Issue20 April Eng Online

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  • 7/31/2019 Issue20 April Eng Online


    Connecting Asia Pacific and Africa March / April 2012

    Presidents Health and Saety Awards ASEAN Ranger Challenge

    Focus on CQ2

  • 7/31/2019 Issue20 April Eng Online


    One Team One Plan One Goal @Ford is publishe d or the people o Asia Paciic and Arica, Ford MotorCompany, by Ford Communications 20th Floor, Lake Rajada OiceComplex, 193/82-86 Ratchadapisek Road, Klo ngtoey, Bangkok, 10110,Thailand. Director/Publisher: Whitney Foard Small; Managing Editor:Leigh Murray; Editor: Gregor McClenaghan; Writers: PRISM Asia Paciic

    and Arica Content Factory; Design: Smarty Pothithet

    A publication o Ford Communications Network. April 2012.

    Please send ques tions and comments on this issue to

    @Ford March / April 2012

    I have recently returned rom Taiwan, where we unveiled the all-new

    Focus, the all-new Ranger pickup truck, and the one and only Mustang!

    Ford is bringing our new vehicles to Taiwan this year, demonstrating

    our aggressive growth plans in APA.

    A ew hours aer we took the wraps o the Mustang in Taiwan,

    Michael Boneham, Felix Guillen and several ocials in India laid the

    oundation stone or the paint shop at our new USD 1 billion integrated

    manuacturing acility in Sanand, Gujarat.

    At the end o March I joined Peter Fleet and the ASEAN team in Thai-

    land or the Bangkok Motor Show, where we introduced the all-new

    Focus, the Fiesta 1.5-litre, and tested the waters or bringing the Terri-

    tory to markets outside Australia.

    The Fiesta 1.5-litre is a great One Ford story. Aer the Thai government

    introduced a tax rebate or vehicles with 1.5-litre displacement and

    below or rst time customers (our 1.6-litre Fiesta did not qualiy), our

    APA team sprang into action. Kumar Galhotra, Dave Filipe and many

    others worked with the engine plant in Chennai, vehicle PD in Europe,

    calibration and homologation in North America, and the plant in Thai-

    land to bring the 1.5-litre Fiesta to market in just six months. Beore

    One Ford it would have taken us 24 months to do this.

    This is a great example o how we are Going Further to meet and

    exceed the expectations o our customers.

    These continue to be very exciting times in APA. We just opened the

    second Chongqing assembly plant and we are launching the all-new

    Focus in China. At the Beijing auto show in April, we will have a global

    product reveal along with many other great new products to discuss.

    The new plant in Thailand Ford Thailand Manuacturing will open

    on May 3, as we roll out the all-new Focus across ASEAN later this year

    When unveiling the Mustang in Taiwan , we also talked about our

    global brand promise - Go Further. Go Further inspires and inorms us,

    and reminds us that we Go Further so our customers can too.

    I know you are all Going Further or Ford and our customers.

    Thank you or all you do or us, every day.


    Hello Everyone,

    Going Further in APA

    Joe HinrichsPresident, Asia Pacic and Arica

    Ford Motor Company

    03 Global Watch

    Genius in Geneva

    04 Cover Story

    Fords massive new plant, CQ2, goes online

    07 ASEAN Ranger Challenge

    Ready to take on the toughest?

    08 JapanAn exclusive interview with the new MD

    09 Global Electronics Forum

    Ford technology in SYNC with the uture

    10 Presidents Health and Saety Awards

    Health and Saety Heroes

    12 News roundup

    A look at whats happening throughout APA

    14 Ford aces

    Pillar people



    09 10


  • 7/31/2019 Issue20 April Eng Online


    global watch

    Genius in GenevaIn snowy Switzerland, Ford displayed an avalanche o eyecatching new models at theGeneva Motor Show, including the B-MAX and Fiesta ST, the all-new Kuga and theTourneo Custom Concept.

    It was a display that emphasised Fordscommitment to new products and itscondence in the uture.The B-MAX is a one-o-a-kind vehicle thatcaused a stir at last years Geneva show andwas back this year in production-ready guise.

    Based on the companys global B-car platorm shared with the Fiesta the compactmulti-activity vehicle (MAV) will be one o themost technologically advanced small cars inEurope when it goes on sale in late 2012.

    A key eature is the Easy Access Door System,which provides unobstructed entry and exitthrough hinged ront doors and sliding reardoors which integrate the central body pillars.

