ISBN Título Colección temá CS Production Premium for Final Cut Studio Editors Media Technology 2009. ... 9780080444741 Advances in Synthetic

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ISBN Título Colección temática9780444534729 10th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering Chemical Engineering 20099780444504807 12th International Congress on Catalysis Chemical Engineering pre-20079780444534330 19th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering Chemical Engineering 20099780240814285 3D Automotive Modeling Media Technology 20109780080439389 3D Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites Materials Science pre-20079780240814810 3D Modeling in Silo Media Technology 20109780884152880 500 Tips for Trainers Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 1995-20069780123743565 A Behavioral Approach to Asset Pricing Finance 20089781597494861 A Guide to Kernel Exploitation Computer Science 20109780123746238 A Guide to Microsoft Excel 2007 for Scientists and Engineers Engineering 20099780125647458 A Guide to Starting Psychotherapy Groups Psychology pre-20079780123745859 A Pharmacology Primer Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 20099781856174893 A Practical Approach to Water Conservation for Commercial and Industrial Facilities Environmental Science 20089780240812656 A Sound Engineers Guide to Audio Test and Measurement Media Technology 20099781856176804 A Study Of Performance Measurement In The Outsourcing Decision Finance 2009978-0-12-374370-1 A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing Engineering 20099780123525512 ABC Proteins Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 1995 - 20069780240812281 Ableton Live 8 and Suite 8 Media Technology 20099780122841514 Academia to Biotechnology Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 1995 - 20069780240520445 Access All Areas Media Technology 20079780750667296 Accounting and Financial Management Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 1995-20069780750687386 Accounting in a Nutshell Finance 20099780121257514 Acetylenes, Allenes and Cumulenes Chemistry pre-20079780884156253 Achieving the Perfect Fit Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 1995-20069780444503367 Acoustic and Elastic Wave Fields in Geophysics, I Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780444506429 Acoustic and Elastic Wave Fields in Geophysics, II Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780444519559 Acoustic and Elastic Wave Fields in Geophysics, III Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780240520216 Acoustic and MIDI Orchestration for the Contemporary Composer Media Technology 20079780120774609 Acoustic Wave Sensors Engineering pre-20079780122561900 Acoustics Physics and Astronomy pre-20079780240521756 Acoustics and Psychoacoustics Media Technology 20099780126193220 Acquired Aphasia Psychology pre-20079780122694400 Active Control of Vibration Engineering pre-20079780080452623 Active Geophysical Monitoring Earth and Planetary Sciences 20109780122722509 Acute Toxicology Testing Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science 1995 - 20069780123735867 Adaptive Behavior Assessment System-II Psychology 20089780750639965 Adaptive Control Systems Engineering pre-20079781856173704 Additives for Plastics Handbook Chemical Engineering pre-2007

9780121995041 Adenoviral Vectors for Gene Therapy Immunology and Microbiology 1995 - 20069780815515333 Adhesives Technology Handbook Chemical Engineering 20099780240812236 Adobe CS Production Premium for Final Cut Studio Editors Media Technology 20099780240519425 Adobe Photoshop CS for Photographers Media Technology 1995-20069780240814834 Adobe Photoshop CSX for Photographers: The Ultimate Workshop - Under NDA Media Technology 20109780240521893 Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 for Photographers Media Technology 20109780240521831 Adobe Photoshop Elements 8: Maximum Performance Media Technology 20109780123736253 Adolescent Addiction Psychology 20089780080444642 Adsorption by Carbons Materials Science 20089780125084604 Advanced Catalysts and Nanostructured Materials Materials Science pre-20079780750651004 Advanced Control Engineering Engineering pre-20079780120476824 Advanced Derivatives Pricing and Risk Management Finance 1995-20069780750662635 Advanced Fixed Income Analysis Finance 1995-20069781558606593 Advanced Graphics Programming Using OpenGL Computer Science 1995 - 20069781437778076 Advanced Industrial Control Technology Engineering 20109780080445342 Advanced Machining Processes of Metallic Materials Materials Science 20089780080446745 Advanced Mathematical Tools for Control Engineers: Volume 1 Engineering 20089780080453729 Advanced Mechanics of Composite Materials Materials Science 20079780121381103 Advanced Organic Chemistry Chemistry pre-20079780240521589 Advanced Photoshop Elements 7 for Digital Photographers Media Technology 20089780750684910 