Jack William Taylor - The city is our factory

Post on 27-Jul-2016






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‘The City is our Factory.’

‘Горад наш завод.’

Cities for People. Not for Profit.

A Lecture by:

Jon Iriondo Goena and Jack William Taylor

London, UK



два тэзіса

Berlin, Germany


Freiraum: An Urban Manifesto

for Lichtenberg Jack William Taylor

Establishing a Thesis...

Freiraum: An Urban Manifesto for Lichtenberg

Freiraum: Bezirkausbesserungswerk LichtenbergAn Urban Manifesto for Lichtenberg

Berlin is an example of a new metropolis, a territory rather than a city, what Ungers defines as a green archipelago mixing dense areas "villages" and empty areas, voids, crossed and connected by an efficient network of pedestrians, cars, bikes, public transportation lines. The aspiration of this architecture is to further this idea, offering a way for Berlin to densify in a different way, whilst retaining these characteristics.

Thesis Statement: Jack William Taylor

Since ‘Die Wende’ {The Change}, - a reunified german state has emerged, and over the past 25 years a complex process of reflection and integration has taken place; in Berlin this process has especially exaggerated as a city divided between two opposite ideologies has attempted to knit back together the void left by the wall on the ground, and wall that still exists in the mind and heart.

As citizens of the city of Berlin, Berliners have always been subject and victim to grand ideas and ideology; in many cases the people didn’t build Berlin - the system did. To give an example, even before the chaos of the 20th Century, the Kaiser ordered the the citizens to build Southern Friedrichstadt on unfit waterlogged ground to complete his plans for the city; this failure in fact bankrupted many.Further influence of capital or ideology, such as the GDR plattenbau {East German prefabricated construction} of the post war have left us with the city of today, raising the question of who is the most important to the planning of the city. Is it current system we find ourselves operating in, or is it the potential of each individual citizen? Contemporarily, as architects we operate in the city of neoliberal space or Raum in German- questioning, as the marxist geographer David Harvey refers to it as. the citizens - ‘the right to the city’.

The Berlin district of Lichtenberg could be catorgarised as the characteristic example of the failures of GDR planning; retention of pre war tenement housing stock unintegrated with over scaled slab block construction, penetrated by the urban cavern that is Frankfurter Allee. Since the fall of the wall, educated population flight to the west of the country, poorly executed commercial land speculation and development and a weak jobs market has led to a lack of social mobility, coupled with a high immigrant population living in a redundant ideological urbanism from a past system. Lichtenberg also carries the historical memory of being the site of the STASI (East German Secret Police) headquarters at Magdalenstrasse who through massive surveillance networks eroded nearly all freedoms of GDR citizens; in the north of the district is the memorial to the socialists, the most famous to be buried here being Rosa Luxembourg and Karl Liebknechkt, leaders of the KPD (German communist party) murdered in 1919. In all the district sits uncomfortably in this new unified Berlin in a state of limbo between the past and country and system it now finds itself part of.

With all this in mind, an architectural intervention; the Freiraum: Bezirkausbesserungswerk {Free Space: District Repair Facility} will attempt to create and facilitate an architecture and place that is constantly inhabited, consolidated and expanded; a free space governed with the people, for the people, by the people.


Die Wende 1989

Heute 2015

knock out//enter//monitor//spy//imprison

‘stadt in der stadt.’

The program proposal is over a mixed use progressionally developed structure of cultural, economic, educational and dwellings that attempts to rethink the way in which the city can function outwith the pressures of influences of existential forces of the neoliberal system of today.This proposal attempts to bring the interests of the people and state closer together and question the environment that could be possible to create under such conditions.It is desirable to create an architecture promoting cooperation and contribution vs commodification; Architecture vs architecture.

The role of the architect is to be seen as the facilitator of an architecture of exchange; not as the dictator of grand ideas. It is intended there to be are an architecture of participation and appropriation.The place is to be seen as a truly free space; and referencing the past present and the future, this also means for digital space.With its strict privacy laws, the Guardian reminds us Germany is the refuge of choice for those hounded by the security services making cities today as new frontier zones or ‘new political actors’.

As a form it is imagined that the intervention would be constructed by the state and ‘occupied’ or developed directly democratically by the inhabitants in a density worthy of the city referring to Lefebvres idea that - ‘cities are condensed differences; density multiplies intelligence.’ At the IBA {Internationale Bauausstellung IBA 87} the german architect Frei Otto built a series of seven metre high platforms in the Tiergarten in a proposal that he imagined the City of Berlin would construct and the citizens would expand and build. Densifying the urban whilst not building on green could help to preserve Berlin as the green archipelago that it is. This thesis also attempts to answer the question that forms the theme of the next IBA {Internationale Bauausstellung IBA 2020} - ‘what to do with the outer city?’. Inspiration is also taken directly from the vertical informal community ‘Torre David’ in Caracas, Venezuela, squatted architecture of Christiania in Copenhagen, Denmark and the radical urban space of Berlin itself.

