a type of tree that can be found in the African Countries of Gabon, Cameroon, and Zaire.

The bark of the yohimbe tree contains a chemical known as yohimbine, which is utilized to create a variety of supplements.


Yohimbine works by increasing the blood flow and neural signals to the male and female reproductive organs.

It is additionally used for increasing athletic capability for: Losing weight Preventing fatigue

Side Effects Of Yohimbine Kidney failure Paralysis Severe anxiety Seizure High or low blood pressure Heart attacks Abnormal heart beat (rhythm) Dizziness Stomach problems

What To Look For In “Safe Supplements”

It is important to check supplement labels for a seal of approval from a legitimate, independent (third-party) company.

These independent companies contract with supplement manufacturers to assess and verify the purity and content of their products.

What To Look For

If supplements do not have a seal of approval, then they either have not been analyzed by an independent company or they have not met an independent company’s standards. Seal

What To Look For

Many supplements have labels that falsely appear to contain seals of approval, e.g., “GNC Approved.”

However, in many cases, these seals are not from independent testing companies.

Supplement Use Or Not Use

There are many ergogenic aids that are safe and effective, but others can be harmful and even fatal.

Most of the research conducted on performance-enhancing supplements has been done on adults; research on the teen population is limited.

Children and teens should be discouraged from using any ergogenic aids.

Boasts that it is quick and easy

Uses testimonials from "real users" to promote its benefits

Claims it's right for everyone

To Protect Your Body And Your Wallet, Be Wary Of Any Supplements That

State it has been used for millions of years

Belittles the medical or scientific community

Has a secret formulation

To Protect Your Body And Your Wallet, Be Wary Of Any Supplements That

How To Report A Potential Problem With A Supplement

To report a health product you believe is advertised falsely, contact the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357) or online at ftc.gov/complaint

To report a fraudulently

labeled product, call your local FDA office www.fda.gov/Safety/ReportaProblem/ConsumerComplaintCoordinators/default.htm

What You Can Do To Stay Healthy

Make downtime a priority Learn to relax. Eat healthy foods Sleep at least eight hours a day Eat often Avoid harmful substances Train harder and smarter Consult a professional

What Can Parents Do?

Discuss ethics and proper training

Be clear about your expectations

Get involved

Monitor your teen's purchases

Talk to your child’s coach

Talk to the school’s athletic trainer

Supplement Information

To Look Up A Supplement, Click On The Mouse Below

Course Evaluation

Please Click On The Apple To Complete The Course Evaluation.


American Academy Of Pediatrics www.aap.org Athletes For A Drug Free America

www.athletesforadrugfreeamerica.org Drug Free Athletics

www.athletesforadrugfreeamerica.org Food and Drug Administration

www.fda.org Mayo Clinic



National Collegiate Athletic Association

www.ncaa.org National Institutes Of Health

www.nih.gov Kids Health

www.kidshealth.org The Educated Sports Parent

www.educatedsportsparent.com The National Federation of State High School




University Of Iowa Children's Hospital

www.uihealthcare.com Web MD


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