ISSN 0036·9144 I · PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION 97, 240. RECENT REPORTS 32,64,96, 137, 170, 202, 237, 281. REVIEWS AINLEY et al -Breeding biology of Adelie Penguin 232; ALl - Pictorial

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Vol. 13 INDEX 1984·1985


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Edited by


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Index prepared by S. R. D. da PRATO

Volume 13 1984 - 1985

(The Scottish Bird Reports for 1983 and 1984 form part of Volume 13 but are paged separately and not indexed)

Vol. 13 INDEX 283

INDEX TO VOLUME 13 The index is in three parts - Contents, Plates and Species - The Scot­

tish Bird Reports are paged separately and not indexed.


Breeding lowland waders in east Sutherland (J. & C. F. Barrett) 2-7. The status of the Mute Swan in the Lothians (A. W. & L. M. Brown) 8-15. Birdwatching in Inverness (R. H. Dennis) 15-19. Numbers and spacing of summering Snow Buntings and snow cover in

the Cairngorms (T. P. Milsom & A. Watson) 19-23. The Isle of May Bird Observatory & Field Station 1934-84 : some personal

reflections (J. H. B. Munro) 34-39. Long term seabird monitoring on the Isle of Canna (R. L. Swann & A. D.

K. Ramsay) 40-47. Notes on the Collared Dove in south east Sutherland (D. Macdonald) 48-

51. Isle of May Bird Observatory & Field Station Report for 1983 (B. Zon­

frillo) 66-73. Winter sightings of Peregrines at Caerlaverock (R. Mearns) 73-77. Breeding seabirds on the Yell Sound islands, Shetland (J. A. Fowler, M.

Heubeck & R. J. Tulloch) 77-83. Birdwatching on the East Lothian coast (S. R. D. da Prato) 83-86. Habitats and distribution of waders breeding on Scottish agricultural

land (H. Galbraith, R. W. Furness & R. J. Fuller) 98-107. The status of the Corn Bunting in the Lothians (A. W. Brown, M. R.

Leven & S. R. D. da Prato) 107-11. The year of an Orcadian field (P. Heppleston) 111-114. The Scottish Mute Swan census 1983 (A. W. & L. M. Brown) 140-148. Divers in the Moray Firth, Scotland (J. & C. F. Barrett) 149-154. Bird research at the University of Glasgow (R. W. Furness) 155-159. The current status and distribution of terns in the Outer Hebrides (N. E.

Buxton) 172-178. Scavenging of Salmon carcases by birds (R. Hewson) 179-182. Ornithological studies at Dundee University (J. J . D. Greenwood) 183-184. The breeding birds of agricultural land in south east Scotland (S. R. D.

da Prato) 203-216. Isle of May Bird Observatory and Field Station Report for 1984 (B. Zon-

frillo) 217-224. Oil-related Eider mortality in Scapa Flow, Orkney (E. R. Meek) 225-228. Wintering Goldeneye in the Moray Firth (J. & C. F. Barrett) 241-249. Storm Petrel ringing in Caithness (H. Clark) 250-257. Counts of some breeding birds in two recently afforested areas of Kin-

tyre (S. J. Petty) 258-262. Golden Eagles and lambs in Badenoch, Highland (D. N. Weir) 263-267.


Greenland White-fronted Goose census (D. A. Stroud) 23-24.

284 INDEX Vo!. 13

Work on Golden Eagle and Peregrine in N E Scotland in 1983 (S. Payne & A. Watson) 24-26.