Advanced Theory and Practice in Sport Marketing Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20089780750655163 Advanced Trading Rules Finance 1995-20069780444530752 Advances in Biomedical Engineering Chemistry 20099780080434049 Advances in BioChirality Chemistry pre-20079780080441009 Advances in Building Technology Engineering pre-20079780080453941 Advances in Fuel Cells Energy 20079780444533579 Advances in Molecular Toxicology Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science 20099780444531797 Advances in Nanoporous Materials Chemical Engineering 20109780120323074 Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Volume 7 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science 1995 - 20069780080444741 Advances in Synthetic Organic Chemistry and Methods Reported in US Patents Chemistry pre-20079780444505637 Advances in Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology Environmental Science pre-20079781856178341 Adventure Tourism Management Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20109780125180511 Aging with HIV Psychology pre-20079780123741172 Agroecological Economics Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20089781933742137 Air Conditioning System Design Manual Engineering 20089780123523358 Air Pollution and Health Medicine and Dentistry 1995 - 20069780444529879 Air Pollution Modeling and its application XVIII Environmental Science 20079780080952017 Air Quality and Ecological Impacts Environmental Science 20099780080968025 Airworthiness: An Introduction to Aircraft Certification Engineering 2010

9780123046208 Algebra Mathematics pre-20079780750680172 Aligning Human Resources and Business Strategy Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20099780444527363 Alkaloids – Secrets of Life Chemistry 20079780126764604 Amniote Origins Agricultural and Biological Sciences pre-20079780080446677 An International Handbook of Tourism Education Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 1995-20069780080466156 An Introduction to Aspects of Thermodynamics and Kinetics Relevant to Materials ScieMaterials Science 20079780750662628 An Introduction to Credit Derivatives Finance 1995-20069780123745033 An Introduction to Investment Banks, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity Finance 20109780750683340 An Introduction to Organisational Behaviour for Managers and Engineers Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20109780240806211 An Introduction to Video and Audio Measurement Media Technology 1995-20069781903996621 Analysis of Composite Structures Chemical Engineering pre-20079780444522603 Analysis of Cosmetic Products Chemistry 20079780080449883 Analysis of Environmental Radionuclides Environmental Science 20089780080443508 Analysis of Turbulent Flows Engineering pre-20079780080568874 Analytical Methods for Energy Diversity and Security Energy 20099780444535603 Analytical Modelling of Fuel Cells Chemical Engineering 20109780123742391 Anatomy of Neuropsychiatry Neuroscience 20089780124175709 Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine 1995 - 20069780240812199 Animating with Stop Motion Pro Media Technology 20109780123725110 Annotated C# Standard Computer Science 20089780122896859 Anomia: Neuroanatomical and Cognitive Correlates Neuroscience 1995 - 20069780444528476 Antarctic Climate Evolution Earth and Planetary Sciences 20099780240811123 Antenna Zoning Media Technology 20099780125435901 Antioxidant Food Supplements in Human Health Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 1995 - 20069780444531698 Antiphospholipid Syndrome in Systemic Autoimmune Diseases Immunology and Microbiology 20099780240521787 Apple Aperture 3 Media Technology 20109780444512864 Applications to Polymers and Plastics Chemistry pre-20079780444517012 Applied Clay Mineralogy Earth and Planetary Sciences 20079780080450513 Applied Coal Petrology Engineering 20089780123706201 Applied Dimensional Analysis and Modeling Engineering 20079780444500779 Applied Mineralogy in the Mining Industry Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780815520238 Applied Nanotechnology Engineering 20099780126363753 Applied Sedimentology, 2nd ed. Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780127640709 Applied Spectroscopy Chemistry pre-20079780127515410 Applying Contemporary Statistical Techniques Mathematics pre-20079780240814773 Architectural Rendering with 3ds Max and V-Ray Media Technology 20109780444520180 Arctic Ocean Sediments: Processes, Proxies, and Paleoenvironment Earth and Planetary Sciences 20089780444518200 Arsenic in Soil and Groundwater Environment Environmental Science 20079780240811093 Art and Design in Photoshop Media Technology 2008

