
my name is matt alford

human being / ux designer

I flew to san francisco



Designers are privileged. Our problems are solving other people's problems.

design for meaning.

technology should not distract people from living in the moment and connecting with others.


It’s important to try to solve the right kinds of problems.

compassion check instead of spell check.

software is abstract. make it come into the real world.

don't design things to be like slot machines. people get hooked.

move from time spent to time well spent.we lose our desingerness trying to meet KPIS.

behavioral psychology - we should use this


constraints imply ethics.

Fairness, accuracy & ethical strictures will make your brand stand apart.

“We wanted to make the best for the most for the least.”-Charles Eames

(a different set of values)

brand is no longer static - it's about participation - both ways.



Basically reverse your thinking.

change the order of these.

design to fail.make assumptions explicit.

the faster you go the sooner you will know.have fun.

make teams of 8 or less

cross pollinate.

creation session.

engagement session.

the perception of the objects must shift in the consumer’s mind.


VR - AI seemed weird but are almost there now.

the environment will adjust to you in the will be like magic.

no more screens make life more immersive

shoes that power the city.

we keep creating another window into the internet. we need less screens. things are getting kind of schizophrenic. no more screens.



things are going to get weird in UX organizations

"anything i recommend to you, you won't be able to implement it now."

UX goes in and says you need to fundamentally change your point of view, or your operations. this can be hard.

user experience org maturity model

deep conversation isn’t normal. it should be.get deeper with people. listen to each individual, one to one.

“We need to understand people’s thinking process, asking to understand is not push back or rebellion, it's collaboration.”

if we understand someone we can support them better.

know the steak holders info needs, let them be ready and informed.

know the steak holders info needs, let them be ready and informed. communicate vision differently depending on where you are in the product lifecycle. use artifacts to communicate the vision.

create a vision wall for PMs

roadmaps for the executives

user stories and wireframes for developers

The documentation that lives after the project. how do we help people understand the dependencies between things.

healthy disagreement is really important for creative ideas.

plan for disagreement.

understand and navigating -

1. recognize transitions when they are happening. 2. understand how resistance and uncertainty work.

3. how you work with transitions as a process.

people don't resist change they resist being changed.

think of something you have shame of, then tell the person next to you what that is.


resistance and uncertainty.

transition is a’s about emotional processing.

embrace ambiguity.

This is brilliant and horrifying at the same time.

"The medium is not the message. The medium is just the medium."

Shift the conversation from talking about what technology can do and make it about the content.

creative ideas include novelty.novelty triggers uncertainty.uncertainty triggers resistance.this may happen one will admit they are scared of creativity.

don’t try to be like these guys.

think like a designer.cultivate meaning.

THE END@ma_ttttt

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