Interactive Surfaces

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Introduction: 1. Here Interactive Surface refers to Dynamic Shape Changing surface.

2. It can also Interact with the Physical world around it, like moving object on it.

3. It can sense motion over it & transform itself according to motion.

4. It’s like completely new creative medium.

sensing motion

transforming according to your choice

Transform: by MIT

How does it works??

This is made up of over 1,000 plastic rods attached to individual motors.

These motors controls the motion of the rods.

Motion controls the shape of the surface.

That makes surface Interactive.

Actuators:1. An actuator is a type of motor for

moving or controlling a mechanism or a system.

2. It’s Shaft moves up & down along the it’s axis.

3. In These Surfaces there can be several

actuators controlling the shape change.

Kinect:1. Kinect is a motion sensor

developed by microsoft.

2. It uses infrared laser grid to calculate the depth &


3. It detects motion over the surface.

4. It helps us to control surfaceshape by motion.

>Kinect detect motion.

>Actuators controlled by a computer.& Rods are controlled by actuators.

>This is how we controlthe shape of the surface.

Molebot:The MoleBot is a mole robot built under a transformable interactive game-board.

The MoleBot includes more than 15,000 close-packed hexagonal pins which can move up & down.


1. By creating shapes on demand or by moving objects around, these interfaces will support us in computing as well as physical activities.

2. It holds and moves objects like fruits, game tokens, office supplies and tablets; creates dividers on demand; and generates interactive sculptures to convey messages and audio.

3. It helps in visualize 3d objects.

APPLICATIONS:1. Interactive 3D Platform.

2. Physical game platform.

3.Human computer Interaction.

4. Pin bed & Pin cushion.

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