Is your website in need of redesign - checklist

Post on 27-Jun-2015






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Is your website in need of a redesign? We suggest using our simple checklist, to see if yes or not


Is your website in need of a redesign?

Many small business owners treat their websites as a necessary evil

They forget that their website is often the first thing seen by their potential clients (and often also the last).

Therefore we suggest using our simple checklist, to see if your website needs a

redesign or not

1. Is your design responsive?

Can it easily be viewed on all devices?

2. Does your website load quickly?

Internet providers and smartphone carriers sometimes limit the amount of data We would be doing a disservice to our visitors to make them download tons of images

3. Was the site updated less than 6 months ago?

Visitors might love browsing through your products - but not if they were last updated 5 years ago Your information really needs to be up-to-date

4. Does your website display properly in every browser?

It sounds crazy but not all web browsers render the content of websites the same way Cross-browser issues don’t affect the user much but small annoyances do add up It can degrade usability and lead to users leaving your website

5. Check the page footer – does it show the current year?

You can change it relatively easily but if it hasn't changed in more than 3 years you may want to consider updating your design

6. Does your website generate enough leads?

Your website is more than just an online company profile It’s a tool to help you provide brand awareness, but more importantly to generate leads for your business.

Let’s summarize…

Is your website responsive? Does it load quickly? Is the content often updated? Does it work in every browser? Does it have a modern design? Does it generate sufficient leads?

If the answer to most of those questions was NO…

Then it’s high time you arranged for

your website to be redesigned

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