9780123747310 Artificial Intelligence for Games Media Technology 20099780750645331 Arts, Entertainment and Tourism Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 1995-20069780444825681 Aspects of Multivariate Statistical Analysis in Geology Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780444420152 Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Chemistry pre-20079780444527561 Atomic Clusters: From Gas Phase to Deposited Chemistry 20079780125161633 Attention Psychology pre-20079780123745071 Auction Theory Finance 20109780124262973 Auction Theory Finance 1995-20069780240812731 Audio Engineering Explained Media Technology 20099780240807850 Autodesk Combustion 4 Fundamentals Courseware Media Technology 1995-20069780123821904 Autonomic Network Management Principles Engineering 20109780123706348 Avian Immunology Immunology and Microbiology 20089780444518118 Basic 1H- and 13C-NMR Spectroscopy Chemistry pre-20079780750653985 Basic Ship Theory Engineering pre-20079780123735898 Basics of Interferometry Engineering 20079780750646253 Battery Reference Book Engineering pre-20079780123748546 Bayesian Inference Environmental Science 20109780123741776 Bayley-III Clinical Use and Interpretation Psychology 20109780126692013 Beer Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20089780123738912 Beer in Health and Disease Prevention Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20109780080434377 Behavior and Cognitive Therapy Today Psychology pre-20079780123815224 Behavioral Treatments for Sleep Disorders Psychology 20109780080446578 Benchmarking National Tourism Organisations and Agencies Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 1995-20069780240809991 Better Available Light Digital Photography Media Technology 20089780240811901 Beyond Photoshop Media Technology 20109780124705050 Binary Digital Image Processing: A Discrete Approach Engineering pre-20079780080437163 Bioaccumulation in Marine Organisms Environmental Science pre-20079780123749383 Bioactive Foods in Promoting Health Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20109780123746283 Bioactive Foods in Promoting Health Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20099780127639529 Bio-Based Polymers and Composites Engineering pre-20079780444522122 Biocatalysis in Oil Refining Chemical Engineering 20079780444528452 Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 20079780444532190 Biochemistry of Lipids, Lipoproteins and Membranes Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 20089780123705013 Bioconjugate Techniques Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 20089780080449722 Bioengineering and Molecular Biology of Plant Pathways Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20089780444530745 Biogeochemistry in Mineral Exploration Earth and Planetary Sciences 20079781558608290 Bioinformatics: Managing Scientific Data Computer Science 1995 - 20069780444527400 Biological Inorganic Chemistry Chemistry 20089780750633840 Biological Oceanography: An Introduction Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-2007

9780122475702 Biology of the Lobster Agricultural and Biological Sciences pre-20079780444528575 Biology of the Nitrogen Cycle Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20079780444829139 Biomarkers in Marine Organisms Chemistry pre-20079780123749888 Biomass Gasification Design Handbook Engineering 20109780240520841 Black and White in Photoshop CS3 and Photoshop Lightroom Media Technology 20079780240521596 Black and White in Photoshop CS4 and Lightroom Media Technology 20109780240814308 Blender Foundations Media Technology 20109780123748959 Bone Cancer Medicine and Dentistry 20109780123190604 Bones and Cartilage: Developmental Skeletal Biology Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 1995 - 20069780080453200 Borehole Climatology Earth and Planetary Sciences 20079780124814608 Brain Mapping: The Disorders Neuroscience 1995 - 20069780126930191 Brain Mapping: The Methods Neuroscience 1995 - 20069780126925456 Brain Mapping: The Systems Neuroscience 1995 - 20069780750685115 Bridge Management Engineering 20109780444516107 British Logic in the Nineteenth Century Mathematics 20089781928994671 Building Robots With Lego Mindstorms Computer Science 1995 - 20069780080557441 Business Environment Revised Edition Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20089781558609167 Business Intelligence Computer Science 1995 - 20069781558606531 Business Modeling and Data Mining Computer Science 1995 - 20069780750641159 Business of Hotels Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 1995-20069780123756909 Calculations for Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 20109780123742124 Cancer Imaging Medicine and Dentistry 20089780123725738 Capillary Electrophoresis Methods for Pharmaceutical Analysis Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science 20089780080445700 Carbon Dioxide Capture for Storage in Deep Geologic Formations - Results from the C Energy 1995 - 20069780444518552 Carbon Nanotechnology Materials Science pre-20079780444874153 Carbonate Diagenesis and Porosity Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780444888495 carbonate reservoir characterization: a