Storm Petrel attacking Great Skua (A. C. Blackburn) 26. Melanic Black Guillemot in Shetland (P. J. Ewins) 26. Transportation of Mourning Dove nest to Montrose (N. K. Atkinson) 51-

52. Scottish Storm Petrels in Iceland (J. A. Fowler & R. Swinfen) 52. Dartford Warbler in Berwickshire (R. D. Murray) 52-53. Two female Hen Harriers at the same nest (E. R. Meek) 53-54. Kingfisher attacked by Magpie (M. Mowat) 54. Young Crossbill feeding a sibling (D. Nethersole-Thompson & D. Whit-

taker) 87. Golden Eagle and Fox competing for Mountain Hare (J. J. Rowe) 87-88. Large, temporary roost of Jays in Midlothian (J. G. Young) 88. Common Buzzard eating dead Salmon (D. Jenkins) 88. Mink in a Black-headed Gull colony in the Pentlands (A. W. & L. M.

Brown) 89_ Unusual Peregrine kill (I. C. Macleod, K. Duncan & I. Sim) 90. Unusual roost site of Pied Wagtails (T. W. Dougall) 115-116. Unusual Wren roost (K. E. Hart) 116. Unusual behaviour of Long-tailed Tits (S. R. Hacker) 116. Unusual Dipper nest site (M. Shimeld) 117. Successive use of same site by two female Merlins (B. L. Cosnette) 118. Common Buzzards feeding on fish carrion at Loch Lomond (J. Mitchell)

118. Raptor study group reports (D. Dick) 162-166. Breeding by an Orkney Hen Harrier on the Scottish mainland (N. Picozzi

& J. Watson) 186-187. A new breeding site for the Atlantic Gannet (N. E. Buxton) 187-188. High density breeding and ground nesting of Carrion Crows (G. W. Reb­

ecca) 188. Merlin calling in autumn (T. W. Dougall) 188-189. Disappearance of the Corn Bunting from south east Sutherland (D. Mac-

donald) 189. Kittiwake movements in the Firth of Forth (A. D. Inglis) 189-190. Woodcock with abnormal bill (P. Cunningham) 190. Peregrine prey (P. Stirling-Aird) 190-191. Wellingtonias and Treecreepers (N. Rankin) 228. Common Gulls successfully nesting on a roof in Aberdeen (M. A. Sulli-

van) 229. Pied Wagtails roosting in Birch tree (C. A. Munro) 229. Dipper covering eggs (M. Purvey) 230. Glider attacked by Golden Eagle (M. Gn!"gory) 230-231. Unusual method of killing prey by Sparrowhawk (B. J . Broadley) 268.

Dipper with one leg (B. J. Broadley) 268. Waders wintering on Colonsay and Oronosay (D. C. Jardine, J. Clarke

& P. M. Clarke) 268-269. Oystercatcher laying in Lapwing nest (M. Purvey) 270.

Interaction between Marsh Harrier and Roe Deer (R. C. Dickson) 270.

Vo!. 13 INDEX 285


EDITORIAL 1, 33, 65, 97, 139, 171, 239.

FIELDWORK REPORTS 56-59, 191-196.

LETTERS Retiral of Major Peirse­Duncombe 1; Crested Tits 54.

LITERATURE OF SCOTTISH IN­TEREST 28, 61, 91, 122, 167, 198, 233, 274.

OBITUARIES 125 (Irene Water­ston); 160 (Sir Arthur Duncan); 185 (Sir Charles Connell) : 271 (Maxwell Hamilton) .


RECENT REPORTS 32,64,96, 137, 170, 202, 237, 281.

REVIEWS AINLEY et al - Breeding biology of Adelie Penguin 232; ALl - Pictorial guide to the birds of the Indian sub-continent 119; ALI & RIPLEY - Handbook of the birds of India and Pakistan 120; ASH - Birds of Somalia 122; BLAKE et al - Atlas of Austra­lian birds 198: BOOTH et al -Birds of Orkney 167: BRAZIL -Finding birds in Japan 122; BROCKIE - One man's island 121; CAMPBELL & LACK - A dictionary of birds 273; CHAP­MAN - Countryside and wildlife for the disabled 232; DUNN & BLOM - Field guide to the birds of North America 90; ELKINS -Weather and bird behaviour 28; EV ANS et al - Coastal waders and wildfowl in winter 198;

