Irrelevance (2015)

Post on 22-Jul-2016






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by SÆomulci∝ Gonn≥c cover art by Cemm Voifetsh



June 2015

Warm values

Me pickin’ on him will capitolly pay off at InTuaNua. & yu’l knw it’s th Pranthiscuy delving in Irrelevance. DEJ-vobe insis-ticals, sorunjed belovine. Tubocloy èn jrestur ⅓ da Fonial creacemnt, taber-treval zinc’n, Shloyy aderendus suphdi-soil &-it don’t Túng avvidow(e) ÷ ewine slome wheree (i re-ember it lavishly) @ th Colbus-voubt, diswainne Necury by z’udalpho-breeze, etC — Mirana’s lunar-byte lasts weeks, a credulus compound-id% • Dinacctø zouy² pirisconza freighl’t Tionich disvelzing brominence eLerce; their scorrence neems Biattersfsly’e (now) vattled lingths dremb. Th peri-scorrence d’Cary rondis glight, veiny Digicom frestlers annoint \ shLatoy-zil reeep. ‘I’m good here @ Thumblel jimp,’ this racket of Rye. Junbletz-in arraneus(e) hi-atop Tomplistic-jlan ≠ warm values. Koconaché, densional dalne³ • quip cemblomlitans crenki-ly. Clunb and lumide tricS. M’nuy crit-tleshtin obortid, ceé Patomwa fizel, yet things is gaped. Chainfa cuverrdom Y — who cares wht-yu’r gouging. th Menul-taneity, i sit outside W/ Beeverton & co. This ispal stufff, how gradiale is Chez-bique, delucive or frombe-fore tautled Tumége? @ Dejné-varuls, peoples think I’m Lunartiznia (15) • COVsarklin’ th edipice axigentil dopmund 0 — ‘nthup

Dwedle. Who elsse can penelpnotise Stizlem cordolew?



When henerations gest, ‘there was a nob from Kibbudy blab, given us breaks frm Bohéme.’ so-so Fyalgnurist enanc-tipatur hoverdawn ply-out∆ ye’d Slurra eachigoor, plavetid Chezduan by ¼dilbs. Plangeaste; you don’t gnow-wht They’d mleeste¿ — sasmïc Unroulage, hiefte-y aparo / T’Tenchbeven% as daschurcic Dloverz impluy, nutrendured; il scoet □’r elsuretyy gelguan, tyrd’a Topan-ganite(s) brase destulpdeity, eager to warnope.\ We was milnch eap in sobri-eter fury. I’m covering for Galchobe = rescinded sminches at smashed Elkho-rizon, urlubin(e) topphcruit espises des Cullim, a devouringg • U-Blin’s prefer-ences. Th extrarniarC comed-off’v lúx-urjdin as tempelus divindum’n, c’mon Dichatucha & eldMir brocades-of-th$ • nonaldum’ll blabtulenç¦e forGo isth-mus-îng as eclectic lalsts


Nobi pordual

Nigel was no figurehead, exponius 2 th naxx↑ Ether landsliderss prepare ‘who-is-yu’ concurrencie¦s (as there is more to thBliff than Øne can e-magine). so-no-harssh’d Meliculum sphlunes, Eticá cronouncennt X every lost opportunity. tliende 2gether = Numb occasiun% - porthoBoxe 5 (dn’t study). Returmusce velyoscop(e) just rebothers th slow-ly-slept icons: their Neeerness exultç\e th burinflea, w/ exhaust. Supradismis-siv foolz dentaur Yion-decay, swiG-autt conporals, & realli-got tLoatâg¦e espects. ‘If you wish to underview Né — soccoat QiVi◊ nionsluy,’ experticéc Generalities... stlil woozing? Itchin’ to beladoure & doxocrize yrr Awn intelect w/ perlizatioon[s] overdue, chut it.\ Recollesce, thn note-to-you ReVieww⅓ lifecrampz, excessive rebirecting, classè Expulcier¶-hunid prerailemnt Vø-doupts on th etelier, sish currentdoM vercienç — whn I’m a saulmring As expectid: Alphacontention? Woln atroccisn’ By bevcuding rerecited sponlé Addhuaray conadelte violbing!> Be ‘plan-gestiD’, as occipital as before, tulnforx galebni-ate agaiN÷N • scuzzy Manipulado ispi-clackp’



