International scientific cooperation in the Sixth Framework Programme Initial training sessions for FP6 National Contact Points (NCP) October 2002 Thomas.

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International scientificInternational scientificcooperationcooperation in the Sixth in the Sixth Framework ProgrammeFramework Programme

Initial training sessions for FP6 National Contact Points (NCP)

October 2002

Thomas Arnold, RTD-06

International Scientific Cooperation Projects

Introductory message

International scientificco-operation in the Sixth

Framework Programme is



A European Research Area open A European Research Area open to the worldto the world

“The European Research Area must be opened up to the rest of the world. This will enable EU countries, and third countries, to benefit from international cooperation in Science & Technology, thereby paving the way for closer political and economic relations.”

(P. Busquin, Commissioner for Research)

The strategic objectives of a European Research Area open to the world are laid down in Commission communication “The international dimension of the European Research Area”.

Strategic objectivesStrategic objectives

Make the Area more attractive to the best scientists and make it a world class reference centre

Enable European researchers and industrialists to access knowledge and technology available elsewhere in the world

Develop scientific and technological activities useful to the implementation of EU foreign and development aid policy

Enlist the S&T resources of the European Union and of third countries in initiatives that provide a response to significant world problems of concern to the Community

Communication of the Commission, The international dimension of the European Research AreaCOM(2001), 346 fin. 25.6.01

International scientificInternational scientificco-operation in theco-operation in the

Sixth Framework ProgrammeSixth Framework Programme International Co-operation

represents an important dimension of Sixth Framework Programme

It contributes to a European Research Area open to the world

It will be implemented through three major complementary routes

Three Three majormajor routes for international routes for international scientific co-operation in FP6scientific co-operation in FP6

Opening of “Focusing and Integrating Community Research” to third country organizations (with substantial funding)

Specific measures in support of international co-operation

International mobility of researchers

Over and above these three major routes, the international dimension is a cross-cutting issue which concerns the whole Framework programme

Opening of “Focusing and Integrating Community Research” to third country organizations (1)

Participation to Community activities participation of researchers, teams and institutions

from third countries in projects within the seven Priority Thematic Areas of Research, Specific activities covering a wider field of research

Budget: 285 million Euro for third country participation

Opening of “Focusing and Integrating Community Research” to third country organizations (2)

Strategic objectives: To help European researchers, businesses and research

organisations in the European Union and in the countries associated with the Framework programme to have access to knowledge and expertise existing elsewhere in the world

To help ensure Europe’s strong and coherent participation in research initiatives related to issues arising at the world level and being the subject of international or global efforts

Overall focus Community interest

Opening of “Focusing and Integrating Community Research” to third country organizations (3)

Examples for issues arising at world levelor subject to international efforts:

Food safety

Sustainable development (e.g. biodiversity, desertification, global climatic change, forest management)

Combating infectious diseases associated with poverty (HIV, tuberculosis, malaria)

Opening of “Focusing and Integrating Community Research” to third country organizations (4)

Who can participate? All third countries: in addition to minimal number of

participants from Member States and Associated countries

Who can be funded? All third countries

INCO target countries (developing countries, Mediterranean partner countries, Western Balkan countries, Russia and the other NIS): within limit of budget (285 million Euros)

Other third countries: if provision is made in work programme or if necessary to carry out the RTD activity

Opening of “Focusing and Integrating Community Research” to third country organizations (5)

Use of 285 million Euro 285 million Euro for international co-operation (Activity 2 of Treaty) are

already part of overall appropriations of priorities Upfront indicative pro-rata distribution with regular monitoring and mid-

term review

To be used for funding of INCO target countries participating in RTD actions

285 million Euro are considered as a spending target, not necessarily as an upper limit

Non-INCO target countries can be funded out of Activity 1 appropriations of priorities

11European Commission, DG RTD-06

SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME 2002-2006Participation by legal entities from third countries

- Integrating European Research (1) -

The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of data included in this map and accepts no responsibilitywhatsoever for any consequence of its use. The boundaries shown do not imply on the part of the European

Commission any judgment on the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.

1EC Framework (non-nuclear)

Data valid: 1.11.2002

European Union/Associated States (3)/Overseas Countries & Territories

Target countries of specific measures insupport of international cooperation:eligible for participation and funding(within limits of budget)

Other third countries: eligible forparticipation; funding if provision underRTD activity or essential for carrying outindirect action

Currently no cooperation

(2) Some agreements are not yet into force

55European Commission, DG RTD-06

SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME 2002-2006Target Countries of specific measuresin support of international cooperation

The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of data included in this map and accepts no responsibilitywhatsoever for any consequence of its use. The boundaries shown do not imply on the part of the European

Commission any judgment on the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.

