International Festival for Creative Pianists Feedback...1 International Festival for Creative Pianists Feedback 2000 to present 9/30/00 Arthur, Congratulations on [your upcoming revamp

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International Festival for Creative Pianists


2000 to present

9/30/00 Arthur, Congratulations on [your upcoming revamp of] your successful competition is such a creative way. I appreciate your emphasis on creativity and improvisation. That is certainly an original concept and makes your competition unique. It really looks unusual in the most wonderful way, and congratulations to you. I can't imagine that people won't come forward as sponsors. Dr. Rayna Barroll-Aschaffenburg, Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University _____ October 12, 2000 Dear Art, I think this is wonderful what you are doing! The judges seem to be fantastic. As a judge on more than one occasion, I've wished that I could award prizes in various areas of excellence. Kids just need encouragement wherever they happen to be. This is really innovative thinking and I hope there's more of it! Good luck in your endeavor. Yours, Halimah Brugger Piano faculty, Boise State University _____ 10/30/00 Dear Art, Would you care to write an article [for Piano & Keyboard] about your competition? It would show that there are new directions being dared by a few hardy souls such as yourself, with more creative ideas -- new ideas [consistent with] Frederic Chiu [upcoming cover interview] about how to prepare pianists for being full and rich human beings (not just automatons and wizards). Marienne Uszler, Editor


Piano & Keyboard _____ 11/12/00 Dear Art, You've got a scintillating event cooked up for next year. Bravo for you! As I told you before, I'd like to be an "eavesdropper." I wish that everyone thought (and risked!) as creatively as you. Marienne Uszler, Editor Piano & Keyboard _____ Sent: Sunday, December 3, 2000 6:21 PM Subject: Creativity Festival

Right on, Art! Kerry McCoy Critically acclaimed jazz pianist, Englewood, CO _____ Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 10:48 PM Subject: Piano festival Thanks, Arthur for your creativity in creating this piano competition. Dr. Kevin Learned President, Albertson College _____ 12/12/00 Dear Arthur: This idea is wonderful and I hope will wake up many people!!! I wish you GREAT success in this NOBLE effort. Dianne Goolkasian-Rahbee Renowned composer, Belmont, MA _____ Sent: 12/30/00 Subject: Creative pianist festival Your "Creative Pianist" Festival sounds like a blast; I hope it goes well! Thanks, Ted Hadley Editor, IMEA Notes _____ 1/05/01 Let me congratulate you on the competition. It looks wonderful--what a competition OUGHT to be, as you obviously intended--and I'll look forward to reading more about it. Dr. Jonathan Bellman Pianist & musicologist University of Northern Colorado at Greeley _____ Sent: Saturday, January 6, 2001 10:56 AM Subject: International Festival for Creative Pianists Congratulations! It is very impressive, we will spread the word. Good luck. Paul Olefsky Professor, University of Texas-Austin



Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 6:14 PM Subject: Great idea

Hello Arthur,

Your International Festival for Creative Pianists is a splendid idea! I especially like your inclusion of embellishing a classical work, featuring a work by a female composer, and, of course, best performance of a work by Chopin, as well as the other special awards.

I hope Albertson College gives you lots of support. All the best,

Dr. Sandra Rosenblum Noted musicologist, author of “Performance Practices in Classic Piano Music” _____ Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 9:04 PM Subject: a first for me Just had to share with you that I experienced today what is a first for me! I played the Mozart G minor piano quartet at BSU and included a short improvisational cadenza in the 3rd mvt. Thanks for encouraging all of us to start to learn how to improvise! Dr. Del Parkinson, Professor of Piano, Boise State University _____ 2/08/01 Dear Arthur: Thank you for letting me know of your endorsement of my piano lit book on your website. What a great idea you have there. Congratulations. Dr. Stewart Gordon Professor & Chair of Keyboard Studies, University of Southern California _____ 2/14/01 Arthur... What a wonderful endeavor! I hope you get a tremendous response; perhaps in another 6 years, my little one will come out to compete! Susan J. Clermont Pianist (alumna of New England Conservatory) Washington, DC _____ 2/20/01 Hello Dr. Houle! I checked out the website and wow! It is wonderful! I am so excited for this festival! Wow! I cannot express how impressive this idea really is! I look forward to this inspiring festival! Kandis Tutty Piano accompanist, Boise _____

Sent: Tuesday, March 6, 2001 10:23 AM

Dear Dr. Houle Would you please send me information and applications for the international piano competition at Albertson College of Idaho. Congratulations on the success of your competition. It looks like you have wonderful things going up there.


Dr. Susan Duehlmeier Piano Area Chair, University of Utah


_____ Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 4:57 PM Subject: International Festival for Creative Pianists Dear Sir,

Can I apply? I am 13 and I compose music. Please see my website to listen to my compositions.

For mp3 files Thank you,

Yuko Ohigashi Japan _____ Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 6:39 AM Subject: Re: 2002 Festival


I am very much in support of what you are doing. Let's stay in touch. I'd be happy to give a recital and a master class on musical improvisation.

Sounds like a lot of fun. Best, Stuart Isacoff (has agreed to be a judge for 2002) Editor, Piano Today magazine Closter, NJ _____ 3/16/01 Dear Dr. Houle, I look forward to attending the festival and various workshops. I am encouraging students to attend. I am very excited about this event and look forward to meeting you. Thanks again! Sincerely, Juli Draney Piano teacher, Meridian, ID, who won a $50 piano pedagogy book _____ 3/16/01 Arthur, I read the questions/answers concerning the composition segment of the Creative Artist Festival. I am relieved to know that a structural diagram similar to a "fake chart" of the composition is acceptable even for a non-jazz/pop composition. This will be the premiere of my student's composition and I am satisfied that it will be a positive one. I have to admit that I am getting excited about the festival. You are truly delving into the unexplored. I am impressed. Best regards, Phyllis Morey Private piano teacher, Boise, ID _____ The March 2001 newsletter of the College Music Society published a notice of the piano festival (great PR, for it goes to thousands of members all over the world). Dean Brinton’s response is below:

From: Brinton, Alan Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 9:13 AM Subject: March 2001 College Music Society Newsletter notice of piano festival

Good deal, Art. Thanks for passing the info along. The web site also looks very good. Dr. Alan Brinton Dean & Vice President for Academic Affairs


Albertson College _____

Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 10:38 PM Subject: Visiting ACI

Dear. Dr. Houle, I have been so impressed with the emails we have received from you. My son, Steven Giles, will be participating in the Festival and the information you are sending out has been very helpful. Perhaps, after the Festival activities have calmed down, we could make an appointment to visit with you about ACI. Steven is a junior at Bishop Kelly High School in Boise. His sister, Karen Giles, is a freshman at ACI.

Cordially, Kathy Crowley Steven Giles won “Honorable Mention” in the festival. _____ 4/8/01 Dr. Houle, I wanted to email you to thank you for all of the work you put into the piano competition. I had a great time and it was a neat experience! I really appreciate the money I won. I'm planning to save it to help pay for part of college or a piano of my own. Thank you so much for a neat opportunity. I look forward to participating again next year. Anarie White $500 Winner from Richmond, Utah _____ 4/10/01 Letter to Dr. Alan Brinton, Dean & Vice President for Academic Affairs, Albertson College: Dear Dean Brinton: It was my pleasure to participate (as judge, panelist, and pianist) in last weekend’s International Festival for Creative Pianists on the Albertson College of Idaho campus. I enjoyed every moment -- getting to hear some fabulous teenage pianists, talking with them and their parents, making new friends with my co-judges. From my perspective, the whole event was beautifully organized and, perhaps more importantly, so innovatively conceived (to reward aspects of pianism often overlooked in today’s music competitions such as lyricism and originality) that the festival stands out among all current piano competitions and festivals. It is truly unique! Credit, of course, goes to Dr. Arthur Houle, brilliant and affable founder/director of this sui generis jewel. I remain profoundly impressed by his many gifts, which benefit so many people, especially young musicians. His work must be a source of pride for you and the entire Albertson College community. Sincerely, Dr. John Salmon (judge for April 2001 festival) Professor of Piano University of North Carolina-Greensboro _____ 4/10/2001 Dear Arthur:

What a pleasure it was to be with you and to participate in such a magnificent event! You must feel proud and pleased, if a bit exhausted. Congratulations on putting together a festival that is such a step in the right direction, as well as such a memorable event for so many people (including myself).

Many, many thanks!

Dr. John Salmon (judge) Professor of Piano University of North Carolina-Greensboro


_____ Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 1:08 PM To: Scott McBride Smith (forwarded to Houle) Subject: Hi from Lauren Barney Dr. Smith, I just came back from the Idaho International Festival for Creative Pianists and I wanted to thank you for letting me know about it at MTNA in Salt Lake City last January. I missed seeing you in Idaho and hope everything is OK. It was a wonderful experience that I will never forget. Arthur Houle and the judges were so helpful and FUN! I cracked up at their jokes and they were excellent pianists. They played classical and jazz pieces. Some of the pieces they wrote themselves! It was wonderful. Sincerely, Lauren Barney, grade 8, Mesa, Arizona Note: Dr. Smith was originally scheduled to judge for the festival, but had to cancel due to a family emergency. *Lauren Barney was the only contestant to win three $500 prizes. Lauren also wrote: Dr. Houle: Thank you again for a wonderful experience I will never forget! See you next year! I loved Idaho! You are so kind. Sincerely, Lauren Barney Mesa, AZ _____ Sent: 4/11/01 To: Dr. Kevin Learned, President of Albertson College Subject: 2001 International Festival for Creative Pianists Dear President Learned, I am a seventh grader from Les Bois Jr. High in Boise. Two weeks ago, I participated in the Albertson College International Festival for Creative Pianists. I won the award for “Original Composition” for my piece, Etude-Ballade, as well as “Best Treasure Valley Pianist,” for my performance of Debussy’s Clair de lune. I intend to major in music and would like to compose, perform and teach classical music as a career. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your generous support of this festival. This was a very well organized and executed event, due especially to the efforts of Dr. Arthur Houle. The judges were positive and encouraging to students, professional, and had strong credentials...Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this high caliber event and to have the chance to win prize money, which I will put toward my future education in music. Sincerely, Joshua Archibald-Seiffer Boise, ID _____ 4/12/01 Congratulations, Arthur, on an obviously tremendously successful competition. And congratulations to you on doing something really innovative and important. Bravo, bravo, and here's to the future of the concept and its influence across the field. I was happy to see Arizona pianists doing so well. I've heard Manuela's student in competitions before. Manuela is a wonderful teacher. Again congratulations.

Dr. Rayna Barroll-Aschaffenburg, Professor Emeritus, Arizona State University _____ 4/12/01


Thanks for all your hard work to make the competition a success.

Best regards, Ginny Lenz Parent of Jeremy Lenz, ACI student Reno, NV _____ Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 3:37 PM Subject: Piano festival at Albertson College

Congratulations on the completion of what sounds like a terrific competition.

