
PowerPoint Show by Andrew

Much of Iraq is now in chaos, and fighters from the Islamic State, (ISIS), are fueling the instability, attacking towns at will and making large gains in territory.

Last week, IS terrorists swarmed into several minority villages in northern Iraq, prompting tens of thousands of Yazidis and Christians to flee for their lives during their push toward the Kurdish regional capital of Arbil.

Displaced people from the minority Yazidi sect, fleeing violence from ISIS.

Smoke rises during clashes between Kurdish peshmerga troops and militants.

Kurdish troops participate in an intensive security deployment against ISIS.

Refugee children from the Yazidi sect make their way towards Syria.

Displaced members of the Yazidi sect climb on a truck as they make their way towards the Syrian border, on the outskirts of Sinjar mountain.

Yazidi refugees ride in the dusty trunk of a car.

Yazidi sect, fleeing ISIS terrorists in Sinjar town, ride a truck as they make their way towards the Syrian border.

Yazidi refugees cross the Iraq-Syria border at Fishkhabur bridge over the Tigris River in northern Iraq.

U.S. and Kurdish flags flutter in the wind while displaced Iraqis from the Yazidi community cross the Syria-Iraq border.

Members of the Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) help displaced people from the Yazidi sect.

Yazidi sect get help from a member of the Kurdish People's Protection Units.

Yazidi Iraqi fighters walk past the grave of a child who died of malnutrition.

A Yazidi fighter stands guard outside a shrine on August 10, 2014 in Sheikhan.

Kurdish Peshmerga fighters stand guard during airstrikes targeting ISIS terrorists near the Khazer checkpoint outside of the city of Arbil.

Peshmerga forces hand out water bottles to displaced Iraqi families.

U.S. soldiers assist with loading bundles of halal meals on to a C-17.

Pallets of bottled water loaded aboard a U.S. C-17 cargo plane.

Bundles of halal meals parachute to the ground during a humanitarian mission.

The Yazidi community gather for humanitarian aid at the Syria-Iraq border.

Displaced families from the minority Yazidi sect walk on the outskirts of Sinjar, west of Mosul.

Yazidi refugees cross the Iraq-Syria border at Fishkhabur bridge.

Displaced Iraqis from the Yazidi community settle at a camp at Derike, Syria.

An Iraqi girl from the Yazidi community holds a piece of bread after crossing the Iraqi-Syrian border.

Iraqi Kurdish Peshmerga troops watch as smoke billows from the town of Makhmur during clashes with ISIS terrorists.

ISIS militants and tribal fighters take down Kurdish flags from the headquarters of the Kurdistan Democratic Party.

ISIS fighters take control of a checkpoint that belonged to Kurdish peshmerga fighters.

Relatives mourn the death of a Kurdish fighter who was killed during clashes with ISIS fighters in the Iraqi city of Rabia.

Female members of the Kurdistan army take position on the front line.

A Kurdish resident holds a sign during a demonstration in support of the Peshmerga troops in front of the U.S. consulate in Arbil.

Iraqi Christians, who fled the violence in the village of Qaraqosh, pose at a church building in Arbil.

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