Item 000424 - Wikimedia · 2018-01-11 · In 1939, Kelly Field was again re•organized, this time into four sections, each giving approxi· mately the ~me general training. . ~ach

Post on 27-Jul-2020






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During Lieutenant Colonel Prru;ser's command

Kdly Field has been introduced to mulufanous

prohlems. Nevertheless, through has excellent

matching of facilities and demand, Kelly Field re·

maim the Army Air Force's foremost and most famous Advanced Flying School.

LT. COL. HARVEY W. PROSSER Aar Corps Adt•anced Flying School Commandam


f I r


On th.;,;c men's shoulders rest~ the

rc,-ponsib1l1ty fur the smooth op;:ra·

tioa ol the li<:hool in :ill its phases of

flying. Our flying program has often

been cited for its thoroughness an<l


MAJ. JOHN H. Bl.iNDY Dm:ctor of Flymg 'r raining

Lt. Charles A . Herzog Asst. Secretary

Lt. 0

El111cr E. Huber A .\.1 t . Sccrcra.,.y

Lt. John L. W :irn:n Seererary

MAJOR GERMAN P. CULVER Commandant of Cadets, First

Five: Wee~s of 42·A

LT. C. FRIEOl!lRJCHS TactlcaJ Officer, 42-A

CAPT. JAMES D. HOWDER Cominandant of Cadets

LT. ELMER P. FIZER Tactical Officer, 42-B

LT WALTER R KUll:NNlNG LT. ROY E. EURY LT. HARRY K. WAYMOUTH AdJutanl Supply and Athletic ortlcu Keat Ottlcer


LT. COL. ALBERT B. PITTS CAPT. J. R. NOVAKE Director of GTound 'Traimng

'These men directed the academic training of the Aviation Cadets of Class 42·A at Kdl:v Field

Back Row L to R . Capt. Edwin G. H . Comfort, Lt. Clay D. Ell is, Lt. Charles D. Scott, Lt. Blaine B. Campbell, Capt. Lawrence W. DeMuth, Capt. Robert H . Pad· dock.

Front Row L to R. Capt. J. Will Campbell, Capt. Thomas E. Powell, Lt. Col. Albert B. Pitts, Capt. John R. Novalce.

&nvm Ro"' H;umlton, J.C. Jr., McKerwe, H C., Allen, H. V., Kessler, C E., K!dpkOA. t.:. J- to\\dl. H L., ~~n. H B , J\nder!ion, D. B. Jr., Luu., C. L., Donaldson, K. S., Case. M. R • Pyle, W L. Wi111ams, W. C. Jr., Stuart, H . A., Gates, A E. Jr., Woodall, H. W., Keating, \V F., Mnore. J P_ Vann, H R., Hatch, R. W .• Habeck, C. W., Delong, D . A., Schomburg, F. H Jr .. Wentling. H P Jr., Cordon, J W., Estes, 0. G. Jr., Coleman, R. D., Owen, R. R. ·

Second Row Valenbne, V. V., We1S, P . E .. Westbrook, C. E., Richeson. W H . \Vnght. J. C­S~hemon, J E., Your~. I. H., Taylor, M R., Shay, S. C" Tone, T . B., Waldman, H., RockabranJ. C W., Taylor, R. E., Thompson, R. G., Thompson, W . E., Thompson, j . P., Thomp:.on, B. S., Sha. M., Sm1s, D. G., Simons, V. H., Simono, R. E., Stanley, T . A., Smith, D. L., W.illace, ). B .. Wh~~ hurst. H. T ., Daub, A C., Rogers. H. J .• Rowc.rdink, W . H., Roberts, H. H .. Re1J. L Jr .. Leas, P ·· Wilker 10n, W . F, Wrntht, J. T.

Third Row Montgomery, J. W ., Meadows, J.C. Jr., Moore, R . F., Pap.mia, R Jr., Perry. \\' ~ Prina, l . L., \Vhttkr, R.1\., OIJVtt, A R .• Moyer, J. H ., Mwr, D. H., Mmarcm, M W. M..,,.er.). ; Muuch. G. Jr. lister, H. F. Jr., Knight, E. C .. Klu1ber, F. C .. Lehman, C. F . Ne,tur, V. N .. McLap · •Jn, l JWr · LewC i<, J H. Jr., lather, F. J .• McCullough. D E., Preston, W F., I..."'· R H , K11lebre" · J. · one-, .. June". /\. H .