Kori Bond Piano professor, Idaho State University _____ Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 2:48 PM Subject: Congrats! Dear Art, Bravo and congratulations! It sounds as if you had a rip-roaring success at the Festival. And I'll bet you're VERY glad that it's all over with (except for the shouting). I would love to have heard that final jam session!!! Now, there's nothing left but to go onwards and upwards. Marienne Uszler Editor, Piano & Keyboard San Juan Capistrano, CA _____ 4/13/01 Dear Arthur, It looks like you have invented a better mouse trap!!! P.S. Please be sure to relay my thanks to the anonymous donor who thought enough of me and of your idea to support it with a special award. I am really flattered and will continue to do what I can to encourage arts in Treasure Valley and especially this community. Sylvia Hunt Director, Caldwell fine Arts _____ 4/13/01 Dear Arthur: Thank you for the great news about the success of your festival. Congratulations! I will definitely try sending a student there next year. Dr. Sergey Schepkin Piano faculty & recording artist New England Conservatory of Music, Boston, MA _____ Sent: 4/13/01 Subject: Congratulations, Art! By the sounds of the news release, you are off to a great start and a corner stone event for the department and....Albertson College. Have a great day, and through your hard work and vision, I'm very proud to be an alumna of Albertson College. Keep on flying!!!!!!!!! Kim Hovren Boise, ID '81, Albertson College _____


4/13/01 Hi Arthur, Just wanted to say I think this new idea of yours for this type of competition (with many prizes for different aspects of playing--instead of just fast and accurate) is fabulous. I may start one similar to this here in Madison, Wisconsin. Dr. Todd Wellbourne, Professor of piano University of Wisconsin-Madison _____ 4/13/01 Dear Arthur: Congratulations and BRAVISSIMO for a great success after all your hard work!!! I'm sure this caused lots of new attention to you and Albertson on all levels thanks to you! I'm proud that my name was associated with this fine project! I wish you continuing success!!! All my best, Dianne Goolkasian-Rahbee Renowned composer, Belmont, MA _____ Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 10:03 PM Dear Arthur: This is a little late in coming, but thank you, thank you, thank you! I felt that the festival, in total, was superb. So many of "us" wish that we could have had festivals and competitions like this. I can't express in words how thrilled I am for you, and how deserving you are of all the "kudos'". I feel extremely honored to have been part of this wonderful event, and again, please plan on including me in the years to follow (in any capacity). Talk to you soon. Darryl Schoenborn, (judge for ‘01) Meridian, ID _____ 4/14/01 Arthur; That looks like a great competition. Probably took hours of leg work to get it off the ground (pun intended). Good for you. Sandy Kiefer Director, Copley Chamber Players, Boston, MA _____ Sent: Saturday, April 14, 2001 4:08 PM Subject: Re: News of Creative Pianist Competition at Albertson College Congratulations on your fabulous success! Please keep me on your e-mail list. I am very interested. Sophia Gilmson Piano pedagogy professor, University of Texas at Austin _____ Sent: Monday, April 16, 2001 6:46 AM Subject: Piano festival Art- My enthusiasm about your event keeps growing--even more intensely after reading the comments. You are definitely on to something. Again, my congratulations on mounting a sterling festival. Keep up your own zany idealism. You have a brother 2,600 miles to the east. Dr. John Salmon (one of the three judges for festival)


Professor of Piano, University of North Carolina-Greensboro _____ Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 11:47 AM Subject: Piano Competition at Albertson Dear Art, Thanks so much for the press release of the Competition. It is most impressive and I am sure you were delighted with the results. Please keep me on your mailing list. Dr. Gary Wolf Professor of Piano, University of Central Florida _____ Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 7:26 PM Subject: Thanks! Thank you Arthur, I had a wonderful time. Please invite me back - anytime. I hope you were able to rest a bit after all your work. Ted Rosenthal (one of the three judges for the 2001 festival) New York, NY _____ Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 10:58 AM To: Tollman, Lori (Piano Festival Coordinating Administrative Assistant) Dear Ms. Tollman, Thanks for helping put the Creative Pianist Festival together. It was great to be able to participate in such a unique competition. Thanks. Sincerely, Molly Turner Nampa, ID Note: Molly Turner won $500 in the festival. _____ Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 6:09 AM Subject: Creative Piano Festival Dear Dr. Houle, I am writing in care of Keli McCracken who performed in your recent festival. It was a very good experience for her. We are looking forward to next year’s competition. Thank you. Sincerely, Gary McCracken 10682 W. Treeline ct. Boise, ID 83713 _____ Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 8:29 PM Subject: Thank you. Dear Dr. Houle, The caliber of the competition was much as I expected. I was inspired by and thoroughly enjoyed the winner's concert. Thank you also for the beautiful book* (that I won in the drawing). I've been meaning to buy it for a year! I would be happy to volunteer my time and efforts to your competition in the future. Thanks again for bringing such a wonderful competition into existence! Sincerely,


Juli Draney Private piano teacher Boise, ID *Juli won a copy of “The Well-Tempered Keyboard Teacher”, 2nd Edition, by Marienne Uszler, Stewart Gordon & Scott Smith. _____ Sent: Tuesday, May 8, 2001 3:40 PM Subject: Piano festival, Albertson College I think this just validates your work and effort. Sometimes the good guys do win! I look forward to your continued efforts and you may even get me to practice more!! Anonymous donor _____ Sent: Wednesday, May 9, 2001 8:41 AM Subject: Creative Pianist Competition at Albertson College

I am very glad that your festival went so well. I heard the young lady that received the $1500 was superb. I hope your festival just gets bigger and better.

Gena Jacob Boise, ID _____ Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 8:37 AM Subject: Web site


Your web pages are astoundingly impressive!!! They are so beautiful, cleanly laid out, eye-catching, informative!!

Arthur, congratulations, again, on this stupendous endeavor. You're doing VERY good work.

John Salmon Greensboro, NC _____ Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 2:24 PM Subject: Looking forward to next year.

Hello Dr. Houle!

How are you? I'm still thinking how wonderful April in Idaho was! Thank you again for a great experience! The money I earned at the Festival is helping me go to Europe to study piano performance--it will be very helpful. I am looking forward to next year and am planning with my teacher. I so enjoyed the categories I competed in. It is fun planning for the new year.

Have a wonderful music-filled summer!!

Sincerely, Lauren Barney Mesa, AZ _____ Dear Arthur:

I applaud your creative ideas for this competition, and feel honored that you ask me to be part of such a distinguished jury. Best regards,

Dr. Scott McBride Smith (scheduled to adjudicate for the 2002 festival) President & Chief Executive Officer International Institute for Young Musicians, Irvine, CA _____ Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 7:22 AM Subject: Piano & Keyboard

Hi Art: Saw your report on the competition for Piano & Keyboard -- looks great. Congrats!

Scott Smith


Irvine, CA _____ Sent: Monday, May 21, 2001 8:58 PM Subject: Thanks from Lauren!

Dr. Houle- Thank you for supporting my work. It motivates me to work harder for next year. I also want to tell you that I love your website! There is so much to learn and the photo gallery brought back a lot of memories. I forwarded it to my grandparents and they loved it too!

Your work is wonderful!

Sincerely, Lauren Barney Mesa, AZ _____ Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2001 4:23 AM Subject: Bravo Dear Arthur: Bravo for a job well done ! I look forward to the next issue of Piano & Keyboard. Dianne Goolkasian-Rahbee Belmont, MA _____ Sent: Sunday, May 27, 2001 7:46 AM Subject: Thanks from Lauren Dear Dr. Houle: Thank you so for emailing me the festival photos and updated website. I really enjoyed all of it! I will never forget my experiences at the festival. I am learning a lot form your website too. Thank you again for all your hard work and for updating me. I look forward to next year! Have a great summer! All my love, Lauren Barney Mesa, AZ _____ Sent: Friday, June 1, 2001 9:11 PM Subject: online pix Art, We were finally able to get the festival pix to come up on our computer. They are great! Cathy Archibald-Seiffer (mother of Joshua, who won two prizes in the 2001 festival) Boise, ID _____ Sent: Sunday, June 3, 2001 7:49 PM Subject: Re: Concerto accompanying Dear Art, Thank you for including my name on the list [of concerto accompanists]. It was fun to help out, and it's always nice to see kids get some good opportunities. Thanks again! Robyn Wells [accompanist for Sara Lloyd in her winning performance of Chopin's Concerto No. 2 in F Minor, 2nd movement] Nampa, ID _____

-----Original Message----- From: "Houle, Arthur" <>


Date: Sat, 7 July 2001 12:53:01 -0600 To: "'Barney, Lauren Renee (14 pf 3/01, AZ, Pagano student)'" <>, "'White, Anarie (14 pf 4/01, student of Kathleen Lloyd, UT)'" <>, "'Eanes, Carolyn (15 pf 3/01, Boise, student of Burkholder)'" <>, "'Archibald-Seiffer Joshua (13 pf 3/01, Tacher student)'" <> Cc: 'Pagano, Manuela (pf, AZ)'; 'Burkholder, Reed (& Anne Counsil, piano teachers)'; 'Tacher, David'; 'Lloyd, Kathleen (pf, UT, friend of Betty Beecher)'12 > Hello to all of you! I hope you're having a great summer. Just wanted to let you know that I am pitching your compositions to Piano Explorer, the companion magazine to Clavier. Below is a copy of the letter I've put in the mail: > July 8, 2001 > Judy Nelson, Editor > Re: Music Corner > Piano Explorer > 200 Northfield Rd > Northfield, IL 60093 > Dear Judy: > Your latest issue of Piano Explorer inspired me to submit student compositions from the First Annual Albertson College International Festival for Creative Pianists last April. I was surprised and pleased to find that more than one-third of the participants in this festival played their own compositions! This tells me that young people enjoy composing and are looking for encouragement and validation. It makes me appreciate the role that Piano Explorer plays in recognizing and motivating young pianists. > Lauren Barney, age 14, was the only student to win three awards ($1500 total) in the festival. One of these prizes is "THE WINTHER MUSIC AWARD FOR BEST ORIGINAL COMPOSITION FOR PIANO SOLO ($500)." Her principal piano teacher is Manuella Pagano and her composition teacher is Heidi Grimes. Her composition, The Englander and His Wife, is enclosed. Her address is 5135 E. Evergreen #1247, Mesa, AZ 85205. Her phone is 480.654.0465; E-mail is > Anarie White, age 14, won "THE ALBERTSON COLLEGE AWARD FOR BEST PERFORMANCE OF A COMPOSITION IN ANY STYLE BY A FEMALE COMPOSER ($500)." The judges felt that the quality of her composition, Latin Rondo (enclosed), was superior to other published works of female composers played at the festival! Her teacher is Kathleen Lloyd. Her address is 265 W State, Richmond, UT 84333. Her phone is 435.258.5026; E-mail is > Carolyn Eanes, age 15, performed Twilight (enclosed). While this work did not earn a prize, I feel it is worthy of consideration. Her teacher, Reed Burkholder, was the co-recipient of the festival's "CREATIVE TEACHING INCENTIVE AWARD." Carolyn's address is 3244 Brampton Way, Boise, ID 83706. Her phone is 208.388.1724; E-mail is > One other student, Joshua Archibald-Seiffer, age 13, was the only contestant to win two awards, one of which is "THE ALBERTSON COLLEGE AWARD FOR BEST ORIGINAL COMPOSITION FOR PIANO SOLO ($500)." I do not have a copy of his composition. But I have forwarded the current issue of Piano Explorer to him. He has written a number of terrific compositions that may be suitable for Piano Explorer. His teacher is David Tacher. > More information about these students (along with pictures!) can be found on > the festival web site: > Again, thanks for the great work you do promoting young talents! > Sincerely, > Dr. Arthur Houle > Founder and Artistic Director. > International Festival for Creative Pianists From: Lauren Barney


Sent: Sunday, July 8, 2001 8:22 AM Subject: Big thanks from Lauren! Hello! I love your support and enthusiasm! You are an inspiration! Thank you for showing me the letter you wrote [above]. You are a great cheerleader for me and it makes me feel good. I can't thank you enough for all you do. I will keep working hard and enjoying music! Sincerely, Lauren Barney Mesa, AZ _ _