    As well as space, access and fexibility, it hassuperior uel economy and CO2 emissionperormance or both petrol and diesel enginesand is the rst European car to oer SYNC,Fords voice-activated, in-car connectivitysystem eaturing Emergency Assistance.

    Measuring just over 4 metres in length - 11cmlonger than the Fiesta ve-door and a ull32cm shorter than the new C-MAX theB-MAX slots into todays ast-growing demandor downsized cars which are suited tocongested urban conditions but which dont

    compromise interior space and comort.

    The Tourneo Custom Concept

    A version o this story originally appeared in the European edition o @Ford.

    The B-Max goes on sale in Europe later this year

    New DirectionThe Tourneo Custom Concept modelindicates a new design direction or thecompanys commercial vehicle range.

    The concept model is based on Fordsnew global one-tonne platorm, whichhasbeen engineered to deliver car-likedynamics, including agile, responsivehandling, enhanced comort and reducednoise-levels.

    It is not only the driving dynamics that are

    car-like; the vehicle also has a new interiordesign with the high-quality materials oa modern saloon, as well as high levels otechnology.

    Among the smart, innovative eaturesincluded on the concept are Fordsadvanced low-CO2 eatures includingAuto-Start-Stop and Smart RegenerativeCharging.

    Visitors to the Ford stand in Geneva werealso given the rst opportunity to try outthe companys rst-ever all-electric pas-senger car, the Focus Electric.

    n@Ford APA March / April 2012 3

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    cover story

    4 @Ford APA March / April 2012n

    Fords China joint venture hasopened one o the worldsmost ecient and sustainableauto plants in Chongqing


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    cover story

    n@Ford APA March / April 2012 5

    Sustainable, fexible, qualitymanuacturing

  • 7/31/2019 Issue20 April Eng Online


    cover story

    6 @Ford APA March / April 2012n

    Zero-discharge o wastewater: All wastewater istreated in an onsite acility and reused in theplant. Carbon dioxide emissions at the actoryare less than 40g/sq m.

    58 mil. kWhof electricity

    Power almost 20,000households for a year


    Using state-o-the-art technology and smart ideas rom re-circulating the air in the spray booth torecovering heat energy rom the oven exhaust thepaint shop is able to return massive savings everyyear.

    Electricity: 58 million kWhEnough to power almost 20,000 households in amajor Chinese city or a year or to light up the entireBund in Shanghai day and night or almost two and ahal years

    Water: 61,000 m3Enough to ll 24 Olympic-sized swimming pools orsupply 510 Chinese households or a year

    USD 2.5 million

    More savings than ever

    Rotational dip technology Three-Wet High Solids paint



    Beore a car is painted, it has to go through dip tanksor cleaning, degreasing and corrosion protection.

    With the rotational dip technology, the car bodyrotates 360 degrees through the tanks, resulting in amore uniorm coating, and dirt particles are fushedout even rom hard-to-reach cavities. This systemsaves water, chemicals and electricity.

    Vehicles are painted in three wet coats beore beingbaked just once in the oven.

    This saves electricity, cuts carbon dioxide emissionsby 15 per cent, and reduces the amount o wastevolatile organic compounds by 20 per cent. Thehigh-solids paint delivers a superior nish with greaterdurability and better resistance to scratches andstone chips.

    1 2 3

    The stamping press will be one o the astest in the world:15 shots per minute with a die change time o 4-5 minutes

    116 robots in the body shop or spot welding

    CQ2s body shop employs automation or critical welds toensure quality and saety

    Rotational dip technology car rotated 360 degrees in diptanks during pre-treatment.

    Three-Wet High Solids paint technology vehicles arepainted in three wet coats beore being baked.

    40 spray robots

    Electric smart pumps circulate paint only when needed.

    Thermal oxidizer recovers energy rom oven exhaust toheat water.

    Scissor lis on the conveyor system are ergonomicallydesigned or employees ease o movement

    Kitting system improves eciency and quality by deliver-ing model-specic parts to the line sequentially

    Robots ensure quality by applying sealer and installing thewindshield

    Quality Leadership System tracks parts and processes,electronically error proong the production process

    Wheel alignment checked by 3D laser beams or greater


    Environmentally riendly workplaceBuildings are naturally ventilated and designedto maximise natural light. Energy-ecient LEDlights are used. A roller belt conveyor system isused instead o a chain conveyor, saving energyand reducing noise.

