IRN BRU Advertisment Reasearch

Post on 25-Oct-2015






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Design for advertising research IRN BRU


“Cheer up, Goth! Have an IRN-BRU”• Color Scheme- The color scheme used is the same

colors on the actual IRN BRU product. The orange is used for the background against the blue writing which are the same colors used on the IRN BRU can underneath. The picture included next to the text is also colored in black and white so it fits with the color scheme, so all colors on the IRN BRU can are used on the advertisement.

• Layout- The layout of the poster is the same as all the similar posters that IRN BRU have brought out, including a photograph or picture to the left of the poster and then split in half with the orange back ground, then a quirky statement in blue writing, then a picture of an IRN BRU can and the website link directly underneath the can.

• Font- The font used is a quirky font that looks like it is handwritten and messy. It works well as the company have continually used the font on each poster they have done with the same design, which makes it easily recognizable.

• Context- The text and context used is a witty dry humored joke, which is the same kind of joke on each poster similar to this that they have produced. It says “cheer up, Goth, have an IRN BRU”. They also include a website link so people can find out further information as well as picturing their product so the text is understood because of the context it is being used in.

• Imagery- The image used is used for comedy purposes to work alongside the text as it is meant to make people laugh. As the picture is of a sad looking Goth and company are taking the Mickey out of him, saying that some thing aren't that bad and to cheer up and have an IRN BRU. Other images used include the photograph of the companies actual product so that their audience understand what the advertisement is advertising. The expression on the persons face coupled with the makeup and darkness of the picture contrasted with the bright orange and blue side telling the Goth to cheer up works well as it make the poster funny.

‘Spot the difference’• Color scheme- The color scheme used is the blue

orange and black, the same as the usual advertisements from the company. However they have included a silver color for the bag that the cat is holding as it is the same color that is used on the diet IRN BRU can. The pictures are also in color but minimal colors is used around each picture, with the exception of the three main IRN BRU colors which make the advertisement recognizable.

• Layout- The layout is the same as the rest of the spot the difference advertisements, two pictures of an animal usually are pictures together with either a subtle or an obvious witty difference such as the cat holding the bag. With the IRN BRU logo at the bottom and the IRN BRU can also pictured so the audience understand the context of the advertisement.

• Font- The font used works well as it is the same font as the one on the IRN BRU can. It is also kept the same throughout the advertisement, as the font used for the slogan is the same as the font used on the bag in the picture. The color of the fonts are also the same as the fonts on the can.

•Context- The text used in the images is simple as the picture is the main focus. There is the title so the reader knows what the company wants them to do ‘Spot the difference’. There is also the labeling of the bag to show that they are advertising sugar free IRN BRU, as well as the slogan and the text on the IRN BRU can. •Imagery- There are two replicated images of a cat, they are representing that there is hardly any difference in IRN BRU diet drink than there is the original apart from being sugar free, they are referring to things such as the taste and quality. The images used are purely for the purpose of the spot the difference game. However they have also got a picture of the IRN BRU can as well to show what the advertisement is about as it helps the audience understand the context more effectively.


• Color Scheme- The color scheme is the same as the rest of the advertisements it consists of the staple colors that make up the IRN BRU can. The can is pictured with a white cloud background, orange writing and a blue background all the colors are the same as the can. This shows the audience instantly what company the advertisement is from as the colors are used so that IRN BRU is recognizable.

• Layout- The layout of the poster is different to the other two as the main focus is just the picture of the IRN BRU can and the text. The can is meant to look like it is in the sky with a cloud around it and text directly above the image. The layout is slightly similar to the other images In the sense that the image of the can is placed to the side of the writing. The layout has also cleverly used the wording of IRN BRU on the picture of the can to fit in with the text, so the can has to be read.

• Font- The font used is the same as the font on the IRN BRU can so it makes it easily recognizable and fits well in the advertisement, as it doesn’t look out of place as it works well together, because the advertisement has one continuous font.

• Context- The context and text used within the advertisement is a simple statement ‘Make your summer phenomenal with IRN BRU’. The context is the same as what the company usually uses as they make it witty or cheeky, in this case making the letter ‘o’ into a sun which is winking. The context is also very minimal which is typical of the IRN BRU advertisements.

The advertisement also includes the IRN BRU can in conjunction with the sentence which allows it to make sense. •Imagery- There is little imagery used, however the advertisement is meant to look like a painting or watercolor. The font uses some imagery on the text as the O is a sun that is winking to hint back to summer. There is also the main focus on the picture of the IRN BRU can in the cloud. The imagery also makes it look like the IRN BRU is floating in the sky of flying the imagery used has positive happy connotations.

‘Want sugar? Add it yourself.’• Color scheme- The colors used for this advertisement are different to the usual

colors used for the IRN BRU marketing. However the most likely reason IRN BRU have changed their advertisement colors for this as this particular advertisement is for their sugar free line of IRN BRU cans. The color of the can is kept very similar as IRN BRU have used the same combination of colors but instead have changed them around to make it easily recognizable that it is a different product but by the same brand. However they have used pink and green for the font and background which are quite happy summery colors they are also more gender stereotyped than the usual colors used by the company, this could have been done as diet drinks and products are usually marketed towards the female sex.