‘The struggle between the state and the urban [Henri Lefebvre]’ - can be rethought - as Christoph Schäfer summarises, as a ‘city built from imaginational passions’.

In is envisioned that this structure will be implemented close to the Lichtenberg railway station due to the CONTEXT, and given its near redundant scale as the former main station of the GDR, which has been reduced to no more than a point on the transit map since the reunification and the opening of the antithesis commercial and cold Berlin Hauptbahnhof. The station itself is the key to social mobility and is able to act as the node from which the Freiraum: Bezirkausbesserungswerk {Free Space: District Repair Facility} can grow.

^ ‘Villa Spatiale’ - Yona Friedman >

^ ‘Torre David’ Caracas, Venezuala

^ East German ‘Plattenbau’ Prefabricated Construction

Informal Architecture, Christiania, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Frei Otto ‘Ecohouse’ IBA 1987

‘stadt in der stadt.’

The program proposal is over a mixed use progressionally developed structure of cultural, economic, educational and dwellings that attempts to rethink the way in which the city can function outwith the pressures of influences of existential forces of the neoliberal system of today.This proposal attempts to bring the interests of the people and state closer together and question the environment that could be possible to create under such conditions.It is desirable to create an architecture promoting cooperation and contribution vs commodification; Architecture vs architecture.

The role of the architect is to be seen as the facilitator of an architecture of exchange; not as the dictator of grand ideas. It is intended there to be are an architecture of participation and appropriation.The place is to be seen as a truly free space; and referencing the past present and the future, this also means for digital space.With its strict privacy laws, the Guardian reminds us Germany is the refuge of choice for those hounded by the security services making cities today as new frontier zones or ‘new political actors’.

As a form it is imagined that the intervention would be constructed by the state and ‘occupied’ or developed directly democratically by the inhabitants in a density worthy of the city referring to Lefebvres idea that - ‘cities are condensed differences; density multiplies intelligence.’ At the IBA {Internationale Bauausstellung IBA 87} the german architect Frei Otto built a series of seven metre high platforms in the Tiergarten in a proposal that he imagined the City of Berlin would construct and the citizens would expand and build. Densifying the urban whilst not building on green could help to preserve Berlin as the green archipelago that it is. This thesis also attempts to answer the question that forms the theme of the next IBA {Internationale Bauausstellung IBA 2020} - ‘what to do with the outer city?’. Inspiration is also taken directly from the vertical informal community ‘Torre David’ in Caracas, Venezuela, squatted architecture of Christiania in Copenhagen, Denmark and the radical urban space of Berlin itself.

‘The struggle between the state and the urban [Henri Lefebvre]’ - can be rethought - as Christoph Schäfer summarises, as a ‘city built from imaginational passions’.

In is envisioned that this structure will be implemented close to the Lichtenberg railway station due to the CONTEXT, and given its near redundant scale as the former main station of the GDR, which has been reduced to no more than a point on the transit map since the reunification and the opening of the antithesis commercial and cold Berlin Hauptbahnhof. The station itself is the key to social mobility and is able to act as the node from which the Freiraum: Bezirkausbesserungswerk {Free Space: District Repair Facility} can grow.

^ ‘Villa Spatiale’ - Yona Friedman >

^ ‘Torre David’ Caracas, Venezuala

^ East German ‘Plattenbau’ Prefabricated Construction

Informal Architecture, Christiania, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Frei Otto ‘Ecohouse’ IBA 1987

‘stadt in der stadt.’

The program proposal is over a mixed use progressionally developed structure of cultural, economic, educational and dwellings that attempts to rethink the way in which the city can function outwith the pressures of influences of existential forces of the neoliberal system of today.This proposal attempts to bring the interests of the people and state closer together and question the environment that could be possible to create under such conditions.It is desirable to create an architecture promoting cooperation and contribution vs commodification; Architecture vs architecture.

The role of the architect is to be seen as the facilitator of an architecture of exchange; not as the dictator of grand ideas. It is intended there to be are an architecture of participation and appropriation.The place is to be seen as a truly free space; and referencing the past present and the future, this also means for digital space.With its strict privacy laws, the Guardian reminds us Germany is the refuge of choice for those hounded by the security services making cities today as new frontier zones or ‘new political actors’.

As a form it is imagined that the intervention would be constructed by the state and ‘occupied’ or developed directly democratically by the inhabitants in a density worthy of the city referring to Lefebvres idea that - ‘cities are condensed differences; density multiplies intelligence.’ At the IBA {Internationale Bauausstellung IBA 87} the german architect Frei Otto built a series of seven metre high platforms in the Tiergarten in a proposal that he imagined the City of Berlin would construct and the citizens would expand and build. Densifying the urban whilst not building on green could help to preserve Berlin as the green archipelago that it is. This thesis also attempts to answer the question that forms the theme of the next IBA {Internationale Bauausstellung IBA 2020} - ‘what to do with the outer city?’. Inspiration is also taken directly from the vertical informal community ‘Torre David’ in Caracas, Venezuela, squatted architecture of Christiania in Copenhagen, Denmark and the radical urban space of Berlin itself.