Letter from Judy Nelson, Editor of Clavier: 7/16/01 "...thank you for sending the student compositions from the First Annual Albertson College International Festival for Creative Pianists as well as the information about the winning students. I decided to pass the compositions along to the Editor of Piano Explorer, Ann Rohner Callis. I am always amazed to see the level of composing among young student pianists. It takes my breath away. The excitement for composing is also amazing. Last year we had in the area of 700 entries for the Piano Explorer composition contest. My guess is that as your Festival continues, you will continue to receive more and more entries. I'll develop an announcement of your winners for Clavier." Judy Nelson Editor, Clavier magazine _____ 7/30/01 Thank-you card written by an Honorable Mention Prize recipient and former student: Dear Dr. Houle: I would like to thank you for creating the awesome Annual Festival for Creative Pianists. I really had a wonderful experience and learned a lot. I also enjoyed hearing pianists from other states, getting an idea for the vast number of talented young pianists out there. It was very fun to see young pianists composing great things, too, and since then I have had the desire to compose and improvise (things I sometimes do now). Well, thanks again. You are truly a remarkable person, teacher, pianist and friend. Sincerely, Andrea Richards Nampa, ID _____ Sent: Monday, September 3, 2001 8:28 PM Subject: Piano festival Dear Arthur, It's so nice to find someone out there who has creative thoughts. I've pulled everything you have off the net and I am studying everything. That's a really nice web site you put together. It must have taken you a long time to get it just right. Hopefully, we'll see you in April [2002]. I'm going to try and bring one of my seniors who is thinking about going to Oral Roberts University, but maybe he could audition while he's there? I think your philosophy about music are similar. Sincerely, Beverly J (“B. J.”) Morton 1418 Crestview Dr Radcliff, KY 40160 _____ Sent: Wednesday, September 5, 2001 6:40 AM Subject: Music festival


Congratulations on the Music Festival. I checked out your link very briefly, mainly reading through your philosophy. I must say, I'm impressed. I've bookmarked it to get back to it over the weekend and really look at it in depth. Sister Therese Gregoire New Orleans, LA _____ Sent: Monday, October 8, 2001 7:39 PM Subject: Re: Intl. Festival Dear Dr. Houle, What a fantastic website you have and what terrific work you are's really exciting to see how you are challenging students. In addition to the International Music Relations, I am also working on a Jr Composers Institute, our first, for next July 8-13 at Northwestern College in Mpls, St. Paul, MN for ages 14-18. I'd like to be able to write to you and get some of your insights. Congratulations on what you are doing. It's thrilling. Gloria Lien Chair, International Music Relations National Federation of Music Clubs _____


Report to the College Music Society by the Chair of the Advisory Committee on Performance:

“Most schools and teachers still don’t do an adequate job of addressing the goal of having students able to improvise...The annual International Festival for Creative Pianists, led by Arthur Houle (associate professor of piano at Albertson College of Idaho), provides an example for our discipline, awarding, among several other categories, a prize for ‘best lead-in or original cadenza in a classical-era piece.’” _____ Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2001 7:21 AM Subject: Re: Hello Dear Arthur, Thank you for the information and the recent update on your International Festival for Creative Pianists. It is most interesting and marvelously prepared. I have enjoyed reading through your material and would like to make it known to some of my colleagues here at the Royal Conservatory of Music who teach in our Young Artists Performance Academy. This is a special program that caters to talented students from ages 9 - 18 . I'm happy to know that both Scott and John are adjudicating (I've known John since we were teens!) I look forward to knowing more about Stuart Isacoff. All the best to you! Lynda Metelsky Chair, Keybd Department, Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto, Ontario CANADA _____ Sent: Monday, December 3, 2001 6:18 AM Subject: Re: Hello from potato land (State motto: "This spud's for you.") Hello from the Sunshine state! I have been practicing and looking forward to your festival. I downloaded your application form from your website. Thank you for letting me know so I can take advantage of the early bird special! I will be sending it soon! Thank you again for your kind words. You are a great friend! Sincerely, Lauren Barney


Mesa, AZ P.S. I just got a grand piano for Christmas! I am so happy! I practice all the time!!! _____ Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2001 8:52 AM Subject: Re: Hello Hello Arthur: Thank you for sending an email concerning Lauren Barney's application form. I am sure she will take it very seriously.

I have another student that is very talented; she just got first prize in the MTNA Arizona location and will go on to the regional level. Her name is Belinda Chiu and her email address is

I already emailed to her and mentioned your competition, so maybe she did send the application form by now.

As i told you by phone we are in a year sabbatical in Portugal. My husband Caio Pagano was invited by the great pianist Maria Joao Pires to join her as Artistic Directors of the Center and to teach. I am teaching as well. So i have been in and out of the USA.

Hamilton Tescarollo, a former student of my husband, is taking care of the majority of our students in the USA. I am sure he also will have some students enroll in your festival. Thanks again,

Manuela Pagano (teacher of Lauren Barney) Tempe, AZ _____

This unsolicited request indicates that teachers are responding to the educational page:

Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 11:26 AM Subject: Festival for Creative Pianists Info

Please send me information on an ongoing basis about the 2002 Festival.

[Also,] please send me a copy of your corrected article "Adding Embellishments to Bach's Basic Notes", (printed in Sept. 1994 Clavier). thank you. either email to or regular mail to Donna Weldon PO Box 228, Whitehall, MT 59559. Please let me know if I owe you money for this. Thank You.

[Follow-up email] Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 9:58 AM

I heard about the festival in the November Clavier magazine. I have 3 students possibly interested in participating -- A high school boy who loves to compose, a mature 4th grader who is definitely exceptional for her age and would love to participate just for the experience and to hear the other students, and a high school girl who would be very interested in your new category of digital piano. Maybe it's too early to be asking this. But I have an older Yamaha Clavinova. (CVP-83SW) Would a MIDI disk prepared on my instrument play on the instrument used in the competition ? I hope my students are able to participate. If not I might come to listen, observe, and learn. It sounds like a great festival! Thanks for sending the article :)

Donna Weldon Whitehall, MT _____ Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 1:25 PM

Dr. Houle, I received your telephone message about the Festival this year. I am definitely planning on coming for it. I'm very excited and would appreciate it if you'd send me some information on how it's going to be this year. Thanks for your time and efforts in organizing this great festival!

Emily Inderrieden (Winner in ‘01) Kaysville UT _____ Sent: Thursday, February 7, 2002 8:20 PM


Dr. Houle, I'm very excited to come [again]. I have some neat pieces that I will perform and I am thankful for the opportunity that this festival gives. It is awesome! Emily Inderrieden Kaysville UT _____ Sent: Monday, February 11, 2002 9:36 PM Subject: Festival Application

Hello Dr. Houle- I mailed you my application for this year's festival. Did you receive it? It took me a while to decide on my program. I can't wait! I look forward to seeing you and being in Idaho again! Take Care!

Lauren Barney Mesa, AZ _____ Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 5:30 PM Subject: RE: Hello

Dear Prof. Houle,

The Festival looks great, and I'm very impressed with the website. There's a lot there to digest, and I look forward to spending more time with it...

I look forward to meeting you...

Best wishes, Dr. Robert Weirich Professor of Piano (Jack Strandberg Missouri Endowed Chair) UMKC Conservatory of Music Kansas City, MO 64110 _____ Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 1:20 PM Subject: RE: Annual International Festival for Creative Pianists

Dear Dr. Houle:

Thanks for the great news [about the 2002 festival]! My daughter, Jessica Watson (age 14), was hoping for an event such as this that she could participate in and attend workshops. She entered the Miss Teen of Idaho competition last year, which was held at Albertson College, and won 1st place in talent. Jessica loves the piano and aspires to be a pianist. This news will make her day!

I was on the internet looking for piano competitions to be held in Utah or Idaho this year and came across the website:

Your email was listed so I decided to send you an inquiry. Thanks for your reply!

Rand Watson Menan, ID _____ [I send, upon request, educational recordings and notes on how to do classical improvisation. This is in response to my mailing an audiocassette of me

demonstrating classical improvisation in Bach, Mozart, Haydn, Clementi, and Chopin]: Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2002 11:48 AM Subject: Thanks

Thank you for the tape and program notes - Excellent resources! Love those embellishments. Thanks again.

Phyllis Morey Boise piano teacher _____ Sent: Friday, February 15, 2002 3:01 PM Subject: June 11-14 2003 O.K.


Arthur, You're doing stupendous work.

John Salmon Greensboro, NC _____ Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 3:32 PM Subject: Re: Important late-breaking news about the ACI piano festival on April 26-28, 2002

Art, You continue to amaze/impress me with your seemingly tireless efforts to make this the best damn piano competition/festival around! Congratulations on all your hard work, evident in dramatic ways. I'm so proud to be a part of this festival!

John Salmon Greensboro, NC _____ Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 9:05 PM Subject: Classical Embellishment Category

Hi Dr. Houle,

I'm excited about the Festival this year after having such a blast last year. Thanks for everything.


Steve Giles Boise, ID _____ March 1, 2002

By letter from Louise Inderrieden, mother of Emily (winner in ‘01):

“Thank you for your time and effort with the Festival; we are looking forward to April!” _____ In response to an anonymous donation of $1000 to fund a prize in honor of Sylvia Hunt:

Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 7:24 PM Subject: $1000 anonymous donation in honor of Sylvia Hunt

Dear Art, This is just about too much!!! I can't believe someone would give $1,000 in my honor. WOW! Please express my thanks. Amazing!

Sylvia Hunt Director, Caldwell Fine Arts _____ Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2002 7:23 AM Subject: Re: IMPORTANT PIANO FESTIVAL UPDATES - prize doubled, duets allowed, raffle prizes, etc.

This looks fantastic, Arthur. I wish my students lived closer--this is EXACTLY what they need! I'll still spread the word around here.

I hoped to see you at MTNA in Cincinnati, but I suppose this festival has been consuming your life. It was good to talk with several of the Idaho contingent there.

Good luck with the Festival!

Kevin Olson Faculty, Elmhurst College, IL Composer for FJH Music _____ Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 7:52 PM Subject: Greetings

Dear Arthur,


I read the pamphlet about the Int'l Festival for Creative Pianists, and I want to tell you how impressed I am. What a terrific idea! This is exactly the kind of "outside-of-the-box" encouragement students need. Congrats! Alex Shapiro Composer, Malibu, CA _____ Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 1:03 PM Subject: Piano festival I want to thank you for organizing this festival again this year. I really enjoyed last year and I can’t wait to come back next month and participate, as well as listen to all the great musicians that the festival attracts. Thanks again. Sincerely, Andrea Richards (‘01 Honorable Mention recipient) Logan, UT _____ In response to the big increase in the number of applicants in the ‘02 festival: Sent: Saturday, March 30, 2002 5:19 PM To: Houle, Arthur Subject: RE: Applications for piano festival

Congratulations Art! Wow--what a success!!!!

Kristina Mazurak Assistant Professor, Department of Business Albertson College of Idaho _____ Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 2:20 PM Subject: ‘02 festival We are all very much looking forward to the festival this year. It was so much fun last year. Dave tells us that the contestant numbers are up quite a bit over last year. You've done a great job promoting and organizing this challenging event! Thanks, Art, Cathy Archibald-Seiffer Boise, ID _____ Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 9:28 AM Subject: Festival Thank you for all of your hard word for the children. This is such an awesome opportunity for them. Sincerely, Deanna Rhinehart Founder & Director, Northwest Conservatory of Music _____ Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2002 1:31 PM Subject: Music and Business Art, First and foremost, I would like to thank you for your efforts and participation in last week's business and marketing classes. The students really enjoyed you and the other distinguished guests and I felt the discussions helped my students better understand the dynamics of the music industry. Again, I enjoyed this joint project and I hope we have the opportunity to do something like this again. Take care . . . Kristina Mazurak Assistant Professor, Department of Business Albertson College of Idaho


--- Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 5:26 PM Subject: RE: ACI piano festival Art -- Congratulations on a job well done! I bet you are relaxing a bit now that everything is over . . . I enjoyed our collaboration! Kristina Mazurak Assistant Professor, Department of Business Albertson College of Idaho _____ Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 8:10 AM Subject: Re: Festival Dr. Houle: Just a note to tell you how much Heather and I enjoyed the International Festival for Creative Pianists. It was well organized and the talent was outstanding! Thank you for all of your effort in designing a 'one of a kind' event, not only for Albertson College, but for Idaho. Regards, Kim Hovren ‘81, Albertson College _____ Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 12:29 PM Subject: Many Thanks! Dear Art, Many Thanks for a quality festival! I am so appreciative of all the work that went into it. The students and parents were so pleased with the friendly atmosphere, the generosity of everyone, the provision of food and snacks, and the fine facility. Kudos to you and all that helped. Thank you for the changes in requirements that allowed Stephanie Sherwood to participate. We are delighted with her honors and money. It also was an eye opener about the quality of playing we heard.