geologic-engineering analysis, part I Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780444530257 Carbonates in Continental Settings Earth and Planetary Sciences 20109780444535269 Carbonates in Continental Settings Earth and Planetary Sciences 20109780123749536 Casual Game Design Media Technology 20109780444424495 Catalysis by Acids and Bases Chemical Engineering pre-20079780444530844 Catalysts for Upgrading Heavy Petroleum Feeds Chemical Engineering 20079780750644815 Cause Related Marketing Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 1995-20069780126569766 Cell Physiology Source Book Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 1995 - 20069780444822543 Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives Chemistry pre-20079780815514435 Ceramic Technology and Processing Materials Science pre-20079780444532343 Cereal Straw as a Resource for Sustainable Biomaterials and Biofuels Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20109780750681940 Change, Conflict and Community Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20089780240811840 Character Costume Figure Drawing Media Technology 2010

9780444506047 Characterisation of Polymers by Thermal Analysis Materials Science pre-20079780122636530 Cheese: Chemistry, Physics and Microbiology, Volume 2 Agricultural and Biological Sciences pre-20079780444528377 Chemical Bonding at Surfaces and Interfaces Chemistry 20089780444509383 Chemical Kinetics Chemistry pre-20079780444521866 Chemical Kinetics Chemistry 20079780123725066 Chemical Process Equipment Chemical Engineering 20099780125309905 Chemical Thermodynamics: Principles and Applications Chemistry pre-20079780124001510 Chemistry Connections Chemistry pre-20079780120734610 Chemistry of the Environment Environmental Science pre-20079780122570605 Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780123740243 Chemometrics in Spectroscopy Chemistry 20079780444516695 Chiral Analysis Chemistry 20079780444511089 Chromatography 6th edition Fundamentals and applications of chromatography and re Chemistry pre-20079780240811956 CINEMA 4D 11 Workshop Media Technology 20099780123741301 Citrus Fruit Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20089780750681957 City Spaces - Tourist Places Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20089781856177108 Clean Coal Engineering Technology Engineering 20109780444533012 Climate Change Environmental Science 20099780120883905 Climate Change and Cultural Dynamics Earth and Planetary Sciences 20089780444517944 Climatic Geomorphology Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780123430137 Clinician's Handbook of Adult Behavioral Assessment Psychology pre-20079780123430144 Clinician's Handbook of Child Behavioral Assessment Psychology pre-20079781856178167 Coaching Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20109780815520498 Coal Gasification and Its Applications Energy 20109780080451596 Coding and Decoding: Seismic Data Earth and Planetary Sciences 20109780080434100 Cognitive Approaches to Obsessions and Compulsions Psychology pre-20079780123747150 Cognitive Radio Communications and Networks Engineering 20109780126017304 Cognitive Science Psychology pre-20079780750687058 Collaborative Leadership Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20089780123745224 Collectible Investments for the High Net Worth Investor Finance 20099780123693945 Combustion Processes in Propulsion: Control, Noise, and Pulse Detonation Engineering pre-20079780240814759 Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals Media Technology 20109780080446516 Competition and Variation in Natural Languages Psychology pre-20079780080471723 Competitive Electricity Markets Energy 20089780444503091 Composition, Deep Structure and Evolution of Continents Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780080439600 Compost Science and Technology Environmental Science 20079780080453712 Compostable Polymer Materials Materials Science 20089780444521323 Comprehensive and Molecular Phytopathology Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20079780750685634 Computational Fluid Dynamics Engineering 2008

9781558607590 Computational Intelligence Computer Science 20079780123694683 Computational Materials Engineering Engineering 20079780444500304 Computational Molecular Biology Chemistry pre-20079780123704566 Computational Quantum Chemistry II - The Group Theory Calculator Chemistry pre-20079780125696821 Computational Quantum Chemistry: An Interactive Introduction to Basis Set Theory Chemistry pre-20079780080467337 Computational Techniques for Multiphase Flows Chemical Engineering 20099780080445090 Concepts and Terminology in Organic Stereochemistry Chemistry pre-20079780815513735 Concrete Admixtures Handbook Materials Science pre-20079780080964454 Configuration Management Metrics Engineering 20109780123737342 Consciousness and Cognition Neuroscience 20079781856175487 Construction Process Planning and Management Engineering 