International Brotherhood of Magicians St. Leon Ring · International Brotherhood of Magicians St. Leon Ring,

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International Brotherhood of Magicians St. Leon Ring, Sacramento, CA

The Gimmick

Contact: David Wright, President

July 2017 Issue Number 7

From Page to Stage

m Our performance theme for the next magic club

meeting is Packet and Pocket Tricks. Be prepared

to produce your effect out of your pocket and

amaze us with your performing skill. Pocket magic

is a basic tool of our trade and something we all

should be able to produce without a second

thought. Seeing everyone’s favorite pocket effect

will make for a fun event.

IBM 192 Meets at

7:00 p.m.

2nd Wednesday of each month

at Mission Oaks Community Center

4701 Gibbons Drive

Carmichael, CA 95608


Officers for 2017

David Wright, President

Scot Smith, Vice-President

Harry Mossman, News Letter Editor

Dick LaVergne, Treasurer

Al Skinner, Sergeant at Arms

Rick Hill, Member at Large

John Iacono, Member at Large

Q: What do you call a dog who does

magic tricks?

A: A labracadabrador.

David Wright, President

Who reads books anymore! Some of the best magical effects

can be found in a book. At least that has been true for many

generations of magicians. It goes back as far as 1489 when

Gantziony first wrote Natural and Unnatural Magic, which

describes and explains old-time tricks. At our next club

meeting we will be looking at magic books and effects that can

be found in books. Come to the meeting prepared to discuss

your favorite magic books. Better yet, come prepared to show

us a magical effect you learnt from a book. What do you

consider to be the best magic book on the market? What is the

best trick ever revealed in a book? Our next club meeting

should be a lot of fun and very educational as we discuss and

perform magic found in books. The performance theme is

From Page to Stage. I hope you can make it.

Close-Up Competition - See Page 3


ST. LEON IBM RING 192 ~ Calendar for 2017

Date Performance Theme/Event Additional Meeting Activities Location

July 8th Magic Party Grand Illusions

July 12th From Page to Stage Social Mixer Mission Oaks

Aug. 3rd - 6th

Golden Gate Gathering Crowne Plaza Hotel Foster City, CA.

Aug. 9th Annual IBM/SAM Stand-Up Competition Contact Josh Ray or David Wright to enter contest.

Mission Oaks

Sept. 13th Gambler's Dilemma Teach a Trick Mission Oaks

Oct. TBA Multi-Club Magic Community Show TBA

Oct. 11th Eat, Drink and Be Scary T.I.P.* Mini-Lecture Mission Oaks

Nov. 8th Gene Anderson Lecture Mission Oaks

Dec. 13th Joint IBM / SAM Holiday Magic Meeting

Dec. TBA Dale & Elaine Lorzo’s Annual Holiday Party

Lorzo House

*T.I.P. = “To Improve Performance”

Most 2nd Saturdays Thanks Murphy's for

the gift certificates!

Close-Up Competition

by David Wright

Photos ©John Iacono

Congratulations to the four contestants who performed

at our Annual Magic Close-up Competition on June 28.

They were Jacques Lord, Harry Mossman, Mary Mowder,

and Joshua Ray. All did a fantastic job and showed an

audience of about thirty people what quality magic is

all about. Jacques Lord took first place and Mary

Mowder took second place in this year’s competition.

Joshua Ray won the People’s Choice Award for best


June Performances

Photos ©John Iacono

June Performance Notes

by David Wright

The performance theme for this night was Magic with Music.

Rick Hill opened the evening’s entertainment with “Smart Water,” an instant change effect where with bottle of

water. Rick took a sip from his water bottle and complained about the water inside was too warm. He then

proceeded to shake the bottle until ice appeared inside. He let people in the room feel the bottle to prove that

it was now ice cold. Amazing!

Dale Lorzo was up next and produced a flower bouquet from group of silk handkerchiefs after showing each of

the handkerchiefs separately. Next he performed a diminishing card routine to music where he showed a fan of

playing cards and proceeded to shrink then down in size until they were too small to see.

Scot Smith came up next and performed a couple of entertaining card tricks. He first had a card selected and

returned to the packet of cards. He then spread the cards on the table and pulled out a mechanical “pet” snake

from a box that he let sliver across the spread out cards. The snake stopped at the selected card. Next Scot had

a spectator pick a number from 1 to 52, count down to that number and hold the card. From a small box he

produced a slip of paper that correctly predicted the card selection.

Our next performer was Mary Mowder who showed off her magical skills by performing a torn and restored

newspaper routine to music.

David Wright was up next and performed an ace assembly routine to music where three aces vanished from

three locations and reappeared together with the fourth “leader" ace.

Our newest member, Josh Oldes, performed his club introduction effect, an ace assembly routine where the

four aces vanished from four locations and reassembled together in the middle of the deck.

Our next performer was Pepe Puglisi who performed a levitating glass routine where a wine glass magnetically

stuck to a glass frame, turned in all directions. A silk handkerchief was removed from the glass as it hung

suspended upside down on the frame, thus proving that the glass and frame were not attached to each other.

Up next was Dave Fiscus who performed a cute magic effect to the classic tune “How Much Is That Doggy In The

Window.” He showed us pet store glass window containing a picture of a dog. He removed the dog picture which

turned out to be a jumbo card and showed us all the other animals in the pet store, mostly cats pictures on

jumbo cards. All of the cards had a hole at one end. Dave showed us how to magically reinsert the dog card

while the stack of other cards were around a spectator’s finger. Dave then proceeded to tie the dog card onto a

long rope, cut the rope into six separate pieces and magically restore them to one long rope again. Impossible!

Jaques Lord closed out our evening’s performances with his own personal version of "Sam The Bellhop,” a

full‐deck card routine where he continuously shuffled and cut a deck, turning over cards one at a time as he

recounted a story about his four daughters sneaking out of the house to go to the 524 Club with four young men.

Jaques’ routine was a significant improvement over other versions in that he did not try to rhyme his patter but

told it in a natural voice as if it happened yesterday. Very persuasive!

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