I am still in shock and laughing over the Teacher's Creativity Award I received. Talk about frosting on my Cake of Life! What a generous honor that was.

Thank you again for all your hard work. With best wishes and admiration, Gay Pool Piano Director, Idaho Suzuki Institute, and Idaho Music Teachers Association President-Elect Boise, ID [Gay Pool was recipient of the “Creative Teaching Incentive” award and teacher of Stephanie Sherwood, the youngest and biggest prize winner of the ‘02 festival] _____ Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 1:06 PM Subject: Re: Winners Recital Thank you for a splendid program. Christopher (little guy in tux) left excited and enthused and ready to come back for more next year. Sincerely, Cathie Doudy Boise, ID _____ Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 10:05 AM Subject: congratulations


Hi Arthur. From what I could see, your event was a smash success, certainly in terms of displaying some extraordinary talent, so thank you for a wonderful evening of music making. If you do a press release, please put me on the email or mail list for it. I thought Jonathan Coombs was sensational the way he nailed the Barber, and Jessica Roderer very close to him--her two minor memory slips in that large and repetitive Liszt piece were nothing compared to her overall mastery of the work, musically and technically. And she's almost 14. Lauren Barney is another real find...she'll be a great composer, and is a fine pianist. Joshua Wright is another stand-out, but I'm not sure exactly in where. Speaking of Joshuas, I thought Archibald’s Rag had far more substance than the octaves and scales of the 2-piano team (even though he botched a couple of spots), but that's what makes a horse race...which your competition is surprising un-like...everyone is a winner to some degree. Thanks again, Mike Winter Music writer and reviewer, Boise, ID _____ Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 8:10 AM Subject: Re: Festival Dr. Houle: Just a note to tell you how much Heather and I enjoyed the International Festival for Creative Pianists. It was well organized and the talent was outstanding! Thank you for all of your effort in designing a 'one of a kind' event, not only for Albertson College, but for Idaho.

Regards, Kim Hovren '81, Albertson College Boise, ID _____ Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 12:16 AM Subject: competition Dear Dr. Houle, I would like to thank you for your efforts in putting on the piano competition this previous weekend, I felt it was great experience for me and I hope to return next year! Sincerely, Weston Arnold Sparks, NV ‘01 & ‘02 Honorable Mention winner _____ Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 1:31 PM Subject: The festival It was a good event! Sylvia Hunt Director of Caldwell Fine Arts _____ Card sent by Scott McBride Smith (‘02 judge), 4/30/02: “Congratulations on a superb event. You must be very proud -- though exhausted! It was an honor to serve. Best, Scott” _____ Sent: Wednesday, May 1, 2002 11:04 AM


Dr. Houle, I just wanted to thank you for all of the work that you put into the Piano Festival this last weekend. I had a wonderful time and thought that everything went well. You did a great job in organizing and putting on the whole festival. I am excited to see that next year’s festival will be Wed-Sat. instead of Thurs-Sun. I am certainly looking forward to it. Thank you again! Anarie White Richmond, UT ‘01 First Prize Winner & ‘02 special Honorable Mention recipient _____ 5/1/02 Note from David & Cathy Archibald-Seiffer, parents of Joshua (‘02 winner of the “Caldwell Fine Arts Best Treasure Valley” award): “It was a great festival. Thanks!” _____ Sent: Friday, May 3, 2002 9:25 AM Subject: The festival Good morning Dr. Houle, The festival was wonderful. I'm so proud of you for dreaming beyond the traditional. I was totally impressed with the level of proficiency of the participating students. I think what I enjoyed most was watching those students who did not "win". You could see the inspiration on their faces when they heard the other participants. Brittney came straight home and started practicing for next year. My own children have received the least amount of training from me due to my was exciting to see her get inspired. I think you'll enjoy working with her. Thank you for the hours of work and dedication in putting together such an inspirational festival. Sincerely, Deanna Rhinehart Founder & Director, Northwest Conservatory of Music _____ Card sent 5/3/02 by Trish (mom) & Lauren Barney, Winner of two First Prizes in ‘02 festival: “A big thank you to you and all of your hard work! Lauren and I so enjoyed the concerts, workshops, experiences & wonderful music of your piano festival! We learned so much and will never forget our experiences. The festival was so organized and we always enjoy your sense of humor -- it makes everything so fun and memorable! You do excellent work and we love and support what you stand for! God bless you in all your efforts! Again -- thank you so for everything! Trish & Lauren Barney Mesa, AZ _____ Sent: Monday, May 6, 2002 9:00 PM Subject: Festival

The competition was a great event, Arthur.

Mike Winter Boise, ID Writer and reviewer _____ Sent: Monday, May 6, 2002 11:36 AM Subject: Re: Congratulations

Dear Dr. Houle,

Thank you for all the uncounted hours of work that go into such a well-prepared festival. This festival celebrates the strengths of the individual pianists--a concepts in which I am very much in favor! I so enjoyed the Saturday evening Jazz lecture/recital. The judges were so personable. Everything about the festival made it so enjoyable for me and my students. We'll be seeing you next June.


Thanks again, Kathleen Lloyd Smithfield, UT Teacher of Ruth Belliston, who won First Prize in the “Jazz/Pop/Rag” category ($1000) _____ Sent: Monday, May 6, 2002 5:58 PM You have done really well with this festival this year. Sylvia Hunt Caldwell, ID _____ Sent: Tuesday, May 7, 2002 8:39 AM Subject: Clavier Arthur, I'm delighted that Clavier will do a press release on Stephanie. Congratulations! You have really worked hard on the publicity. I am impressed. Best regards, Phyllis Morey Independent piano teacher Boise, ID _____ Sent: Tuesday, May 7, 2002 12:13 PM Subject: RE: Thanks!!! Good morning Art: Congratulations to you on the success of the event—I think it was great! Dr. Scott McBride Smith Irvine, CA ‘02 festival judge ____ Sent: Tuesday, May 7, 2002 8:17 PM Subject: Piano competition Dr. Houle, We just wanted to take a minute to thank you for all your hard work on our behalf. The Sherwood family Boise, ID _____ Sent: Wednesday, May 8, 2002 11:31 AM Subject: Re: Jpg photos of Brittney Just a moment to thank you for the [jpg] photos. You've done such a wonderful and thorough job. Attention to detail is the hardest task of all. You seem to have mastered the secret. Thanks again, Deanna Rhinehart Mother of Brittney, participant in ‘02 festival Founder & Director, Northwest Conservatory of Music _____ from the mother of Joshua Archibald Seiffer, ‘01 & ‘02 winner: Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 10:10 PM Subject: Re: Student compositions solicited by Keyboard Companion Art,


Thanks for sending Josh the website info [concerning student compositions solicited by Keyboard Companion] . We are looking into it and will keep you posted. Also a note of interest. Josh entered the National Fed. of Music Clubs' composition competition and placed first in the state and region and went on to the national level where we found out today that among 62 contestants, he took second place in his class (they award 1st and 2nd place) for his "Concertino Dramatico" (a piano piece with strings and timpani accompaniment). He is still waiting to hear from BMI, ASCAP, and National PTA Reflections, on their competition results. We'll keep in touch. You were, as you might remember, his first composition teacher! Thanks again for the info. Cathy Archibald-Seiffer Boise, ID _____ Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 10:06 PM Subject: Re: Student compositions solicited by Keyboard Companion Hello! Thank you for your email. I will follow up on your suggestion [to submit my compositions to Keyboard Companion]. Thank you for letting me know about everything! You keep me so informed. I received my check today! I stare at it and can't believe it! I am so grateful! Thank you again for all your hard work. Your festival is grand and I always learn so much! You are the best! Take care. All my love, Lauren Barney ‘01 & ‘02 winner Mesa, AZ _____ Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 8:02 PM Subject: Chopin Hello Dr. Houle! Thank you again for the Piano Festival. Competing in Idaho for the past three years has truly been a great opportunity, and my pleasure. Let me apologize in advance for touching on yet another unclear topic dealing with Chopin. Editions. I am interested in learning the great Polonaise-Fantasie, and was wondering what your take is on the editions of that work (or all of the Polonaises, I guess). While you’re at it (he he he) what recommendations would you have, in general, for editions of Chopin's works. Is the greatest value in the different editions simply that they offer many different valid (I would imagine in at least most cases) perspectives? Thanks. I was also wondering if you could provide me with any personal comments/recommendations on my performance of the Chopin Sonata, second and third movements. I understand that it has been a while, so no hard feelings if nothing rings a bell. Thank you for your time, Keenan Reesor ‘01 & ‘02 winner Logan, UT _____ sent by letter: 5/20/02 “Thanks again for having such a wonderful festival.” Stuart Isacoff Judge, ‘02 Closter, NJ _____


sent by letter: June 12, 2002 Dear Dr. Houle: John Salmon [your perennial judge]...has all the ingredients -- background and knowledge, a sense of adventure, and performance skills of such a wide range that I find him quite incredible. What you are attempting to do in your festival is most laudable, especially in eliminating as much as possible the "winner take all" dynamic, and encouraging improvisation in both jazz and classical music. Yours sincerely, Dave Brubeck Renowned composer & jazz artist Wilton, CT _____ Sent: Saturday, June 22, 2002 2:49 PM Subject: Re: Upcoming write-up in Technics newsletter I so appreciate EVERYTHING you do and have done for me and others. You really make a difference and have inspired me to keep working hard and be the best that I can be! I can't wait for next year! Hopefully my brother, Jason can come if we can afford it. He is awesome in Jazz! Thank you again. Sincerely, Lauren Barney Mesa, AZ _____ Sent: Saturday, June 29, 2002 1:44 PM Subject: Re: Congratulations I just read of your festival and it's most impressive! You even have a category of improvised embellishments, and this was won by a ten-year old??? Do you know that there will be a whole conference on this subject at the University of Michigan this September? - if you're interested there is probably some information on Anyway, many thanks again, all best, Dr. Malcolm Bilson Professor of Music, Cornell University, & renowned recording artist _____ Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2002 11:03 AM Dear Arthur, Your [festival] really peaked my interest and it sounds as if you are totally committed to the idea of encouraging creativeness in students as well as teachers. I am so bothered by the fact that students are so often taught to play "showy" pieces and yet they know nothing of music. Most young children gravitate to the piano and are content to "explore" and then when they begin formal lessons, they cease exploring. Nancy Dyes 5030 Moseley Road Byron, GA 31008 _____ Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 8:51 AM Subject: RE: Beyond Notation: a conference on improvisation in Mozart's time Dear Arthur, I just looked at your web site. It's terrific! I look forward to really spending some time with it in the near future. Sure, you can add the bibliography/discography to your festival educational page. The credit should go to Gretchen Wheelock of Eastman School, as she compiled the list. And it would be great if you'd mention the Westfield/University of Michigan Improvisation conference too. Wish you could be there. Obviously, It's right up your alley! All best,


Penny Crawford, University of Michigan piano faculty _____ Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 7:14 PM Subject: RE: Festival inquiry from Canada I was just checking the stats on the web hits...your site for the Piano Festival does not go unnoticed!! Gail Richardson, Albertson College Director of Foundation Relations and Grants _____ Sent: Mon 11/25/2002 8:23 PM Subject: Re: International Festival for Creative Pianists Dear Arthur I did indeed look [your festival] up on the website and it sounds very original and eminently worthwhile. Good luck! All best, Dr. Malcolm Bilson Professor of Music, Cornell University & renowned recording artist _____ Sent: Sunday, December 8, 2002 2:55 AM Thank you so much for all you do to encourage budding young musicians. You have been extremely kind and encouraging to Josh through the years. They (and I) sincerely appreciate your support. Thanks! Dr. Del Parkinson Piano faculty, Boise State University _____ December 17, 2002 Note from Dr. Kevin Learned, President of Albertson College: “Congratulations on the piano festival. Thanks for everything you do.” _____ Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 10:05 AM Subject: RE: Hello Arthur, I had a chance to explore your website a little. Very impressive. I especially liked the links. I'll make sure our pianists know about this great opportunity. Julie Bloodworth Director, Missouri Fine Arts Academy ___ Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 1:17 PM It looks like a great competition again. Chuck Wernecke Father of Matthew, an ‘02 contestant ___ Sent: Tuesday, April 8, 2003 12:36 PM Subject: Festival Arthur, Great article in Clavier!! God, you write well. (Notice how highly I think of you to give you divine status.)


