Is Technology Eroding Our Relationships? By: Dayna Hill

Post on 24-Jan-2018






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Is Technology Eroding Our Relationships?

Image  by:  Stephan  Geyer  

By: Dayna Hill !

In the digital age, technology isn't killing courtship. But for many young couples,

it's redefining what romance looks like.

Image  by:  Valen3na_A  

These days we often text instead of speak…

Image  by:  Xraijs_  

…use FaceTime instead of having face-to-face discussions…

Image  by:  JoePhilipson  

Image  by:  Adam  Kuban  

x  …and zip through online dating profiles with the same speed it takes to order a pizza.

Image  by:  Peteris  B  

"The text is the pygmy of

communication methods.

It's a Post-it note, a P.S.

It's minimum investment,

minimum effort.”

– Mandy Appleyeard

Image  by:  ericskiff  

Human relationships are rich, and they're messy and they're demanding,

and we clean them up with technology.

Image  by:  PistoCasero  

“We sacrifice conversation…

…for mere connection.”

– Sherry Turkle

Image  by:  Marit  &  Toomas  Hinnosaar  

Facebook is the most useful tool for dating since the invention of the box of chocolates. !

Image  by:  JimmyMac210  

It may also be the most dangerous threat to dating since

bad breath.!

Image  by:  *  Polly  *  

Social networking has created an array of new dating rules. !

Image  by:  {shelby.}  

“A letterman's jacket or a class ring —those kinds of social courtship scripts

don’t exist on Facebook.” -Galena Rhoades

Image  by:  Stephan  Geyer  

We talk about liquid courage, but what about

screen courage? For many people the

screen dissolves inhibitions.

Image  by:  Steve  Goodyear  

It has leveled the playing field, so that everyone has a chance to be outgoing and engaging.

Image  by:  xxjoyceeyxx  

Is social media eliminating elements of intrigue and mystery?

Image  by:  Aun3e  P  

Brushing up on someone's background

pre-date means you could skip over some of those foundational moments

of discovery in person.

Image  by:  wolfpix  

Goodbye butterflies and excitement…

…I already know everything about you.

Image  by:  NickNguyen  

How people displayed

their relationships on Facebook

were associated with differing

levels of commitment.

Image  by:  Marco  Colin  

Those that displayed their significant other in their profile picture and were

listed as “in a relationship”…

…were more likely to stay together.!

Image  by:  Joe  Wilcox  

People feel more pressure from friends and family to stay together when they have their partner

in their profile picture and relationship status.

Image  by:  bored-­‐now  

Despite the many pitfalls of dating in the age of social networking, the most contentious use of technology comes after two people break up.!

Image  by:  cheesy42  

“1 in 10 people have been dumped via text.” - Digital Journal

Image  by:  SimonQ錫濛譙  

Once you finally manage to sever offline ties, there’s really no way to avoid virtual run-ins with your ex.

Image  by:  George_Washington  

Remaining Facebook friends with an ex delayed emotional recovery and led to greater distress over

the breakup, negative feelings, sexual desire and longing for the ex-partner.

Image  by:  tantek  

The simple fact is that ever since the Internet arrived, our sexual and romantic lives have become

more and more digitized!!

All images are licenced under a !Creative Commons agreement and

sourced from flickr!

Image  by:  bengt-­‐re  

Sources  •  hYp://­‐romance-­‐evolu3on  •  hYp://­‐technology-­‐

tex3ng-­‐romance_n_1219841.html  •  hYp://


•  hYp://­‐facebook-­‐adds-­‐perils-­‐rituals-­‐da3ng.html  •  hYp://­‐facebook-­‐ruined-­‐da3ng-­‐and-­‐

breaking-­‐up-­‐too    •  hYp://

online_da3ng_is_it_more_real.html  •  hYp://­‐in-­‐the-­‐facebook-­‐era-­‐

advice-­‐from-­‐men/  •  hYp://­‐and-­‐the-­‐impact-­‐


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