Is seo definition changing

Post on 08-May-2015



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Now days SEO have became very complicated due to various updates like penguin , panda and other google updates . Penguin updates are for those websites who don’t follow Google rules and regulations. It’s basically for those who are using blackhat SEO techniques like keyword stuffing, cloaking, etc. Panda updates improves search engine ranking of good quality websites. Low quality links, keywords stuffing’s are the major points by which panda updates works.


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2. Is SEO definition changingYes we can say that definition of SEO is changing. We can compare todays SEO tactics with 2 year back tactics. So by comparing both tactics we can easily say that yes SEO definition has totally changed. It is definitely due to penguin and panda updates which came into existence in 2011. Search Engine optimization is anything we work on our website to get ranking in search engine or you can say various tasks by which we increase the visibility of our website in search engines like Google and Bing. It includes on-page and off-page 3. Web Solutions | Mobile Apps| Product DevelopmentNow days SEO have became very complicated due to various updates like penguin , panda and other google updates . Penguin updates are for those websites who dont follow Google rules and regulations. Its basically for those who are using blackhat SEO techniques like keyword stuffing, cloaking, etc. Panda updates improves search engine ranking of good quality websites. Low quality links, keywords stuffings are the major points by which panda updates 4. What to do for newly built websiteFor newly built website our first task is website promotion and that we need to do SEO work through which we can easily get ranked in search engines. In SEO we have to add Meta tags and SEO optimized content. Here we have to understand the importance of SEO optimized content because SEO optimized content do half of the work to get easily ranked on decided keyword. In simple words we should decide our keywords first then some good content articles with those keywords being the main attraction in the 5. How to Optimize your WordPress WebsiteFor example suppose our keyword is online casino then we have to write content which contains online casino in title and 4-5 times in content having minimum 350 words in length. Then we have to add online casino in SEO title and focus keyword. In description we must enter that keyword and description should at least have 155 words. So in Onpage for WordPress , our next task is to install various plugins like WordPress SEO by Yoast, WordPress cache and other helpful plugins like contact form 7 6. Web Solutions | Mobile Apps| Product DevelopmentThen next step is to create accounts on Google analytics and Google Webmaster (Bing webmaster For Bing). By using Google Analytics we can see traffics coming from various places globally. In Google analytics we can easily see from which country and from which state we are getting traffic. And in Google webmaster tool we can submit our Created Sitemap.xml files so that Google can easily crawl our website and its all 7. How to Optimize your WordPress WebsiteIn Offpage optimization we should optimize our website locally first through local classified ads and directories. And then our next tasks are social bookmarking, Forum Posting, Blog commenting, Presentation creation, Article submission, Infographics, etc. At last our main works is to take all the records of keywords ranking in excel format so that we can easily work according to their ranking. Now days ranking sheets are very important because it gives us the record of keywords means we can easily see which keywords rankings are improved and which are lower down in ranking. 8. Contact UsContact Us for any help or Website development services 9. Thank You for WatchingHire An Expert Developer For Your Next Project

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