Intermediate TTFM

Post on 12-May-2015






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Intermediate TTFM


Tell Them From Me

Grades 7-9Student Responses


Aspirations - College or University

Students were asked the following statement:

•After high school, I plan to go to a college or university.

•The following graph indicates the percentage of students who indicate they strongly agree with the statement.

Aspirations - Pursue Trade

The students responded to the following statement:

•After high school, I plan to pursue a trade or apprenticeship program.

•The graph indicates the percentage of students who indicate they strongly agree with the statement.

Advocacy at School

Students were asked “How often does someone at your school do each of the following?” (Never or hardly ever, About once a week, About 2 or 3 times a week, Every day or almost every day):

•Take an interest in one of my schoolprojects.

•Discuss with me how well I am doing in my courses.

•Ask me about any problems I might have at school.

“The teachers care about the students they always stride to make us a better person.”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

“I like that most teachers ask how extra curicular activities are going and are involved in student council and leadership and get excited for us when we do something well in sports or other school activities.”

Advocacy outside of School

Students were asked “How often does someone in your family or community do each of the following?”(Never or hardly ever, About once a week, About 2 or 3 times a week, Every day or almost every day):

•Help me with my homework.

•Discuss with me how well I am doing in my courses.

•Ask me about any problems I might have at school.


The following questions were asked: “We would like to know how you think and feel about certain things. For each statement below, please tell us how often you feel this way.”:

•I am concerned about what other students think about me.• I am too fearful or nervous.• I worry about people laughing at me.• I worry about a teacher asking me a question.• I worry more than most kids.• I am afraid that other students will think I am stupid.


Students were asked: “In the past month, how often have you been:”

Physically bullied at school? (e.g., pushed, punched, scared by someone).

Verbally bullied (e.g., called names, teased, threatened, received racial comments).

Socially bullied (e.g., excluded by others, had rumours spread about you, or had someone try to make you look bad).

Cyber bullied (e.g., called names, teased, or threatened with computer, email or phone text messages.)

•Students are considered to be victims of bullying if they had experienced any physical bullying in the past month, or any one of verbal, social or cyber bullying more than about once a week.

• We also identify more severe victims of bullying. These students had experienced physical bullying more than once a week, or any one of verbal, social or cyber bullying every day or almost every day.

•About one-quarter of the schools enrolled in TTFM have levels of bullying below 20%, and one-quarter have levels above 32%. The "all schools" ribbon and "drill-down" lines reflect the combined reporting of high and moderate levels of bullying.

“My school (Athena Consolidated) is good, but needs to pay more attention to the fact that people still get bullied every day. I am a witness to seeing bullying (mostly on the bus) and in classes.”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

“i like that we dont have bullies or druggies that sell or do drugs.”

“i like theres no bullies”

“There is not alot of bulliing and are school is small not alot of floor that oyu can get lost on are anything like that and it`s like a home to me.”


Students were asked the following statements :

•I feel sad or depressed.

• A lot of things seem to bother me.

• I feel lonely.

• I cry without a good reason.

• Other students seem to have more fun than me.

• I have trouble falling asleep at night.

Effective Learning Time

Students were asked:

•Teachers are good at explaining difficult ideas.

•Teachers use our class time to help us learn.

•Class lessons are well organized.

•Teachers help us understand important ideas.•Important ideas are taught well.

•Responses to students' questions are clear.

“I wisht the classes were more quiet then they are right now.”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

“I really like how everything is so organized, like the teachers and classes. Its a great school.The teachers are very nice.”

Expectations for Success

Students responded to the following statements: In our school ....

• Students must work hard to succeed. •Teachers encourage students to do better.

•Teachers expect homework to be done on time.

• Students are clear about what is expected of them for their courses.

• Teachers expect us to work hard.