I keep praising you and the festival wherever I go. We're doing the right thing, no doubt about it. I'm simply amazed at how incredulous teachers are when I add a little cadenza at a V7 before a recap, or when I dare to add new lead-ins in Mozart. You'd think I was advocating the invasion of some far-off country... Dr. John Salmon Professor of Piano, University of North Carolina-Greensboro ___ Sent by letter: April 1, 2003 Dear Arthur: I hope your inspiring ideas will catch on with others. It’s good to shake things up - I think you are good at it. All the best, Judy Nelson Editor, Clavier ___ Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2003 12:47 AM Subject: Clavier Congratulations on the superb article in Clavier! You write beautifully. You've given a terrific description of the festival (I like your comment about a festival that is actually festive!). It's so exciting to see what wonderful directions you are taking this festival. Everyone has very positive feelings about it. Congrats! Del ___ Sent: Tuesday, April 8, 2003 10:33 PM Subject: Re: P.S. Clavier is on our web home page Hi Arthur, I mentioned your festival to Joel Harrison, the artistic director of the American Pianists Association in Indianapolis, who I met at MTNA [National Convention in Salt Lake City, March, 2003]. He sees competitions changing quite a bit (they are just finishing up their Discovery Week now), so naturally I told him about what you are doing. I owe him an e-mail and said I would put him in touch with you. He is an interesting man and will write for Clavier. I think you'll find him a kindred spirit in some ways. Judy Nelson Editor, Clavier ___ Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 9:13 AM Subject: RE: FYI-Digital Piano Prizes--Updated info now on the web Hello Arthur, I'm in Oklahoma visiting my daughter's family with three grandsons to squeeze. Just wanted you to know that I read your Clavier article about the competition, while staying at a motel in Missouri. It sounds great, and I especially like the last paragraph about reaching one's potential. The student who I suggested might like to attend the competition in a future year has a dad who got very excited about the location. He has a best friend in Boise. So maybe it will happen. Ellen Lee Clavier writer ----- At the request of a former student, Tony Olson, I sent a recording of me demonstrating classical improvisation. Tony replied: Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 8:21 PM


Subject: Bach Invention & your audio cassette Hi, You would be proud of one of my students. He did an improv at the beginning of the Bach C Maj. Invention - and a cadenza just before the final chord. He is mainly a jazz percussion student and plays keyboard in the jazz band. VERY stylistic... Dr. Anthony Olson Assistant Professor of Piano Northwest Missouri State University ___ Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 11:44 PM Subject: Re: May 15 deadline is near We got the materials from Albertson - looks like a wonderful campus, and we hope some year she may attend. She already had plans to attend Cal State Stanislaus when we heard about your festival - at the same timeframe. Looking forward to hearing more. Marlene for Katrina Tasha Locke ___ Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2003 11:56 PM Subject: Competition Dear Dr. Houle, I have truly been looking forward to your competition and have sent in my application, repertoire, fee, and photo. Unfortunately, I recently found out that my cousin will be getting married on the 14th of June. Since this is the last day of the competition, I will not be able to participate. I truly have enjoyed the competition the last three years I participated - I have learned a lot and always look forward to the trip. I will especially miss the "four-judge jam session" that yourself and the judges have done since the beginning of the new competition! Sincerely, Weston Arnold Sparks, NV ___ Sent: Thursday, May 22, 2003 5:08 PM Subject: prelude & fugue Arthur, Just to let you know the Prelude & Fugue [festival student composition] arrived safely at my door today. It looks like a doable score and actually promises to be fun! So, yes, I'll be happy to play it (and what a great idea it was of yours to have these pieces played by someone other than the composer). Dr. John Salmon Professor of Piano, University of North Carolina-Greensboro ___ Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2003 12:28 PM Subject: MTNA President Art, This is the letter from the MTNA President that is to be published in our conference booklet. Thank you, once again, for all your hard work! Elaine Mills IMTA President

Letter from the President of the Music Teachers National Association (, extolling Albertson College's collaboration with the Idaho Music Teachers Association Annual Conference:

Dear Idaho [IMTA] Members:


Welcome to your state convention! Your state convention committee has planned an exceptional program for you to enjoy, to broaden your knowledge, to experience new ideas, and to hear students and master teachers/recitalists. Your partnership with the Albertson College International Festival for Creative Pianists is an exciting opportunity to explore new concepts and consider new approaches to teaching. Partnerships, such as this, are the way of the future for us and for our colleague organizations. Please be sure to take a moment to thank your officers and convention committee for their time and work in making this a successful convention. Conventions are such a wonderful opportunity to network with colleagues, renew friendships, and meet some of the new members in your association. Please share with them your rich experiences within the MTNA Triangle: Local Associations, State Associations, and National Association, all of which support, mentor and nurture us as teachers. MTNA is committed to the "advancing the value of music study and music making to society and to supporting the professionalism of music teachers." With all of us working together MTNA will continue to be the premier association for independent and college music teachers. Please communicate your ideas and concerns with the Board of Directors and with the national office. We are here to serve you, the members. Enjoy every moment of your state convention. It will give you new energy, new ideas, and renewed enthusiasm to take home to your students. Best wishes for a successful convention and a rewarding and productive year in the Idaho Music Teachers Association. Cordially yours, Phyllis I. Pieffer, NCTM MTNA President ___ Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 10:00 AM Subject: Thanks Hi Art, Thanks again for inviting us to play; I was pleasantly surprised with the size and the responsiveness of the audience, and even more amazed that we sold CD's. Are the performances being taped? Not so much for our performance, but I am regretting I can't be in attendance to hear John play. (and return the favor of a big kiss after his performance... I think I remember dumping a girlfriend for kissing like that...) Anyway, a good time was had by all, sorry to miss the rest of the festival, and thanks again, Chuck Smith Jazz artist & recitalist, Boise, ID ___ Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 1:48 PM Subject: Festival Arthur, Terry Lynn and I really enjoyed ourselves this week at your festival! We heard some great students, thought our presentations were well-received, and were treated to fine performances by you and John on Thursday night. Thank you again for having us, and I plan to get back in touch with you after a while to check on next year's schedule. Have a great summer! Andy Hudson '03 festival clinician Waco, Texas ___ Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2003 4:11 PM Subject: Re: Made It Back Hello Arthur Made it back just fine. I just wish to say again how honored I was to be a part of your festival and also I had a great time. What a pleasure. Please keep in mind for your next festival. When you get a chance send me your home mailing address.


Best to you. Dennis Thurmond Judge and recitalist, '03 ___ 6/16/03 Sent by letter: Dear Dr. Houle, Thank you for your great work on the piano festival and for your generosity and kindness to everyone. I enjoyed participating and meeting many new people. Thanks again, Eric McEwen Helena, Montana ___ June 16, 2003 Dear Arthur: We are writing to congratulate you on your highly successful International Festival for Creative Pianists. We were amazed and delighted to see such a range of talent congregated in Idaho. In addition to the musical excellence of the festival, we admire what was surely a logistical feast to carry it off. And, it was a stroke of genius to have the meeting of the Idaho Music Teachers Association dovetail with the festival. When you say “International,” you really mean it! Renaud [age 10] was certainly out of his league, yet his participation as a contestant brought him inspiration, motivation, performance experience, and a sense of community. The constructive comments from the adjudicators will be very helpful to us and to Renaud’s piano and string bass teachers in guiding his progress and encouraging his passion. Darryl Schoenborn was especially helpful to Renaud during the digital creative session, engaging him at his level and helping him expand his horizons. Thank you for your enthusiastic support of music students, music teachers, and music lovers! Warm regards, Dr. Teresa Boucher Chair & Associate Professor of Spanish Boise State University

Dr. Will Browning Associate Professor of French & Spanish Boise State University

___ Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 11:50 AM Subject: bravo Dr. Houle - Almost a year ago, I wrote to you and many other teachers in the area, prior to moving to Middleton from Fairbanks, Alaska. I was recently involved with the Idaho AMT conference, and was thrilled to see how very successful your International Festival for Creative Pianists has become! After reading the article featuring your festival/competition in Clavier, I really hope to have students from my studio ready to participate, in time. My start-over studio here in Middleton is tiny, and growing slowly. In any case, I'd be happy to assist in some capacity in another year -- please consider me a willing volunteer. If you ever consider inviting a jazz pianist from Alaska, I do know that Barney McClure, formerly of Seattle, might be very interested. He has performed extensively (and continues to do so), organized many jazz festivals and events, and written a fairly recent book, "There's No Such Thing as a Mistake". Please let me know if I may be of help. Thank you. Debbie Wallace Middleton, ID ___ Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 12:20 PM Subject: 2003 IFCP


Dear Professor Houle, Just wanted to share with you how much we (Scott, his mom and I) appreciated the opportunity to be a part of the Festival. What a profound educational experience. Was so impressed by the standard of excellence displayed in every area. And the Winners! WOW! Each was well deserving. Their performances were phenomenal. I felt as if I were back in time observing the Masters at work. Very well organized rich cultural event. I am so very grateful to have met you and leant about your annual festival and I truly believe that as the years move along the IFCP will experience magnificent growth and major international acclaim. This was a great experience for Scott and has set him on fire to work harder paying much more attention to the details of guidance. The Judges comments were very encouraging. There is one thing that I observed about the participants that really made my heart sing with pride. Each one (prize winner or non-winner) was so happy to be a part of this event. I really think it's because of the magnitude of leaning that took place. Questions for you Dr. Houle: 1. Will you have video tapes of the Winner's Recital for sale? Didn't get an opportunity to ask. Would like to purchase a copy for my studio. 2. When will the Festival Results be published on-line? Thanks again. Elizabeth Fullington Piano teacher, Apopka, Florida. ___

Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 4:59 PM Subject: Re: URGENT: Thanks and can you come June 15-20 2004? Send receipts ASAP also.

Arthur: Thank you for making the week possible, and for making our stay so full of interesting and pleasant events. Your tireless work is much appreciated by all. I am free next June and will be delighted to be asked back. I will start practicing this week!. Ha. Seriously, it would be an honor to return.

Stewart Gordon Professor & Chair of Keyboard Studies, University of Southern California ___

Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 5:03 PM Subject: Festival

Dear Arthur,

I am writing this in hopes that you are not actually able to receive it today because you have taken a day of rest! I am so impressed. Even though I knew the Festival would be good merely because you were involved, I was taken back by the quality of both the students that came, and the clinicians you had. Amazing. Absolutely amazing!

Thank you for allowing IMTA to be a part of this function. It brought another dimension to their experience by exposing us to such a quality event, and really seemed to open some eyes about going "off the page."

I will send more later, but I didn't want time to pass without letting you know how much I appreciate you.


Elaine T. Mills IMTA President ___

Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 5:34 PM Subject: Thanks

Dear Art,

Thank you for the Herculean effort you put into making this festival so wonderful. The students and teachers really profited from the workshops and lectures. Your attention to detail was mind-boggling! Kudos to you and Darryl!!


Thanks again,

Gay Pool IMTA President-elect ___

Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 7:03 PM Subject: Re: URGENT: Thanks.

Arthur It was a super time for me and I know it was for Stewart also. Stay in touch please, you are the man.

Dennis Thurmond Faculty, University of Southern California Judge for '03 ___

Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 7:39 AM Subject: Re: URGENT: Thanks and can you come June 15-20 2004? Send receipts ASAP also.


