Installing Oracle Software - · (Loading a module does not mean that the module will be installed.) ... % chgrp -fR dba oracle where mntpoint is the mount point for the

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Installing Oracle Software



Installing Oracle Software

This appendix gives detailed instructions for installing Oracle Enterprise Server software Version 7.3.4 on Solaris 2.5.1 to be used as the relational database management system (RDBMS) component of the Cisco Access Manager (CAM). Oracle Enterprise Server software Version 7.3.4 is the recommended release.

Note You must install Oracle before you install CSCOcamdb. Also, make sure you place Oracle on a file system with a minimum of 4.0 GB of free disk space.

Note This document only provides basic guidelines for installing Oracle for use with CAM. For a full description of Oracle installation, and to be sure you have the most recent documentation, refer to the documentation that came with your Oracle software or refer to the Oracle Corporation Web site at

The following topics are covered:

• “Pre-Installation Procedures” on page A-2

• “Installing the Oracle Server Software” on page A-11

• “Post-Installation Procedure” on page A-24

• “Starting Oracle Automatically (Optional)” on page A-24

• “Shutting Down Oracle (Optional)” on page A-25


Pre-Installation Procedures

Pre-Installation ProceduresBefore you can install Oracle 7.3.4, you must perform the following steps:

1 “Tune the Kernel for Shared Memory” on page A-2

2 “Verify Your Server Has the Solaris Packages Needed by Oracle7” on page A-4

3 “Create a dba Group in the /etc/group File” on page A-5

4 “Create the Oracle UNIX Administration Account” on page A-6

5 “Create the /usr/localbin Directory” on page A-9

6 “Set the Oracle User Environment Variables” on page A-9

7 “Reserve a Port for the SQL*Net Version 2 Listener” on page A-10

Tune the Kernel for Shared MemoryTo prepare for Oracle installation, you must tune the kernel so that it can use shared memory. You can refer to the etc_system.example.

Step 1 Log in as the root user.

Step 2 Use a text editor such as vi to edit the /etc/system file, adding the following statements to the end of it:

forceload: sys/shmsysforceload: sys/semsys* suggested values used for CAM db in Oracle server set dosynctodr=0set pt_cnt=512set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=10set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=512set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1set semsys:seminfo_semmni=200set semsys:seminfo_semume=10* ~ half of real memory, and at least 128M (64*1024*1024)set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=134217728*The following is equal to semniset semsys:seminfo_semmnu=200 * sum of the processes value in all the db instances that will be *concurrently up. One db instance for CAM is 200

A-2 Cisco Access Manager Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Tune the Kernel for Shared Memory

set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=200 x number of db instances on the server* The following two are set to semni X semmslset semsys:seminfo_semmns=40000 set semsys:seminfo_semmap=40000

Step 3 Save the /etc/system file.

When using forceload, you must specify a filename which includes a directory. The forceload statements cause the specified modules to be loaded at boot time, that is, prior to mounting the root file system rather than at first reference. (Loading a module does not mean that the module will be installed.) If you do not include the forceload statements as indicated, the shared memory parameters might not be set after reboot.

Step 4 Reboot the system.

Note You must reboot your system after you have added these lines to /etc/system. Otherwise, the installation program will not be able to complete.

If you are following along with the Oracle installation guide, it might tell you to install patches at this point. Do not install any patches. Solaris 2.5.1 does not require them.

Confirm the kernel parameter settings by entering the following command:

# ./usr/sbin/sysdef

Installing Oracle Software A-3

Pre-Installation Procedures

Verify Your Server Has the Solaris Packages Needed by Oracle7To install Oracle 7.3.4, the following Solaris 2.x packages must already be installed on the server:

• SUNWarc

• SUNWbtool

• SUNWlibm

• SUNWlibms

• SUNWsprot

• SUNWtoo

• SUNWxcut

To install these packages:

Step 1 Determine if the above-listed Solaris 2.x packages are installed. As the root user, enter the following command:

# pkginfo -i SUNWarc SUNWbtool SUNWlibm SUNWlibms SUNWsprot SUNWtoo

Solaris lists a description of each of the installed packages.