    Less Waste

  • 7/31/2019 Issue20 April Eng Online



    n@Ford APA March / April 2012 7

    ASEAN challenges THE RANGER

    The Global Ranger Challenge has seen theaward-winning pickup climb mountains, cross rivers andpull jumbo loads including a boat and an elephant in therugged terrain o Australia, South Arica and Thailand.

    Now the contest is rolling out to other ASEAN markets tocoincide with the launch o the Ranger in the Philippines,Indonesia and Vietnam.

    Members o the public enter online, writing a short de-scription o how they would like to challenge the Ranger.

    All o the challenges will be entered rom the samegeo-targeted Facebook page, so somebody logging inrom a Vietnam IP address, or example, will be automati-cally directed to the Vietnam Ranger Challenge page.

    Finalists are sent out with a lm crew to record the Rangertackling their tasks, with the videos put to an online vote.The challenger who gets the most votes in each marketwill drive away in an all-new Ranger o their own.

    Previous Ranger Challenges have been documented byhired lm crews, but or this leg o the programme Ford istrying something new. Film schools in each o the threecountries have been selected as partners and will use the

    challenges as part o their courses, with student lm

    makers getting a rare opportunity to showcase their skills.

    We are looking or not only local stories or the globalRanger, but local execution o those stories, said StevenTan, manager o ASEAN marketing and sales.

    They are getting real world experience and will showcasetheir lm to a global audience. Its a great opportunity orthem to be able to produce a lm or a multi-nationalcompany, and they are very excited at the prospect omaking it part o their curriculum. They will have a piece owork that can give them a lot o credibility.

    He said the nalists would be chosen based on how theirstories could showcase the Rangers capabilities and helptell the story o Ranger versus the world.

    They have to be authentic, real and interesting, and wewant the stories to bring out the culture o the country.With the challenges in Thailand, or example, we had aRanger towing a trailer with an elephant, and another thatinvolved reaching a hill tribe. The local element is impor-tant - we want people to see the lms and think this iswhat the all-new Ranger could do or me and my busi-ness, my amily, my riends and the community.

    As the all-new Ranger gears up to launch in ASEAN marketsthe public have the chance to put the tough truck to the test

  • 7/31/2019 Issue20 April Eng Online



    8 @Ford APA March / April 2012n

    A year on,stronger than ever

    The massive earthquake and subsequent

    tsunami in March last year devastatedparts o Japan and impacted Fordsoperations in the afected area. But whenToshio Morita took over as managingdirector o Ford Japan in October, thecompany was well and truly on the pathto recovery.

    Immediately ollowing the catastrophic events, and in the monthsthat ollowed, it was a dierent story.

    Sendai City in Miyagi Preecture was one o the worst aectedareas, and is the location o Kamei Auto, which has been dealingin Ford products since 1929.

    Thankully, it was not damaged and was able to reopen withindays, though access to supplies o ood and uel was challenging which is where Ford stepped in to help.

    Ford was swi to provide whatever support was necessary toensure each dealer was able to resume normal operations asquickly as possible, and that all employees were sae.

    We successully overcame the challenges, and in act, evenmanaged to increase our 2011 sales by 18 per cent rom theprevious year. O course its not only due to our eorts, but alsoour dealerships and customers, Morita said recently.

    It was certainly a unique time to transition into the top job, butdespite setbacks rom the tragedy, Morita says Fords employeesin Japan are highly motivated.

    We have a clear plan and strategy or the uture, he said, addingthat the arrival o the all-new Ford Explorer last year and theuture launches o the all-new Ford Focus and other global OneFord vehicles will urther strengthen Fords growth in the market.

    The Japanese market is very competitive, there are a lot o goodJapanese manuacturers and most o the oreign automotivecompanies are putting good products into Japan. But I believe ourOne Ford global products are much better than what is out there,Morita said.

    Morita joined Ford Japan in 1994, and during his 17-year career hasworked in many areas o the business rom sales and marketing,to production planning, and nance.

    His priority since becoming managing director has been to helpaccelerate Fords better plan in Japan, and continue to build onFords positive image.

    Everyone is excited about our new One Ford products, he said.

    And its my responsibility to continue driving the businessorward with the introduction o these new products, as well asurther enhancing our relationships with our loyal dealers andcustomers.

    O course, we are always looking or new and unique ways to GoFurther, added Morita.