Life is 11 little shacks / traces of Look & Longing, get Quob’d, wht? you got No shruss? ebblé-Ibly hand, I’l in-nocuate Cieblah C’re irbline, hostly Tvéchonic Tuvolcny enzamur dephstrial walling. th dyscursiF ire-bing boader-in’ is immassed, cleres Du pressage, estuMolotive inaction% • tewelssdae Tolwaca surgiancte. tht sways 2 de-comatise [those] b’Errcuant ruiners, pre-pertulent Cotomy for liepprestún n.d.a.↓ slippage(s) kinda Chiseled away by Denefactors over-time & sides-ense Livattico’e quiM \ desponâge tract plormized thranular; ths ain’t an Adjoin-er’s giste — plismaticisedN 3bult gorre, ‘when I’n contridine’



Judicious by bred-open plainths W/ a lot of wigdart thwartlin’, tee-top Illustralia. My dulphin is an acessury to Murmor. Yr beard’s a boulevard thru HectarVar ves-tiges. Oh, i could sleep, it’s Monyim-ni-te, Atlumographé instigated, be vari-ably disgedged% — yeridu Sissuasien porcel$ inchorly.\² Aphordolcil rurmnt diClaines ‘actionlessly’ at thSolar shtain (eagerdum arupted)L • solzlenlî taured o’er its unitioon / ocophobe turnlitiu’e, i vaguest NNeeler astoposed! Finequol gammi of S’qual ÷ stanthinopes dope-it. Effermess, a plugzian zape, quidi-cised By yepdol qaven, Talk to a hus-pvein; dare to be diagonal. My grails is g-poked, a reerk quatly off Allemust’s brim, ‘ever heard of shRivasaya?’ Th yepsim Bondage-trayy fortuitizes its Vi-able gup, spose Janarox (2 get Pabbid honorly, reAct) ÷ she La tlarneé Uh\L • pavis Camesaul


th Bainchild

A scub-stroire Indication, who pelvets? Don’t rooch a chicken wáng. Yoy’s be-trescallent fixturel$ tessen’t D’cene, re-rurn of th adequate, post pelvic. We won’t bring a brigmance into it, Feelin’ treastonal? Side scaves implore, con-tour collecture. Gabbled b(l)eep in ¼ preserved Retinence, cinstlopial urge 3. Brershtonian slandur, conditiun’d 2 ¢ — immul bralzinccy’e liphTul▲ as ex-temporeities combust, hedd-øn nuclei’i w/ zintro-sleaves, ducT comporl, bret-tinised foible = constant dociline: Nega-tiunn%. yr slavage sestitution is ix-poctad5 pharluen T•T n’tilx tropaphobe yistulentç YABB↑ bidgetalk centrists compaign Literul(s) in mangy moxy thrawdownss. Cepitulict snaily slegers. Tatempose a little contupratiV-as-a ‘deVaGering’ uppose is re-reked□ / seee th Choy umbilit, iodynial borer[s]. Whø you know who’s as-nub-strong? tainte-nance • V bellied mutton & th Bainchild. Jeptociles cruch th Nispanggel JINE \ in-crorctis, thiminus as desolate◊ come in smellin’ like smelt: a newer Trixism, po-ratid. DDel vaniarte, a¦goovery is Why.

baltify ths generalisatien Anyhow⅓ ■ th Twoon blip oarceratidL — Horchica-do gonna Be duln vavot leceeder ∏ •

‘there are no electricwomen, just snivs frm Evecchnø,’ imbure a purpocrat w/ notenoye noxuratiens. 2-sedge @ City-wink, nothin’ scums us-morr. ‘I’m a real Huspher adjucator,’ Aren’t we redddY to-acct. 4 who is you? GorgeJine frm ‘f*ck-me-all’ Shtine?! Dude’s lookin’ at my peer platter: choped Pelagis? re-annoint W/ that TETH dimensionoid as thLast aprothomir secluder, ‘we want th craorte To-cend-it,’ here in th Froxide files.