First of all, kudos to you for yet another important victory in the homogenized music world we live in, and for providing a surely life-altering inspiration for a few teenage pianists. What a pleasure to be a part of this momentous event!

Yes, of course, you can count on me for June 2004…

Once again, Arthur, thank you for making such an important contribution to the lives of so many budding musicians and their families, and for making my stay in Caldwell so pleasant. It's a pleasure to be in your circle.

(And your Liszt Sonata keeps going through my head...what originality, what heart-felt phrasing! Also your Chopin "Harp" Etude and F#m Polonaise. You are a TREMENDOUS artist!!)

John Salmon. Professor of Piano, University of North Carolina-Greensboro ___

Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 2:49 PM Subject: Re: Permission to duplicate/distribute recital performances?


Thanks for sharing the comments. I may have given Chuck Smith a memory (to cherish...or seek therapy over).

Hope you are beginning to recuperate. Again, it was a magnificent success from my viewpoint.

John Salmon. Professor of Piano, University of North Carolina-Greensboro ___

Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 3:05 PM

Hi Dr. Houle,

Jennie and Nuray have told me about how wonderful the competition was and how impressed they were with the amazing talent of the young pianists. We are very happy to have been able to be a part of this event!


Sheila Lenz (Major sponsor for '03) ___

Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 3:59 PM Subject: Thanks..;-)

Dear Dr. Houle,


Thanks for such a wonderful time we had at the Festival! Also, A special thanks for lending us your music book during the Festival! Everything was wonderful! We are still talking about the great time we all had! We are looking forward to being a part of your festival next year!!! Shannie is practicing too! ;-)

Good Work on such a wonderfully run Festival!

Sincerely, Brandon, Sherilyn and Shannon Lee North Logan, Utah ___

Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 4:07 PM Subject: Re: Congratulations, etc.


Did you do a recording of the winner's recital? We would very much like a copy of it if possible. Once again, Art, thank you so much for all the hard work you put into this festival.

Talk soon, Cathy Archibald-Seiffer Boise, Idaho ___

Sent: Wednesday, June 18, 2003 4:24 PM To: Anonymous donor for '03 (forwarded by Houle) Subject: Thanks.. Sylvia Hunt Award

Dear Anonymous Donor,

Thanks so much for your wonderful gift for the Sylvia Hunt Award! I had a wonderful time at the Festival! I met a lot of new friends as well as many old friends! This was a great Festival! Everything was conducted very professionally and the Judges were top ranked and extremely well known! Dr. Houle was remarkable too! He was a true professional and made this Festival "Memorable and Sensational!" For Everyone! We are planning to tell all of our fellow pianists around the country about this wonderful Festival and the Great time we all had! We are excited to come back next year too! Thanks Again!

Sincerely, Sherilyn Lee North Logan, Utah ___

Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 3:34 PM Subject: Re: $500 of your $1000 must go for music study

Dr. Houle- I'd like to thank you for the opportunity you provided us. It really was very rewarding in more than one way. As for the $500 that goes towards music study, don't worry. I've already talked to my professor and we arranged for that money to cover my music fees and some lessons. Again, thank you so much!

Sincerely, Ashley Christenson American Fork, Utah ___

Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 10:56 AM To: Lenz, Sheila (;; Houle, Arthur Cc: Tennant, John G. (President & CEO, PianoQuest); Blaser, Jennie (Director of Pricing & Administration for PianoQuest); Elci,

Nuray (Dir. of Marketing,; Schoenborn, Darryl (Assistant Director, International Festival for Creative Pianists) Subject: RE: Augsburg Piano Pick-up

Dear Arthur and Darryl,

On behalf of PianoQuest, I wanted to personally convey our appreciation to you. I know from our perspective that many hours and resources were required to support the Festival, and by implication, the two of you must truly have been consumed by it all! Jennie and Nuray have both briefed me on how things went. We're most excited by the encouragement of young talent--providing excitement to the teenagers as alternatives to TV and instant messaging their friends all day. :-)

We also benefited from the Augsburg introduction, and of course having us get acquainted with you two and the judges--and vice versa.


Please stay in touch. Also, concerning next year's festival, please give us adequate notice to consider our participation. It sounds like the free piano went over well (no surprise), but we can always work with you to match reward with intent. I think the category (Chopin) worked well for us. But you may find it better to offer similar value in more prizes (i.e. offering four artist benches instead of a piano). Or perhaps the large prize is more of a draw. Anyway, just provide us your thoughts in six months or so, and give us time to budget appropriately. Also, as we learned, piano moving logistics need considerable lead-time. If we provide another Augsburg concert grand, more prep-time is needed. By the way, that grand is one of the first off the production line (the 5th unit, I believe), and the factory doped the hammers brighter on purpose, because of the destination (concert).

Anyway, thanks again for your hard work and dedication.


John Tennant President and CEO, PianoQuest (major sponsor for '03; donated a piano as a prize) Folsom, CA ___

Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2003 8:07 PM Subject: RE: International Festival for Creative Pianists

Dr. Houle: I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the "International Festival for Creative Pianists." I thought all the concerts I attended were wonderful, but the Winners Recital was just exceptional. To hear those young students express themselves so expertly and creatively was quite a thrill. I now have faith for a new generation of torch bearers! Anyway, I'm sure that organizing and directing such a feat annually is a lot of hard work, and I wanted to thank you and those that worked with you, for a magnificent tour de force!

Thanks Again! Linda Owens Teacher of Daniel Wallace, ‘03 contestant from Caldwell, ID ___

Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 8:18 PM Subject: Re: competition

Hello Arthur,

You have one of the most unique competitions that I have ever been to. I've just finished writing the article for the newspaper. It was very exciting to be recognized with an award from your college. I also enjoyed meeting some of the other piano teachers from the IMTA. The workshops that I attended were very interesting. You should continue to run them back to back with your competition.


B. J. Morton 1418 Crestview Dr Radcliff, KY 40160 ___

Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 8:44 AM Subject: Re: notification to papers

Dear Arthur:

I just wanted you to know how much my students enjoyed the competition this year. You do an amazing job of organizing and recognizing young pianists. Thanks for all you do!

Dr. Susan Duehlmeier Piano Area Chair, University of Utah ___

June 27, 2003 (letter)

Dear Dr. Houle:


Thank you so much for putting on the Creative Pianist Festival! It is such a privilege to participate in it and I hope to continue competing.


Stephanie Sherwood Boise, Idaho ___

Da July 1, 2003 3:00 PM To: Hi Dr. Houle,

It was a blast to record the festival and get to hear all the amazing performances.

Dan Wiedeback Recording engineer & ACI student ___

Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2003 14:01:48 EST Subject: Re: New email address & piano festival

Hi Dr. Houle! Thanks for sending us your new e-mail address! We are REALLY excited and looking forward to participating in your International Piano Festival in June of 2004! Brandon has really grown musically! He has won the MTNA State Piano Competition for the 5th straight year and we are going to Hawaii in January for the Regionals! I have been pushing for the Regionals to be held in Hawaii for the past 4 years now! I was the Secretary of the Hawaii music Teachers Assoc. For 5 years and we always felt it so unfair that because Hawaii was so far that we always had to travel to the Mainland but they never held the Regionals in Hawaii! We have so many of our friends there and it will be such a great homecoming too! Brandon has grown so much musically in the last 6 years! Next year Brandon is planning on participating in two more International Piano Competitions too! He has gone to the Nationals twice and hope that next year he will make it to the Nationals again! He made it last year and it was a lot of fun, so we are hoping that the third time is a charm! ;-) We hope that your Christmas Holidays are filled with Much Happiness and Joy and lots of good laughter and food!!! ;-) And please let us know when the applications are ready or you can even send it to us! We are very excited to participate next year! We look forward to coming to Boise! Sincere Wishes For another year Full of many more Blessings!

Take Care, Larry, Brandon, Sherilyn and Shannon Lee North Logan, Utah ___

May 26, 2004

Dr. Robert Hoover President, Albertson College of Idaho 2112 E. Cleveland Blvd. Caldwell, Idaho 83605

Dear Dr. Hoover,

Thank you very much for your contribution to securing the continued funding of the Langroise Trio. It means a lot to Linda and me, the Boise Philharmonic, and to countless students and others in the Treasure Valley.

In my letter to you last year I mentioned the Creative Piano Festival, which had been held at Albertson College. This year it is going to be held at the Simplot Academy, from June 15 through June 19. I have enclosed a copy of the 2003 Festival program, and an article about the festival. We attended several of the evening concerts last year and thoroughly enjoyed them. As piano students of Dr. Houle we are very familiar with his expertise with and passion for both jazz and classical. He has really helped to broaden our knowledge and enjoyment of many styles of music, from Schubert to jazz written by Marjorie Burgess to Beatles, and jazz theory. Both jazz and classical are taught at the festival, and several of the evening concerts will feature jazz. I understand that you are quite a jazz enthusiast. If you could find time in your busy schedule to attend one or more of the evening recitals I’m sure you would enjoy them. The schedule is online at Each concert starts at 7 PM. We hope to see you there.



John Stedman Boise Philharmonic Board member ___

Date: Mon, 07 Jun 2004 22:01:08 -0600 Subject: RE: Piano festival

Dr. Houle,

I truly appreciate the time and effort you have put in to make the piano festival a success!!! I really do thank you for keeping such a unique festival alive!!! Thank you again for your amazing dedication to such a noble and good cause!!!

Good Luck and Best Wishes,

Emily Inderrieden Kaysveille, Utah ___ Date: Thu, 10 Jun 2004 09:25:36 -0600 Subject: OK on schedule

Dr. Houle, The schedule is a masterpiece of logistics. Congratulations!

Marion Corron Boise, ID ___

Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 09:16:06 -0600 Subject: good festival

Dear Arthur,

I am writing to share our experience of your piano festival and let you know how meaningful it was for us. What you did changed our lives.

My son did not compete but we attended several of the workshops, masterclasses, and concerts (At the Jazz improv class with Justin, he was the one of the three who didn't compete).

My son plays piano (intermediate level), cello, and flute and always enjoys picking up a new instrument, but his love is composing. He also has two little sisters who play piano and one plays harp. We can't begin to afford lessons for all of this, so I teach the children piano (although I'm only an intermediate player myself). We have books on composition that he has worked through and we put a lot of emphasis on music theory -- Antony was tickled when theory questions were asked of advanced players and he knew the answer but they didn't.

We learned so much at the festival last week. I can't begin to tell you. Antony got many ideas to use with improv and composing. I learned a lot on how to ask the right questions to spur him on. And I did a lot of thinking of how to incorporate improv into piano for my younger children so they can start earlier. Other than private lessons, there are so few resources for musical creativity. This was such a glorious opportunity for us and it was a price we could afford. You created an environment where the kids felt safe to explore and learn, both by just being welcoming and also with your humor (*very* important for pubescent boys).

We will be back. Antony will probably compete next year, and I will be back to learn more as a teacher. I know you understand when I say this… when you have music in your bones, not having the resources to pursue it is like malnutrition for the soul. Thank you for feeding us!


Mia Crosthwaite Boise, ID ___

Reply-To: Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 14:51:59 -0600



I want to thank you for inviting me to participate in the festival. It was a great pleasure to reconnect with you and John Salmon, and to make new acquaintances from the piano world! I truly enjoyed myself with the students and teachers who attended. The performances by you, John, Matt and Chuck were excellent, and truly inspired me a great deal. Your jazz composition on Friday night was terrific fun and terrific music at the same time!

Dr. David Wohl, Assistant Professor, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO Clinician and recitalist for '04 festival ___

Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 10:28:42 -0400 Subject: Re: Piano festival


Thank you for doing this magnificent festival and for including me, yet again. You have to feel gratified that these super-talented kids, not to mention their super-good-willed parents, realize the importance of what you are doing. What a cornucopia of riches was offered to them!

Please count on me for whatever support/participation you can think up.