FEARE - The Starling 121; FLINT et al - Field guide to the birds of USSR 120; FREETHY - British birds in their habitats 232; FRY -Bee-eaters 119; HANCOCK Herons handbook, Birds of the Wetlands 197; HARRIS - The Puffin 166; HEINZEL - Concise birds of Europe 233; HICKLING -Enjoying ormthology 60; HOL­LOWAY - Fair Isle's garden 61; HOSKING - Wildfowl 232; HUNTER - Life and letters of Alex. Wilson 91; INSKIPP -Guide to the birds of Nepal 273; JOHNSGARD - Cranes of the world, Grouse of the world 122; JONSSON - Bird island 197; LACK - Darwin's finches 27; LOCKWOOD - Oxford book of British bird names 196; LOF­GREN - Ocean birds 232; LOVE -Return of the Sea Eagle 27; Mc CANCH - Lighthouse notebook 232; MEAD - Robins 197; MIK­KOLA - Owls of Europe 60; MOORE - Field guide to the warblers of Britain & Europe 90; NETTLESHIP et al - Marine birds 233; NEWMAN - Birds of southern Africa 119; O'CON­NOR - Growth and development of birds 231; PEMBERTON -Birdwatchers' yearbook 1985 196; TAY/ORKNEY RGs - Shore­birds of Orkney 120; TUNNI­CLIFFE - Shorelands summer diary 232; SCHAUNSEE - Birds of Chin.a 122; WARREN - Shore­lines 121 ; WILBUR et al - Vul­ture management 232.

SCOTTISH ORNITHOLOGISTS' CLUB - 30-31, 62-63, 94-96, 126-137 (Report of Council), 169, 200-201, 235-237, 276-279.



1 2 3 4 5a b

6 7 8



11 12 13



16 17


19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37



Oystercatcher at the nest (P. J. Newman) Grey Herons at the nest (A. D. Johnson) Fulmar in flight (F. Burton) Lapwing uncovering brood patches (P. J . Newman) Arctic Tern in flight (p. J. Newman) Arctic Tern at the nest (P. J. Newman) Female Wheatear at nest entrance (P. J. Newman) Black-headed Gull incubating (A. D. Johnson) Work parties on the Isle of May

a Outside the Lookout in 1934 (R. M. Hockley) b Gull cull team in 1970 (N. J. Gordon)

Vegetation on the Isle of May : a In the 1930's (G. M. Cowie) b Affected by gulls (N. J. Gordon)

Aspects of the Isle of May : a The approach to the low light (T. Weir) b The Low Trap in 1934 (R. M. Hockley)

Mourning Dove nest on ship at Montrose (C. Christie) Wryneck on the Isle of May (S. Wanless)

a Firecrest on the Isle of May (B. Zonfrillo )

Vol. 13

Between pages




b 'Blue' phase and normal Fulmars (S. R. D. & E. S. da Prato) a Immature Iceland Gull (S. R. D. & E. S. da Prato) b Immature Glaucous Gull (S. R. D. & E. S. da Prato)

Waders on the East Lothian coast : a Oystercatchers (S. R. D. & E. S. da Prato) b Turnstones and Dunlin (S . R. D. & E. S. da Prato)

Kestrel with Woodpigeon (J. Clarke) a Reed Bunting (P. J . Newman) b Nightjar and chick (E. C. Fellowes) a Rock Pipit (D. Hassell) b Meadow Pipit feeding Cuckoo (E. C. Fellowes)

Mrs Irene Waterston (J. McGeoch) Sir Arthur Duncan (The Field) Catching Goosanders (R. W. Furness) Catching Mute Swans (Dundee Courier)

a Merlin at the nest (R. T. Smith) b Peregrine at the nest (W. S. Paton)