th postulate of Nømality

Cerectuire stag: who was rue?, & who was Ekdoull zalenger. Padrysals frm Smockjeed Fran — infriricø Ullent$ like day-shogging mellifluent-lives Awaë \ Jerbo-drow nukkyo belibroe tullentç à Cabray infistiV(s) just wait. 3 simuruls otwieek↓Y shomoulls at Hoverdom, no one else. MamiSticiens deviate purely as porageous hutrid lacsaw Tlires, en-telude, CaperCo as runditien. Tanty-leG desestry sikes a tufaholic — ancresta Nidget, all in commun.\ Th colurClia’a legitimastré puvTlô eeker2egress as ‘Mutmoment’ • D’Dlyestrool vure-uhG lawntry, ‘how sthennired is you?’ apedlietors deg as muffourse Colit. busy w/ Upitaw-fluxing, lephtcid\e & yr Mabnatope — noup Acuded partole, tor-tured dyspellsia. Th whol Choystir; on a porod nite, I’m trying to recalcitrate (see th postulate of Nømality) • Blaut begnawin’, I only just started spanglin’.



THAT’S chide, so wageterian. th New Party of Cylindrics, you wouldn’t be forced to interfere — ChooyMo-flidi-an gnoccizm #3 • zodge Lemino can’t crisp m’Zepilogue¦é, c’mon cherryfish, no one’s diagnosed, zen chosey Fila-gree. She can sploon, ‘all I have is th asking phalanx, Reyenalist.’ Taoshnery obva’ be cseedW/ (blumthngs’ else). NosshpuntÀ, lucced în at Lusppo-creck, we’ll avenge NeCrecy II • Knay lelsvrø voluminator. >MenoMlal, who all flail, p’sheeky¿ those is Choy’s underbibs at Fravolate 5 [like an ax aCerptifier, there’s no-feer] ÷ TLactitoafa insur-gentç — that leaves me-w/ ∆oppBrayl nenacine (or, th Langorous 9). NO-TIME ûrrpru Bogus-shiftS, uh-saint-a-slugh Reasonist. I thought I had sebeguel yuntaintS sworming th Obsequiencce, naized long ago \ În-perturbers gen-erallé sley-me, ‘Ain’t got shun-thinggs glestable yet,’ mimico Sogüs ¼ glare of Centuristiaty, congratZ fer clearing th air, summitably worth it, I nostalge amongst Goop therapists & wonder wht it’s like 2b accesible, contrastid.

NoCotch columnical or vagary, let’s not widdle ‘round ob-gentual creers — OK.\

Grontoured beening(s) nespify conzom-nuls. Embarassed at th smel of Posei-don — inch away, lost coin at thRejuve-nation statiun. A bunch of floaticians at Nerrowac, makin’ sure i’m not a toccato gato \ Crispizms©. Adjeect sunnerbliss 2mogrify flappy apps (Or ‘incricisiun% surly grandeur likes a swipaholic striph-en furloc). Echtazapoip plain-deendîng — guatalop(e) clut-ennd Lacoc grulciat-lin’ ceend, vu Dallyup resoning? 0’fon-nor lalo-shray, Tht didalocoln craze. Bodya a’palpam Ain’t some doe in thDin • choî o’mobidy, &-why it marldisoyls us. 5 luse Luvingstinn ⅓ ch’parge, Don’t let it redolp you,’ o’er at Fronducmooot, I stliay surrortid. We come-bck to th sn-objot.

pReshtunlian swicher ÷ obvious ob-viating doesn’t get mentioned. razin Da-sheper undoorway’d like palgic plan-hands — dn’t dublecruss InImitable(s). th droposal Is pure boint. 11-hefted zinzoliers t’patch Leglesslé. onward/In-ward ÷ i’l systematically dither.



W/ gnarly knuckles, we re-pleeD • slem lenklies yC — intluitiV$ by cerplistin’ Out-on squirlypaperz³. Bleftona cancerbar¿ We wain mucch, zutrostopy as CON-FLICT + truition(s) of thMabuse-aboon, ‘where’s lucck@ hiuMaccy ardensprawl, Chuna concurrence that’l detain detail? Fumer½ regaliatoricles, ‘rshmondered QaQ durlents’ As atrovocité con gloane — Itremcicals coping% • Canarbar afil-iates! Let’s le-shoóg spromptien wèng \ Berrilsiast numes eltregifY it’s çolucent ≠ th compromise of th FukTut regime, pup-less harums, hot at Mabo-blaiP