Step 2 Use /usr/sbin/pkgadd to install any of the above packages that are not already installed. Refer to your Solaris installation documentation for full instructions.

For example, to add the SUNWarc package from the Solaris 2.5.x CD-ROM, enter the following commands:

# cd /cdrom/solaris_2_5_1_sparc/s0/Solaris_2.5.1# pkgadd -d . SUNWarc

A-4 Cisco Access Manager Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Create a dba Group in the /etc/group File

Create a dba Group in the /etc/group FileAs the root user, create a group called dba. We recommend you do this by editing the /etc/group file using the Solaris Admintool, but you can also edit the /etc/group file manually.

Using the Admintool to Edit the /etc/group FileIf you are running the X Window System (OpenWindows or CDE), you can also use the Admintool graphical user interface (GUI) to create the dba group as follows:

Step 1 Start the Admintool by entering the following command:

# admintool &

Step 2 Choose Browse>Groups, and then Edit>Add.

Step 3 Under Group Name, enter dba. (The Group ID field will be automatically filled with a valid Group ID value.)

Step 4 Click OK.

Manually Editing the /etc/group FileTo manually add the group dba:

Step 1 Check to make sure the 101 group ID (GID) is unassigned by entering the grep command on the /etc/group file:

% grep 101 /etc/group

If you do not receive any output, you can use 101. If you receive output, 101 is in use. In the later case, repeat this step using other group IDs until you find an available one.

Step 2 To manually edit the file, append the following command to the /etc/group file:


This can also be done by entering the following command:

% groupadd -g GID dba

where GID is the group ID (GID) that is assigned to the group. (If 101 is already assigned to another group, use a different, unassigned number.)

Installing Oracle Software A-5

Pre-Installation Procedures

Create the Oracle UNIX Administration AccountAs the root user, create a user account named oracle. Although this user account could be named something other than oracle, we recommend that you name the account oracle for consistency with other Oracle installations. You can create the Oracle account using the Admintool or manually.

To create the oracle account, you must have the following information:

• The mount point for the Oracle installation directory. To decide this, you will need to know which partition has enough available space for the Oracle installation. Use the command df -k for information on free disk space. The partition onto which you install Oracle should have 4.0 GB of available disk space.

• The User ID (UID) to assign to the oracle user (required for manual configuration of the oracle account). Open the /etc/passwd file. The third field of each line is the UID. The UID you assign to the Oracle user must be unique. We recommend you increment the highest of all of the UIDs by one.

Using the Admintool to Create the Oracle AccountIf you are running the X Windows System (OpenWindows or CDE), you should use the Admintool to create the Oracle account as follows:

Step 1 If the Admintool is not already running, start the Admintool by entering the following command:

# admintool &

Step 2 If you are not in the Admintool: Users screen, select Browse>Users.

Step 3 Select Edit>Add. The Admintool: Modify Users screen appears. (See Figure A-1.)

Step 4 Fill out the form as follows:

(a) Under User Name, type oracle.

(b) Under Primary Group, type dba.

(c) Select Create Home Dir.

A-6 Cisco Access Manager Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Create the Oracle UNIX Administration Account

(d) Under path, type mntpoint/oracle/product/7.3.4.

where mntpoint is the mount point for the Oracle installation that you have determined has at least 4.0 GB of available disk space.

(e) Click OK.

Figure A-1 Creating the Oracle User with the Admintool

Installing Oracle Software A-7

Pre-Installation Procedures

Manually Creating the Oracle UserTo create the oracle user manually:

Step 1 Use vi or another text editor to add the following line to the /etc/passwd file:

oracle:x:UID:101:Oracle Admin:mntpoint/oracle/product/7.3.4:/bin/csh

where UID is the User ID you have determined and uniquely assigned to the Oracle account and mntpoint is the mount point for the Oracle installation that you have determined has at least 4.0 GB of available disk space.