Golden Eagle chick (B. S. Turner) Sir Charles Connell (Scottish Wildlife Trust) Arctic Tern (W. S. Paton) Blue Tits in nest box (B. McKechnie) Peregrine at the nest (E. C. Fellowes) Carrion Crow nest on the ground (G. W. Rebecca) Male Merlin (E. C. Fellowes) Female Barn Owl (E. C. Fellowes) East Lothian hedgerow (S. R. D. da Prato) Blackcap on the nest (E. C. Fellowes) Arable farmland (S. R. D. da Prato) Curlew on the nest (E. C. Fellowes) Songbird habitat on old railway (S. R. D. da Prato) Thrush Nightingale on the Isle of May (J. Torino)

... 118/119

... 154/155

... 186/187

... 220/221

Vo!. 13 INDEX 287

38a & b Golden Eagle at the nest (B. S. Turner) 39 Storm Petrel (B. Zonfrillo)


40 Hen Sparrowhawk feeding young (R. T. Smith) 41 Oystercatcher (A. D. Johnson) 42 Lapwing at nest (A. D. Johnson) 43 Maxwell K. Hamilton (D. Young) 44 Turnstones (R. J . Chandler)

Species Every significant mention of bird species is listed. Names follow A

Species List of British and Irish Birds (BTO Guide 13, 1978). Species mentioned in general articles (e.g. the "Birdwatching in . .. " series) and in recent reports are not indexed.

AUK, LITTLE, Isle of May 66-72. BLACKBIRD, Isle of May 66-72,

217-224, on farmland in SE 203-216.

BLACKCAP, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, on farmland in SE 203-216. plate 33.

BLUETAIL, RED-FLANKED, Isle of Mav 66-72.

BLUETHROAT, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

BRAMBLING, Isle of May 66-72. BULLFINCH, on f,armland in SE

203-216. BUNTING, CORN, status in Loth­

ians 107-111. disappearance from SE Sutherland 189, on farmland in SE 203-216.

-, LAPLAND, Isle of May 217-224.

-, LITTLE, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

-, ORTOLAN, Isle of May 37. - , REED. Isle of May 66-72, on

farmland in SE 203-216, plate 17a.

-, RUSTIC, Isle of May 37. - , SNOW, in Cairngorms 19-23,

Isle of May 66-72, 217-224. BUZZARD, COMMON. in Glen­

urquhart 56, eating Salmon 88, eating fish 118, in Morayshire 193. in Kintyre 258-262.

-. HONEY. Isle of May 66-72. CHAFFINCH. on farmland in SE

203-216. Isle of May 217-224. CHIFFCHAFF. Isle of Ma" 66-72,

217-224, on farmland in SE 203-216.

CHOUGH. Glasgow University 155-159.

CORMORANT, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, Yellow Sound Islands 77-83, survey 94, 234.

CORNCRAKE, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224. Canna 195.

CROSSBILL, feeding sibling 87. CROW, attacking Kingfisher 54,

scavenging Salmon 179-182, ground nesting 188, on farmland in SE 203-216, Isle of May 217-224, in Kintyre 258-262, plate 29.

CUCKOO, Isle of May 66-72. 217-224, on farmland in SE 203-216.

CURLEW, in east Sutherland 2-7, in Orkney 58, 92, Isle of May 66-72, on Scottish agricultural land 98-107, on farmland in SE 203-216. on ColonsaIY and Oronsay 268-269. plate 35.

DIVER- BLACK-THROATED, Moray Firth 149-154.

-. GREAT NORTHERN, Isle of May 66-72. Morav Firth 149-154.

-, RED-TIIROATED, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, Moray Firth 149-154.

- . WHITE-BILLED. Moray Firth 149-154.

DIPPER, unusual nest 117, cover­ing eggs 230. with one leg 268.

DOVE. COLLARED, in SE Suther­land 48-51, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224. on farmland in SE 203-216.

- . MOURNING, nest on ship 51-52, plate 11.