Cut bug, untrilogized. Paduclou-tranz. Bring it bck for blackShacckling¦s • con-bessniv⅓ eurologicle skip, wraqnuz. A thulp-irragulk’re↑ so totlanJø urrects à NIJLUM nirculo. churnpahlo brek9 ri-taçilut∆t Julp corraigns / a pire Clasti-none blunt


th subtlement of 6strune

Wrap-a-doodle was my spy. >TuBerculi execrucioner re-examines nectéc-lutch IV • by Brawsay climes — undø. Diviner trattice 2glug immidiphiers’ Slagism(s) only cause myrrtoil, classp Menuve, atchake Laspirancy (cycles’d in bleary wifedom). PachAg necessityl greernL — waughtre #R.g. splindicone cathoders expect it (in 5 parts, we’re diagonous). Fummoxed in th safetychair, don’t do squat to Cloakie (scrapin’ th botom of th Lovebarrel) ÷ th dismal features • cimberbulsiv, Garbage goddesses, jeal-ous oysters cram a cosmic crumbb½ in buturalo bémes \ Trepechto slur à amigdym lecchiús Ornî — valastiener$’ zig pherrignum, As locillingT∆ tlùn-out. Mattoticed by remumbling[s], vatavis-tic sneeer thru2 sunnday, Filik yuniaré TLOCCH↓ • anurundus muck, sluntin-ue¦ed□. No twiners can culugtuarise at 2nd Indicatien: who be yookin’? Colab-Dø oami \ perivenstian% Cluedessl’r oumphF w/ th 6th of Stenths (may ra-nourise Insistently), ebarcoale meat at th flavour-gouge, speak of D’Clohm-tilt-ed frag Binuvlemnt!


Shlacc 4

Weavin’ a bulet thru no harré Thrune \ yr prevudiceure hezrit∆ Umbledreggg ½masper-plein$ enledgedly at Cruspth conventions. Siyt uminescenet, ploys of 2 flined Ratacrazza slinceletZ, dû-crusshÁ coltognesce? Thay’re pros-pect X • horibine rodaglio’e sefterseine MossceptM err — Mano/Hermano cring-er(s) = Albidcloy derbids’a colundlenç|e pudentry àn prepritW dalfogn¿ — serre-lis-fcts Juldidgrê; enfumed leyy xcerp-tidlé upon th phony fracts. I was go-ingly prefared3 Π-g.tein supracact by ayeballl H → aglainstress (toxey)’L & th fulbascent clinge! Truvle 2.8 / cepptice Unsolot • d’Arvigovidre solietie ang-wurral Clippage◊. AsclemvadJa clinne assimilativ disdeignin’ QifelG lestromiz-able andhand as declarization? Faptain runduzvale numdil/e zooDitav ½logik • oranialn aCLOV — actyssl’e lenving-now-a-frool.

Deluded itchel-nag o’er by Ludite can-yon. some pilkzob tleintiv norburres, & th whol Eccountalil; thromberry disuse in An agidle rumstrativb’ 0-nil (think you knew Moore pzenthçis Cuy) ablelflen-ját∆ as we grue thru Tabilist lames. s.n. Shlacc 4 suror dysclicquec BROM↓N el-

valueèd¦d p’Qan odious madders.


th Pezullo dove-wring

lindtomb arasnatcha ÷ concurrentçe. Dividum 3 • Play-a-pegz’ tlunardtLa via vrestínge, azapatl 0 neresthenni-alN nishap \ Cheropin manderflake[s] critiszom’d by Errogence. Nasphlot chirner, lay a zig 2Conformence & dlassh-out speriospectus: illusorial(s) — nokary. Roll tlaccideral dimes by yu; stort th Mockprovider as jacshit. People’s is silly beyond bestinction, mainlyne muffTole, so brevolant co-clux @ Vitud-er nidje, outer nongolia? >PIF-thruet capes is admirable, hut thenth Gapèz clause is Th contrast of Groanes.

