
ITC PresentationTopic: Internet Use,


Privacy & Working.

• Muhammad Umar Khan (14)• Awais Haider (02)• M. Jawad Bashir (31)

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A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.

Working of Internet

How a computer connects to other:

IP Addresses

Internet Service Providers:


• Data Centers:

• Servers

• Internet Security & Privacy

Internet security is a tree branch of computer security specifically related to the Internet, often involving browser security but also network security on a more general level as it applies to other applications or operating systems on a whole. Its objective is to establish rules and measures to use against attacks over the Internet. Following are some methods adopted for internet security.

Network Layer Security


Security Tokens


Example of Encryption:

Common Security Threats:

• Hacking

No one is safe on internet..

Even the Giants of ComputerTechnology

Popular HACKS:• Recently “Sony Inc.” computers hacked.• American NSA databases hacked and leaked

on internet..(wikileaks).

• Internet Privacy:

How to stay SAFE on Internet..?

i. Do not share more than you need to

ii. Minimize details that identify you or your whereabouts.

iii. Keep your account numbers, user names, and passwords secret.

iv. Enter only required information—often marked with an asterisk (*)—on registration and other forms.

Protect your computer

You can greatly reduce your risk of online identity theft by taking these four steps to protect your computer:

1. Use an Internet firewall. 

2. Visit Microsoft Update to verify your settings and check for updates. 

3. Subscribe to antivirus software and keep it current. 

Create strong passwords

Strong passwords are at least 14 characters long and include a combination of letters (both upper and lower case), numbers, and symbols. They are easy for you to remember but difficult for others to guess.

4. Don’t share your passwords with friends.

5. Avoid using the same password everywhere. If someone steals it, all the information that password protects is at risk.

What are Internet Cookies & how they work?

Internet Uses:




Social Networking & Entertainment:

Online Banking:



Job Search:

The End

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