‘The struggle between the state and the urban [Henri Lefebvre]’ - can be rethought - as Christoph Schäfer summarises, as a ‘city built from imaginational passions’.

In is envisioned that this structure will be implemented close to the Lichtenberg railway station due to the CONTEXT, and given its near redundant scale as the former main station of the GDR, which has been reduced to no more than a point on the transit map since the reunification and the opening of the antithesis commercial and cold Berlin Hauptbahnhof. The station itself is the key to social mobility and is able to act as the node from which the Freiraum: Bezirkausbesserungswerk {Free Space: District Repair Facility} can grow.

^ ‘Villa Spatiale’ - Yona Friedman >

^ ‘Torre David’ Caracas, Venezuala

^ East German ‘Plattenbau’ Prefabricated Construction

Informal Architecture, Christiania, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Frei Otto ‘Ecohouse’ IBA 1987

‘stadt in der stadt.’

The program proposal is over a mixed use progressionally developed structure of cultural, economic, educational and dwellings that attempts to rethink the way in which the city can function outwith the pressures of influences of existential forces of the neoliberal system of today.This proposal attempts to bring the interests of the people and state closer together and question the environment that could be possible to create under such conditions.It is desirable to create an architecture promoting cooperation and contribution vs commodification; Architecture vs architecture.

The role of the architect is to be seen as the facilitator of an architecture of exchange; not as the dictator of grand ideas. It is intended there to be are an architecture of participation and appropriation.The place is to be seen as a truly free space; and referencing the past present and the future, this also means for digital space.With its strict privacy laws, the Guardian reminds us Germany is the refuge of choice for those hounded by the security services making cities today as new frontier zones or ‘new political actors’.

As a form it is imagined that the intervention would be constructed by the state and ‘occupied’ or developed directly democratically by the inhabitants in a density worthy of the city referring to Lefebvres idea that - ‘cities are condensed differences; density multiplies intelligence.’ At the IBA {Internationale Bauausstellung IBA 87} the german architect Frei Otto built a series of seven metre high platforms in the Tiergarten in a proposal that he imagined the City of Berlin would construct and the citizens would expand and build. Densifying the urban whilst not building on green could help to preserve Berlin as the green archipelago that it is. This thesis also attempts to answer the question that forms the theme of the next IBA {Internationale Bauausstellung IBA 2020} - ‘what to do with the outer city?’. Inspiration is also taken directly from the vertical informal community ‘Torre David’ in Caracas, Venezuela, squatted architecture of Christiania in Copenhagen, Denmark and the radical urban space of Berlin itself.

‘The struggle between the state and the urban [Henri Lefebvre]’ - can be rethought - as Christoph Schäfer summarises, as a ‘city built from imaginational passions’.

In is envisioned that this structure will be implemented close to the Lichtenberg railway station due to the CONTEXT, and given its near redundant scale as the former main station of the GDR, which has been reduced to no more than a point on the transit map since the reunification and the opening of the antithesis commercial and cold Berlin Hauptbahnhof. The station itself is the key to social mobility and is able to act as the node from which the Freiraum: Bezirkausbesserungswerk {Free Space: District Repair Facility} can grow.

^ ‘Villa Spatiale’ - Yona Friedman >

^ ‘Torre David’ Caracas, Venezuala

^ East German ‘Plattenbau’ Prefabricated Construction

Informal Architecture, Christiania, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Frei Otto ‘Ecohouse’ IBA 1987

A Political and Social Response.

Freiraum: An Urban Manifesto for Lichtenberg

The Right to the City (according to Dirck Gerbhardt / Andrej Holm Initiativen für ein Recht auf Stadt)

Right to libertyRight to individualization in socializationRight to HousingRight to participation and appropriationRight to be differentRight to ones own rhythms of life and time managementRight to move and use space in its entirity Right to the creative excesses of the urban

Land Value Index

The Political Manifesto

Recht auf Stadt

‘Space for Free Space’

‘My Freedom is Your Freedom’

A Political and Social Response ‘The aim throughout was to consciously challenge thehegemony of capitalist property relations in the city. They attempted through the dérive to counter the dominant perception of the city as a grid of real estate, and to explore its potential as the site of lived experience.’ Commment on the Situationist Vision of the City.

reveals the sites low Value and inability to attract investment

priming it for a New Approach to Rehabilitation

An Architectural Response is based on the Ideas of the Right to the City Movement which is a reaction against the Neo-Liberalist Agenda of erroding Citizens ‘Right to the City’. This is summarised in the statements below:

The Right to the City (according to Dirck Gerbhardt / Andrej Holm Initiativen für ein Recht auf Stadt)

Right to libertyRight to individualization in socializationRight to HousingRight to participation and appropriationRight to be differentRight to ones own rhythms of life and time managementRight to move and use space in its entirity Right to the creative excesses of the urban

Land Value Index

The Political Manifesto

Recht auf Stadt

‘Space for Free Space’