thTupadraniad mufff ÷





th Soccanieé¦s trace¿ I can tell by th vellum. Trinarchotic hareblowe CUCE fnorge¼ • dn’t shorry Vicomlico, de-needed in a psst-purceQ shonolon, hold a stridge, ‘Aur ruture’s deduced,’ ◊-tword a sludged acronymph (Fules ahead of us)’L — 1mør frierarch cong, rattleby clerge-of-C’Duss, innoblaised dust V as lucide pierr. Pretend itS qolit-terul Z, kepcaur repristialN w’jorl-qui-tur, semi-stastionul. Folútnor uncellular fragmentiçt >frm olob Chalune’s tuft. Ain’t I pilastrural? Leeve it NoMo-mel-on, quibaxur E, anfuiary¦e shovelin’ by th Tiquoduce maW — chuGil Y men-groupniaL judding. NQ-pettch of nos-trown Soonink□’r → a mynstraltiv ru-ring is cloturural. I’s still supphlyin’ at Eagerton blete \ niturelN-ous verying slayde Ennot à vebe, you churn? Vrijul-stic tencing; dranfial a nonward Buttlier, 1st sake of Lastism(s) freightly congest. Chubvale zeeen à Brazerkin sodge? Hadramoat, now do I attlone?

4 abiceriale Definition(s) ÷ ah-scrabi-an resisture: OV-whod yu’v enference

Dalban urior cripplers. Gø in dyspviulN dreeer lachtan 0 — to be eceiptful urion (phantom dismissiuns). If you’re gonna leerjet, you’ll be aft-finished.


poShirons of life

G-tout ways Mabilu • all th way bck 2 J’Fearson co. sufficient. Maybe, back in th day of Oedipance, go ‘head tacky Dis-posers! fictiv garb alluciatiD landslid, ‘n th ChoCoGo, th Lancashire facedrought, y’all’s aprotenthicy? & where y’all spose LittleLids be?

Trautace inheritors: I never get the hell outta there; symzablE’ reccon As ‘new2nableize’ on icct. of its superion scufflaw. Palypo stinguishyrs do-wht¿ czarfon Attics renumerize civral-gnaßs loakli Èn surreignlé-whof, truce? No, not instagnable, nurobee’d fathoms sum’d up • ¢-shulb villlas (see my semi-prob-ables) ÷ remarcatiens, yes, astound me & i’l didastocize onward! Kibaku crilba-ceu anvestus migrator, this’l work. Th cøre of coupS’ prezenith’d Aspousal(s) fale 2 freech Na’ — ozilby rontience∆R↑ tarture ⅓ as a dinecesh


Nitwit antigua

Like yr vinvar acumulativ, niche th ballbreaka’ As th adherables set aside CCLATUR%. Ixtencalcians may entrude; (this’s a thoroughness nobody clones) • pupadet.



Poulsnunt had a child named ‘Spir-it’ — Done w/ galls, and curtain calls. (See th bane of wushninx, utterly). & talk of transnegatiVs • Tlunaboxtra cave-în, simulature sogg-dwn. Th bot-tlamyst currence, fraid not. Stawdoz-in’ an exerptor’s lanne, tyót mulglano, terruptiç¦e like in a lasshflite. Sogondro weathens, princoptulî. Narbo baltiencéc ¼surilloW. Tuzultos on th scaraway, meet Harry th aesthete.

I struck up a Ronberilssue calculad□ ès-uhh I’l do Qimbu, jst somo-thng|s candercent¢ • d’Clomovox urdue’r ÷ milinquent Shladows-arpet. Hunue irrhuegát² lispered mamo, chune Hezwinth preoccupiers in sea-redes L-mysse, pishtine glaspp. W/ wespon Sirioco truths, plyce out∆ HunLu qorcet like aspecticians yind naurelia x 2. pîdgerricle Hlin — naxxo brailebite en-genue. sirflaccit negligable[s] twalx-uót W/ last nite’s imperatiVs. Nu-cluch zoiter, bé cerius & inphlage joyouslé, th Nusclu boddla can be drelnn Up. Teb-cueen straile, how you c’posses it▼. shundersume bulget + run-on Rissues, wht utlumaid Cancletiv-lués, aint yuir-resbrená cruth-bug without happening. That’s me in Unravelment...

blasé bootstrapa

blasé bootstrapa

a school of quail & a comedienne run it out of a Tupigrawn-slot / topocaul check it out, it’s th hickory slink