20109780750686662 Consumer Behaviour in Sport and Events Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20089780444895660 Continental Rifts: Evolution, Structure, Tectonics Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780444529985 Contourites Earth and Planetary Sciences 20099780122818455 Control in Robotics and Automation Engineering pre-20079780122374616 Control System Design Guide: Using Your Computer to Understand and Diagnose Fee Engineering pre-20079780750681315 Controlling Collaboration between Firms Finance 20099780080438788 Convective Heat Transfer Chemical Engineering pre-20079780126151855 Coral Reef Fishes Agricultural and Biological Sciences pre-20079780750662611 Corporate Bonds and Structured Financial Products Finance 1995-20069780750683821 Corporate Governance Finance 20099780444519948 COSMO-RS Chemistry pre-20079780240815633 Creating 3D Game Art for the iPhone with Unity Media Technology 20109780240521015 Creative DSLR Photography Media Technology 20099780240814193 Creative Motion Graphic Titling for Film, Video, and the Web Media Technology 20109780123785855 Credit Engineering for Bankers Finance 20109780123757289 Crime Scene Photography Media Technology 20109780750668781 Critical Issues in Ecotourism Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20079780123748904 Cryptographic Boolean Functions and Applications Mathematics 20109780444513861 Crystal Growth - From Fundamentals to Technology Physics and Astronomy pre-20079780815514534 Crystal Growth Technology Chemical Engineering pre-20079781856176118 Cult of Analytics Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20099780123849175 Cyber Attacks Computer Science 20109781597491334 Cyber Crime Investigations Computer Science 20079781555583064 Cybersecurity Operations Handbook Computer Science 1995 - 20069780444401830 Cyclic Sedimentation Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780444527806 Cyclodextrin Materials Photochemistry, Photophysics and Photobiology Chemistry pre-20079780240521077 Dance Music Manual Media Technology 20089780750682343 Data Mining and Market Intelligence for Optimal Marketing Returns Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 2008

9780750677967 Data Mining and Predictive Analysis Computer Science 20079780123735775 Data Preparation for Data Mining Using SAS Computer Science 20079780750684552 Demystifying Embedded Systems Middleware Engineering 20109780750654197 Derivative Instruments Finance 1995-20069780123742575 Desert Olive Oil Cultivation Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20099780444505774 Design and Operating Guide for Aquaculture Seawater Systems Agricultural and Biological Sciences pre-20079780240811819 Design Essentials for the Motion Media Artist Media Technology 20109780750647090 Design of Experiments for Engineers and Scientists Engineering pre-20079781856177078 Design Patterns for Embedded Systems in C Engineering 20109780123008503 Designing Teaching Strategies Psychology pre-20079781597490610 Developer's Guide to Web Application Security Computer Science 20079780750683777 Developing Change Leaders Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20099780444532428 Developing Solid Oral Dosage Forms Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science 20099780080554808 Development for High Performance Revised Edition Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20089780444517050 Development of Pedotransfer Functions in Soil Hydrology Agricultural and Biological Sciences pre-20079780884153801 Developments in Offshore Engineering: Wave Phenomena and Offshore Topics Chemical Engineering pre-20079781437778304 Developments in Surface Contamination and Cleaning - Methods for Removal of Partic Engineering 20109780444885173 Diagenesis, IV Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780444520876 Dictionary of Distances Mathematics 20079780123495501 Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and Linear Algebra Mathematics pre-20079780444877611 Differing Perspectives In Motor Learning, Memory, And Control Psychology pre-20079780123747099 Diffusion MRI Neuroscience 20099780444531681 Digestive Involvement in Systemic Autoimmune Diseases Immunology and Microbiology 20089780240522104 Digital Art Masters: Volume 5 Media Technology 20109780240811758 Digital Collage and Painting Media Technology 20109780240813097 Digital Compositing for Film and Video Media Technology 20109780123704979 Digital Design and Computer Architecture Computer Science 20079781558608610 Digital Geometry: Geometric Methods for Digital Picture Analysis Computer Science 1995 - 20069781856176781 Digital Media Processing Engineering 20109780240808567 Digital Nature Photography Media Technology 20079780240521749 Digital Painting Techniques Media Technology 20109780240812038 Digital Sculpting with Mudbox Media Technology 20109781856179218 Digital Signal Processing 101 Engineering 20109780120658503 Discrete and Continuous Boundary Problems Mathematics pre-20079780240812717 Distributed Game Development Media Technology 20109780444505859 Diversity in Barley (Hordeum Vulgare) Agricultural and Biological Sciences pre-20079781856176828 Don't Blame the Tools Finance 20099780123695208 Drug-like Properties: Concepts, Structure Design and Methods Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science 20089780750677592 DSP Software Development Techniques for Embedded and Real-Time Systems Engineering pre-2007