‘My Freedom is Your Freedom’

A Political and Social Response ‘The aim throughout was to consciously challenge thehegemony of capitalist property relations in the city. They attempted through the dérive to counter the dominant perception of the city as a grid of real estate, and to explore its potential as the site of lived experience.’ Commment on the Situationist Vision of the City.

reveals the sites low Value and inability to attract investment

priming it for a New Approach to Rehabilitation

An Architectural Response is based on the Ideas of the Right to the City Movement which is a reaction against the Neo-Liberalist Agenda of erroding Citizens ‘Right to the City’. This is summarised in the statements below:

The Right to the City (according to Dirck Gerbhardt / Andrej Holm Initiativen für ein Recht auf Stadt)

Right to libertyRight to individualization in socializationRight to HousingRight to participation and appropriationRight to be differentRight to ones own rhythms of life and time managementRight to move and use space in its entirity Right to the creative excesses of the urban

Land Value Index

The Political Manifesto

Recht auf Stadt

‘Space for Free Space’

‘My Freedom is Your Freedom’

A Political and Social Response ‘The aim throughout was to consciously challenge thehegemony of capitalist property relations in the city. They attempted through the dérive to counter the dominant perception of the city as a grid of real estate, and to explore its potential as the site of lived experience.’ Commment on the Situationist Vision of the City.

reveals the sites low Value and inability to attract investment

priming it for a New Approach to Rehabilitation

An Architectural Response is based on the Ideas of the Right to the City Movement which is a reaction against the Neo-Liberalist Agenda of erroding Citizens ‘Right to the City’. This is summarised in the statements below:

The Right to the City (according to Dirck Gerbhardt / Andrej Holm Initiativen für ein Recht auf Stadt)

Right to libertyRight to individualization in socializationRight to HousingRight to participation and appropriationRight to be differentRight to ones own rhythms of life and time managementRight to move and use space in its entirity Right to the creative excesses of the urban

Land Value Index

The Political Manifesto

Recht auf Stadt

‘Space for Free Space’

‘My Freedom is Your Freedom’

A Political and Social Response ‘The aim throughout was to consciously challenge thehegemony of capitalist property relations in the city. They attempted through the dérive to counter the dominant perception of the city as a grid of real estate, and to explore its potential as the site of lived experience.’ Commment on the Situationist Vision of the City.

reveals the sites low Value and inability to attract investment

priming it for a New Approach to Rehabilitation

An Architectural Response is based on the Ideas of the Right to the City Movement which is a reaction against the Neo-Liberalist Agenda of erroding Citizens ‘Right to the City’. This is summarised in the statements below:

Political Context Society



Alienation of labour power (subject)

Alienation from the means of production (object)

Object of labour Instruments of Labour

(Economic) Subject-Object:Alienation from the product of labour

Rising rent prices in the City of Berlin risk a decrease in Social Mobility. The state needs to recognise this and rebalance the role that private developers have in controlling the Citizens Right to the City.

‘We’re all staying’

Marxs’ theory of Alienation (ENFREMDUNG)

Building Space based on Three Core Elements

Cities for People. Not for Profit.

‘The struggle between the state and the urban [Henri Lefebvre]’ - can be rethought as Christoph Schäfer summarises, as a:

‘city built from imaginational passions’.

Political Context Society



Alienation of labour power (subject)

Alienation from the means of production (object)

Object of labour Instruments of Labour

(Economic) Subject-Object:Alienation from the product of labour

Rising rent prices in the City of Berlin risk a decrease in Social Mobility. The state needs to recognise this and rebalance the role that private developers have in controlling the Citizens Right to the City.

‘We’re all staying’

Marxs’ theory of Alienation (ENFREMDUNG)

Building Space based on Three Core Elements

Cities for People. Not for Profit.

‘The struggle between the state and the urban [Henri Lefebvre]’ - can be rethought as Christoph Schäfer summarises, as a:

‘city built from imaginational passions’.

Political Context Society



Alienation of labour power (subject)

Alienation from the means of production (object)

Object of labour Instruments of Labour

(Economic) Subject-Object:Alienation from the product of labour

Rising rent prices in the City of Berlin risk a decrease in Social Mobility. The state needs to recognise this and rebalance the role that private developers have in controlling the Citizens Right to the City.

‘We’re all staying’

Marxs’ theory of Alienation (ENFREMDUNG)

Building Space based on Three Core Elements

Cities for People. Not for Profit.

‘The struggle between the state and the urban [Henri Lefebvre]’ - can be rethought as Christoph Schäfer summarises, as a:

‘city built from imaginational passions’.

Political Context Society



Alienation of labour power (subject)

Alienation from the means of production (object)

Object of labour Instruments of Labour

(Economic) Subject-Object:Alienation from the product of labour

Rising rent prices in the City of Berlin risk a decrease in Social Mobility. The state needs to recognise this and rebalance the role that private developers have in controlling the Citizens Right to the City.

