
Intertextuality & postmodernism

What is it? Postmodernism: this came about from around the 1960’s onwards.

Postmodernism in media plays with the conventions of a certain area, making us think about how they are constructed and maybe even challenge theories of the media. The oxford dictionary defines postmodernism as “a late 20th-century style and concept in the arts, architecture, and criticism, which represents a departure from modernism and is characterized by the self-conscious use of earlier styles and conventions, a mixing of different artistic styles and media, and a general distrust of theories.”

Intertexuality: “the relationship between texts” , this is how texts or media work makes reference to another text or type of media work.

Examples of intertextuality

This shot in lady gaga’s video can be seen as an example of intertextuality. This shot of women in a prison dancing could be seen as a reference to the film ‘chicago’ where it carries the same concept.

This again could be an intertexual reference to the movie ‘kill bill’ which can be seen in lady gaga’s –videophone.

In the video of justice-d.a.n.c.e, many intertextual references are made. one we can see here is that of a replica of a rolling stones sign on the artist’s top.

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