Introducing Colored Handbells to Young Ringers · Introducing Colored Handbells to Young Ringers ... the basic technique of ringing the bells, ... with Color Coded Sheet Music

Post on 20-Aug-2018






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Introducing Colored Handbells to Young Ringers It is beautiful to see a group of young children making

their own music, using Colored Handbells ring and sing to worship God. If you want to introduce music to young

children, Colored Handbell is a good start. Katherine Leung

Ringing without using Melody Cards:Assign one bell to each ringer while they are standing in a straight line, then the conductor stand in front of them, point to the ringer when it is their turn to ring. Not much practice is needed for this teaching method.

Ringing with the help of Melody Cards:

When playing the melody of a song with the help of Melody Card, after explaining the basic technique of ringing the bells, you’ll be ready to try your first song. (Al-ways remind the ringers not to touch the clapper inside the bell. Kids love to touch and play with that, and they will easily break it by accident. I always tell my ring-ers at the very beginning of the class, if

Ringing Melody

I love the look of delight in the children’s eyes when they have successfully played through the song with their bells. Colored Handbells Sets are effective yet inexpensive way to get children involved with music. The Handbells are great for young children who are still in their developmental stages. The handle is easily held by smaller hands and are designed to ring easily with minimal effort. The Deskbells are great for the very young (3 and up) and people with special needs. They are played by simply pressing a button on top of the bell. Both handbells and deskbells are color-coded. They are great tools to promote group participation. They can be purchased in many music stores, high-end toy stores or online. The bells are in different color for each note, making it easy for young ringers to know what bell to play and when to play it.Start with a basic 8-Note sets, from C –C’. Chromatic Add-on sets (these add the sharps/flats to the 8 Note set- C#, D#, F#, G#, A#), and Expanded Range Add-on sets (these add the 3 notes below and the 4 notes above the previous 2 sets- Low A, A#, B and High C#, D# and E). Each bell is marked with the proper note name and number, helping to teach musical notes and scale. Sharps and flats have black handles or buttons, just like the black keys on a piano.When assigning bells, it is best to assign one bell to each ringer. If necessary, you may assign each ringer two consecutive bells, such as giving Ringer one C and D, Ringer two E and F, Ringer three G and A, and so on. (This works well when you have either the expanded range sets or several of the 8-Note sets). It is better to use the 8-Note or mul-tiple 8-Note sets with younger children and moving up into the add-on sets with upper elementary school aged children.It will be easier for the ringers to learn to ring the song when they are familiar with the song, no matter when they are ringing the melody or chords of the song. We should first teach the ringers to sing the song or let them listen to it with a recorded sample. Most of the books comes with a sample CD with practice and performance tempo. Kindergartener or even pre-schoolers will have fun playing the melody of a Hymn tune or nursery song that they knows.

they play the clapper of the bell with their fingers, they will have to sit out and watch the other ringers ring.) To prepare a song using Melody Cards, find the card which matches the first note of the song, and place it face down in a flat surface. Continue to find the used notes of the song in a similar pattern placing the matching cards face down on top of the previous card. After you’ve prepared the last note of the song, pick up your stack

of cards and place your cover card in the front as a way of preparing to begin a song. Once you prepared the song, you can now hand out the bells to the ringers. Depending on the number of Bells Set you have, the number of ringers you have and the notes used in the particular song, you may want two or more bell ringers for each note.

To direct with the Melody Card, hold the stack of cards with the front facing your ringers. As the music goes, move the pre-vious card to the back of the stack of cards

Ringing Chords

Ringing without using Chord Cards:For Upper Elementary Students, we can teach them Harmony while playing bells. Teach them I, IV and V chords, e.g. in the key of C Major, ringers with the notes C, E, G including the High C will have to ring for I chord, F, A, C for IV chord and G, B and D for V Chord. When conducting the ringers to ring the chords, use your fingers to in-dicate the chords, I chord with one finger, IV chord with four fingers, V chord with 5 fingers. Write on the Board the notes for each chord to help ringers remember when they have to ring. They can learn songs of different keys with the different sets of I, IV and V Chords. There are a lot of songs that you can just use I, IV and V chords to harmonise the song.