Fourth Rnw· l..a.rton, E. E., Lusky, H . Dodson, T F . Harrington, E. G .. jen..'.r.lJn, H F · )JU\luct. ~ Q • Cr;ou, C V, Herbert, W F, Hay, R H • Hatch, C. K., Harush, R J. Guul>b«. E. /\ .. Hoftro3R C. W ., Juhl!ll., I\ I\. Gattshall, M . W ., Edwards, W H .• Eichler. J. H . Ellmj!Wn. J. f' . G.iu11hao. !1,,· ~rel'ham, R G., Fox, G. W ., Evan•. J. R. Hildebrandt, J. ]., Ewing, D W .. FJ'l•r, J /\. Exdl-).

• <>.Jr., MJttbews, D. E.

Filth Row: Flintoff, W . M., Dl:s:mdro, L. J., Arnold, \V. W ., C.'lrichcrs, H ., Buckingham, G E .. Bui lnck, H .• Boyd, W . C., Cox, H. L., Dieicnbeck, J. /\ .. Bragg. F. B., 8.i1rd, E. Jr .. Bochrcr. J F .. B1nng<, A. E., Adock, H. S., Church, F. C .. Banker, J. M ., C,1rr. L. D., Bo.ii.. R. E., Chamb.:rs. D. T .. Bl.1..:1. mar, D. E., Christenberry, T . E. Jr., Baughn, J. H .. Boldt. J. C., Bc1N>n, K Y., Boll, J. )., C'.-<, D H., Bright. W. M .

Sixth Row: Bcj!ley, J. P., Kirkpatrick, J. H .. Th1gp~n. H. G .. Palmiter, R. ll. Jenkin;, J. G .. Kr.:d1. A. M Jr, Reed, W. A .. ~r. F. J., Dl:Volentmc. J. M ., Hem. R. D .. Hodge>. B. F .. Moser. J F. M.1r tan, E M., Holstead, J. 0., Moore, R. M .• VOf!t. R. R .. Miller, M. R., M1,nc.111. P. L.. Dcw111. R S .. Bredewater. A. J .. Bredcwater. /\. R., Ross. R H.,Sdlcr. W. T ., H1~wmg. R C .. Ribe. R .. J1mc>. L. C. Top Row: Arnold, W. H ., Fr001an. R. L.. Oa\'ld<11n, J. R .. Smith. H /\., M ... -Quccn. V .. K.1nt:. /\ E., Kurtenbcrger, G. N.,,(1dd, R. M .• Burton, D. H., Cockey. J. 0., M .1lnncy. T . M .. Thrc.1d1:1ll, R E., Dinsmore, W . E., Wupper, F. L. Blackbum, j. R .. HarJison. I. D. \V1turt, R. /\., \Vackm•. H. D. Jr., Clerici, H . J., Briscoe, J. W .. GuUey, L. R., Adler. S. L .• Cowr. /\ . M .. Bigg;. J. T. Kn· vaccv1ch, M. M ., Dnt!ion, /\. T., George. A. F.

PRIMARY SCHOOLS June 4 to August 19, 1941 · Tul-;.L, Mu•kogcc. PJrk•, Cuero. St.unlorJ. Cur· <1cana, Pine Bluff ..

B/\SIC-1\u~st 20 to Novcmher l. 1941 : R.indolph. S.1n /\ngdo. Br.1Jy ADV /\NCED-Novcmb.:r 3 w J,1nu:iry 9, 1942 KELLY FIELD. CLASS 42·/\, typ11:.1lly pcrhJp,, represents 3 cn,~•·:..:~uun ui i\mcn.:.111 m.111h1101>d We .:om.: lr<>m' •0 ·1.1! 'trata anJ m.1ny hcrit.t~\!..,. But here 3 r Kdly we h.xome .i d.1.;., .inJ 11pu11 whar.:vcr n11--1on \\'C

may he individually orJcrc<I 111 the future, p.irl of the Kelly unit "h.1ll rc111.11n

Maj. Charles A. G. Langner Asst. Plight Surgeon


Few of us may have had direct contact with our Medical Staff. Nevertheles.~, Keliy Field relies on their knowledge and profel;· sional skill for the health and f1ymg fitness of its men. The engines they maintain are human and these, above all, must be kept flying.