-, ROCK/FERAL PIGEON, Isle of Mav 66-72, 217-224.

-, STOCK. Isle of May 66-72 217-224. on farmland in SE 20:l-216.

-. TURTLE, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

DUCK, LONG-TAILED, Isle of Mav 66-72.

- TUFTED, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

288 INDEX Vol. 13

DUNLIN, South Uist 57-38, Outer Hebrides 59, Isle of May 66-72, on Scottish agricultural "land 98-107, Colonsay and Oronsay 268-269. plate 15b. .

DUNNOCK, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, on farmland in SE 203-216.

EAGLE, GOLDEN, in North-east 24-25, in Grampian 58, competi­tion with Fox 87-88, Raptor Study Group Report 162-166, attacking glider 230-231, in Kin­tyre 258-262, effect on lambs in Badenoch 263-267, plates 24, 38.

EAGLE, WHITE-TAILED, Canna 42, colour marked 199-200.

EIDER, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, Yell Sound Islands 77-83, west coast survey 93, colour marked in Shetland 168, oil mor­tality in Orkney 225-228.

FIELDF,\RE, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

FIRECREST, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, plate 13a.

FLYCATCHER, PIED, Isle of May 37. 66-72. 217-224.

- . RED-BREASTED, Isle of May 66-72. 217-224.

-, SPOTTED, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, on farmland in SE 203-216.

FULMAR, Canna 40-47, 55, 194-195, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, Yell Sound islands 77-83, Glas­gow University 155-159, ringed in Forth 192, ~lates 3, 13b.

GANNET, breedmg on Shiants 187.

GODWIT, BAR-TAILED, in Ork­ne" 58, 192, Colons ay & Oron-say 268-269. .

-, BLACK-TAILED, Colonsay and Oronsav 269.

GOLDCREST, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, on farmland in SE 203-216.

GOLDENEYE. Isle of May 66-72, Moray Firth 241-249.

GOLDFINCH, on farmland in SE 204-216. Isle of May 217-224.

GOOSANDER, 1984 survey of plate 21.

GOOSE, BARNACLE, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224 migration 93-94, colour ringed 123, Glasgow Uni­versity 155-159.

- , BRENT, Isle of M av 217-224. -. CANADA, Isle of May 66-72,


. GREENLAND WHITE-FRON­TED, census 23-24, expedition 195-196.

-, GREYLAG, Isle of May 217-224.

- , PINK-FOOTED, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, colour ringed 123.

GREBE, LITTLE, Isle of May 66-72.

-, RED-NECKED, Isle of May 66-72.

GREENFINCH, on farmland in SE 203-216, Isle of May 217-224.

GREENSHANK, Isle of Mav 66-72, 217-224, Colonsay and Oran­say 268-269.

GUILLEMOT, Canna 40-47, 55, 194-195 Isle of May 66-72. 217-224, Yell Sound islands 77-83, ringed in Forth 192.

-, BLACK, Melanic bird 26, Can­na 40-47, 194-195, Isle of May 66-72, Yell Sound islands 77-83.

GULL, BLACK-HEADED, effect on Dunlin 58, effect of mink 89, Isle of May 217-224, plate 7.

- , COMMON, Canna 55, 194-195, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, Yell Sound islands 77-83, roof nest­ing 229.

-, GLAUCOUS, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, plate 14b. , GREAT BLACK-BACKED, Canna 40-47, 55, 194-195, Isle of May 66-72, Yell Sound islands 77-83, scavenging Salmon 179-179-182.

-, HERRING, Isle of May 36, 66-72. 217-224, Canna 40-47, 55, 194-195, Yell Sound islands 77-83. Glasgow University 155-159.

-, ICELAND, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224. plate 14a. , LESSER BLACK-BACKED, Isle of Mav 36, 66-72 , 217-224, Canna 40-47, 55, 194-195 Yell Sound islands 77-83.