Step 2 Edit the /etc/shadow file. Append the following line:


Step 3 Create the Oracle user’s home directory. Your home directory would be /mntpoint/oracle/product/7.3.4, where mntpoint is the Oracle installation mount point. This is the same directory into which you will be installing the Oracle software, which will also be known as ORACLE_HOME. Your home directory should be the same as ORACLE_HOME so when you log in as the Oracle user, you will be placed into the directory structure to which you will need access.

To create ORACLE_HOME, enter the following commands:

% cd mntpoint % mkdir -p oracle/product/7.3.4% chown -fR oracle oracle % chgrp -fR dba oracle

where mntpoint is the mount point for the Oracle installation.

The chown command changes the owner of Oracle directory to oracle user. The chgrp command changes the group of oracle directory to dba.

Step 4 Set the oracle user password. As the root user, enter the following command:

# passwd oracle

You are prompted for the new password and asked to re-enter it to verify you have entered it correctly. Do not forget the Oracle user password.

A-8 Cisco Access Manager Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Create the /usr/localbin Directory

Create the /usr/localbin DirectoryAs the root user, create the /opt/bin directory. Enter the following command:

% mkdir /usr/localbin

Or, you can also create the /usr/localbin directory. Enter the following command:

% mkdir /opt/bin

Set the Oracle User Environment VariablesTo set environment variables for the oracle user:

Step 1 Log in as the oracle user.

Step 2 Copy .cshrc to

Step 3 Using vi or another text editor, add the following statements to the .cshrc file.

Note Each setenv statement should be on only one logical line. Although line breaks might occur automatically based on the length of the line; you should not force line breaks by pressing Return.

Note If you are installing Oracle from an X Window System console, either OpenWindows or CDE, set the ORACLE_TERM variable to the name of the terminal that you will be using, for example vt100.

umask 022setenv ORACLE_LBIN /usr/local/binsetenv ORACLE_BASE mntpoint/oraclesetenv ORACLE_HOME mntpoint/oracle/product/7.3.4setenv ORACLE_DOC $ORACLE_BASE/docsetenv ORACLE_SID CAMDBsetenv TNS_ADMIN /var/opt/oraclesetenv ORACLE_TERM xsun5

Installing Oracle Software A-9

Pre-Installation Procedures

setenv ORACLE_PATH $ORACLE_HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:usr/ccs/binsetenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $ORACLE_HOME/lib:/usr/openwin/lib:/usr/dt/lib:/usr/libsetenv TMPDIR /var/tmpsetenv PATH .:$ORACLE_PATHsetenv ORAENV_ASK NO source /usr/local/bin/coraenvunsetenv ORAENV_ASKset filecstty erase ^h#-------setenv APM_DBADMIN $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SIDsetenv APM_DBDATA $ORACLE_BASE/oradata/$ORACLE_SID

where mntpoint is the mount point for the Oracle installation.

Step 4 Enter the source command to add the environment variables to your current environment:

% source .cshrc

You might receive an error message that says the /opt/bin/coraenv file is not found. This error will be resolved when you have finished installing Oracle and run the script.

Reserve a Port for the SQL*Net Version 2 ListenerAs the root user, add the following line to the /etc/services file:

listener 1521/tcp # Oracle Listener process

This completes the pre-installation procedures. Continue with the next section, “Installing the Oracle Server Software.”

A-10 Cisco Access Manager Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the Oracle Server Software

Installing the Oracle Server SoftwareTo install the Oracle Server software, follow the steps in this section. Be sure to log in as the Oracle user you created earlier.

Note The examples and screen captures in this procedure assume that you are not running the X Window System, however, we have provided additional instructions for installations while using the X Window System.

Step 1 Insert the Oracle 7.3.4 CD-ROM into the system’s local CD-ROM drive.

Step 2 Optionally, as the Oracle user, you can check the environment settings by entering the env command:

% env

Step 3 Change directories to the Oracle installation directory on the CD-ROM:

# cd /cdrom/cdrom0/orainst

Step 4 Enter the orainst command:

• If you are running the X Window System (Open Windows or CDE), log in as the Oracle user and enter:

% ./orainst /c

• If you are not running the X Window System (Open Windows or CDE), log in as the Oracle user and enter:

% ./orainst /c

Installing Oracle Software A-11

Installing the Oracle Server Software

The Install Type screen appears:

Figure A-2 Install Type Screen

A-12 Cisco Access Manager Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the Oracle Server Software

Step 5 Select Default Install and press Return.