‘We’re all staying’

Marxs’ theory of Alienation (ENFREMDUNG)

Building Space based on Three Core Elements

Cities for People. Not for Profit.

‘The struggle between the state and the urban [Henri Lefebvre]’ - can be rethought as Christoph Schäfer summarises, as a:

‘city built from imaginational passions’.

An urbanism that establish networks and relationships that intend to address the

‘ohnmacht - or powerlessness’ of the citizen to take part in the creation of

their own space.

Agency ACTOR


State funding for the Initial Cultural

Attractors and Structural Expansion

Collaboration and Participation between the State and Society in a Mentoring and Facilitatory Relationship Expansion of Economic and

Social Activity through Local Needs and Desires

Positive State/Societal Relationship

Personal Identity and Expression in Society is

Key To Belonging.

Role of the architectin the process ofincubation as the facilitator

An urbanism that establish networks and relationships that intend to address the

‘ohnmacht - or powerlessness’ of the citizen to take part in the creation of

their own space.

Agency ACTOR


State funding for the Initial Cultural

Attractors and Structural Expansion

Collaboration and Participation between the State and Society in a Mentoring and Facilitatory Relationship Expansion of Economic and

Social Activity through Local Needs and Desires

Positive State/Societal Relationship

Personal Identity and Expression in Society is

Key To Belonging.

Role of the architectin the process ofincubation as the facilitator

An urbanism that establish networks and relationships that intend to address the

‘ohnmacht - or powerlessness’ of the citizen to take part in the creation of

their own space.

Agency ACTOR


State funding for the Initial Cultural

Attractors and Structural Expansion

Collaboration and Participation between the State and Society in a Mentoring and Facilitatory Relationship Expansion of Economic and

Social Activity through Local Needs and Desires

Positive State/Societal Relationship


Personal Identity and Expression in Society is

Key To Belonging.

Role of the architectin the process ofincubation as the facilitator

An urbanism that establish networks and relationships that intend to address the

‘ohnmacht - or powerlessness’ of the citizen to take part in the creation of

their own space.

Agency ACTOR


State funding for the Initial Cultural

Attractors and Structural Expansion

Collaboration and Participation between the State and Society in a Mentoring and Facilitatory Relationship Expansion of Economic and

Social Activity through Local Needs and Desires

Positive State/Societal Relationship

Personal Identity and Expression in Society is

Key To Belonging.

Role of the architectin the process ofincubation as the facilitator

An Architectural Response.

Freiraum: An Urban Manifesto for Lichtenberg

A City Still Divided Physically and Mentally





Berlin Hauptstadt

der DDR 1949-1990

An Architectural Response

Morphological Evolution



Spatial and Zonal Analysis

Facilitating Movement and Accessability through

Nodal Relationships

Links betweenKey Transport Nodes

Free Green Space Recreational Green Derelict/Vacant

Denser Vegetation Education Retail

Industrial/Office Residential Cultural

‘ein möglichst vollständiges städtisches Transportsystem macht dem Bewohner die gesamte Stadt an jedem Platz verfügbar’ ‘the most complete urban transport system makes any place available to the residents the entire city’Oswald Matthias Ungers

Creating a Sectional Condensor

A Rejection of Tabula Rasa

Promotion of a Polycentric Distributed Network vs. Centralised

‘No neighbourhood or district, no matter how well established, prestigious or well heeled and no matter how intensely populated for one purpose,

can flout the necessity for spreading people through time of day without frustrating its potential for generating diversity.’

Jane Jacobs.







Creating a New Three-dimensional

Spatial Syntax of Routes and Relationships

Unification of the Ground Plane through Infrastructure promotes a Renaissance in Occupation of Abandoned

and Underutilised Buildings

Creation of Sectional Diversity through InterventionEvolution of Occupation creates

an Urbanism of Imaginational Passions

Addition of Simple Structural and Circulatory Elements lays the foundation and promotes a Language of Participation

Diversity is Facilitated throughCombination of the same Structural Elements

Density Promotes the Addition of Small Business and Shops to serve the Increase in Occupation

Banality AnarchyOriginality

Inhabitation Forms Relationships and Realises the Potential of Re-Engagement of People with Creation of Their Own Space

‘The main thesis that I champion in architecture is that the central figure is no the architect but the user of the building, the inhabitant.This inhabitant is not the ‘average man’ - that imaginary entity dreamed up by statisticians - but a physcial person, an individ-ual who is different from everyone else. What is more, he is different today from who he was yesterday or will be tomorrow.

Architecture for with the people, for the people, by the people’


‘Art is not a mirror held up to reality but a hammer with which to shape it’

BERTOLT BRECHT [East German Playwright]

Concept Model

The Vision.

Freiraum: An Urban Manifesto for Lichtenberg

Cultural Attractors

Lichtenberg Hauptbahnhof

Abandoned former railway yard utilised as a Peoples Planning Forum.


