Issachar Coaching Clusters Growing In Intimacy With Jesus Christ Year 1 Session 1.

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Issachar Coaching Clusters

Growing In Intimacy With Jesus Christ

Year 1 Session 1

Issachar Coaching Clusters

How has God been blessing you?


Issachar Coaching Clusters

“…men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew

what Israel should do…”

1 Chronicles 12:32 NIV

Practical Benefits

• Affirmation- Powerful affirmation is generated as short term wins (30 day goals) are celebrated and one’s thoughts, feelings and assumptions are validated by one’s peers.

• Hopefulness- Many times there is a sense of “breathing in hope.” The expression “I can see light at the end of the tunnel” becomes a reality and takes on new meaning.

Practical Benefits

• Clarity of thought- Having two peers actively listening, asking questions, coming alongside to assist in providing clarity to one’s ideas, theories and plans is a powerful experience. It has been described as “an island of clarity in a sea of confusion.”

Practical Benefits

• Broadening horizons/perspectives- Often individuals are only able to see one or two possibilities to any given situation. Coaching triads bring to the individual two other unique perspectives and other possibilities. Many times there are “aha” moments of “I did not realize there were so many other options.”

Practical Benefits

• Focus- A sense of clear focus is derived as each coaching session ends with an action plan consisting of several SMART goals (S-specific, M-measurable, A-attainable, R-relevant, T-time frame). The action plan provides focus by knowing:

• What to do next…• Why it should be done…• How to bring it to fruition…

Practical Benefits

• Traction- The feeling of “spinning one’s wheels” is vanquished as one’s sees progress in one’s self and in the work of the ministry.

Practical Benefits• Confidence- Meeting together with peers

can create a sense of shared ego strength. Solomon said, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken” Eccl 4:12.

Foundational Dynamics

• Focused spiritual formation

• Learning & Applying God’s principles & concepts (Special & Natural Revelation)

• An environment of trust, confidentiality and mutual respect

• Intentional intimate peer relationships

• Personalized coaching

Foundational Dynamics

• “Top Three Evangelism Prayer List”- “Follow me and I will make you a Fisher of Men”

Coaching Cluster

Dynamics &


A primary objective of the WPA District is to produce

Growing Spirit-filled Christ-like Servant Leaders at every level

in the Local Church.

Coaching Cluster Covenant

Subscription to

The District will pay $20 toward your $50 Coachnet


Typical Regional Meeting Agenda

8:00-8:15 AM Coaching Facilitators8:15-8:30 AM Fellowship and refreshments8:30-10:00 AM Introduction of principle/concept10:00-10:15 AM Break10:15-11:45 AM Triad clusters wrestle with

principle/concept (groups of 3).11:45-12:15 Wrap-up closure- share

learning/observations and focused prayer.12:15-12:45 PM Lunch/fellowship

Typical Regional Meeting Agenda

12:45-1:00 PM Debrief & Coaching Facilitators1:00-1:15 PM Fellowship and refreshments1:15-2:45 PM Introduction of principle/concept2:45-3:00 PM Break3:00-4:30 PM Triad clusters wrestle with

principle/concept (groups of 3).4:30-4:45 PM Wrap-up closure- share

learning/observations and focused prayer.

Confirm Coaching Cluster Meeting Dates Thru May

CEU Credits

Official workers who participate in the Issachar Clusters will receive

two (2)

CEU credits for every cluster meeting attended.

Top Three Evangelism Prayer List

Who Are The Individuals The Lord Desires Me To Befriend?