Dr. John Salmon Professor of Piano, University of North Carolina-Greensboro Judge, clinician and recitalist ___ Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 20:44:12 EDT Subject: Piano festival Hello Dr. Houle, We enjoyed the four evening events that we attended last week. I was both intimidated and inspired. Thanks. John Stedman '04 festival sponsor and Boise Philharmonic Board member ___

From: "Neil Barson" < Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2004 08:33:56 -0600

Dear Dr. Houle,

I enjoyed Friday night's concert very much, and wanted to thank you for the wonderful Marjorie Burgess CD. It is just delightful, and I appreciate your thoughtfulness when I wasn't expecting any 'reward' for taking money that night. By the way, I am a graduate student of Del's in piano pedagogy. I'm 2/3 finished! I also teach elementary music in Meridian schools. I'm just learning to love jazz as I took the jazz history course from Dr. Samball this spring, and thoroughly enjoyed it. You did a wonderful job organizing the festival so students can learn about their own creativity. I wish I had that opportunity as a youngster. Thanks for your efforts. How can I purchase some of the Burgess pieces to play for myself, and also to have my students play. Thanks so much for any info you can give me.

Julie Barson Volunteer for '04 & private piano teacher ___

Date: Sun, 23 May 2004 12:34:22 +0200 Subject: Copy of "Adding Embellishments to Bach's Basic Notes"

I'm from Spain. I'm interested in a copy of your article found in "Adding Embellishments to Bach‚s Basic Notes", Clavier magazine, September 1994, Vol. 33, No. 7, pp. 22-36.



Álvaro Buitrago Téllez C/ José Zorrilla 1, 2ºA 47400 Medina del Campo Valladolid Spain ___

Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 09:13:17 -0700 (PDT) Subject: Re: Congratulations!


Thank you for all your hard work and making the festival happen this year. Christopher will be back for another round next year. Have a great summer!

Cathie Doudy Boise, ID ___

Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 11:41:37 -0600 Subject: Re: Congratulations!

Dear Art,

The festival was very much a success…I'm getting my students to improvise more ornamentation. I have e-mailed Jim Cook [Chair, Boise State University Music Department] about the very positive impact the festival had and the potential here in Boise.

Congratulations to you and a very big job well done!

Halimah Brugger Piano faculty, Boise State University ___

Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 15:04:27 -0600 Subject: Piano festival

Dear Art, Thank you for all your hard work to make this festival happen in light of last year's challenges. Your write-up is wonderful and I do hope the Statesman puts it in. These kids deserve all the kudos throughout life. So do you. Congratulations on a job well done!

Gay Pool Idaho Music Teachers Association President Boise, ID ___

Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 23:31:13 -0600 Subject: Piano festival

Mr. Houle, Thank you so much for the effort and time you have taken to put together such an event. It was a good experience for Alex.

I hope we can participate next year. In the mean time Alex found a connection with a piano teacher and is again in lessons and I am sure will continue to expand his musical horizons because of this.

Again thank you,

Linda Detweiler Boise, ID ___

Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 15:36:56 -0600 Subject: Thanks and congratulations!

Congratulations on a very successful festival. It turned out beautifully. I was glad to be there for a portion of it.


I'm very impressed that the students are in such a good learning environment. Everything about the festival is positive and upbeat. It's so refreshing to not have a cutthroat competition. You have really developed something wonderful.

Thanks for the comments about Emily. Yes, she is a fine pianist and has wonderful potential. She has appreciated your support and encouragement through the years.

Christopher Doudy also enjoyed his participation in the festival. As you know, he's very passionate about music. His mother is a fun person, and enjoyed helping with refreshments. Josh Archibald-Seiffer appreciates all you have done for him through the years. You are always so positive and encouraging with him. His mother and he were glad to participate in this year's festival (even in a smaller way).

Thanks - and congratulations on a wonderful festival.

Dr. Del Parkinson Professor of Piano, Boise State University ___

Date: Mon, 28 Jun 2004 07:39:53 -0600 Subject: RE: Congratulations!

Good Morning,

I wanted to thank you again for the time you spent with Jeremy before the festival. The entire festival was a great learning experience for him, he is looking forward to next year.

Thanks again, you did a fabulous job with the festival, the music was outstanding.

Sheryl Lapp Boise, ID ___ Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2004 10:19:17 -0400 Subject: Re: Corrected Copy of 9/94 Article Requested Dr. Houle, I received [your] article [Clavier, 9/94 on classical embellishing]. It is a subject that highly interests me. Thanks very much. I look forward to staying in touch regarding the Creative Piano Festivals. Betty Reed 3040 Bronzegate Ct. Oak Hill, VA 20171-1533 ___ Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 09:20:59 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Piano festival Arthur, Long live the message of your festival! Thanks again for having invented it. Dr. John Salmon Professor of Piano, University of North Carolina-Greensboro ___ Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 10:21:24 -0600 Subject: Thank you Dear Dr. Houle, All of us benefit from the Piano Festival greatly. There are quite a few "great guys" connected with this festival. I just received a duo piano CD from Matt Cooper on Saturday. Your creative musicians staff showed true-to-your-vision response! You all made it a festival indeed. There is an air of celebration about the event shown by enthusiasm, affirmation, delight, a sense of exploration and zeal for learning. I'm thinking next year my student Bill might be prodded into performing the piece he first performed on the tiles in his shower--or so he told me. It must have been a rather long shower, but the boy has a terrific zest for rhythms so the transition from palms slapping tiles to fingers striking keys was simple and with good result.


I would enjoy knowing more about Dr. Paul Collins--"your principle sponsor". Teaching creatively sounds like "sic 'em" to me!!! I began life as a public school general music teacher. Due to a move, I soon became a private piano teacher. As I listened to the piano performances during the Winners' Recital, I realized I must make some serious decisions. Teaching music is strong in my training background, but teaching high-level piano performance could use some strengthening. I had to ask myself, "Do you want to do it? Should you make some changes?" I love writing curriculum, giving the tools for improvisation, directing "no-headphones-we-are-an-ensemble-style" class piano, fostering music appreciation, and laughing with any age group. My pedagogical growth is on a new journey, thanks to the International Festival for Creative Pianists 2004! It was an amazing time. Gratefully, Mary Lou Koto Fruitland, ID Recipient of the 2004 "Creative Teacher Incentive Award" ___ Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 19:49:23 EDT Subject: Re: Feedback Dear Dr. Houle, [Re: Other feedback comments]: Wow, what can I say after all those beautifully written, heartfelt letters from your adoring fans. We did indeed feel the enthusiasm at this festival, and it looks like you have some terrific support already lined up for next year's festival. I was particularly pleased to read Dr. Salmon's comments. He is truly a gem. You deserve these pats on the back, and I hope this serves as great encouragement to continue this program. Now that we know better, John and I will be attending some of these classes ourselves [next year]. Linda Stedman Boise, ID ___ Date: July 13, 2004 (Thank You card) Dear Dr. Houle, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate all your work in directing the International Festival for Creative Pianists! I learned so much from my adjudication and masterclasses! I'm sure that all the participants would agree that such a low pressure, high quality competition is hard to find. Thank you for the opportunity to work with amazing students and teachers from across the country! Emily Black Honorable Prize recipient, '04 Boise, ID ___ Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 22:24:30 -0400 (EDT) Subject: Re: Statesman article Arthur, Great story! Please convey my congratulations and regards to the Sherwoods, if/when you next speak. May donor$ continue to call :) John Salmon Professor of Piano, University of North Carolina-Greensboro ___ Date: Tue, 3 Aug 2004 16:16:43 -0600 Subject: RE: Idaho Statesman feature story Dear Art, What a nice article Dana Oland did on Stephanie! And she was very generous to us, too, wasn't she?


I also read your interview last night on Maurice Hinson [in AMT magazine]. What a fun piece!!! I will write Gary Ingle right away and suggest you do more of these. It was informational and fun. Finally a true outlet for your wit in print! Congrats!!! Gay Pool Piano Director, Idaho Suzuki Institute, and Idaho Music Teachers Association President Boise, ID ___ Date: Tue, 03 Aug 2004 21:40:44 -0700 Subject: Re: Festival is lead story in Statesman Life section Hi Arthur, Great article. I loved your quote at the end! Dr. Matt Cooper Associate Professor, Eastern Oregon University ___ Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 18:05:24 -0500 Subject: Re: FYI - feature story on piano festival Hello Arthur, Great article - really gets to the heart of what music making is, or should be, all about. Also, about what your great festival is all about! Congrats. Peggy Otwell Director of Educational Publications, Hal Leonard Corporation ('04 festival contributor) ___ Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 10:22:51 -0600 Subject: Thanks! Arthur, Very cool about the donation. I'm so glad you liked the story. I enjoyed meeting Stephanie, Catherine and Nancy. They're an amazingly talented bunch. I hope that she grows up to want to do something significant with her music. Someone that talented must have something amazing to offer the world. Dana Oland Reporter, The Idaho Statesman ___ Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2004 19:18:50 -0600 Subject: RE: Major festival story in today's paper Wow, great article and good for you too! Thanks, Dr. Paul Collins Boise, ID '04 Festival sponsor ___ Date: Thursday, August 5, 2004 11:02 PM To: Azam Houle …By the way, congratulate Arthur for me on the success of his piano festival. I especially liked reading the article about the young girl. I had never really thought about improvising on classical music except I guess "switched-on Bach!" Hugs, Marcia Franklin


Journalist (moderator, PBS "Dialogue") ___ Date: Thu, 05 Aug 2004 08:50:24 -0600 Subject: Re: Festival in the Statesman …Congratulations on such a successful event. You are certainly drawing talent into the competition and I hope that next year I will be able to attend. …I so appreciate your generosity in giving me acknowledgment space in your program. It was a wonderful surprise! Again, thank you. Kim Hovren Boise, ID '81, Albertson College ___ Date: Thu, 5 Aug 2004 07:35:34 -0600 Subject: RE: P.S. Congrats from John Salmon too Thanks [for your note of congratulations re: the Idaho Statesman story]! You [and Dr. Salmon] are incredibly supportive. Nancy Sherwood Mother of Stephanie and Catherine, festival participants who were featured in the Idaho Statesman ___

Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 18:44:09 -0700 Subject: RE: Statesman publicity Congratulations on another successful competition! Cordially, Dr. Scott McBride Smith President, Royal American Conservatory Examinations President and CEO, International Institute for Young Musicians ___

Date: Thu, 25 Nov 2004 17:39:03 +0100 (MET) Subject: piano festival Dear Arthur, Having read about the creative competition I was very impressed. I am performing as pianist and teaching at Musikhochschule Frankfurt. This is the creative thing I am struggling for in my concerts and teaching. Wow. From...the "Jazz meets Classic" Show [and] composing to connecting the classical stuff with multimedia we are doing a lot creative work...Recently I did presentations in the US...for the WPPC conference and the Ohio State Conference. So I would be very interested to collaborate with you and the competition in any way. Ratko Delorko ___

Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 15:57:47 +0100 ...your competition [is] really amazing - bravo for encouraging such a wide range of pianism. I truly applaud that! Jon Kimura ("Jackie") Parker Professor of Piano, Rice University, and internationally renowned pianist ___