Frankfurter Allee [200m W]

Nöldnerplatz [200m SW]

Former Stasi Areal

Sectional Distribution of


Spatial Agency 1:2000


Instructional Initiators



Existing Residential

[Existing Other]

Cultural Attractors

Sectional Distribution of


Peoples Archive of Wishes and Desires located opposite

the symbol of state intervention in peoples lives - the Former

Stasi Areal.A symbolic gesture.

Peoples Construction and Political Knowledge

Library intended build a involvement of the citizen in the

formation of their own and collective


School 8-14hr

Industrial 6-18hr

Offices 9-19hr Lidl 7-22hr

Kaisers (Shop) 8-22hr

School 8-14hr

Kindergarten 7-13hr

Community Washing

Centre 8-15hr

Industrial 6-18hr

Bowling Centre 10-


St Mauritius-Kirche Small Independant Shops


Warehouses and Artist Residences

Rehabilitation Occupation Diversity

Drifting Invention

A Heating Strategy

Form follows Condition

Retention and Reuse

Solar Potential of Existing Building Stock

It is imagined that heating demands for the main tree structures could be met through the use of Geothermal Heat Exchanger utilising the depths gained within the structural piles.

This could be made more efficient through the use of seasonal thermal storage tanks located within the ground plane (preferably on contaminated or brownfield land for minimal ecological impact) allows for storage of energy during the initial process of occupation. This would alos be preferable during times of low load on the system, such as in the summer months, when increased solar gain is anticipated.

Berlin is defined by two distinct environmental factors.

Firstly the city is incredibally green with it coming to be defined as the ‘Green Archipeligo’.Whilst in its simplist form this thesis could be described as a project of densification, it is intrinsically concerned with the promotion and continuation of an environmental resurgance.The elevation of structure above ground is intended to take pressure off the ground plane ensuring that the city can stay green whilst densifying at the same time.

Secondly the issue of groundwater in Berlin is a contemporary problem that increases to to be exacerbate with heightened construction activity since reunification. In this respect, having a very light strcuture impact on the ground plane will allow a densification process to occur without worsening this problem.

The main sustainability aspect driving this project is the ‘rehabilitating’ the existing by supplementing it with new inteventions. Due to the collapse of the East German economy after reunification and the process of deindustrialisation that followed, the site is littered with abandoned industrial buildings, which on there own may present a challenge to find a new use for them, however with the addition of a attraction factor, this process could come to be completed over a longer time revealing the potential and otherwise structural stability of such structures.

Due to the topography of Berlin being near to zero, and the exposed nature of the site, the state of Berlin has recognised the high solar potential of the Plattenbau (prefab) rooftops for solar generation. It is possible that as densification of the site grows, this solar potential could be exploited to the benifit of the existing and new residents. A similar scheme in the city already (around half the potential roof area in m2) of the site, generates enough power a year to run 10,000 refrigerators.

It is imagined that some power supply would be supplied to the ‘first initiators’ to allow for initial construction. After that, in the densification of the structure, specific localised sustainable ‘add ons’ could be adopted and promoted by the residents on a need by need basis (in relation to aspect - solar and elevaton - wind) promoting citizen engagement with energy conservation and collaboration.

Water Pump

Service Column Permanent supply Hoses

Personal Supply Hoses

Service Column

Main Water tank located near to lift access for accessability incase of manual refill

Main Breaker

Secondary breaker

Personal Breaker

Main Cables

Floor Distribution

Connection to personal breakers

City Water Main

Due to the former presense of heavy industry on the site, the water mains present in the area should be able to cope with the increased need for water access with densification of the site.

Rainwater Harvesting

It would be possible to utilise the space frame structure of the main structural trees to install rainharvesting systems such as the ‘Rain Pod’ due to the strength of such a structure.

City Electrical Grid

Consumption Board

Service Columns

Space Frame allows for attachability and demountability as densification of the structure increases.

Sun Shading Elements can be applied on a need by need basis.

Trusses are utilised to span large distances with in structure before a process of infilling begins.

Respecting the Green

Due to the large amount of pollutant damage caused to ecosystem of the former east germany, it is important to promote a resurgance by respecting the existing trees and green, allows the structural intenvention to touch the ground in the places with minimal impact.

Brown Field Impact

It would be encouraged that most of any new structure would go into the ground already impacted from the historical industrial acivity on the site. Due to the large amounts of concrete present in certain areas of the site, it is imagined that this could be exploited to provide structural support for some steels as some sort of ‘large pad foundation’.

Seasonal Thermal Storage Tank

Heat Transfer Sub Stations

Ground Water DischargePromoting a resurgance in the green areas of the site will help to aleve surface runoff in heavily brownfield areas. Tree roots increase water saturation into groundwater reducing water runoff

Power Supply Water Supply

Infrastructural Considerations

Shared or Individual Water Tank

As with the power considerations, depending on the spatial circumstances that result from the occupation of the structure, it is imagined that individuals or groups of residents could employ different water collection strategies at different locations such as utilising the roof plane for rain water harvesting, installing grey water harvesting add ons, or simply supplementing the water supply with bottled water.