9780750686211 Due Diligence Handbook Finance 20099780444520562 Dynamics Physics and Astronomy 20099780120885626 Dynamics of Bone and Cartilage Metabolism Medicine and Dentistry 1995 - 20069780444528100 Earth's Oldest Rocks Earth and Planetary Sciences 20089780124555211 Ecological Geography of the Sea Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20079780123748553 Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates Environmental Science 20109780444527394 Ecology of Insular Southeast Asia Environmental Science 20079780123749017 Economic Capital Finance 20099780750661829 Economic Capital Allocation with Basel II Finance 1995-20069780124441651 Economic Risk in Hydrocarbon Exploration Engineering pre-20079780750653848 Economics for Financial Markets Finance 1995-20069780750662499 Ecotourism Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20099780123435309 Effective Brief Therapies Psychology pre-20079780123819864 Effective Interviewing and Interrogation Techniques Forensics 20109780123744463 Elasticity Engineering 20099780444535658 Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Chemical Engineering 20109780750667401 Electric Drives and Electromechanical Systems Engineering pre-20079780750699167 Electric Vehicle Battery Systems Engineering pre-20079780815520450 Electrical Codes, Standards, Recommended Practices and Regulations Engineering 20109780123815439 Electrical Load Forecasting Energy 20109781856176545 Electrical Safety Code Manual Engineering 20109780240809953 Electricity for the Entertainment Electrician & Technician Media Technology 20099780123737380 Electrochemical Sensors, Biosensors and their Biomedical Applications Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 20089780444527929 Electrochemistry for Materials Science Chemistry 20089780444532954 Electrocorrosion and Protection of Metals Chemical Engineering 20099780444529381 Electromagnetic Sounding of the Earth's Interior Earth and Planetary Sciences 20079780123742520 Electronic Exchanges Finance 20099781856177009 Electronics Explained Engineering 20109781856176958 Electronics: A First Course Engineering 20109780444527783 Elementary Methods of Molecular Quantum Mechanics Physics and Astronomy 20079780815515838 Emerging Nanotechnologies for Manufacturing Engineering 20099780126767575 Emerging Technologies for Food Processing Agricultural and Biological Sciences pre-20079780127444826 Emission Tomography Neuroscience 1995 - 20069780123741448 Encyclopedia of Insects Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20099780123735539 Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20099780120885893 Encyclopedia of the Solar System Earth and Planetary Sciences 20079780444531728 Endocrine Manifestations of Systemic Autoimmune Diseases Immunology and Microbiology 20089780240811796 End-to-End Game Development Media Technology 20109780080451411 Energy Optimization in Process Systems Engineering 2009

9780750686709 Energy: Management, Supply and Conservation Energy 20109780750684392 Engine Testing Engineering 20079780750668750 Engineering Analysis with ANSYS Software Engineering 20079780340631836 Engineering Vibration Analysis with Application to Control Systems Engineering pre-20079781856178556 Enhanced Oil Recovery Engineering 20109780750684484 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management in the Hospitality Industry Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20089780080548203 Environanotechnology Chemical Engineering 20109780123750891 Environmental Biotechnology Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 20109780127100579 Environmental Contaminants: Assessment and Control Engineering pre-20079780125762601 Environmental Electrochemistry Environmental Science pre-20079780444532930 Environmental Futures Environmental Science 20099780444531599 Environmental geochemistry: Site Characterization, Data Analysis and Case Histories Earth and Planetary Sciences 20089780080568867 Environmental Modelling, Software and Decision Support Environmental Science 20099780120644773 Environmental Monitoring and Characterization Environmental Science pre-20079780080438733 Environmental Radionuclides Environmental Science 20099780123809247 Enzyme Kinetics: Catalysis & Control Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 20109780750659918 Essential Java for Scientists and Engineers Engineering pre-20079780750667951 Essentials of Human Resource Management Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 