Yundaulk filb

Keep a matchhead Mardúk’d ÷ r’Ol-then estrutilqaqeú nartno’M↓-ply Sòy, a NagNul gacishness at Yundaulk filb \ BrusLychø annul-as-wht¿ Luflidol (or balopuene). & zentrul Lornn frulmues enerctiD — at 0’Mort9-nusk, let’s do more. when she phlones Irregular-iy’l, supresant wovin’ thru th Gowth (so-sslow) before winccing o’er Lagu-da etherums, just 1mor joist \ Ab-brendirum as hoiy-blalancid, Noceslits at Wicomico, s’stay blarrabil÷N in an ensunphrence yoging Nowhere.5 tlere’s a bungdum Seret, so stovable & uncom-planed about-. Help me-w/ Bucclevi 2 slong, agregettivo’u bilang, Or sogvelt User(s)’l demonctrify wht-yu’l-icce K — coore ventlun’m Unstrance-vily# Dnøssh agoselec • Boron’s festive-fengs cloliterisse. A Proficiac’s slaunder w/ semi-suggestiv gladiatien (my normal poise).


th indescriminate rooms of DUZT

Hligh atónya; careful babbleaxing in-geniu$¦d² toors Eresmidge. Cheyenis-grm flindz à Bulot(e). sagitize secluders in th yearlé YONNG \ rofapps’ 4 edju-camys ciadamn duLùn-daB↓ infrerctus çilaguad CeC @ Morchelo-burge (see tricksters in a fun-lovin’ oven). A du-pressionary stag; why don’t you deci-mate wht-yu splisse, urphonaudT∆ tat-loú-ege?

HolmJod poclaspus



Say th same, itS a junctified dish; all her camps is pellmell ÷ odious at th source. He do a lot of chezzilnitch (no one can seee) • Oyeldremico codiphY² aslüong eftremcel. Selia’s nagphone fristicized Né — minhorral soys can Unipresse à surmisor-stong. In a distant quart-house, be exphosed. Tlunné-maon in an Era of Puostique; cinc-slillÄ advimø arletaire reregano’d, ‘how’s Cimpliture, zophleet∆ Quadromist velo-fet,’ anxious Elly pronumeratid, of-of\. 5 saudrilMen cuáp & re-rilzmatoyS, encludid Rom-neight hiphtohemn[s]; there’s wht’s xactified! Zelmic-sorrow entplaitD, na-tricologî as arrant, ya Belgium&Bly cui-forlid V saol thJirrc/Ne enesculpa-ble, skiblatably nonseeen ⅓ • oh, my section’s scilettable

secrets of Mamlith / soggy ditches & britches named Yaboo, shkoyo-yaF drel-vus. constants of NoDivcus bay, grey taxes


th crustacean Cowboy

Tru Nafoldy • imbeliChur detached & tiokan, ‘have yu got an edge-hourn ir-riclunp’d — or Miviclom hibernysticle(s) oviceclium lay stirbed?’ >Nirbolent is my creasse, Dbsteakir in dilyrnch’d irricros-set$ • t.b. vane Culurum as 2 particles recalm ya \ slottirn 5c lunbern, ochicolN yestiscly Y’might (no ⅓ cruncher colicu-lums vigur It-out). Dr. Pus trades DUST fer pinponant Lg/g • Eminence sold thru th scurry of DarberrB enciluctus’ç / co-coplattern Assistor. I get SQONES as th griepengrag differs. TIMES frm yaccled Demonstrativs (like a pre-urchined sce-nario). thats’ too much for Cinnovhen finn-.



Well, he’s a rattlestone guy. Over by su-picite heaps, ‘there’s informed Molumay, encouraging roadstrode Banquete.’ Yinticce vs. vagrantçy. I’ve aphray’d, nupuled amasthlé În Lipphø, dured & ³penchantz poluded-. No lackward eu-phomizing¦g • Cebech is happy. CHOY ‘n zeyen handro nepphudite, geantçe briged in a NopeFest. naudya-hengin’ gausthiates, There’s NA engroqintiD dyno-hash, frizza Rendry diwne-ugh, irregulantÇ — compleant, Th Delga-do dopetray’d to tether a tramp, vlis-toonth’d. Larsa Melnt said sad siberians live on. Rulcanessh↓-haby, frunascaizo N-(those) stroybeenz is desertid, 2eras at a time. MuskoMen niddling, addicted to Lohfwatteri. Hiy a-zaults estupido. I hear ya cruisin’ th Miriform, pickled by nickleby bumbum Jam — entrench’d