Ringing with the help of Chord Cards:When playing the chords using Chord Chart, first ask your ringers to check the number and color of their bells. Ask them

to shake their bells when the color of their bells is displayed. Stop shaking when their bells are no longer displayed.When playing the chord of the music, first you’ll need to find out the chords you’ll need for that song. Then make a list of all the chords used. Once you finished the list, pull out one color-coded card for each of the chords. Next, you’ll have to find out the individual bells that make up the chords of this song, you’ll also need to make a list of all the bells used for this song. Now you have to put the Chord Cards to the Chord Card Holder. You can place it into the holder based on how frequently it is heard, with the most common chord at the top, or you may place the chords in the order when they first appears. If you don’t have a card holder, put the Chord Cards on the Music Stand. You can direct simple songs with the limited number of Chords by facing the cards upside down on the music stand



Pastor Teresa 赴東南亞國家柬埔寨,在多個城市參與兒童事工;李愛珍(Ellen Lee)姊妹近期也將參與醫療建設方面的事工去往柬埔寨;Helen 姊妹亦在中國做音樂培訓的短宣。Patricia 與“更美的家鄉”傳揚音樂事工團隊前往中國內地進行培訓以及參加香港特會;

11月6-8日多倫多舉辦“培靈會”,Rita, Raymond 等同工帶領並參與詩班獻詩,並首次將兒童、青少年加入成人詩班同臺獻唱。


就在我們以愉快的心情等候迎接“聖誕佳節”即將到來的時候,驚聞11月13日法國巴黎遭遇恐怖組織襲擊並殘殺無辜市民的噩耗,短短的10天一連串的恐怖襲擊震驚全世界。雖然加拿大尚未成為恐怖分子襲擊的目標,但國內的道德隨著民主黨政府Justin Trudeau的上臺,要面臨大麻合法化, 娼妓合法化及以存在的同性戀以及安省性教育等嚴重問題,這對於教育下一代的傳統理念確實有著巨大的沖擊。


Patricia & Ronnie


2nd. Issue


or table, lifting them up at a proper time and showing the front of the card to the Bell Ringers. No matter if you are using the Chord Card Holder or not, ringers should ring only when you are pointing to the chord or holding up the Chord Card that has

the picture of their bells. Practice slowly first, with ringing four beats of one chord for that song,

moving from one chord to another chord smoothly. When the ringers are familiar with the chords, you can then try the entire chords of the song in se-

quence. Your first time may be a little rough, but you’ll get used to this technique quickly. Once you and your Bell Ringers are comfortable playing the song with the various chords, you can have them sing the mel-ody of the song while playing the chords

Ring the melody of a song with the help of Color Coded Lyrics while singing the song:For Elementary Students, you can make you own teaching aids with Color Coded lyrics, the ringers ring the Colored Bell of their color while they are singing the

song. Be creative, there are many ways to do it. Here are just some examples.

Ring the melody of a song with Color Coded Sheet Music This is a good way to teach students to read music. By reading the Color Coded Sheet Music, ringers ring when they see their color. I usually teach the rhythm of the song first. If the ringers know the

tune, I’ll also sing the song with them before ringing. There are many printed music that you can purchased from Mu-sic Stores or online.

There are many ways to prepare your teaching materials. We can also make Powerpoint slides to teach ringing melody or chords. It may be even easier than holding the Melody Cards or Chord Cards, you just need to press the key on your com-puter! You may also make Music Staff with Colored Notes.

So enjoy making music with your ringers. No musical experience required!

Ringing with reading Color Coded Lyrics or Sheet Music:

11月8日“大多市培灵会”上,“更美的家乡”敬拜合唱团与ETMAC (城东国语宣道会)诗班以及儿童/青少年共同参与,联合献唱一首英文诗歌“Speak , O Lord ”。

家长及年轻人采访- Ronnie

孩子们都表示喜欢参加这样的活动----“Sing to God ”。小孩子的心幼稚而单纯,却很投入,态度非常认真。我们曾在练习过程中向孩子们提问:如果自己有歌唱的才能将该如何做?他们竟自发地齐声歌唱“Speak O Lord ”,以歌来作回答。他们幼小的心灵当中已知用歌声赞美神,并为此感到自豪与喜乐。孩子在成长的过程中传承了家长的言传身教,信仰亦是如此。家长若不敬虔不坚固,不祷告不事奉, 很难正确教导子女。 Meirong


I would like to share with you what I have learned from children choir. Tears in my eyes when they were singing. I totally see how Holy Spirit work on them. I am not sure if they can do it even I keep praying. I have more worries than faith in the past.Now I know how faith can be grown, because God lead us and we are experiencing his glory. Thanks God and thank you for making this happened!

Dear Sister Rita and Brother Raymond,


多位年轻人(Scott 、Janice、Hanna等)表示是首次参与诗班并面对数以千计观众献唱的经历,更是一次身心与圣灵相交同在的经历,他们非常愿意参与并期盼有更多的机会。邀请年轻人亲自参与事工是对他们的最大的鼓励与栽培,也是教会“传承”的功课。

在牧者的支持、同工们的努力以及家长的配合协助下,“城东国语宣道会”正在筹备组建一支“少儿手铃乐队”。由Katherine 担任导师,教导训练孩子们如何掌握彩色小手铃


感謝神!讓“城東”的孩子們藉這樣美好的機會參與培靈會的事奉!看到兒童/青少年與成人詩班同臺獻場,那美好感人的場景,令我心裏充滿感恩! Queenie


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