•Teachers expect all students to do their best work

“I also like how we can go into a room if we need to work in a quiet place without distractions it helps many kids do better on tests”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

Homework Behaviour

Students were asked the following 4 questions :

•I enjoy doing my homework

•Doing my homework helps me learn

•I hand in my homework on time

•I do my homework while doing other things such as watching TV or texting friends

Homework Time

The following question was asked:

•During a typical weekday (i.e., Monday to Friday), about how much time do you spend after school doing homework?

“I love this school, it is perfect, but I find it that we never have enough homework, or enough assignments. Teachers sould work on those things more.”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

Language Arts

Students were asked:

•What is your overall mark in your current Language Arts course? (If you are unsure, please tell us what you think it is.)

•What was your overall mark in your most recent Language Arts course? (If you do not remember, please tell us what you think it was.)

“I really like English.”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers


Students were asked:

•What is your overall mark in your current Math course? (If you are unsure, please tell us what you think it is.)

•What was your overall mark in your most recent Math course? (If you do not remember, please tell us what you think it was.)

“I also enjoy "math help" which our math teacher is in charge of after school he will help us if we are struggling in math..”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers


Students were asked:

•Are you currently taking a course in Science (e.g., general science, biology, chemistry or physics)?

•What is your overall mark in your current Science course? (If you are unsure, please tell us what you think it is.)•What was your overall mark in your most recent Science course? (If you do not remember, please tell us what you think it was.)

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

“my favorit thing at school is science, this is because its very interesting.”

“i like the band and choral classes plus the outreach club! but i find they do WAY sport programs and thats all athena worries about. i am not a athlete and i get annoyed with how many sports groups they have and they have no groups like yearbook comittee,or healthy eating groups,or drama clubs,or art clubs.we dont have enough clubs and i hope that changes because i am tired of hearing just about sports!!!!!! I am not into sports, but i am into yoga! so i am very physicly fit so i am active enough !!!!!!!!!!!!!! more choice please”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

“We need clubs like a computer club.”

“I wish we had better programs that involved students (more than what we have at the moment)”

“i thing that this stuff will make the school better.. ~ ART CLUB ~ DRAMA CLUB ~VOLLYBALL TEAM ~SHOW BAND ~MORE CLUBS ~ MIORE ACTIVITIES”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

“I love how there are so many different activities and groups you can join. Overall our school is fun and outgoing. It's awesome!!!!!!”

Participate Sports

Students were asked :

In the past month, how often have you played sports WITH a coach or instructor AT SCHOOL, other than in a gym class (e.g., school teams, swimming lessons)?

•The on-line report simply indicates the percentage of students that participated at least once a week.

Physical Activity - Intense

Students are asked how much time they spend during a typical weekday doing intense physical activity that increased their heart rate, caused them to sweat, or made them out of breath. Several examples are given, such as running, swimming, or playing a sport like basketball.

•The results are reported as the "number of hours per day spent doing intense physical activity".

Physical Activity - Moderate

Students were asked how much time they spend during a typical weekday doing moderate physical activities, such as walking or leisure biking.

•The results are reported as the "number of hours per day spent doing moderate physical activity".

“Another thing that would make it better is if the outside basketball courts were re-done, because they aren't very good at the moment. “

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

Positive Relationships

Students responded to the following questions:

•Do you have 'close friends' at school that you can trust?

• I share my private feelings with a friend at school.

•During the past four weeks, how well have you gotten along with your friends at school?

•My friends push me to do foolish things.• I value my friends' opinions when making decisions

“Things i like about this school is that everybody is really friendly, not just the teachers but the students.”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

Positive Teacher-Student Relations

Students were asked:

• Teachers treat us fairly. • Teachers praise us when we have done well.

• Teachers get along well with students.

• Teachers show an interest in every student's learning.

• Teachers take account of students' needs, abilities, and interests. • Teachers do a lot to help students who need extra support.

“I really like the teachers and how you can joke around with them and how they treat you like how your friends treat you.”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

“i like this school because of the tachers in the school, most of them are nice,”

“In my school, i like how all of the teacher treat yu fairly and they are there when you need help.”

