ITCO-107 Unit 5 Assignment Guide From Scratch instructions ...

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ITCO-107 Unit 5 Assignment Guide

This individual project uses a pre-populated Excel Workbook containing two Spreadsheets. Download the file using the link in the assignment section of the course. If you are unable to download or use the provided file, you can create the Excel Workbook from scratch using the From Scratch instructions below. If you are able to use the file, skip the From Scratch instructions and start your project with Step 1.

From Scratch Instructions A. Open a new Excel Workbook (Excel document). B. Enter the data illustrated in the screenshot below into the “Sheet 1” tab.

C. At the bottom-left area of the Excel interface, click the button indicated by the green arrow below. This will create a second tab (spreadsheet) in your Workbook.

E. You should now be on the “Sheet2” tab. If not, click that tab. F. Enter the data in the “Sheet2”’ tab as illustrated.


G. Double check that you entered all your data correctly on both the “Sheet1” and “Shee2” tabs. Make any necessary corrections. H. Save your file and proceed to Step 1 below.

Unit 5 – Individual Assignment Instructions

You are the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for a medium sized organization with approximately 1500 employees. Due to recent growth, the company is planning to promote its high performing members of its sale force. As the head of the Technology department, you must review the performance of all the technical sales employees and determine who will be promoted.

Each employee had to complete a product knowledge exam and has been rated by his or her manager. Both the exam score and the manager evaluation were based on a 100-point scale. The scores and evaluations are provided in the spreadsheet. One employee earned a perfect score (100) on the product knowledge exam. Your decision on whom to promote will be based on the employees' overall scores.

Part 1. Review the provided spreadsheet to ensure the accuracy of the current data and correct any errors that you identify. Hint: remember that the exam scores are based on a 100-point scale and that one employee received a perfect score. Be sure that calculations include all values for the column.

• Review all items in the “Product Knowledge Exam” column (E), correct any scores higher than the maximum score.

o Click on cell E18 to select the Product Knowledge Exam score for Richard Yates o Type 100


• The Total “SUM” function in cell C27 does not include all salaries for the employees. You can see that Excel identified a potential issue by the small triangle that appears in the upper, left corner of cell C27

• Click in cell C27, this will display a small yellow symbol with an exclamation mark in it. If you click on this symbol it will give you more information about the potential issue and how to fix it.


• Click on “Update Formula to Include Cells” from the menu. This will update the total as shown below.

Part 2. Complete the remaining analysis and format the spreadsheet to include the following:

Step 1. Someone made an error when formatting the employees' ID numbers and formatted them with decimals. These should be formatted as Social Security Numbers (xxx-xx-xxxx).

• Select all employee ID numbers, click and hold on cell B3, drag down to B26.


• Click on the dialog box launcher in the Number group on the Home tab


• In the Format Cells dialog box that opens, on the Number tab o (A) Under Category, click “Special” o (B) Under Type, click “Social Security Number” o (C) Click Ok

Below shows your employee IDs once properly formatted


Step 2. Calculate the Overall Score for each employee (use a 100-point scale). The Product Knowledge Exam is worth 30% of the overall score and the manager's evaluation is worth 70% of the overall score.

• This step will use a formula. Click in cell G3 (Overall Score for Luke Malfoy). • Enter for formula, =(E3*0.3)+(F3*0.7)

• Click Enter

• To copy this formula to all other employees, hold your mouse over the lower, right corner of H3 to get the small plus sign (AutoFill icon) as shown. Click and drag down to H26 to copy the formula for all other employees

Step 3. In the "Evaluation" column, use a VLOOKUP function to identify employees who will be promoted based on their Overall Scores. Use the data found on Sheet 2 as your table array when writing the formula. Also, as always, use an absolute reference when necessary.


• Click in cell I3 (Evaluation for Luke Malfoy). • Click the fx (Insert Function) button to open the Insert Function window

• In the Insert Function window, type “vlookup” in the “Search for a function: text box. • Click Go • Select VLOOKUP • Click OK, this will open the Function Arguments window.

• In the Function Arguments window. o Select/enter the G3 in Lookup_value (the Overall Score for Luke Malfoy will be

evaluated) o Click in Table_array, click on Sheet2, select A2 through B4, as shown.

o On your keyboard, hit the F4 key. This will change the Table_array from Sheet2!A2:B4 to an absolute value Sheet2!$A$2:$B$4

o In Col_index_num, type 2


o Range_lookup is option, as indicated by the title not shown in bold. This will be left blank.

o Click OK

• Copy the Evaluation function to all remaining employees. You can copy using the AutoFill as you did to copy the Overall Score in Step 2, or select cell I3 where “Needs Improvement” is shown. Click Copy (or CTRL+C on your keyboard).

• Select I4 through I26 so all remaining Evaluation cells are selected.


• Click Paste (or CTRL+V on your keyboard)

Step 4. Format the fonts (colors, sizes, and typefaces) to be both professional and visually appealing.

• Use any font options as long as the data looks professional. Recommendations: use dark font colors, limited fill colors, font size is generally 10 to 12 point.

Step 5. Format the rows and columns so that heights and widths are appropriate for the data.

• Move your cursor in between two column headers or row numbers until your cursor changes to the AutoFit cursor (see below).

• Double-click to AutoFit the column or row. • Repeat this for each column or row.

• Alternatively, you can highlight (select) all your columns at once and double-click between any two column headers to AutoFit them all at once.

• To adjust all columns and rows to widest width and height for data in the cells, click the area above row 1 and to the left of column A.


• Double click the area between two columns to auto adjust all columns, then double click between two rows to auto adjust all rows.

Step 6. Choose a company name and replace "Company Name" in cell A1 with the new name.

• Type a new name of your choice.

Step 7. Identify which employees shall be given raises. In the "Raise (as dollar value)" column. Use an IF function to calculate the employee’s raise based on their Evaluation using the raises listed below:

§ Need Improvement = $0 § Average Performer or High Performer = $3000

• Click in cell D3 (Raise (as dollar value) for Luke Malfoy. • Click the fx (Insert Function) button to open the Insert Function window

• In the Insert Function window, type “IF” in the “Search for a function: text box. • Click Go • Select IF • Click OK, this will open the Function Arguments window.


• In the Function Arguments window. o In Logical_test, click the Evaluation value for Luke Malfoy (cell H3) o Then type the following, = “Needs Improvement”

§ Be sure to type Needs Improvement exactly as shown as it must match case and spacing of the value in the Evaluation column.

o In Value_if_true, type 0 o In Value_if_false, type 3000 o Click OK

• Use AutoFill or Copy and Paste the Function you entered into D3 to the rest of the employee’s raises in column D. Refer back to Step 2 or Step 3 to review AutoFill or Copy/Paste.


Step 8. Use a function or formula to calculate:

o Average Salary Increase o Total Cost of Raises o Total Cost of New Salaries

• To calculate the Average Salary Increase: o Click in cell C29 o Click the Insert Function (fx) button o Search for AVERAGE and click OK o In the Function Arguments window:

§ Click in the Number1 textbox § Click and hold your mouse button down on cell D3, drag down so that you have

select D3 through D26. § Click OK


• To calculate the Total Cost of Raises: o Click in cell C30 o Click the Insert Function (fx) button o Search for SUM and click OK o In the Function Arguments window:

§ Click in the Number1 textbox § Click and hold your mouse button down on cell D3, drag down so that you have

select D3 through D26. § Click OK

• To calculate the Total Cost of New Salaries: o Use a formula to add the Total of Raises (C27) to the Total Cost of Raises (C30)


o Click in cell C31 o Type =C27+C30 o Click enter

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