• Layout- The layout used is slightly similar to most of the IRN BRU advertisements as they have kept it simple as usual by placing the picture or photograph on one side of the advertisement and the text on the other. This works well as it makes the advertisement easy to read. This is typical of most poster advertisements as it means there is also equal focus on the image and text, as well as making the advertisements purpose and points clearer.

• Font- The font used is a bold font t similar to most of the fonts used in the poster advertisements from IRN BRU. The font stands out as it is a bold modern font which is easy to read, it is also in green which works nicely with the background, as well as using the color green the designer has chosen to use a white stoke around the letters which makes them stand out even more.

• Context- The context and text used within the advertisement is clearly recognizable a s a IRN BRU advertisement as the text is witty when used alongside the picture of the can and cream and cherry. The picture used is necessary for the advertisements text to make sense to the reader. There is very little context apart from minimal text and a picture as it covers all purposes of the advertisement, the can shows people what the advertisement is about, the cream and cherry part assist to the text used which tells the joke.

• Imagery- The image used is a v very simple one of the diet IRN BRU product with the addition of the cream and cherry on top of the can as well as the sprinkles around the bottom this is done to make the advertisement witty when used with the text.

Analysis of IRN BRU can/bottle •Color scheme/ layout - the color scheme used for the IRN BRU can is similar to all of the posters. The colors used are all similar which makes all the IRN BRU products recognizable. The color orange is used for the background of the label used on the bottle and on the can. A silver runner is then repeated a number of times around the label. There is also a dark blue strip down the middle of the label with a lighter blue border, they have used this to allow them to separate the text from the rest of the label. The text used in the blue section is the product name ‘IRN BRU’ in the color white which stands out clearly against the darker blue. Directly above the white writing the slogan ‘original & best’ is written in an embossed silver writing. The company name ‘BARR’ is also stamped across the name of the product with a red background and white writing this makes it clear that it isn't the product and instead the brand name of the product. The color scheme used for the diet version of the drink is very similar and also consistent with the colors used for the original product, the diet version just uses the colors in a different layout, for example the silver color is used for the background of the label instead of the orange color. The layout of the product makes it easy to read and is always consistent so each IRN BRU product is easily recognizable.•Font- The font used for the writing on each label is the same for each original IRN BRU product, however it differs for the diet IRN BRU can as although the font for the product name stays the same diet in a different italic font is added to the top of the can. Italic writing could of stereotypically been chosen to be aimed at women as the font appears more feminine than masculine. •Context- The context used on the labels is very minimal includes repeat pictures of a runner as well as the name of the product, the brand and a slogan or additional information such as diet. •Imagery- There is also very little imagery used on each of the three labeled cans. There is an illustration of a shadow of a runner repeated around the can a few times, the runner was used as IRN BRU originally started out as a sporting drink, so that’s why a sporting figure has been used.

Energy Drink Evaluation – Monster • Color scheme- The color scheme used for this advertisement is

the same as the color scheme used for the actual drink, as the drink is pictured in the advertisement, so the colors work well together as well as the color scheme being consistent. The green is used on the can which is meant to look like scratches from a monsters nails, green is also a color associated with monsters and zombies. The white color and the green color is also used on the text next to the image as it is directly replicated from the can. The background colors are also in keeping with these two colors as the main color is black with an eerie glow of green behind the can and text which makes them both stand out.

• Layout- the layout is also similar to the IRN BRU advertisements as the image is on one side of the poster and the text on the others which makes it easy to read.

• The font used is the same as the font used on the can. The font works well for the product name ‘monster’ as the font is quite gothic and horror themed, which fits well with the name. Then the word energy is in capital letters to stand out which lets people know that the drink is an energy drink. There is also a slogan ‘ unleash the beast’ on the advertisement which is In the same or a similar font to the font used for the word monster.

• Context- The context like most drink advertisements is very minimal, it includes a picture of the product, the name of the product and a slogan.

• Imagery- There is also very minimal imagery used, the only picture used is one of the ‘monster’ can, which is necessary so the audience know what the advertisement is about.

Energy Drink Evaluation- Red Bull • Color scheme- The color scheme for advertisement is the usual

colors used for red bull. The blue, red, silver and yellow. Even though this advertisement is different to the others in the style of the advertisement there are still all the colors cleverly incorporated into the photo. For example the hate of the skateboarder is yellow and the plane has yellow and red and blue and silver on it. The sky is also blue so it fits nicely as well. The font also incorporates all the colors into the advertisement as well. The quote at the bottom of the advertisement is in red and the information underneath it is in silver. Although there is no picture of the product the red and yellow red bull logo makes it clear what the advertisement is about.

• Layout- The layout of this advertisement is also different to all of the others I have looked at as the background is of an image so there is different points of focus. However the text is placed away from the image which divides it well and makes it easier to read. This has been done in all of the other advertisements as the text has been separated from the image.

• Font- The font used is a thin professional font similar to the font used for the logo. This could have been done to make it look more serious as it is being endorsed by a gold medalist.