LT. COL. READ B. HARDING Com. Officer, Station Hospital

Chief Flight Surgeon

Capt. Richard J. Burch Dental Surgeon

Maj. Hulen E. Calvert Asst. Fli1?ht Surgeon

Capt. Hyman J. Kapl::in. Chief of Out Patient Service


Herc I~ a pha~ of c.tJet traJning we <hy r rom,

csr-:caally on those cold S.1turday morrungs when 1t

w.•~ S<l warm in the b.1rracks. Som our G. I. papmas

\\C todJlc mto the cold gray

Mr ... Cotton .. Branum, of Branum, Smith, Jones

Throgmorton and Fic:;erapfcl, adioums to Hangar

J ~ and the new barracks (where a good time 1-; had

by all.)

MR. COITON BRANUM Dm:ctor of Athletics

Although we never heard of it be· fore, we all played goal·hi and aerial darts.

Our athletic program was complete and efficient to the pomt of despera· tion, and whether we liked it or not, we participated and most of us knew anyway it was for our own good.

p p

,A--'1-----CADET OFFICERS----A.~ '

W C WTUJAlolS, JR. Squadron AdJut.ant

M. R. CASE U.Ut.enanl, Platoon II

W . F KEATING Lieultru'l.nt. Platoon 7

H. A . STUA RT Squadron Commander

A. E. O ATES, J R. Captain, Section a

w ..... PYL& Capt"-ln, Sectlon JV

J . P. MOORE, JR Flrat Sergunt


K. S. DONALDSON Luder. Platoon 6

H W . W OOOAJ..L f.A"Adf"r , Platnon 8



Kelly Field initiated its first advanced training program in January, 1918. This program produced the flying personnel who conducted the training schools for the Army Air Corps. .. Af~r. four years of personnel production the advanced schools were re•organized on a speoalized group" basis with the formation of Pursuit, Observation, Attack and Bombard·

ment Training Sections. This plan was employed for seventeen years. In 1939, Kelly Field was again re•organized, this time into four sections, each giving approxi·

mately the ~me general training. . ~ach section was sub·divided into two echelons of ten flight each. Only two sections fly at

a tim~ ~nd always one·third of the field is reserved for Operations and the Navigatio~ & hool. _Th1S is our present organization, and to our rapidly•expanding Air Forces, Kelly Field con·

tributes 200 pilots every five weeks. . . In 1922 Section n, a tactical Observation Squadron for specialized training of observation

pilots, began training at Kelly Field. Training planes of the 5quadron were the Douglas CY2f and the Thoma,s, Morse 0· 19.

The per~~nel of the squadron was small then, with only five insti:uctors ~nd twenty s.tu· dent:'· Trammg included "puff·targef' missions--observing the location ?f h!ts and relayml? the information to headquarters by radio. Each class spent two week dJrecting artillery of

Fort Houston,

during which ti m e

they f I e w to Camp

Bullis at dawn to ad·

JUSt the ground firing

of the 37's and 75's.

The students were

sent on regular recon·

naisance missions with

assignments to sketch

important railroads,

bndges and other 1m·

portant objectives.

At tbe close of the course each <tudenr

photographed an a.<­

signed area and made

a mosaic map from hi<

overlapmg Ph o t o­graphs.

Of that squadron·~

personnel, Lt. B A

Mason, Jr., is still with

Section ll as Section Operations Officer


' MAJOR S. B. KNOWLES Section Commanding Officer

LT. B. A. MASON, Jr. Operations Officer . __., ..

LT . FLORENCE Aut. C. 0., lst Echelon

LT . BEA UCHAMP Asst. Inst.

LT. ]. McOORKLE Commanding Officer.

2nd Eclu:I cm

LT . IRESON A5<r. lu .•r.


"A" Flight

HUGH S. ADCOCK, Jr. ::-......::.--~~St. Petersburg,


W ILLIAM C. BOYD Ravenden, Arkansas

JOHN 0 . COCKEY, Jr. Glyndon, Maryland

WILLIAM B. EXELBY. Jr. 1084 E. 141 St. Cleveland, 0 .

CHARLES IC. H.t\ T CH 336 E. Crescent St. Marquette, Mich .

LT. J. R . .t\LDENDIFER, fo.strnccor


"B" Flight

SEYMOUR hDLER 3342 Burnet Ave. Cindnnati, 0 .