2008 feedback: Marsha Waugh, Grand Junction piano teacher (former president of GJMTA), wrote: "I just want to thank you for making the creative pianists festival come to pass. I feel like it is a breath of fresh air. The performances both nights were wonderful. I learned so much and was real pleased to have been able to participate in the event. Having 'chaired' other big events, a small thank you is hardly adequate to express the appreciation for the time, effort, and yes money, that you contributed. But, a BIG thanks anyway." Evelyn Billberg, Grand Junction piano teacher (vice president of GJMTA) and volunteer for the festival, wrote: "The festival was an incredible success. Congratulations for such an outstanding experience for all!!! It was the most amazing master class ever!!! Later getting acquainted with the students and parents was such a treat. I loved every minute of it. Thank you so much for letting me be an intimate part of this marvelous festival. It has been such an honor and joy, and the learning moments for me were huge." Monte Atkinson, colleague and one of the three judges for the event, wrote: "Arthur, I just wanted to formally congratulate and thank you for the endless hours spent putting together one of the most rewarding festivals of which I have ever been a part. The entire concept is inspired, and a vision far above the norm. Judges, participants and all in attendance were so uplifted by the creative vision, sharing, performance excellence and worth of individual goals and ability and effort. It was so touching to hear the repeated comments from parents, contestants and the other judges as to how wonderful the experience was. Thank you for inviting me to be one of your judges. Never have I had such a fulfilling adjudicating experience, providing positive feedback with two other major pianists to young pianists of such wide diversity, from performing only original compositions to those who played creative mixtures of all kinds of repertoire to young artists of the highest level performing the traditional great works, well on their way to the possibility of a concert career. It was simply a grand concept of celebrating all aspects of the human spirit of music making and performing, all through the medium of the piano. I am in awe of the careful attention to detail you individually put forth in the large task of organizing and running this festival. We are so fortunate here at MSC for your willingness to offer such a creative festival. I'm grateful for Calvin's support, as this is the kind of thing that brings vision, diversity and vibrancy to our mission of music teaching and music making as a department. Well done, and I am so honored by your kind invitation to be a standing judge for your festival. I look forward to next year and the years after and hope I can keep bringing the kind of adjudication that you seek and the festival participants deserve. Again, thank you for trusting my input enough to make such an invitation. I am humbled. I know the Festival for Creative Pianists will only grow in scope and impact. There is nothing else like it to my knowledge, and as word continues to spread, we will have more pianists applying from in and out of state than we can handle. Thank you again and super congratulations. The Honor's Concert Saturday evening was unbelievable, as was the feature concert by the two visiting artist/judges on Friday... Again, you deserve the highest kudos and recognition for this monumental achievement." ___ 2009 feedback: Dr. Vera Oussetskaia Watanabe, (piano faculty, University of Utah) wrote: "We took your advice and added ornamentation and figuration to the Mozart Variations on the repeats (duet team with Elise Petersen and Alie Yorgason). They had a wonderfully unique and creative time doing it--we are encouraging them to be as spontaneous as possible with it!...You have such a refreshing and inspiring view on our art and performance that is much needed in our world... I just wanted to send our deep appreciation for all the countless hours that you spend to make the festival happen. " Later Vera wrote: "Our students called yesterday and said they had the most inspiring and fun experience in music that they have ever had. They are very grateful for the wonderful opportunity to learn, interact, and perform. You are


such a positive influence in the lives of these music students--your emphasis on creativity will be deeply felt by not only the kids by their teachers as well." Evelyn Billberg wrote: "Congratulations for a fine festival and all that you both do with these special events at Mesa State!!!" ___ 2010 feedback: Jeanie & Chuck Thomas, Grand Junction musicians, wrote: "My sister…reported how fabulous [the Thursday night] concert was... [The judges/director program] Friday evening [which I attended] was wonderful! All of you are so extraordinarily accomplished and we enjoyed every note!...[we] didn't realize this whole thing was totally your idea…. hats off to you, big time, for it was just fabulous and deserve all of our gratitude for bringing these talents and 'happenings' to Grand Junction. Thank you very much!!!" John Salmon, one of the judges, wrote: “I thought it rocked! I've already gotten a lot of mileage out of mentioning [the festival] to various groups -- just last Friday to the Roanoke, Virginia piano teachers, to whom I gave a presentation called 'Improv 101,' encouraging them to start wigging out with their students." ___ 2013 feedback: Monte Atkinson, judge and colleague, wrote: "Thank you for all the countless hours you've put in to pull off another inspiring festival." Jeanie Thomas, Grand Junction pianist, wrote: "The piano festival is a terrific 'Happening' you have created…and you deserve tons of credit..." Paul Crawford wrote: "The wife and I were able to attend the judges/director recital on Friday evening and the student recital on Saturday evening. What can I say? What a great thing you continue to do with these young, talented students! We enjoyed it immensely and we so glad to experience it for a second time. Thank you, and a thanks to Dr. Salmon." Elise McKinch, parent of one of the festival winners, wrote: "Thank you so very much for your efforts toward making the Festival for Creative Pianists such a huge success! My daughter Emma enjoyed herself immensely and was very inspired by taking part in your festival. She only had positive comments about her time spent there and is still riding on a wave of enthusiasm and excitement from having spent time there with all of you. Well, besides the extra time she spent sleeping due to being thoroughly exhausted… Accolades to all of you for creating a unique festival that gave so much to each attendee. I am so very grateful that my daughter was able to be a part of it. ." Brian Skaret, father of Wiley Skaret (11-year-old winner from Virginia) wrote: "Thank you, Dr. Houle. You and your team did a fine job organizing the weekend. Wiley had a GREAT time. It was unlike any festival he'd ever been to. Piano festivals/competitions that he usually goes to are so uptight it seems! Anyway, he had such fun. The Friday night concert was a treat...and the other kids were so kind to him. What a great environment. This is just what he needed. We're so glad he could participate." Lauren Danforth, winner from Wisconsin, wrote by letter: "Thank you for hosting the Festival for Creative Pianists. It was so fun to work with the judges and watch all the other adjudications. I learned a lot about piano from my adjudication and from other contestants' adjudications as well. This festival was wonderful. I loved it so much that I am already planning to come back next year! ☺ Maybe I'll bring my sister! Thank you so much for making this festival happen. It makes me


want to learn more and work harder at all the piano endeavors that come my way. I hope you have a great summer!" Drea Wagner, teacher from Wisconsin, wrote (by card): "Thank you so much for all your work to organize the Festival for Creative Pianists! My students and I had such a thrilling and profitable time. Emma told me 'I'm going back even if I have to walk!' (I'm pretty sure she means it, too! ☺. Lauren had an equally good time! I had the two of them share about their experiences at the Festival with their fellow students in group lessons, and now I have even more students excited about it and considering attending! ☺ This festival was especially good for Emma. Her older two siblings have always been pretty intense music students, well known in the community for their accomplishments, and Emma has never chosen to pursue music at that level, and has taken a bit of a back seat to her siblings. To be recognized for her achievements away from the shadow of her older siblings was fantastic for her. She has been a very motivated learner since her return! I know how much work you put into this festival. Thanks so much. Please find enclosed a gift card for you, and a check for the festival, and the flash drive with the videos on it." ___ 2014 feedback: Jeanie Thomas, Grand Junction pianist, wrote (card): "Thanks for all the work you do to get this wonderful event together…Hats off!" Lauren Danforth & Emma McKinch (students from last year's festival), wrote (card): "Thank you for all the work you put in the festival [last year]. We had so much fun, and we can't wait to come back next year [2015]." Greta Thoresen, prize-winning student, wrote (card): "Thank you for offering the Creative Pianists festival to many people like me. I got to meet a lot of new people and got feedback from the judges. The judges were great. I liked playing my composition and improvising the best. It is a great opportunity. Hope to see you next year." ___ 2015 feedback: Michelle Vargas, parent of a contestant, wrote (email): "We had such a great time at the Festival this past weekend. Andrew was like a sponge as the judges spoke at the adjudications and he enjoyed learning from all of them. Being a growing teen, he especially identified with Dr. Tu's food analogies and he relayed all of them to his Daddy! ☺ I [will] put comments by the judges in Andrew's portfolio that I am keeping for home school records and for his portfolio for college. Andrew was humbled by all of the awards that he received this past weekend. He was very surprised and honored. Thanks again for mentoring all of these students and is a great blessing!" Leila Viss, Centennial, CO private piano teacher, wrote (email): "My student had a great time (good feedback from his parents, too) and of course was so happy with his award. Thought I'd share a post I wrote about the event. Please share if you are so inclined. Jeremy Wilburn, parent of a contestant, wrote (email): "I wanted to thank you for the festival...Leslie appreciated the vocal feedback of the adjudication. It really was a master class and competition in one...Thanks again, we really enjoyed the festival." Dr. Koji Attwood, judge, wrote (email): "Thank YOU Arthur for inviting me to such a fantastic festival. I had a wonderful time, and the students were was a wonderful experience! "


Luke Rackers (performer, publisher and recording engineer) posted videos and wrote (email): "First set of videos is complete and on YouTube: This playlist is of the Thursday evening Student Composition Finalists." Janet Ali, Littleton, CO private piano teacher, wrote (email): "...[the] Festival was again an amazing experience!" Elise McKinch, parent of a contestant, wrote (email): "My daughter Emma enjoys this festival very much and this year was no exception. I thought the judges did an excellent job interacting with the students. Their words of guidance and encouragement were kindly spoken and showed their deep understanding of the music and the technical aspects of playing. Bravo on your selection of them. Last but not least, Dr. Salmon's playfulness was such fun for my lively girl Emma. Thank you so much for your dedication and your efforts in making this Festival a truly special one." Dr. Hsiang John Tu, judge, wrote (email): "I want to thank you for making me part of the festival, which was like nothing else I've ever experienced, and I mean that in a good way! It was wonderful to hear and interact with all these students...some of them did things that I couldn't do myself! ...John Salmon showed us the way. We were all floored by his mesmerizing improv skill and his charming and witty way of connecting with the audience. He is a tremendous talent and I learned a lot from him...Greatly appreciated!" Evelyn Billberg, project director, wrote (email to Eugene Watanabe, President of the Gifted Music School, SLC): "Greetings Eugene, We had a fantastic festival...Koji and Hsiang [of your GMS faculty] were terrific. There were 28 students playing quite a variety of repertoire: concertos, classical, jazz with many student original compositions and improvisations. We had several duets that were outstanding. This year we added our 'Best Written Original Composition' category. We had 11 submissions. Koji and Hsiang worked with John Salmon & Luke Rackers to review them, provide constructive comments, and select 6 that were played Thursday evening by the Judges. These compositions were very well done and we had a wonderful concert that evening. Koji and Hsiang were part of the judges' concert on Friday evening along with John Salmon. What a treat it was to hear them. It was a wonderful concert. The three days of the festival were outstanding. The students were able to interface with the judges during 'down' times and after concerts. Contributions from Koji and Hsiang were so appreciated by the students, teachers and parents. We appreciated having such deep knowledge and experience on our judging team. Thank you so much for all you do to support their efforts at the Gifted Music School. They are real gems, and we very much appreciated their involvement with us. Warm Regards, Evelyn" Jenny Freeman, parent of a contestant, wrote (email): "The [new] Written Composition category is a great idea and having the judges play the compositions is helpful for contestants to see if they have accurately represented what they intended when putting it on paper (did the composer write and communicate it as they meant it?), and to see if it translates well from written form to being picked up and played. It's also really neat to hear student compositions played by accomplished musicians such as the judges! ☺" Carolyn Kelly, parent of a contestant, wrote (email): ..."we had a wonderful [Saturday] evening! In fact, the entire event was very inspiring, especially for Catherine! Thank you so much for all that you have done to make it happen. I know it’s a labor of love and so much work! Catherine received very constructive advice from all three judges, which she took to heart and it improved her [Saturday] evening performance! In fact, I know that she will be able to apply what she learned to her future music making! Thank you again, with gratitude, Carolyn Kelly"


Lauren & Emma McKinch (student contestants) wrote by card: "...We had a great time at the festival. We really want to come back next year. We'll see ☺!" Caroline Danforth (student contestant) wrote by card: "I had so much fun at the festival." Karen Combs, donor, wrote (email, after viewing a video of the Thursday Written Compositions Recital): "Wowee zowee I am so very impressed. What talent -- from such youth! Just blew me away. I especially liked 'Wonders…' and 'Journey'. As I have yet to attend an entire festival, is the [written] composition aspect new this year? Thank you so much for sending these links and for all your very hard work to make this happen. It is a treasured experienced for these kids (and families). Is it true you may go to Utah next? Have a great summer. Hugs and kudos, Karen"

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