Internet2 End-to-End Performance Initiative or Why Fat Pipes aren’t Enough Ted Hanss Director, Applications Development 16 May 2001 See .

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Internet2 End-to-End Performance Initiative orWhy Fat Pipes aren’t Enough

Ted Hanss

Director, Applications Development

16 May 2001


The Vision

Internet2 campus users have routinely successful experiences in their development and use of advanced networked applications.

The Vision

Internet2 campus users have routinely successful experiences in their development and use of advanced networked applications.

CircuitsApplications Performance

Context for E2E Perf

High performance backbones in place

Now, under certain conditions within particular regional and local network environments, we can experience the full benefit of this infrastructure in the development and use of advanced applications

Context, cont.

However, most of us experience a significant gap between the reality and potential of the national high-performance networking infrastructure

Terminology Distinction

The phrase “End-to-End” has multiple meanings in several contexts

• End-to-End Architecture• End-to-End Performance

Therefore, this initiative always will be referred as End-to-End Performance

True End-to-End Experience

User perception EYEBALLApplication APPLICATIONOperating systemHost IP stack STACKHost network cardLocal Area Network (LAN) JACKCampus backbone networkCampus link to regional network/GigaPoPGigaPoP link to Internet2 national backbonesInternational connections


NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory analysis of performance-related complaints


NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory analysis of performance-related complaints

• Over 60% were duplex mismatches

First Step

Workshop in Ann Arbor on 9 January

• 40+ participants

• Each participant provided a short paper on “What does E2EPerf Mean?”

• Charged a design team to create an overall vision paper (delivered in February)

Summary of Discussion

Input focused on both technical and human factors:

• Developing the people infrastructure and managing communication and expectations

• Developing the measurement architecture and deploying it consistently

Overall Approach

Education and outreach

Applications enhancement

Performance measurement infrastructure

Operations coordination

Campus upgrades

Many partners

Filling the gaps in the union of existing efforts

Measurement Gap

How the engineers see the network:

Measurement Gap

How the users see the network:

Specific Action Examples

Identify network and applications teams

Develop integrated and distributed operational support

• Performance Evaluation and Review Framework

Establish repositories for ‘Best Practices’, ‘War Stories’, and tools

Implement reference sites for interesting applications

Action Examples, cont.

Deploy broad measurement and analysis capability

• Active and passive measurement

• Ongoing baseline measures

• Diagnostic tools

• Protected from use as an attack platform

Applications Measurement

An idea: Create the disambiguator (also known as “the finger pointing tool”)

• No one is able to obtain the complete picture of any end-to-end path

• Deploy 1000 autoconfiguring “shoebox” size PCs at every level, including the faculty member’s office

• Allow testing at and between points on the network

Anticipated Partners

CampusesFaculty and discipline communitiesGigaPoPsInternational partnersNSF-sponsored engineering efforts

• NLANR,• Web100 Project,

Internet2 corporate membersFederal labs and agencies

Internet2 Organization Role


• Cheryl Munn-Fremon hired as initiative director, starting in June


• Facilitate seeking sources of funding

• Internet2 will invest about US$1.5 million

Communications coordination

• Web site

• Workshops, meeting presentations, …

Call For Participation

Identify core applications and services• Portfolio of base applications• 4-6 application communities• Criteria

– Both UDP and TCP-based apps– Exploit advanced services– At least one international collaboration

Seek participants in the various work areasIssued this summer

Success Criteria

Solutions scaled to a diversity of institution sizes and resource capabilities

Application users and supporters interested and involved

Applications use is routine and spontaneous without a reliance on experts

End-users understand what to expect and how to get it


More Info ... (after June 4) Hanss Internet2 3025 Boardwalk Suite 100 Ann Arbor, MI 48108 +1.734.913.4256

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