FRANK B. BRAGG, Jr. S.w-annah, Georiria

LT. F. L. HOUX , Instructor

RICH.-\.RD D. COLEMAN 1319 Spy Run /\venue Fort Wayne, Ind.

JOSEPH A. FAVOR Hayneville, Alabama

ROBERT W . HATCH 1444 E. 68th Street Chicago, Ill.



S van NES ALLEN l\llen A venue

O--~~J'r{l dale, 0 .

ARNOLD R . BREDEW ATER R.R. 7 Greensburg, Ind.

HOW .ARD L. COX Jonesboro, North Carolina

WILLI.AM M. FLINTOFF Cedar Springs, Michig;in

ROBERT H. HJ\ Y 826 State Street Lima, 0.

LT. R. D. FORMAN, Instructor

"D" Flight LT. B. W. LAMBERT, lnstructoi

A. CRl\IG DAUJ3 Kiskiminetas Springs School Saltsburg, Pa.

DA VJD B. ANDERSON, Jr. Spartanburg, South Carolina

ARTHUR J. BREDEWATER R.R. 7 Greensburg, Ind.

GEORGE W. FOX Carters Creek, Tennessee

WILLIAM F. HERBERT 2090 Estes Street Muskegon, Mich.



"E" Flight WILLlAM H. ARNOLD Parrott,


FRED C. BRITCHER 2600 Harrison A venue Cincinnati, 0.

ROBERT L. FROMAN Maringo and Danville, Indiana

ROY D. HERN 5"225 Rose Avenue Norwood, 0.

JAMES R. DI\ VIDSON Ill 106 E. Concord j,.-/( ./ .,. /,.., .J Orlando, Fla. /ld

7 ~

/l~. LT. F. V. CONRAD, Instn1ct01"

•......................... ~~,-~ -~·~~~7;;. ................ w/11 ~v~ ~~~·· -.;lk~


"F" Flight LT. F. CRAIG, lmtTuctor

DA YID A. DELONG 1102 Propsepct Street Ann Arbor, Mich.

WILLI.AM WESLEY ARNOLD i.5 4 3 Mistletoe Abilene, Tex.

WlLLlAM M. BRIGHT Oldham Apartments Richmond, Ky.

ALBERT E. GATES, Jr. 1730 Madison Road Cincinnati, 0.

JOHN). HJLDEBRANDT 817 High Street Logansport, Ind.



"G" Flight

J. W. BRISCOE Wtstfield, Illinois

LOUIS J. DES.ANDRO 626 W. William Street Maumee, 0 .

MARK W. GATTSHALL Prairie du Sac, Wisconsin

BR.IAN FLOYD HODGES S09 Sherwood Circle Spartanburg, S. C.

LT. R. J. GERRARD, In.structor


,.'H" Flight LT. T . C. HOFFMAN, Instructor

ERWIN BAIRD, Jr. Lebanon, Tennessee

JOEL M. DeVOLENTINE 1520 Dorado Avenue Coral Gables, Fla.

GEORGE E. BUCKINGH!i.M 921 Mason Street Flint, Mich.

ROBERT H . G!i.UGHAN 246 W. Morris Street Indianapolis, Ind.

RALPH C. HOEWING Canton, Missouri

"I" Flight

JAMES M. BANKER West Middleton,


HARRY BULLOCK 118 S. Ashland A venue / Lexington, Ky·/(;//e/ ,,, /;. i4-

J Jd . ~loJ llY .; , Yfa· l- 7 I ilf- of RIS:HARD S. DEWITT

-r 1FJ1d 1' • ' I> 1 1 Winterset, / Y.t Jd· Iowa

P,,ffe~ ,. " ''

ARTifUR F. GEORGE 425 W. Liberty Street Salisbury, N. C.

GEORGE W . HOFFMAN V anceburg. Kentucky

LT. C . C. JEEFORDS, Instructor

II J" Flight

}. H. BAUGHN 319 W. Fifth Street Tyler, Texas

D\VIGHT H. BURTON Cooper, South Dakota

LT. R. 0. DAUTH, Instructor

JAMES A. DIEFENBECK 635 King Street Pottstown, Pa.

EDMOND A. GOOLSBEE 2570 North Street Beaumont, Texas

JAMES 0 . HOLSTEAD Monroe Highway Ruston, La.




"K" Flight

HERBERT B. CAHAN I S09 67th Avenue Philadelphia, Pa.

WILLIM E. DINSMORE I 26 i. Peters A venue T roy, O.