Data valid: 1.11.2002

Mediterranean partner countries

Developing countries

Russia and the other NIS

European Union/Associated States (1)/Overseas Countries & Territories

Western Balkan countries

(1) Some agreements are not yet into force

Specific measures in support of international co-operation (1)

Dedicated international cooperation activities which are relevant to some groups of countries or regions with own calls for proposals

Budget: 315 million Euro for RTD actions Strategic objective

To lend support, in the scientific and technological field, to the implementation of the Community’s foreign policy and development aid policy

Overall focusmutual interest

Specific measures in support of international co-operation (2)

These activities will be carried out: To complement the activities in the seven thematic priorities

By means of specific targeted research projects of a limited scale, actions to coordinate national efforts and, specific support measures

Problem oriented approach on a regional basis, policy dialogue and prioritization

Research priorities defined on the basis of the interests and objectives of the Community’s political partnership with the

different groups of countries the particular economic and social needs of countries and regions concerned

Specific measures in support of international co-operation (3)

These activities Activities could cover more particularly: for developing countries, the problems of health and public health, food security safety,

and the rational exploitation of resources

for the Mediterranean partner countries, issues relating to environment, health and water issues, as well as protection of the cultural heritage

for Western Balkan countries: Environment and Energy, Health

for Russia and the other NIS: stabilization of R&D potential, issues relating to changes in the industrial production system, environment and health protection and various safety aspects

cooperation activities with Russia and the CIS will be carried out in particular through the INTAS structure set up jointly by the Community and the Member States

International mobility of researchers (1)

A coherent set of actions to support international mobility of researchers in the framework of the specific programme “Structuring the ERA”.

With a view to further reinforcing the human potential for European research, these actions will aim to attract the best and most promising researchers from third

countries promote the training of European researchers abroad

Two main types of grants: in-coming fellowships with possibility for “return ticket” out-going fellowships

International mobility of researchers (2)

in-coming fellowships with possibility for “return ticket”

to work and undertake research training in Europe

provision to assist fellows to return to their countries of origin in case of emerging and transition economies and developing countries

out-going fellowships

to be awarded to research workers from EU and Associated Countries to work in established third country research centres

requires submission of a coherent individual training programme involving a first phase abroad followed by mandatory second phase in Europe

Other parts ofSixth Framework programme

(Strengthening the Foundations of ERA,

Structuring ERA outside Human Resources) Who can participate?

Countries with S&T co-operation agreement: in accordance with agreement

all third countries: if provision is made in work programme or if necessary to carry out RTD action

Who can be funded? all third countries: if provision is made in work

programme or if necessary to carry out RTD action.

33European Commission, DG RTD-06

SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME 2002-2006Participation by legal entities from third countries

- Structuring ERA/Strengthening foundations of ERA (excluding fellowships) -

The European Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of data included in this map and accepts no responsibilitywhatsoever for any consequence of its use. The boundaries shown do not imply on the part of the European

Commission any judgment on the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.

Data valid: 1.11.2002

European Union/Associated States (1)/Overseas Countries & Territories

Third countries with S&T cooperationagreement: participation inaccordance with conditions ofagreement (2); funding if provisionunder RTD activity or essential forcarrying out indirect action

S&T cooperation agreement inpreparation; same as until entry intoforce

Third countries without S&Tcooperation agreement: participationif provision under RTD activity ornecessary for carrying out indirectaction; funding if provision underRTD activity or essential for carryingout indirect action

Currently no cooperation

(1) Some agreements are not yet into force(2) Certain agreements have to be renewed

International Scientific co-operationMechanisms for priority setting

Co-ordination with Member States: to identify national policies and synergize existing initiatives, with a view to achieve differentiated objectives according to needs of EU and its partners

Bilateral agreements for scientific and technological co-operation between the EU and the country wishing to strengthen and formalize its links with the European scientific community

Bi-regional dialogues between the EU and a group of countries (e.g. ASEM) on the basis of jointly identified objectives.

International forums dealing with global problems (e.g. AIDS, global climate change, feeding the world and fighting hunger)

International Scientific co-operationInternal co-ordination

International Co-operation Steering group with representatives from all Commission services

involved in implementation of Sixth Framework Programme

to ensure overall coherence of international scientific co-operation across Framework Programme

to ensure complementarity between different types of international co-operation activities

Further informationINCO infodesk:

INCO infopoint:

Web site to be designed as Commission wideSingle Entry Point for information on international co-operation activities throughout the Sixth Framework Programme

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