“my school has great teachers that understand us and will do their best to help us in any situation.”

Read Books for fun

Students were asked :

“During a typical weekday (i.e., Monday to Friday) about how much time do you spend after school reading books for fun?

•The results are scaled to a metric of "hours per day."


Students were asked:

•We explore ideas and topics that are meaningful.

•We cover topics that are useful in everyday life.

•I know the purpose of what we are learning.

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

“i like hands on stuff. so i think that we should do more hands on stuff.”

“I like to do projects for social studies some times.”


Rigor refers to instruction that is well-organized, with a clear purpose, and with immediate and appropriate feedback that helps

students learn.

Students were asked:

•We understand the purpose of each class lesson.

•Teachers quickly give students specific feedback on their work.

•The feedback from tests and quizzes help me learn.

Sense of Belonging

Students were asked:

•I feel included in school activities.

•I get along well with others at school.

•I am able to make friends easily.

•At school I feel accepted for who I am.

•School is a place where I feel like I belong.

•Generally I feel accepted by other kids my age.

Self Esteem

Students were asked:

• In general, I like the way I am.

• I like the way I look.

•When I do something, I do it well.

•Overall, I have a lot to be proud of.

• A lot of things about me are good.

• I feel good about my ability to do school work.

• I feel good about myself.

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

“I usually feel welcome, and in my school I do not get made fun of.”

“I like having a small amount of people at our school because we get to know our teachers great and know everyone in our grade, and most of the people at our school. I LOOOOOVEEEEEEEEEEE HAVING NOOOOO EXAMS!! :) :) :)I love feeling safe. I love the activities we do,, like pep rally, christmas carols, blue day pink day, ect.”

“i like how our school is like a big family and you feel welcome”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

“I really like the respectfulness in my school,and the behaviour is awesome including teachers :)and that i can feel safe at my school.”

“-everyones friendly including the principle “

“What I love about my school is the environmrnt,kind students and teachers,and a good education.”

“I am getting bored of my school. It is a consolidated school, and I am on my final year. I really want to be in high school!”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers


Students were asked:

• I learn the concepts taught in class easily.

• I get bored in class because lessons are too easy.

• I do not do well in [the subject area] tests.

• [the subject area] classes are challenging.

• I am among the top students in [the subject area].

• We deal with difficult material in (the subject area) classes.

• Based on their responses, students are classified into four groups: "low skills - high challenge", "high skills - high challenge", "low skills - low challenge", and "high skills - low challenge". The results are reported as a two-by-two table showing "the percentage of students in each of the four quadrants". Results are not broken down by subject area except by special arrangement.

“more stuff to do if you finish befor everyone else that could be worth marks”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers


Students were asked:

Missed a day at school WITHOUT permission?

Cut or skipped a class WITHOUT permission?

Arrived late for school or classes?

• The TTFM graph shows the frequency of students that are considered truant. Willms (2005) constructed a similar measure for the OECD PISA survey, and found that for a large representative sample of Canadian 15-year old students, the truancy rate is about 26%.

Using ICT

Students were asked two questions about how much time they spend on a typical week-day using interactive communications technology (ICT). This includes, for example, using a computer for e-mailing or chatting, playing computer games, or talking on the phone or texting friends

“i would probably make it so people could bring electronics ( video games, cell phones, ipods, ect) to school”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

Students were asked:

• It is important for me to learn what is taught at school.

• I am learning the skills I will need for success later in life.

•The mathematics I am learning will be very useful in the future.

•The skills I am learning in language arts will be useful in the future.

•What I learn at school is useful in my everyday life.

Values School Outcomes

“I think things that would make it even better is that if you would get to have a combined class with the grade uo from you so they could gelp you with come school work you were having troubles with, and so you would get to know people other than in your grade, we could at least do this at least once or more then once a monthe. and each monthe we could get paired with differant poeple so by the end of the year we would have partnered up with almost every person.”

Athena Student Anecdotal Answers

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