JOHN WILLIAM GORDON 620 South 36th Street Loujsville, Ky.

LT . E. MANN, Instructor

"L" Flight LT. R. P. HALEY, lnstnlctor

KARL Y. BENSON l 716 Boston Boulevard Detroit, Mich.

HERSCHEL CARITHERS 1250 Lumpkin Street Athens, Ga.

THOMAS F. DODSON 204 Hargrove Road Tuscaloosa, Ala.

ALEX McGOWIN GOVER l 212 Queens Road Charlotte, N. C.

ARTHUR H. JAMES 1910 S. W . 17th Avenue Miami, f1a.


"M" Flight

JAMES T . BIGGS Carbondale,


LEED. CARR 620 Glenwood Road Mt. Clemens, Mich.

KENTON S. DONALDSON 262 Riverside Parkway Fort Thomas, Ky.

LT. G. L. FREEMAN, Instructor

CHJ\RLES V. GRACE 1304 9th Avenue Ja,;per. /\la.

ROY Q. JAUQUB'T 1140 S. Van Buren Green Bay, W is.


..... ~~~~~a·· )f'"~? ... -ttt!" , .• ,,.-- :A "'1(_ ,,.

"N" Flight

ALBERT E. BIVINGS 309 S. Marsalis .Avmue Dallas, Tex.

MARSHAL R. CASE 3 5 00 14th Street Moline, m.

LT. R. I. BERGE, InstructoT

ARCHIE T . DOTSON I ?Oi. Barnes A vmue Paris, Ky.

• . -'.J

ROBERT G. GRESHAM 3828 Hanover Dallas, Texas

HAROLD F. JENEMAN Bloomer, Wisconsin



"O" Flight

OONALD T. CHAMBERS 35181 Glenwood Avenue Wayne, Mich.

WILBUR H. EDW /\RDS R.R. No. I Cannelburg, Ind.

LT. H. E. CO'ITER, InsrrucrOT

LEE R. GULLEY Brook.ha vtn, Mississippi

JOHN G. JENKINS 60~ N. Main Scree< South Bend, Ind

"P" Flight LT. R. H. FARRELL, Instn<etor

DONALD E. BLACKMAR 506 Pecan Avenue Luling, Tex

JACK H. EICHLER 3844 Berkely Road Cleveland Heights, 0.

THOMAS E. CHRISTENBERRY, Jr. 204 Oregon Street Greenville, S. C.

CARL W. HABECK New Holland, Illinois

LEWIS C. JONES 307 Catawba Street Erwin, Tenn.

"Q" Flight

ROBERT E. BO.AK Mable Valley Fann

\.:...:::~M~urton, 0.

FRANK C. CHURCH 640 26th Street, S. W . Birmingham, Ala.

JOSEPH C. HAMILTON. Jr. Reynoldsburg, Ohio

WJLU,'\M C. JONES 108 W . Farris Avenue High Point, N. C.

JOHN F. ELLINGTON Pointe-ala-Hae he, Loui~iana

LT . J. B. DuBOSE, lnst'l'IKIOr

- ---·

"R" Flight

JAMES P. BOEHRER .Augusta, Wisconsin

HENRY J. CLERICI 1008 Bellview Avenue Columbia, S. C.

LT. F. T . HOMAN, Instructor

OSCAR G. ESTES, Jr. Rosedale Richmond. Ky.

ROBERT J. HJ\NISH ~ 941 Worden Street, S. E. Grand Rapids, Mich.




.-. "S" Flight

CLAUDE. R. COCHRAN 4U6 Maryland Sbr~'qlOl't, u.

JAMES R. EV ANS u W . list Strttt Savannah, Ga.

JOHN DAVID HARDISOl' 8°'4 C.OOrt A '"'°ue Memphis, Tenn.

ANDREW /\. JUJiASZ Z386S Rqiublk A\UUJt

Ferncble, Mich.

LT. P. /\. CRONICAN, Insrructor


"T" Flight LT. J. W . DIETERICH, In.stnictOT

DONALD W. EWING Eureka, Illinois

JOHN J. BOLL 619 S. 4th Street lroncon, 0.

DONALD H. COCHRANE Gary, South Dakota

EUGENE G. HJ\RRJNGTON Woodruff, Wisconsin

J\ YMER E. KANTZ R.R. No. 2 Elkhart, Ind.


