
  • Responsibilities. Making choice based on the needs of the family. Sacrifice.

  • Family expectations and relationship adjustments for newly wed.Career Adjustment.Pregnancy and physical adjustment.Arrival of the new born and parental adjustment.Socio-cognitive adjustment.Spiritual adjustment.

  • Financial adjustment.Children entering the stage of adolescents.Husband and wife relationships in the forties.Ageing period and terminal illness.

  • 21st century Husband

    BreadwinnerCareerFather FigureFamily Psychological Needs

  • 21st Century Wife

    Career women with married statusCareer women with unmarried statusComplete HomemakerCareer women with single parent status by choice

  • Multiple Roles of Career and Married Women


  • Positive ImpactsTrains children to be independent and mature.FinancialShare Responsibilities between spouses.Strengthten Relationship.Ensures Quality Time

  • Manage time effectivelyFinds quality child-care programmeProvides conducive home environment for child upbringing.Effective communication

  • Negative Impacts

    Lack of quality time for child upbringingBreakdown family communicationBad parenting styleBad time managementSeparation and divorceUnderestimate the importance of closeness with family members and time sharingFail to do responsibilities effectivelyTiredness.

  • Single parentis someone who is bringing up a child or children on their own, because the other parent is not living with them.It may occurs as a result of loss (death, divorce or abandonment by one parent).

  • Income of single parent is less as opposed to two-parent home.A single parent may likely include his/her child in parents daily chores.Parenting baby alone.A single parent discusses activities and chores with his/her child.

  • The parents ageParents occupationParents incomeFamily support network (friends and extended family members)

  • Children from single parent home tend to exhibit the following characteristics :Children who went through divorce have problems in school; namely depression and emotional stress.Children are living in poverty due to low income.Number of children getting pregnant at tender age is increasing (teen pregnancy).Low school achievement.

  • Father is an integral part of family.The absence of a good role father may expose children to the dangers of drug abuse, emotional & health problems and stress & anger.

  • Male/Female to unconditionally marry unlimited number of spousesOther culture/ faith allows.Islam allows but on conditions. Bounded by limit until it is fulfilled.

  • Financial, Physical and Emotional Ability.Equal treatment of wivesApproved by prospective female to this kind of marriageThe wives among those who are not prohibited for him to marry either permanently (aunt, daughter) or temporary (marrying two sister abreast) and limited to a maximum number of four wives at time.

  • NoWHY?It is only permissible but not to simply satisfy lust

  • Prohibits devastating extra-marital affairs. Women to be respected, dignity in marriage relationship

  • Laws implement through eras relevant for all circumstances.In Islam, a man should have wives and woman should have husband.

  • Women denies rights to shelter, property, love and protection.Breakdown of family unit. Disintegration of ummah.Working woman spent extra hours to support familyChildren are not granted with quality care, parental love, attention, good education and monitoring.Children lacking worldly and spiritual education and guidance.Decline in schools School dropouts.Forced child labourCommunication breakdown between single parent and children.Rise in social ills (mothers-children) involved in immoral activities, i.e: prostitution, abuse, incest, prostitution, addiction, gangsterism, bully, extortion etc.

  • Passion is not only associated with mere satisfaction of passion but with compassion toward widows and orphans.

    Even in such situations, the permission is far more restricted than the practice that has existed before or even now.


  • Dealing justly with ones wife is an obligations applies to housing, foods, kind treatment , the husband has complete obligation towards his wives and kids.These are better than the husband divorcing all of his wife and marry another one.


  • If one is not sure to deal justly with them, Allah will says to marry only one wifeThis practice is far better and honourable than the husband secretly having a mistress or involving with a prostitute. (adultery)


  • The requirement of justice between wives rule out fantasy that a man can have many wives as he pleases, rule out the secondary wife as all wives are entitled to identical rights and claim over their husband.FROM

  • The Qur`anic verse says marry not buy, seduce, select; but rather both parties must consent to the marriage no woman shall be forced to marrying a married man In Islam there is no secret marriage free choice for both parties.FROM

  • Special Education Any programmme which provides for children with disabilities as opposed to attending formal classroom learning.Steps to be taken :Seek support groupReliance on positive sources of lifeTake one step at a timeGather informationDont give up hopeDont be intimidated

  • Express your emotionLearn to deal with your feelingMaintain positive outlookKeep in touch with realitySearch suitable programme with your kidTake care of yourselfAvoid pityDecide how to deal with othersKeep daily routine as normal as possibleKnow your rightsKeeps careful records

  • Survival and maintenance of family Paying the bills and managing the household

    More difficult if parent has to raise a children

  • 1) Family Living in Poverty

  • 2) Stress and Depression

  • 3) Loose Family ties

  • 4) Social Ills- theft, robbery

  • And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphan girls, then marry those that please you of [other] women, two or three or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then [marry only] one or those your right hand possesses. That is more suitable that you may not incline [to injustice].(4:3)

  • And you will never be able to be equal [in feeling] between wives, even if you should strive [to do so]. So do not incline completely [toward one] and leave another hanging. And if you amend [your affairs] and fear Allah - then indeed, Allah is ever Forgiving and Merciful.(4:129)

  • And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, (2:155)And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah . Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him].(3:159)

  • When you get your daughter married, let her marry a man of faith; if he loves her, he will treat her nobly and if he hates her, he will not be unfair. (Said by salaf)


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