- . LITTLE, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

-, MEDITERRANEAN, Isle of May 217-224.

-. SABINE'S, Isle of May 217-224.

HARRIER. HEN, Two hens at nest 53-54, Raptor Study Group Re­port 162-166, Orkney bird breed­ing on mainland 186-187, Isle of May 217-224, in Kintyre 258-262.

-, MARSH, interaction with Roe

Vol. 13 INDEX 289

deer 270. HAWFINCH, Isle of May 217-224. HERON, GREY, in east Scotland

56-57, Isle of May 66-72, scav­enging salmon 179-182, plate 2.

-, NIGHT, Edinburgh Zoo 29. JACKDAW, on farmland in SE

203-216. JAY, Midlothian roost 88, on

farmland in SE 240. KESTREL, Isle of May 66-72, 217-

224, Raptor Study Group Report 165. on farmland in SE 203-216, in Kintyre 258-262, plate 16.

KILLDEER, Colonsay and Oronsay 269.

KINGFISHER, attacked by Mag­pie 54.

KITTIWAKE, Canna 40-47, 55, 194-195, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, Yell Sound islands 77-83, Glasgow University 155-159, movements in Forth 189-190, ringed in Forth 192.

KNOT, Colonsay and Oronsay 268-269.

LAPWING. in east Sutherland 2-7, in outer Hebrides 59, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, on Scottish agricultural land 98-107, Glas­gow University 155-159, on farmland in SE 203-216, on Col­onsay and Oronsay 268-269, plates 4, 42.

LINNET, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224. on farmland in SE 203-216.

MAGPIE, a ttacking Kingfisher 54, on farmland in SE 203-216, 240.

MALLARD, Isle of May 66-72, on farmland in SE 203-216.

MARTIN, HOUSE, on farmland in SE 213.

MERGANSER, RED-BREASTED, Isle of May 217-224.

MERLIN, in Grampian 56, 191, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, suc­cessive nest use 118, calling in autumn 188-189, in Morayshire 193, in SE Scotland 192-193, ab­sence in Kintyre 258-262, plates 23a, 30.

MOORHEN, Isle of May 66-72, on farmland in SE 203-216.

NTGHTINGALE, Isle of May 66-72.

-. THRUSH, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, plate 37.

NIGHTJAR, plate 17b. OSPREY. Isle of May 217-224. OUZEL. RING, Isle of May 66-72,


OWL, BARN, in Cree valley 193-194, on farmland in SE 240, in Kintyre 258-262, plate 31.

- , LONG-EARED, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, in Kintyre 258-262.

-, SHORT-EARED, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, in Kintyre 258-262.

-, TAWNY, in Edinburgh 124, on farmland in SE 203-216.

OYSTERCATCHER, in east Suth­erland 2-7, in outer Hebrides 59, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, on Scottish agricultural lands 98-107, on Orkney 192, on farmland in SE 203-216, nesting on roof 229, Colonsay and Oronsay 268-269, laying in Lapwing nest 270, plates 1, 15a, 41.

PARTRIDGE, GREY, on farmland in SE 203-216.

-, RED-LEGGED, on farmland in SE 203-216.

PEREGRINE, in north east 25-26, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, at Caerlaverock in winter 73-77, unusual kill 90, Raptor Study Group Report 162-166, prey 190-191, in Kintyre 258-262, plates 23b, 28.

PETREL, LEACH'S, Yell Sound is­lands 77-83, Glasgow University 155-159, in Caithness 250-257.

-, STORM, attacking skua 26, in Iceland 52, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, Yell Sound islands 77-83, Glasgow University 155-159, in Caithness 250-257, plate 39.

PHALAROPE, GREY, Isle of May 66-72.

- . sp., Colonsay and Oronsay 269. PHEASANT, on farmland in SE

203-216. PIPIT, MEADOW, Isle of May 66-

72, 217-224, on farmland in SE 203-216, plate 18b.