' l , ~»· \--=--

Here's a bit of Kdly tradition-the springs eag, the windows rattle, the gas k.ab. "£ ehowers spray and the faucets don't fauce. But it was adequate and there's oo eni!ci0

IOI.ace in the knowledge that Prank Luke, Hannibal, old Hiram Johnaon, or 90me Y· slept in Bay Pour.



Captain Howder has long been ao;soc1attd with cadets at Kelly Field. /\s the new CGm mandant of Cadets, it is certain that Ul'dcr his able and human direction 1he efficiency and esprit of the Cadet Group will ascend to new levels ... and we promise to continue tO be liowderian apostles "one a week."


Section Four at the Kdly Field Advanced Flymg School began tnm1~ bc>mbuJmmr pil0ts m 1922.

Afw- ~ght months of prelunmary tnJnmg, which combined pnmary and ~. ~t Randolph, Brooks, or March Fidds, cadets came to Kelly to complere their truninii oo tactical 5lups like the D-4, DB-7. and later the A· l7, B-10, 8-1 2 and 8-18

Hen cadets completed their 3 ~O hours of tr.umng in whaw.-cr group they ''''-tt ~· '\ls:ned.

The clas., was composed of about 40 cadets to each section and every <rudent Wil-'

checked OUt and received five hours of nying time in each type of t3Ctlc;ll 31TC1dft Clll rhc field. With the gnduation of Class 39·B the training plan was w it~ rrc«'nr 1tope

Thn was the old Section IV, and on the pages to follow 1s Secuon JV, ClaM .f l ·A


___ ..

SECTION CHIEFS\}OR W. F. CHJ\PMAN Section Commandmg Officer

LT. L. P. EGGER Commanding Offict'f

Second Echelon

LT. H. S. MARTINDALE Comma11di11g Officer,

First Echelo11

C/\PT. ] . D. RY AN Operations Of/1Ct'1'


_,_ "A" Flighi

C.t\RL E. KESSLER HO W. Market Street Columbia City, Ind.

WILLlAM A. REED Lake Michigan Drive Grand Rapids, Mich.

LANGHORNE REID, Jr. 644 W . S9th Street Kansas City, Mo.

ROSS RlBE 13 J 9 N 33rd Street Birmingham, Ala.

LT. P. C. HAMILTON, Imrructl>Y


"B" Flight

JOE P. KlLLEBREW R.R. No. 3 Clarksville, Tenn.

LT. J. B. KIDD, lnitruccor

KARL ] . KLAPKA 1931 Gunderson Avenue Berwyn, Ill.

WILLIAM HENRY RICHESON 1048 Chestnut Street Bowling Green, Ky.

JOHN H. KIRKPA.TRJCK, Jr. 30 Newfound Street

HAROLD H. ROBERTh Tallahassee,

Canton, N. C. Florida


"C" Flight

MIKE M. KOV t\CEVICH Route I, Box 227 Belleville, Mic:h.

.. ROBERT H. ROSS Gorman, Texas

WrLLIAM H. ROWERDINK 65 North Street Geneseo, N . Y.

HERBERT]. ROGERS 152 Newport Street Arlington, Mass.

LT. R O. MOSHER, lnsrmctor

"D" Flight LT. R. E. PULFREY, lnstmctor

AUGUST M. KRECH, Jr. 5724 Kenmore Avenue Chicago, lll.

EARLE E. LARSON 2709 N . 22nd. Street Superior. Wis.

FRED H. SCHOMBURG, Jr. 216 11th Street c.olumbus, Ga.



Painesville, O. Greenfield, Mas.s.