  • 7/31/2019 Issue20 April Eng Online



    n@Ford APA March / April 2012 9

    The high-tech uture o FordFord is becoming more than a car company as it embraces technology, APAs con-nected services manager told the Global Electronics Forum.




  • 7/31/2019 Issue20 April Eng Online


    Healthand Saety Heroes

    The Ford Presidents Health and SaetyAwards (PHSA) are a chance to thank thepeople who work hard to prevent accidents,promote health and save lives


    10 @Ford APA March / April 2012n

    A quick response by Dr Xiao (r) and nurse

    Tan saved a colleagues lie last year

  • 7/31/2019 Issue20 April Eng Online


    APAs 2011 PHSAwinners and nalists

    Career Achievement Award:

    Tim Crough, Saety Manager, APA (In Memoriam)

    Regional Winners Excellence in Saety Culture and StandardsAward:Ford Australia Geelong: Pedestrian Exclusion ZonesFord India: Die Bolt Error Proong

    Regional Winners Excellence in Health Award:Ford Lio Ho Assembly: Employee Personal Health PromotionFord Philippines: Health and Wellness Fair

    Perormance Gold Award Winners - Manuacturing Facilities:Geelong Aluminum CastingNanjing Engine Plant

    Perormance Gold Award Winner Non-manuacturing Facilities:

    Nanjing Research and Engineering Center

    Special Contribution Awards:Dr. Bonakele Qabaka, Straundale Engine Plant:Outstanding leadership in health and saetyStraundale Engine Plant Wellness Programme Team:(Ivy Appolis, Serano Vardy, Kurt Bothman, Siphiwo Dyani)Implementation o HIV/AIDs prevention program

    Liesaving Awards:

    Chongqing Assembly 1: Xueqin Tan and Yun XiaoSuccessul response to an employee cardiac arrest by plant medicalteam

    Regional Finalists Excellence in Saety Culture and StandardsAward:

    Chongqing Assembly 1: Saety Dojo or Orientation TrainingFord India: Reduction o In-plant Vehicle AccidentsFord India: Enhancement o Crane and Die Loading Saety TrainingFord Thailand Manuacturing: Test Track Saety ProcessesFord Vietnam: Improved Working Conditions in Paint Shop

    Regional Finalists Excellence in Health Award:

    Ford Australia: Workplace Health Checks Program


    n@Ford APA March / April 2012 11

    HIV / AIDsawareness is atop priority orhealth teams atFord MotorCompany oSouthern Arica.

  • 7/31/2019 Issue20 April Eng Online


    12 @Ford APA March / April 2012n

    Taiwan launch or Fiesta

    Ford China holds sports session or media in Beijing

    Charity Pedal Powered by Ford

    Ford Vietnam launches fh year o DSFL

    News Roundup

  • 7/31/2019 Issue20 April Eng Online


    Huge demand or Explorer in Japan

    news roundup

    n@Ford APA March / April 2012 13

    Focus makes ASEAN debut in Bangkok

    Ford Club Philippines 10th Anniversary

    Ford India expanding sales and service centres

  • 7/31/2019 Issue20 April Eng Online


    Ford aces

    14 @Ford APA March / April 2012n

    Pillar people

    Alisea Ann Chetty

    Job title: CorporateCommunicationsManager, Ford MotorCompany o SouthernArica

    Communications leador which pillar: Quality

    Scott Chang

    Job title: SustainabilityCommunications Man-ager, Ford China

    Communications leador which pillar: Green

    Praew Jitjuajun

    Job title: APA Technol-ogy CommunicationStrategy Manager

    Communications leador which pillars: Sae

    and Smart

    What is the most important message carried by your pillar?

    How do you help newspapers and magazines spread that message?

    What was your most successul pillar story o the last year? Which media ran it, and why do you think it worked?

    Looking orward, which events, launches or other stories do you think will have a big impact or your pillar in 2012?

    Fords brand pillars o Quality, Green, Smart and Sae allow the media and customers to under-stand what the company and its products are about. Fords communications teams look or waysto bring stories about Fords business, products and pillars to lie.

  • 7/31/2019 Issue20 April Eng Online




















    Wishing Ford good fortune fromthe engine plant

    The 2012dealer conferenceatthe

    HardRockHotelin Bali













    teamwinning the annual

    5S competition





  • 7/31/2019 Issue20 April Eng Online


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