-. ROCK, Isle of May 30, 66-72, 217-224, plate 18a.

-, TREE, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

PLOVER, GOLDEN, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, in Orkney 192, Colonsay and Oronsay 268-269.

-, GREY, Colons ay and Oronsay 268-269.

- RINGED, in east Sutherland 2-7, in Orkney 58, 192, in outer Hebrides 59, on Scottish agri­cultural land 98-107, on farm­land in SE 203-216, Colonsay Oronsay 268-269.

290 INDEX Vo!. 13

PUFFIN, Isle of May 36, 66-72, 217-224, Canna 46, Yell Sound islands 77-83, ringed in Forth 192.

QUAIL, Isle of May 66-72, on farmland in SE 212.

RAIL WATER, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

RAVEN, in Kintyre 258-262. RAZORBILL, Canna 4D-47, 55,

194-195, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, Yell Sound islands 73-83, ringed in Forth 192.

RED POLL, on farmland in SE 203-216, Isle of May 217-224.

REDS HANK, in east Sutherland 2-7, in Orkney 58, 192. in outer Hebrides 59, Isle of May 66-72, on Scottish agricultural land 98-107, on farmland in SE 23-216, Colonsav and Oronsay 268-269.

REDSTART, Isle of May 37. 66-n 217-224.

-, BLACK, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

REDWING, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

ROBIN, Isle of May 37, 66-72, 217-224, on farm\.and in SE 203-216.

ROSEFINCH, SCARLET, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

RUFF, Colonsay and Oronsay 269. SANDERLING, in Orkney 192,

Colonsay and Oronsa" 268-269. SANDGROUSE, PALLAS'S, Isle

of May 37. SANDPIPER, COMMON, in east

Sutherland 2-7, Colonsay and Oronsay 269.

-, CURLEW, Colonsay and Oron­say 269.

-, GREEN, Isle of May 217-224, Colonsay and Oronsay 269.

-, PURPLE, in Orkney 58, 192, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224. Col­onsav and Oronsav 268-269.

SCOTER, COMMON, Isle of May 66-72. 217-224.

-, VELVET, Isle of May 66-72. SHAG. Canna 40-47, 55, 194-195.

Isle of May 66-72. 217-224, Yell Sound islands 77-83, ringed in Forth 192.

SHEARWA TER. MAN X, Canna 40-47, 55. 194-195, Isle of May 66-72. 217-224, Glasgow Univer­sity 155-159.

-. SOOTY, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

- , sp. Isle of May 219. SHELDUCK, Isle of May 66-72,

217-224. SHORELARK, Isle of May 66-72. SHRIKE, GREAT GREY, Isle of

May 66-72. -, RED-BACKED, Isle of May 66-

72, 217-224. SISKIN, Isle of May 66-72, 217-

224. SKUA. ARCTIC, Isle of Mav 66-

72, 217-224, Yell Sound islands 77-83.

-, GREAT, attacked by Storm Petrel 26, survey in Western Isles 29, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, Yell Sound islands 77-83, Glasgow University 155-159.

- , LONG-TAILED, Isle of May 66-72.

-, POMARINE, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

SKYLARK, Isle of May 66-72, on farmland in SE 203-216.

SNIPE, in east Sutherland 2-7, in Outer Hebrides 59, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, on Scottish agri­cultural land 98-107, on farm­land in SE 203-216, Colonsay and Oronsa" 269.

-, JACK, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, Colonsav and Oronsav 269.

SPARROWHAWK, Isle of May 66-72. 217-224, in Moravshire 193, on farmland in SE 203-216, un­usual killing method 268, plate 40.

SPARROW, TREE, on farmland in SE 203-216.

'STARLING, Isle of May 66-72, 217 -224, on farmland in SE 203-216. , ROSE-COLOURED, Isle of May 66-72.

STINT LITTLE, Isle of May 66-72, Colonsav and Oronsay 269.