"E" Flight

FRANK ). LATHER £424 N . Lowell A venue

~~~A-i':::~hicago, Ill.

PAULE. LEAS 891 Lawton Street Akron, 0.

ST EVEC. SHAY Chagrin Falls, Ohio

LT. H . W . ROBB, Insm1ctor

MORTON SHER 1805 A ugusta Road Greenville, S. C.

ROBERT E. SIMONO 1611 17th Street Two Rivers, W is.

"F" Flight

LT. W. C. NOSKER, Instructor

CHARLES F. LEHMAN Stryke.r, Ohio

JAMES HAR VEY LEWIS, Jr. Grayson, Kentucky

VINCENT H. SIMONS Davison, Michigan

DAVID G. SIMS 1128 N. Oakland Avenue Indianapolis, Ind.



~ "G" Flight

HUGH F. LISTER, Jr. 1208 Princeton Street

t='"l~~~~~lumbia, S. C.

ROBERT H . LOVE Barboursville, West Virginia

4,,7 Ce.~. DAN. L. SMITH 172 Lawton Road Riverside, Ill.

cf:l.t/ HOWARD A. SMTTH 803 State Street Lawrencev11le, m.

TiiEODORE /\.STANLEY 8 Warlock Street New Britain, Conn.

LT. W. L. ORR1S, 111.Scructor

"H" Flight LT. J. R . PROPST, Instructor

CHARLES L. LUTZ 1431 S. I'uurth Street Louisville, Ky.


JAMES EV.ANS STEPHENSON 360 Milledge Heights Athens, Ga. Indiana

HERMAN LUSKY 305 Fairfa_~ Avenue N3slwille, Tenn.

HARLEY L. STOWELL. Jr Cold Spring Harbor Long Island, N. Y.



"I" Flight

LESLIE McLAURIN, Jr 223 S. Coit Street Florence, S. C.

CLAUDE W. ROCKABMND 2800 W ashington Blvt.I. Chicago, Ill .

LT. F. M NEWMAN, lnsm•ctor

II J" Flight LT. D. V. MILLER, Instmctor



Clendenin, Co,,,Jf• 1: 1- 9 r--tJ · -West Virginia I' J·r t'HA»..._ /f?-.S

RICH.ARD M. MANSFIELD 44 Wingate A venue Buffalo, N. Y.

M.i\RVIN R . TAYLOR 1520 Broadway .Ann Arbor, Mich.

RAYMOND E. TAYLOR 17 City View Street Worcester, Mass




-- "K" Flight

JAMES L. MILFORD R. R. No. s Anderson, S. C.

R. GAJL THOMPSON 108 S. Fourth Street Aurora, Tll.

ROLAND E. THREADGILL R. R. No. 3 Mangum, Olcla.

LT. B C. DAVIS, lrts1ruc10T

~ _:.;.~.~~Jt~ -.,,il~ii••,_.-

"M" Flight

ERNE5T M MJ\RTIN I 2R !\ummJt I\ venue J\ll>cmarle. N. C.

LT \V J MOSER, ln.1tr11ctor

\V ARREN L PYLE Emporia, K~sas

HANDLEY GILLIS THIGPEN Marion, ,!(://"cl {I;'/ n / J\lahama i 1111 Oe1r I"&-; C1/, ·

/94 'l

O.:AR>.10ND E. }..-L\TTHE\VS Clio,

JACK P. THO}..-f PSQN 719 Perry Street

South Carolina Helena.. Ark.

,,_,, "N" Flight

J. C. MEADOWS, Jr. Salem, Alabama

WIRT E. THOMPSON, Jr. 417 West "D .. Parkhill North Little Rock. Ark.

THOM/\S B. TONE 914 Kensington Blvd. Ft. Wayne, Ind.

BRJ\XTON S. THOMPSON 14 5 East 3 5th Street New York, N . Y.

LT. E. W . HUBBARD, lnsr:ructor

"O" Flight LT. L. W . ROHR, lnstructoT

MAX R. MILLER North Manchester, Indiana

GENE TUDOR Beckler, West Virginia.

MILTON W. MINARCIN r•") 4?62 North Karloy Avenu~/ A•~' I" Chicago, Ill. l \. • "' < J ' ,J 1 '

L-1~ •' c.' ~~ 'l' ~ c•~

I .<1-t, ( )--' 1 .:>'


VICTOR V. VALENTINE R.R. No. 5 Kalamazoo. M ich.

HAROLDR. VANN 5'10 Jefferson Avenue Miami Beach, Fla.




"P" Flight

PAULL. MONTAG Sharon Avenue Glendale, 0.

JACK PERRON MOORE 7215 Charlotte Street Kansas City, Mo.

ROBERT R. VOGT Appleton, W isconsin

HERBERT WA.LOMAN 34·32 28th Street Long Island City. N Y

LT. P. L. WRJ\THl!RBEI!, ln.rrucr""

"Q" Flight

LT. T. H . SCHNEBLY, ft1.1tructO'f

ROBERT P. MOORE 130 W . State Street Trenton, N . J.

