Introduction to google api

Post on 06-Dec-2014






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Une conférence animée à l'Ecole Nationale de Commerce, par Mr MEFTAH Lakhdar, un des membres de GDG (Google Developer Group). La conférence est sur le Google API. [English]: This slide was animated by Mr MEFTAH Lakhdar in the ENC. This is an introduction to google API, we give you an introduction, an example of an API, how to get your key and how to build an application, and finally showcases of existent applications


Introduction to Google APIGoogle Developper Group

AlgeriaBy MEFTAH Lakhdar

A GDG member

What is the Google APIs Explorer?

The Google APIs Explorer is a tool that helps you explore various Google APIs interactively. With the APIs Explorer, you can:

Browse quickly through available APIs and versions.

See methods available for each API and what parameters they support along with inline documentation.

Execute requests for any method and see responses in real time.

Make authenticated and authorized API calls with ease.

Search across all services, methods, and your recent requests to quickly find what you are looking for.


The google APIs Explorer

So now, we can enter to the google APIs Explorer Which contains:


A search tool to find: Services.


And recent requests.

SO … What we can do !

You can take a tour here to manipulate deferent services.

You can for exemple send a mail, blog on Blogger, request the activity list.

The requests are been send in real time, so the modification is apllied.

Can we take an example ?

Okey, lets try Google URL Sortener API Google URL Shortener:

Is a service that shortener an URL.

Give you the full Analytics of an URL.

Get the list of shortened URL.

AnalyticsTotal Clicks





We can test one of these classes by entering the request parameters.

For example:

The URL Shortener API contains:

Urlsortener.url.get to get information about a shortened URL.

Urlshortener.url.insert to create a new short URL.

Urlshortener.url.list to retrieve a list of URLs shortener by a user.

For example:

We can see the code of the request

And the test or the response of the request.

We see the fields of the class insert in the body of the request.

We can also use this result in another class by clicking in the right small arrow.

The good news is …

Is That you can create your application and lets it works lik that.

So we have to create a new project.

Lets try with the google URL Shortener API

So we enter the google APIs


Create an Oauth 2.0 client ID…

And Thats It


Thank You

MEFTAH Lakhdar.


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