1995-20069780123705020 Essentials of Lean Six Sigma Engineering pre-20079780123747297 Essentials of Stem Cell Biology Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 20099780444508522 Ethnomedicine and Drug Discovery Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science 1995 - 20069780750685870 Evaluating Information Systems Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20089780750669870 Eventful Cities Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20109780125060417 Evidence-Based Educational Methods Psychology pre-20079780444529565 Evolution and Geological Significance of Larger Benthic Foraminifera Earth and Planetary Sciences 20099780123705181 Evolution of Primary Producers in the Sea Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20079780125986557 Evolution on Planet Earth Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780444989215 Evolutionary biology of ostracoda: its fundamentals and applications Proceedings of th Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780750677561 Excel by Example: A Microsoft Excel Cookbook for Electronics Engineers Materials Science pre-20079780750685900 Exchange Behavior in Selling and Sales Management Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20089780080445298 EXERGY Energy 20089780240809397 Exhibiting Photography Media Technology 20089780444513144 Experimental Methods in Kinetic Studies Chemical Engineering pre-20079780815514732 Extrusion Materials Science pre-20079780080964508 Fatigue and Tribological Properties of Plastics and Elastomers, 2nd Edition Materials Science 20109780123744524 Fault-Zone Properties and Earthquake Rupture Dynamics Earth and Planetary Sciences 20099780123751584 Fenner's Veterinary Virology Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 20109780123725790 Fiber Bragg Gratings Engineering 20099780750686839 Film Marketing Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 2010

9780240812526 Filmmakers and Financing Media Technology 20109780240817002 Filmmaking Media Technology 20109780750687010 Finance Director's Handbook Finance 20099781856175517 Financial Planning Using Excel Finance 20099780750664318 Finite Element Method Set Engineering pre-20079780750658669 Finite Element Method: A Practical Course Engineering pre-20079780123196521 Fish Nutrition Agricultural and Biological Sciences pre-20079780240813455 Flash Advertising Media Technology 20109780444504753 Fluid Catalytic Cracking V Chemical Engineering pre-20079780444530608 Fluid Catalytic Cracking VII: Chemical Engineering 20079780444890375 Fluid Catalytic Cracking: Science and Technology Chemical Engineering pre-20079780444986689 Fluid Mechanics for Petroleum Engineers Earth and Planetary Sciences pre-20079780444530868 Fluorine and Health Chemistry 20089780750683807 Food and Wine Festivals and Events Around the World Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20089780123736604 Food Process Engineering and Technology Engineering 20099780123747129 Food Security, Poverty and Nutrition Policy Analysis Agricultural and Biological Sciences 20099780750647625 Food Supply Chain Management Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 1995-20069780750669429 Forecasting Volatility in the Financial Markets Finance 20079780123708984 Forensic Art Essentials Forensics 20089780123820006 Forensic Dental Evidence Forensics 20109780120884865 Forensic Investigation of Stolen-Recovered and Other Crime-Related Vehicles Medicine and Dentistry 1995 - 20069780444522146 Forensic Science Chemistry 20089780123708618 Forensic Science Under Siege Medicine and Dentistry 20079780123706058 Forest Ecosystems Environmental Science 20089780122476655 Foundations of Engineering Acoustics Engineering pre-20079781856177061 FPGAs 101 Engineering 2010978-0-240-81224-3 Freelancer's Guide to Corporate Event Design: From Technology Fundamentals to Sce Media Technology 20109780127415505 Freshwater Algae of North America Agricultural and Biological Sciences pre-20079780444825339 Freshwater and Estuarine Radioecology Environmental Science pre-20079780122191350 Freshwater Ecology Agricultural and Biological Sciences pre-20079781856177733 From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation Business, Management, Hospitality and Tourism 20109780121486600 From Molecules to Networks Neuroscience 1995 - 20069780080426891 Frontiers in Tissue Engineering Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 1995 - 20069780444531759 Frontiers of Molecular Spectroscopy Chemical Engineering 20099780080964546 Fundamental Principles of Engineering Nanometrology Engineering 20109780123736154 Fundamentals of Air Pollution Environmental Science 20079780444504265 Fundamentals of Equilibrium and Steady-State Thermodynamics Chemical Engineering pre-20079780750667982 Fundamentals of Fund Administration Finance 20079780123706317 Fundamentals of Nuclear Reactor Physics Physics and Astronomy 2008

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