ITCamp 2012 - Ovidiu Stan - Social media platform with Telligent Community, WCF RESTful and Sitecore

Post on 13-May-2015






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Social media platform with Telligent Community, WCF

RESTful and Sitecore

Ovidiu Stan, Software Architect

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Development ITCamp 2012 sponsors

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• SvS – The Business (Requirements)

• SvS – The Solution (Architecture)

• Telligent Community – Short Intro


• Akamai CDN

• Sitecore CMS – Short Intro


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• The client: Cadbury – Biggest UK chocolate manufaturer, World’s second

– Official Trait Provider for London 2012 Olympics

The Business

• The campaign: “Spots vs Stripes” (SvS) – “Biggest funest game ever”

– “Cadbury is inviting the nation to divide into two teams, Spots v Stripes and play all sorts of games in the run up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012”

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• Much more than just software:

• Real world events & games

• TV ads, TV Show participation (e.g. NBC’s Minutes To Win It)

• Rich presence on social networks: YouTube channels, Facebook, Twitter

• Prizes: Olympics tickets, sweets, cash

Spots v Stripes Campaign

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Development System Requirements

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Development Spots v Stripe – Games

Real World Games Flash Games


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Development SvS Architecture – High Level

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Development API Platform - Architecture

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Development API Platform - Architecture

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Development SvS Architecture - Infrastructure

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Development Telligent Community – Short Intro

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Development Telligent Community – Short Intro

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• Ready-to-use Social Network/Community portal with features like: • Profiles

• Groups

• Friends/Connections

• Blogs, Wikis, Forums

• Search

• RSS Feeds

• Administration: user management, content management

• Moderation

• Extensible platform allowing customization at two levels: • UI: new pages, custom widgets, cutom themes

• API: RESTful API exposing most of the platform functionality: – 3rd party integration

– New UI functionality

Telligent Community – Short Intro

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Development Telligent Community – Short Intro

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Development Telligent Community – Short Intro

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Development Telligent Community – Short Intro

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Development Telligent Community – Short Intro

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Development Telligent Community – Short Intro

Creating Custom Widgets

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1. Derive from ExternallyImplementedConfigurableContentFragmentBase

Telligent Community – Short Intro

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2. Implement PollsWidget.ascx and access property values

Telligent Community – Short Intro

3. Compile the web app and deploy it All widgets implement IContentFragment interface.

The available base classes (including ExternallyImplementedContentFragmentBase) implements it too.

When Telligent loads, it finds all the classes from /bin folder that implement this interface

Widget base classes:

ContentFragmentBase – no config values and no external ascx file.

ConfigurableContentFragmentBase – has config values bu no external ascx file.

ExternallyImplementedContentFragmentBase – external ascx file, no config values

ExternallyImplementedConfigurableContentFragmentBase – external ascx file and config vlues

For the first two, controls are added by overriding:

AddContentControls(System.Web.UI.Control control)

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Development Telligent Community – Short Intro

• Telligent Community Platform API - Example

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• Platform API categories: Users

Add user: POST api.ashx/v2/users.xml (or .json)

Delete user: POST (Header: DELETE)api.ashx/v2/users/{username}.xml (or .json)

Validate user password


Activity messages



Blog posts and comments



Content Search


Telligent Community – Short Intro

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• SvS.CommunityClient (façade): wraps some of the Telligent’s API

Telligent Community – Short Intro

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• RESTful web services - key concepts o Statelessness:

By design, RESTful services are stateless

No storage on server between requests

All information needed is in the request

o Resources: The services act upon resources

Each resource must have in ID resulting in a URI

Example: Users, groups, status messages

o Representation of data: The same resource can have multiple representations

Example: user detail and follower detail

o By design work over HTTP.

o Use standart HTTP verbs for the operations: • GET, POST, PUT, DELETE

• POST can be used to do any updates, including additions and deletions

API Platform – RESTful Services

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• WS-* vs RESTful

• WCF: WSHttpBinding vs WebHttpBinding

• Arguments for RESTful in this project:

• Callers are mostly client side elements: flash games, javascript (Ajax

with JQuery)

• Light messages

• Both XML and JSON message format are required

• Easier to be used by clients (SOAP is hard to use without proxy


• WS-* advanced features were not necessary: transaction, federation,


• Alternatives to WebHttpBinding:

• ASP.NET Web API – part of ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta

API Platform – WCF RESTful

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• WS-* vs RESTful

• WCF: WSHttpBinding vs WebHttpBinding

• Arguments for RESTful in this project:

• Callers are mostly client side elements: flash games, javascript (Ajax

with JQuery)

• Light messages

• Both XML and JSON message format are required

• Easier to be used by clients (SOAP is hard to use without proxy


• WS-* advanced features were not necessary: transaction, federation,


• Alternatives to WebHttpBinding:

• ASP.NET Web API – part of ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta

API Platform – WCF RESTful

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Development API Platform – Examples

• POST user/supporting/add


• GET searchUser/{searchText}


Request: • POST submitmultiplayergame/


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• Client applications authentication & authorization: o Protected API methods can be accessed only by authorized client apps.

o The client apps will be identified based on a application name and a private key.

• Message integrity o The data from the request cannot be modified by 3rd parties

o For example the Score parameter for the SubmitGame method

• End User authentication o Some API methods require to be executed in the context of an end user

o For these methods, both the caller app and the user it’s impersonating must be authenticated

• Avoid replay attacks o repeating valid requests either by the originator or by a third who intercepts

the request

API Platform – Security

API Security - Requirements

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Require the callers to embed this info in the request:

API Platform – Security

API Security - Implementation

HTTP Header SvS-Authorization:

application=<ApplicationName>, user=<UserName>, nonce=<Timestamp>, signature=<md5hash>

AppName ApiKey

ClientApp1 rjvm4Y8hrKkJwfM

ClientApp2 NmD9BaDk6uS5OkS

ClientApp3 L6EYXMQAEMKHcbh

Keep the client apps in a DB table

• AppName – unique for each client

Generate and provide the client apps

developers with a private key (ApiKey)

• ApplicationName – client app name • UserName – SvS user the caller is impersonating • Nonce – timestamp, different for each request • Signature =

MD5(ApiKey, SessionId, Nonce) SessionId: provided by Login API method

Client Apps Table

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API Method: Login(userName, password) • Authorize caller (client application)

• Validate userName & password against SvS DB and Telligent

• Generate a SessionId and stores it in the cache

• Return the SessionId to the caller

API Platform - Security

API Security - Implementation

User Name

SessionId Nonce

User1 Brgsi4KR8f3BeVj 88258960234

User2 D67NZwChfBT7Z08 88258960236

User3 kUGSpND68kVWlJ5 88258960238

Cache: List of UserSession

Authorize() – internal method (called from each API Method)

• Look up the <ApplicationName> in ClientApps table

• Look up <UserName> in Cache

• Compare provided <Nonce> with session Nonce

• Update session Nonce

• Calculate signature in the same way as the client has done it:

MD5(ApiKey, SessionId, Nonce)

• Compare the signatures

Expire: 15 mins

Alternatives: SSL, OAuth

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Register Service Routes: Hub.Services.Api.Web / Global.asax / Application_Start

API Platform – Code Sample

Service Contract Interface: Hub.Services.Api.Shared / IScoresService

Service Implementation: Hub.Services.Api / ScoresService

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• Content Delivery Network (CDN) o A large distributed system of servers deployed in multiple data

centers in the Internet

o The servers are optimized for file serving

o When a user request a resource from CDN, the server that is geographically closer to the user serves the resource

o Akamai, one of the biggest CDNs delivers 20 % if of the world’s traffic

Content Delivery Networks - Intro

• Advantages using a CDN

o Reduce the load on your servers

o Support higher traffic

o Reduce the load time to end users

o Geolocation

o May deffend against DDoS attacks

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• Website development targeting CDNs:

• No dynamic content rendered by the server • All “personalized” user content is updated client side

• No session • Most of the page requests will not hit the origin server

• Set HTTP caching headers: • Cache-control (ex: Cache-Control: public, max-age=600)

– max-age (seconds), public, private, no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate

• Last-Modified

• Expires – like max-age but absolute date value

• When both Cache-Control and Expires are present, Cache-Control takes


Content Delivery Networks - Intro

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• SvS: Configuring HTTP Cache headers in Sitecore

Akamai and SvS Website

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• Configuring HTTP Cache headers in Sitecore

Akamai and SvS Website

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• Customized content is updated client side • Ajax calls to SvS API

Akamai and SvS Website

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Development Sitecore – Short Intro

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Q & A

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