R. MURRAY MOORE 14~64 Maddelein Avenue Detroit, Mjch.

JOHN B. WALLACE 70 I S. Edison A venue Tampa, Fla.

HOWARD D. WATKINS, Jr. Atlanta, Georgia

PETER E. WEIS 90 I E. Circle Drive Milwaukee, Wis.


--- "R" Flight

JOSEPH F. MOSER 2"48 Ferguson Road Cincinnati, 0.

HOWARD PAUL WENTLJNG, Jr. Chester Road Richmond, Ind.

CHARLES EDWARD WESTBROOK Bankhead Fann<teads Jasper, Ala.

JAMES H. MOYER. Jr. 1861 0Jk Street Columhu•. 0 .

LT . E READ, lnstmcto1'



"S" Flight

DOUGLAS M. MU!R 3033 St.erlmg Road Birmingham, Ala.

VIRGIL N. NESTOR 7813 Franklin Blvd. Cleveland, 0.

LT. J. R. IRTSH, TrucntctO'l'

ROBERT/\. WHEELER 1667 Good Hope Road, S. E. Washington, D. C.

HOW /\RD T. WHITEHURST 161 Ingate Street Crichton, /\la.

WILLIAM F. WfLKERSON 3550 Pape /\venue Cincinnati. 0.



"T" Flight ARTHUR RJ\YMOND OLIVER 244 Spruce I\ venue

t!r-d-:..=::::.Jrt':J Byesville, 0.

WALTER C. WILLIJ\MS, Jr. Swansea, South Carolina

JEFF OSER 4305 Coliseum St. New Orleans, La.

RAYMOND/\. WJTORT 28 3 4 Washingcon Street Franklin Park, W.

RANDOLPH K. OWEN Dillon, South Carolina

LT. J. L. MJ\RTIN, Instructor

"U" Flight

LT. C. A.. OUSLEY, Instructor

RUSSELL B. PALMITER Brookfield, New York

RALPH PAPl\NIA, Jr. R. D. No. 1 1'le\V \\Taterford, 0.

HENRY W . WOODALL 225 l Peachtree Road Atlanta, Ga.

J. CARLETON WRIGHT 932 Park Avenue Richmond, Va.

JAMES T. WRIGHT 706 S. Fremont Avenue Springfield, Mo.


.- "V" Flight

WlLLIAM R. PERRY Pleasure Beach

t:5--r!:,~":.J.H'--rwaterford, Conn.

WILLIAM F. PRESTON, Jr. 608 Third St. Jackson, Mich.

LAURENCE L. PRINCE 51 7 Cameron Street Alexander, Va.

LT. R. A . OLLPHJ\NT. Jn.scmctor

FRED L. WUPPER 5021 Capitol Avenue Omaha, Neb.

!. H. YOUNG 659 I •2 Main Street Deadwood, S. D.

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---All ,,( yuu h.1vc a place m

this book Tbat place '' nol in \"<'UT picrurc alom:, but in every other p1cwre of cadet life thc•c 1s hen::. Tb~ cadet life :;naps ha'-c

i...-.:n ldt 11nt1tlt:d with good Uit~nt, that .. ~ch l!nl'. mJy title them a.s he wishes .ind some· umc in the future, look through them .1gam and ~a y, "that was Kdly when I was there··

When graduation was moved up the staff took to oxygen and vitamin pills but unmasked and dev1tanumze<l we are:




San1rday mghc .tnd vpcn f'<"I found murc uf Cla•' -12·A in 1h..­harrach had l>c.:n th..- •d-C

C\'Cr before Th" WJS Jlcrc J..-1.111 ! Anychrnj! c J n hJppcn ch..-~

week-end mflhb, a' th.: ._.,._.Ill, of December 7 1..-,11fy, .md Kdlr fadJ was ready los anr C\•·ntu.il11y

Bue \W '"'re fr rtun.11.: th•c th.rr.: wasn't much 0011'1! anJ .,, IA<" f"J!ol pun<? th1~ dct.111 unul a umc ,.11...,. w\' may be abk to ulc mor.: \ll:(>r <llL~ action.

TEN WEEKS AT BASIC- - - - - - - _ -~~-T





This Gig Sheet was meant to be a pictorial review of Kelly Field when you were here. But now-this phase completed, we turn to our missions and our comrades, the men of the present and the future who shall shape the future of ... many things.

(Arthur Oliver and David Anderson were killed in performance of duty, Dec. 18 and Dec. 14, respectively.)

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