In the process of solving water issues it is hoped that consumption is cut due to increased knowledge about water use and recycling.

Architectural Technology Sectional Strategy


Site location

Former Flood Plain of the River Spree showing the sites exposure

to groundwater levels of <2m.

A Heating Strategy

Form follows Condition

Retention and Reuse

Solar Potential of Existing Building Stock

It is imagined that heating demands for the main tree structures could be met through the use of Geothermal Heat Exchanger utilising the depths gained within the structural piles.

This could be made more efficient through the use of seasonal thermal storage tanks located within the ground plane (preferably on contaminated or brownfield land for minimal ecological impact) allows for storage of energy during the initial process of occupation. This would alos be preferable during times of low load on the system, such as in the summer months, when increased solar gain is anticipated.

Berlin is defined by two distinct environmental factors.

Firstly the city is incredibally green with it coming to be defined as the ‘Green Archipeligo’.Whilst in its simplist form this thesis could be described as a project of densification, it is intrinsically concerned with the promotion and continuation of an environmental resurgance.The elevation of structure above ground is intended to take pressure off the ground plane ensuring that the city can stay green whilst densifying at the same time.

Secondly the issue of groundwater in Berlin is a contemporary problem that increases to to be exacerbate with heightened construction activity since reunification. In this respect, having a very light strcuture impact on the ground plane will allow a densification process to occur without worsening this problem.

The main sustainability aspect driving this project is the ‘rehabilitating’ the existing by supplementing it with new inteventions. Due to the collapse of the East German economy after reunification and the process of deindustrialisation that followed, the site is littered with abandoned industrial buildings, which on there own may present a challenge to find a new use for them, however with the addition of a attraction factor, this process could come to be completed over a longer time revealing the potential and otherwise structural stability of such structures.

Due to the topography of Berlin being near to zero, and the exposed nature of the site, the state of Berlin has recognised the high solar potential of the Plattenbau (prefab) rooftops for solar generation. It is possible that as densification of the site grows, this solar potential could be exploited to the benifit of the existing and new residents. A similar scheme in the city already (around half the potential roof area in m2) of the site, generates enough power a year to run 10,000 refrigerators.

It is imagined that some power supply would be supplied to the ‘first initiators’ to allow for initial construction. After that, in the densification of the structure, specific localised sustainable ‘add ons’ could be adopted and promoted by the residents on a need by need basis (in relation to aspect - solar and elevaton - wind) promoting citizen engagement with energy conservation and collaboration.

Water Pump

Service Column Permanent supply Hoses

Personal Supply Hoses

Service Column

Main Water tank located near to lift access for accessability incase of manual refill

Main Breaker

Secondary breaker

Personal Breaker

Main Cables

Floor Distribution

Connection to personal breakers

City Water Main

Due to the former presense of heavy industry on the site, the water mains present in the area should be able to cope with the increased need for water access with densification of the site.

Rainwater Harvesting

It would be possible to utilise the space frame structure of the main structural trees to install rainharvesting systems such as the ‘Rain Pod’ due to the strength of such a structure.

City Electrical Grid

Consumption Board

Service Columns

Space Frame allows for attachability and demountability as densification of the structure increases.

Sun Shading Elements can be applied on a need by need basis.

Trusses are utilised to span large distances with in structure before a process of infilling begins.

Respecting the Green

Due to the large amount of pollutant damage caused to ecosystem of the former east germany, it is important to promote a resurgance by respecting the existing trees and green, allows the structural intenvention to touch the ground in the places with minimal impact.

Brown Field Impact

It would be encouraged that most of any new structure would go into the ground already impacted from the historical industrial acivity on the site. Due to the large amounts of concrete present in certain areas of the site, it is imagined that this could be exploited to provide structural support for some steels as some sort of ‘large pad foundation’.

Seasonal Thermal Storage Tank

Heat Transfer Sub Stations

Ground Water DischargePromoting a resurgance in the green areas of the site will help to aleve surface runoff in heavily brownfield areas. Tree roots increase water saturation into groundwater reducing water runoff

Power Supply Water Supply

Infrastructural Considerations

Shared or Individual Water Tank

As with the power considerations, depending on the spatial circumstances that result from the occupation of the structure, it is imagined that individuals or groups of residents could employ different water collection strategies at different locations such as utilising the roof plane for rain water harvesting, installing grey water harvesting add ons, or simply supplementing the water supply with bottled water.

In the process of solving water issues it is hoped that consumption is cut due to increased knowledge about water use and recycling.

Architectural Technology Sectional Strategy


Site location

Former Flood Plain of the River Spree showing the sites exposure

to groundwater levels of <2m.

Isometric Extract of Service Column and

Structural Infill

Slip formed concrete service columns form the main infrastructural interventions into the site by providing water, power and structural stability for the primary structure.

In an attempt to facilitate construction within the primary steel structure, it is imagined that ‘signifying elements’ are left visible for the citizens to interact with and build upon, offering an intuative starting point for expansion within the structure.