SWALLOW Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, on farmland in SE 203-216.

- , RED-RUMPED, Isle of May 66-72.

SW AN, MUTE. status in Lothians 8-15, East Scotland study 55, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, Scot­tish census (1983) 140-148, plate 22.

-, WHOOPER. Isle of Mav 66-72, 217-224, colour ringed 123, cen­sus 274.

SWTFT, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

TEAL. Isle of May 66-72. TERN, ARCTIC Yell Sound is-

Vol. 13 INDEX 291

lands 77-83, in Outer Hebrides 172-178, Isle of May 217-224, plates 5. 26.

-, BLACK, Isle of May 217-224. TERN, COMMON, Isle of May 66-

}2, 217-224, Yell Sound islands 77-83, in Outer Hebrides 172-178.

- , LITTLE, in Outer Hebrides 172-178.

-, ROSEATE, Isle of May 66-72. - SANDWICH, Isle of May 217-

224. THRUSH, MISTLE, Isle of May

66-72, on farmland in SE 203-216.

- , SONG, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, on farmland in SE 203-216.

TIT, BLUE, Isle of May 66-72, Dundee University 183-184, on farmland in SE 203-216, plate 27.

-~ COAL, Isle of May 66-72, on rarmland in SE 203-216.

-, CRESTED, on Deeside 54-55. - . GREAT, Dundee University

183-184, on farmland in SE 203-216.

- , LONG-TAILED, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, unusual behav­iour 116, on farmland in SE 203-216.

TREECREEPER, Isle of May 66-72.1 on farmland in SE 203-216, roosting in Wellingtonia trees 228.

TURNSTONE, in Orkney 58, 192, Isle of May 66-72, Glasgow Uni­versity 155-159, Colonsay and Oronsay 268-269, plates 15b, 44.

TWITE. Isle of Mav 66-72. WAGTAIL, BLUE-HEADED, Isle

of May 66-72. - . GREY, Isle of May 66-72, 217-

224, on farmland in SE 203-216. -. GREY-HEADED, Isle of May

217-224. -, PIED, Isle of May 66-72, 217-

224, unusual roost 115-116, on farmland in SE 203-216, roost in tree 229.

- . WHITE, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

- YELLOW, in Clyde area 57, 194. Isle of Mav 66-72.


66-72, 217-224. - , DARTFORD, in Berwickshire

52-53. - , GARDEN, Isle of May 66-72,

217-224, on farmland in SE 203-216.

-, GRASSHOPPER, Isle of May 66-72, on farmland in SE 203-216.

-, ICTERINE, Isle of May 217-224.

- , MARSH, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224.

-, PALLAS'S, Isle of May 66-72. - , REED, Isle of May 66-72, 217-

224. - , SEDGE, on farmland in SE

203-216. - WILLOW, Isle of May 66-72,

217-224, on farmland in SE 203-216.

-, WOOD, Isle of May 66-72. - . YELLOW-BROWED, Isle of

May 34, 217-224. WHEATEAR, Isle of May 66-72,

217-224, plate 6. WHIMBREL, Isle of May 66-72,

217-224, Colonsay and Oronsay 268-269.

WHINCHAT, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224. on ~armland in SE 203-216.

WHITETHROAT, Isle of May 66-72, on farmland in SE 203-216.

- , LESSER, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, on farmland in SE 203-216.

WIGEON, Isle of May 66-72, 217-224, Glasgow University 153-159 in Orkney 192.

WOODCOCK. Isle of Mav 66-72, 217-224, abnormal bill 190, on farmland in SE 203-216, Colon­say and Oronsay 268-269.


TED, on farmland in SE 203-216.

WREN. Isle of May 66-72, 217-224. unusual roost 116, on farmland in SE 203-216.

WRYNECK. Isle of May 37, 66-72. plate 12.

YET .LOWHAMMER, Isle of May 66-72, on farmland in SE 203-216.

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