Intro. to Genre Study - Shelby County to Genre Study On the next line list THREE characteristics

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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Intro. to Genre Study

1. Take out your journal (your composition book) and turn to the first clean sheet of paper.

2. On the left hand side of the first line, write today's date: Aug. 18, 2017.

3. Now in the center of the second line, title this journal entry: Intro. to Genre Study.

Intro. to Genre Study On the next line list THREE characteristics or traits you look for in a good story (book story or movie story)

Now list TWO characteristics or traits that you DO NOT look for in a good story (book or movie)

Finally, list your ONE favorite story (book or movie) AND in 3-5 well-written sentences (proper capitalization, spelling, punctuation) explain why this story is your favorite.

You may be asked to share your responses. You will have at least 7-10 minutes to work on this. Do so quietly. GO!!

Genres and literature

When you speak about genre and

literature, genre means a category, or

kind of story.

All categories of books or stories can be

called either fiction or non-fiction.


• a made up story

• can tell about things

that could happen

• is read for fun

• characters may be like

real people or



• has facts that can be

checked and proven

• the author is an expert

on this information

• it IS TRUE!

Realistic Fiction

Realistic fiction is made up of stories that

could really happen. Contemporary

realistic fiction is realistic fiction that is

set in modern times.

Examples of Realistic

Fiction The Thing About Jellyfish

Joey Pigza Swallowed the Key

Better Nate Than Ever




Historical Fiction

Historical fiction is made up of stories that take place

in a certain time and place in the past. Real historical

figures and settings may be included in a fiction story.

Examples of Historical Fiction

One Crazy Summer

Inside Out &Back Again

The War that Saved My Life


Okay For Now

Number the Stars

Al Capone Does My Shirts


Folklore includes stories, myths, and fables that people told one another over the years. Later the stories were written down.

Examples of Folklore

Adventures of Robin Hood

Beauty and the Beast

The Bunyans


Aesop’s Fables

The Tortoise and the Hare

Arabian Nights

Fantasy Fantasy is fiction that has elements that are

not real. Sometimes this includes talking

animals or characters with magical powers.

There’s usually a conflict between good and


Examples of Fantasy

The Hunger Games series

Charlotte’s Web

The Lightning Thief

Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe

Lord of the Rings

Harry Potter Series

Fairy Tale

• Special beginning and/or ending words - Once upon a time...and they lived happily ever after.

• Good character

• Evil character

• Royalty and/or a castle usually present

• Magic happens

• Problem and a Solution

• Things often happen in "threes" or "sevens"

Examples of Fairy Tale

The Gingerbread Man

The Ugly Duckling

The Stinky Cheese Man and

Other Fairly Stupid Tales



Mysteries are stories that have a

real setting and a problem to be

solved that includes clues,

distractions, and an answer to the


Examples of Mystery And Then There Were None

Paper Towns

Killing Mr. Griffin


The Westing Game

Harriet the Spy series

Science Fiction Science Fiction is made up of stories that blend fact and fiction with futuristic technology.

Examples of Science Fiction Delirium series

For the Win

My Best Friend is Invisible

The Maze Runner

The Lunar Chronicles series

Adventure The characters (and the reader) can always expect

the worst - the main characters can, and usually do,

have everything thrown at them. Action, action and

more action are hallmarks of a good

adventure/suspense book. The entire read is a roller

coaster ride of chills and excitement with the last

stop (and page) not always ending in happiness. And

finally, there must be a villain, for without a

foe…without an adversary, there can be no



Examples of Adventure

The Outsiders

Diary of a Wimpy Kid series

The Diary of a Young Girl

The Uglies series

The Fault in Our Stars

Poetry Poetry is verse written to inspire thoughts and

feelings in the reader. It often uses rhyme and

rhythm, or it can be written in free verse.

Examples of Poetry Where the Sidewalk Ends

New Kid on the Block

Chocolate Dreams: Poems


A Pizza the Size of the Sun

Love That Dog


Informational books are nonfiction books that give true facts on a variety of subjects.

Examples of

Informational Writing

Dirt Bikes

Flying Animals

Danger! Earthquakes




A biography is the true story of a real person’s life from the past or present.

Examples of Biography Martin’s Dream Day

The HomerunKings: BabeRuth and

Henry Aaron

Clara Barton, a Red Cross Pioneer


The Boy on the Wooden Box

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