These siginifiers could take the form of some of the examples below such as different plate or shear connections for attaching various metal elements to.

In the detail below it is also possible to see a selection of different ways in which different constructional elements could be inserted and fixed within the structure before the application of vapour barriers and insulation depending on the requirments of the inhabitant. This chronicals the initial occupation of the structure by the ‘first adopters’.

Demonstrated are some simple timber and steel connections and a concrete block and beam floor.

The Isometric is visualised over an existing building showing the service column giving access to power for rehibilitation of the ground plain.

Service Column and Signifiers

The Story.

Freiraum: An Urban Manifesto for Lichtenberg

‘Einsteigen Bitte... Nächste Station Bahnhof Lichtenberg.’

Reclaim Your City.

Cultural Stimulation.

‘A City is not a Company.’

‘Free Time!’


‘Alight please, next station Lichtenberg’

Our Actor views the intial intervention by S Bahn and is met with intrigue.

Participation is at its initial height. Our Actor is meeting and sharing ideas with new collaborators.

Our Actor is socialising in a newly opened cultural venue and meets another Actor...

Our Actors decide to occupy some of the structure and build a home together.

Weekends are spent enjoying life and involving themselves in further acting.

Our Actors are now fully involved in the process and spend time in the Kiez enjoying attractions with their young child.

‘Eine Stadt ist kein unternehmen’

‘Einsteigen Bitte... Nächste Station Bahnhof Lichtenberg.’

Reclaim Your City.

Cultural Stimulation.

‘A City is not a Company.’

‘Free Time!’


‘Alight please, next station Lichtenberg’

Our Actor views the intial intervention by S Bahn and is met with intrigue.

Participation is at its initial height. Our Actor is meeting and sharing ideas with new collaborators.

Our Actor is socialising in a newly opened cultural venue and meets another Actor...

Our Actors decide to occupy some of the structure and build a home together.

Weekends are spent enjoying life and involving themselves in further acting.

Our Actors are now fully involved in the process and spend time in the Kiez enjoying attractions with their young child.

‘Eine Stadt ist kein unternehmen’

‘Einsteigen Bitte... Nächste Station Bahnhof Lichtenberg.’

Reclaim Your City.

Cultural Stimulation.

‘A City is not a Company.’

‘Free Time!’


‘Alight please, next station Lichtenberg’

Our Actor views the intial intervention by S Bahn and is met with intrigue.

Participation is at its initial height. Our Actor is meeting and sharing ideas with new collaborators.

Our Actor is socialising in a newly opened cultural venue and meets another Actor...

Our Actors decide to occupy some of the structure and build a home together.

Weekends are spent enjoying life and involving themselves in further acting.

Our Actors are now fully involved in the process and spend time in the Kiez enjoying attractions with their young child.

‘Eine Stadt ist kein unternehmen’



‘The City is our Factory’ 1:500

‘Einsteigen Bitte... Nächste Station Bahnhof Lichtenberg.’

Reclaim Your City.

Cultural Stimulation.

‘A City is not a Company.’

‘Free Time!’


‘Alight please, next station Lichtenberg’

Our Actor views the intial intervention by S Bahn and is met with intrigue.

Participation is at its initial height. Our Actor is meeting and sharing ideas with new collaborators.

Our Actor is socialising in a newly opened cultural venue and meets another Actor...

Our Actors decide to occupy some of the structure and build a home together.

Weekends are spent enjoying life and involving themselves in further acting.

Our Actors are now fully involved in the process and spend time in the Kiez enjoying attractions with their young child.

‘Eine Stadt ist kein unternehmen’

‘Einsteigen Bitte... Nächste Station Bahnhof Lichtenberg.’

Reclaim Your City.

Cultural Stimulation.

‘A City is not a Company.’

‘Free Time!’


‘Alight please, next station Lichtenberg’

Our Actor views the intial intervention by S Bahn and is met with intrigue.

Participation is at its initial height. Our Actor is meeting and sharing ideas with new collaborators.

Our Actor is socialising in a newly opened cultural venue and meets another Actor...

Our Actors decide to occupy some of the structure and build a home together.

Weekends are spent enjoying life and involving themselves in further acting.

Our Actors are now fully involved in the process and spend time in the Kiez enjoying attractions with their young child.

‘Eine Stadt ist kein unternehmen’

‘Einsteigen Bitte... Nächste Station Bahnhof Lichtenberg.’

Reclaim Your City.

Cultural Stimulation.

‘A City is not a Company.’

‘Free Time!’


‘Alight please, next station Lichtenberg’

Our Actor views the intial intervention by S Bahn and is met with intrigue.

Participation is at its initial height. Our Actor is meeting and sharing ideas with new collaborators.

Our Actor is socialising in a newly opened cultural venue and meets another Actor...

Our Actors decide to occupy some of the structure and build a home together.

Weekends are spent enjoying life and involving themselves in further acting.

Our Actors are now fully involved in the process and spend time in the Kiez enjoying attractions with their young child.

‘Eine Stadt ist kein unternehmen’


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