Growing Spirit-filled Christ-like

Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies


Growing Spirit-filled

Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core



Abiding In Jesus Christ


1-Growing in Intimacy with Christ 2-Crucifying Self3-Claiming God’s Armor4-Exercising Spiritual Disciplines5-Practicing Sacred Pathways

Growing Spirit-filled

Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core



Empowering by Holy Spirit

Competencies:1-Claiming the Promise, Presence & Power of the Holy Spirit2-Obeying the Holy Spirit -Quench Not -Grieve Not -Resist Not

Growing Spirit-filled

Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core



Empowering by Holy Spirit

Competencies:3-Being filled with the Holy Spirit4-Manifesting the Fruit of the Holy Spirit5-Exercising the Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Growing Spirit-filled

Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core



Thinking Strategically

Competencies:1-Defining Realities2-Providing Direction3-Facilitating Action4-Thinking Divergently5-Thinking Convergently

Growing Spirit-filled

Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core



Leading SelfCompetencies:

1-Developing Christ-like Character2-Establishing Christ-like Priorities3-Maximizing God-given Abilities 4-Establishing Healthy Relationships5-Sharpening the Saw/Learning for Life

Growing Spirit-filled

Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies


Leading a TeamCompetencies:

1-Building Trust-filled Relationships2-Communicating Effectively3-Unleashing People to Act 4-Cultivating Effective Teams5-Developing Leaders

Growing Spirit-filled

Christ-like Servant Leader(ship) Core Competencies


Leading the Ministry

Competencies:1-Cultivating God’s Preferred Future2-Managing Change3-Executing Strategy4-Adapting Organizational Structures5-Administrating the Ministry

Abiding In Christ Growing in Intimacy with Christ

What stands out as you read? Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. If anyone does not remain in me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. John 15:4-8

Abiding In Christ Intimacy With Christ

What stands out as you read?

“I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead.” Phil 3:10-11 NIV

"'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment.’” Matt 22:37-38 NIV

Abiding In Christ

If a “Passion for Jesus” thermometer was thrust into your soul, what color would it register? Why?

Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to reveal what it would take to raise our passion to the next level.

Abiding In Christ

What are some expressions of walking in intimacy with Christ Jesus:• A moment by moment awareness of Jesus• An acute sensitivity to sin and a power to resist temptation• Interacting with Scripture•Deepening honest dialogue with God•Experiencing awe and worship of God• Scheduling Regular times of Solitude seeking Jesus• Consistent times of Fasting

Abiding In Christ

What are some expressions of walking in Intimacy with Christ Jesus:• Intentionally saying “NO” to selfishness & “YES” to humbly serving others in the small things• Memorizing & meditating on Scripture• Listening, "Be Still & Know…”• Establish regular DAWG days (Day Alone With God)•

Abiding In Christ

What are some expressions of walking in Intimacy with Christ Jesus:• • • • • • •

Abiding In Christ Resources

What resources/practices have assisted you in deepening your intimacy with Jesus?•Pursuit of God- Tozer•Experiencing God (workbook)- Blackaby• Journaling my devotions• Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership- Barton & Ford•Cultivating Life- Neil Cole (see CoachNet) •The Rest of God- Mark Buchanan• Leading on Empty- Cordeiro• Repentance- Roberts

Abiding In Christ Resources

What resources/practices have assisted you in deepening your intimacy with Jesus?• Thirsting After God- Price• The Deeper Christian Life- Murray• God Is Closer Than You Think- Ortberg• • • •

Abiding In Christ

On a 1 (Low) to 10 (High) scale how would you rate your intimacy with Jesus? What is maintaining you at that level? What actions could catapult you to a greater level of intimacy?

Abiding In Christ

In response to the Holy Spirit’s leading, what specific action/step(s) can you take in the next 7 (30, 90, etc) days which will catapult you to the next level of intimacy with Jesus?• • •

Abiding In ChristIn groups of two, share what the Holy Spirit revealed and pray for one another.

Record SMART Goals that the Holy Spirit reveals

If able, make a commitment to pray every day for each other until the next coaching cluster meeting. At that meeting check with each other to see how the Lord has been blessing!




Abiding In Christ

Anyone have an “a-ha” or “oh-no” they are able to share?

Closing Prayer

Our next meeting is…


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