A tru-ablin’ Bloafilac, energized by nox-ious nobodies. Th color is ambuchable; o’zaults matterably defer, My ongoing tlent W/ New Ledge sempricoccion, & tht can be ‘shalurable’ — eezk↓ As a pilavDileér, mke-it unjust. Sconné donimion(s). Torquozence nift ‘round yr munçtifyers, eternally. >ThX for ths myrrgramGite 0 = a refill for Mos-sponants. QuigDarr dephiancey


th Netropoline

FrisketFolemue, be it a casualty’i, or an apphonant would lulk, Strippa siephalN meisreblen u-crisionul% @ LandLull 12 — ye erpherent Solom taviary-cike[s]. URG-reney, inpectfyl 9 alogne \ Lignant usualsû randomline: Curcasol vide. te-phled Turrr, trinket yr own longitude, welll, no one’s zincing. Rabagascco clerge2coloy — finitely. Iagastape sar-song ordure(s) ÷ Tiplisu’r. Accrocosoch lelmonesq, currayz trestify n’ugly in Herbicalv solemnities, heer th Netropo-line (kilk)². Servid ulders, she likely to give me th varvvohablí vein / sigh it up.



(We) both tutinshamen ramen, Ca-torcé-flake & some quadriniul, lacidly strunp’ A P’zoltrimen tooy @ Zigerdóp raniums¿ TûMottch à luphidre lelz-a-minue, no niphuág garished Rue’e w/ 3 yarnclackX = that conditional glint on th ClenDeln haik; this is Fomberly in some fool’s monogue. Atavistic health of th 2nd dried eel (w/ no valves) ÷ there go GubGreen; that’d be th first mawsole-um we moronised (it Eint essential) →



Yr electrolicy, vundum-whysks zowed în by Glentang y-riversect. Lottoze & th apurtunittÉ • yr smadget raorció, en-flicte in stefobulus murrk. SemBilictus drure, sey itS’ submittableb, enuinely postponod ÷ 2equip Virdentç emidst YanadCyl telepture(s) • nruark Da Suddden colipsticioul’S’l, halo gonquins of Delibrarit focum-sweng, elmuarel IV-assict¶, th tubury jo-jatÇ respectus shent ceclude tersury II. Gelquon by attrelulup’t∆ (v)rijour sLeeens subsid-edly for deys ‘wcoup Prescience! 2hon-idîngH↑ yupteeçis grenading-in slurk-hood baze 9 — anymore. BcckQab w¦c slightliness aporé Slugsolace novice, churipe D’zee

like th Ratles of estinkyó

soma-fried inklings All dem ‘juddawinks live

way down there


Dredigliar choors

cause a Stir w/ moped-glore • zym-Cijinus nolptiens muzzled-în. & Liph-hlo-tengiá(n) mysloitin’ Squr quanti-ties whilst threndlings somoystilize w/out doubtS, curbolic hindrence — nLút sow spine, Vuotuopps’↓ cincatizel on 0-acct’s of reDuctability + you who hluDum braisthes 3 eem, Wht-A cystim-cil és guarrantZ l’dorklieé¦s Toantality, oggle tormenticity s’zacardb — ths bil-lyant cadabur zalót³ / sourmcery #B • wht yu winve petronisticallé. Nhour via canial rhemsvo’u R↑ slot 1’s frariarch-es >Malbit-zooy ‘nthumoyidh • potapy-yø Cleedent, where’s a yoop Groamer? s.d.e.-stuzzil.

Tremendayer olix’d 2 clomb z’para-troip Rah; this is just juldaine ya trudP. Ma-trulpZ cancore my own Dredigliar choors. Chres↓ elatiens midfact Dar-stroym zunshlaya’l colibuire as mix-iltain’d In oventiality. Lost lingerer, where’s thDonatienn oonz? Yî ployayin or a trún(e) gleerboa sum-ugh. RoyoatL conclavitie¦s melded-tht, toyarrin on-flictQ — y’man shamolises V, berrow-bekes bristain cleer ma’ twayul eestes as agile Bocepts burgeone (see th In-digenous Detailists).



A furroughn focofly / dysaffiliatorily, I don’t know⅓ • whtS’ amiskuratin’ Jun-goBungo as sum slums came-out (w/ Per-tainables nonetheless). &-th PoTrucery emitz’f↓ soorgaine of a mlinzortni com-passion% - ruble’b hitormiss. YunchNil® unslifyed Leslies nub, o-fortunlia D\D mizrenthh∆, pririenth combsatn’t(s) in bReveble blankness; zokkrie’e To keep Pozner perpendicular.

Romqueen yatteryests


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