• Context- the context used is more than the other advertisements I have looked at, there are 4 focus points on the background picture, the helicopter, the skateboarder, the measure and the sky.

• Imagery- the image used is for the entire background it is a metaphorical image of a skateboarder making it to the top of the sky as there is plane shown, this is quite witty imagery to promote the brand.

Energy Drink Evaluation- POWERADE• Color scheme- POWERADE stick to their color scheme that

is on the bottle as well as the actual color of the drink, they use this consistently throughout this advert. The black is used for the background color of the advertisement as it makes the pictures and text stand out against it. The color of the text used in the main part of the advertisement in in white and blue, by using two different colors it helps separate the statements more easily. The bright bottle of the blue energy drink pictured toward the right hand side of the pictured also seems to be reflecting a blue glare onto the athlete which illuminates her and makes her stand out more from the black background. There is a color scheme of black, white and blue with the addition of a colored picture of an athlete.

• Layout- The layout is the most unique that I have looked at so far for a poster advertisement. As the placements of the text and images are quite mixed. It appears that this poster is trying to make the audience focus on 3 main things, the image of the athlete, the image of the actual POWERADE product and the bold declarative text. The image of Jessica Ennis appears to be in the background of the poster with the drink standing out in the foreground of the poster over Jessica Ennis which makes it appear 3d, as well as the bold text ‘SWEAT OUT.’ and ‘ZERO IN.’ also seem to be in front of the athlete, additional text is also at the bottom of the advertisement as well as the stamp from team GB supported or supporting the Olympics on the left hand side of the poster.

• Font- the font used is the same continually thought-out the poster apart from on the actual label of the product however it is very similar. The font is a pain sans serif font which is very bold and easy to read.

•Context- this advertisements context is less minimal than some of the other advertisements I have looked at as it includes an image of a famous athlete ‘Jessica Ennis’ to promote the drink as well as a close up of the actual product. Other content includes the stamp of team GB to show that they support the product or that the product supports them. They is also a tag line ‘ Zero sugar fitness hydration’ and the main text SWEAT OUT ZERO IN. •Imagery- The images used consist of a picture of a famous female athlete which goes alongside with the drink being sugar free as women are usually more stereotypically likely to buy a sugar free or diet drink. The picture of the athlete is glowing for the blue reflection from the drink which almost makes it look like she is glowing with energy.

Energy Drink Evaluation- Lucozade• Color scheme- the color scheme used for this advert is again the same as

the color scheme used on the actual Lucozade bottle. The background image of this poster advertisement the color has been very contrasted and looks dull, which contrasts really well with the bright blue box with the yellow and while writing in, as well as the picture of the bright Lucozade bottle. Which makes it look as if the Lucozade bottle is again lighting up the footballer therefore providing energy.

• Layout- the layout of this advertisement is slightly different to the other advertisements I have looked at again, as the focus point is in the middle which is Ashley Young the footballer, however there is also other focus points in the poster such as the image of the Lucozade bottle and the signature from the footballer as well as the blue square at the bottom saying yes. The text ‘FASTER.STRONGER.FOR LONGER’ also catches the readers eye quite quickly. This poster advert is very similar to the POWERADE one as the layout is more mixed and they have used an athlete to endorse the product.

• Font- the font used is a clear bold font, which is very similar to the font used on the bottle of the product but not in italic lettering. It works well as it is easy to read even as the effect used when the text gets smaller it is still clear.

• Context- The context used is again less minimal than the others but very similar to the POWERADE advert. There is the image of the product and of the athlete which makes up the background. There is also more text than some of the others listing of the words faster stronger for longer works well as rhyme is used and it is very bold and minimal. There is also a signature from Ashley Young the footballer pictured in the advert which is effective as it shows he supports it as well as another logo for the drink in a blue box with the words ‘YES’.

• Imagery- The images used work well together there is the background image which is of a footballer leaping in the air illuminated by the brightness of the drink and writing which makes him appear to have energy. As well as the image of the actual product so the audience understand what the product is being advertised.

Energy Drink Packaging analysis- Monster

• Color scheme- the color scheme for monster energy drinks is usually the original green and black, however for different editions such as a ‘lo-carb’ version the green color has been replaced by a light blue. This is the same for all the different editions they do however the black signature background is always kept the same as well as the design for the packaging, this means their product Is always easily recognizable. The colors always used is black, silver and white with the changing color for certain parts of font and the scratches on the can.

• Layout/context- The layout of the can makes it quite easy to read. The information around the top of the can is that flavor of the drink, directly underneath is the scratch design that looks like a monster has scratch down the can underneath is the type of energy drink for example the blue one is LO-CARB then the brand name is underneath then the word energy is directly underneath that, so it reads as ‘Lo- card monster energy’ or ‘mega monster energy’.

• Font- The font used for the information is a capital don’t which has quite large spaces between the letters which does make it easy to read. It is also a consistent font all over the can and from each design of can it’s the same. There is also another font used for the brand name monster, it works quite well as it is scary and represents the brand well as the font look gothic and horror themed.

• Imagery- There is very little imagery used on the product itself apart from the signature scratch marks which work well with the name of the product as it looks like a monster has scratch down the can.

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