The Installation Activity Choice screen appears:

Figure A-3 Installation Activity Choice Screen

Installing Oracle Software A-13

Installing the Oracle Server Software

Step 6 Select the default option, Install, Upgrade, or De-Install Software.

The Installation Options screen appears:

Figure A-4 Installation Options Screen

A-14 Cisco Access Manager Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the Oracle Server Software

Step 7 Select the second option, Install New Product - Do Not Create DB Objects.

The Environmental Variables screen appears:

Figure A-5 Environmental Variables Screen

Installing Oracle Software A-15

Installing the Oracle Server Software

Step 8 Make sure that:

• ORACLE_BASE is the oracle directory under the mount point for the Oracle installation.

• ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle user home directory.

Step 9 Press Return.

The Relink All Executables screen appears:

Figure A-6 Relink All Executables Screen

A-16 Cisco Access Manager Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the Oracle Server Software

Step 10 Select No and press Return. It is not necessary to re-link the executables.

The Summary of Installation Options screen appears:

Figure A-7 Summary of Installation Options Screen

Installing Oracle Software A-17

Installing the Oracle Server Software

Step 11 Check to make sure that all of the Oracle file locations are correct. If they are, select OK and press Return.

The Software Asset Manager screen appears:

Figure A-8 Software Asset Manager Screen

A-18 Cisco Access Manager Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the Oracle Server Software

Step 12 Select the following components:

• Oracle Server Manager (Motif)

• Oracle UNIX Installer

• ORACLE7 Parallel Query

• ORACLE7 Server (RDBMS)


• SQL*Net (V2)*

• SQL*Plus *

• TCP/IP Protocol Adapter (V2)

*If you are installing CAM client software on your machine only, you need to install only SQL*Plus and SQL*Net.

Note Use the mouse (or the spacebar and the arrow keys, if you are not running the X Window System version of the Oracle installer orainst) to navigate and click on an item (or press Tab or Alt-i, if you are not running the X Window System version of orainst) to mark an item for installation. The instructions below assume you are not running the X Window System version of orainst.

Step 13 When all of the items listed above are marked for installation, press Return or click Install.

The DBA Group screen appears, but does not apply to the client.

Note If some of the software items are already installed, you will receive messages asking you if you want to continue. Click Yes for each message.

Installing Oracle Software A-19

Installing the Oracle Server Software

Figure A-9 DBA Group Screen

A-20 Cisco Access Manager Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the Oracle Server Software

Step 14 Select dba and press Return.

The OSOPER Group screen appears, but does not apply to the client.

Note If some of the software items are already installed, you will receive messages asking you if you want to continue. Click Yes for each message.

Figure A-10 OSOPER Group Screen

Installing Oracle Software A-21

Installing the Oracle Server Software

Step 15 With dba selected as the OSOPER group, press Return.

The Shared Library Installation screen appears:

Figure A-11 Shared Library Installation Screen

A-22 Cisco Access Manager Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Installing the Oracle Server Software

Step 16 Select OK and press Return.

After between 25 and 40 minutes, the Installer Actions Completed screen appears:

Figure A-12 Installer Actions Completed Screen

Step 17 Press Return.

The Software Asset Manager screen appears. Press Tab until Exit is highlighted, and then press Return twice. This completes the Oracle Server software installation. Proceed to “Post-Installation Procedure.”

Installing Oracle Software A-23

Post-Installation Procedure

Post-Installation ProcedureAs root user, run the script. Enter the following commands:

# setenv ORACLE_HOME /mntpoint/oracle/product/7.3.4# setenv ORACLE_SID CAMDB# cd $ORACLE_HOME/orainst# /usr/bin/sh ./

where mntpoint is the mount point for the Oracle installation which you have determined has at least 4.0 GB of available disk space.

Note You might see a message that says, “Please raise the Oracle owner’s ulimit as per the IUG.” You can ignore this message; it will not affect the usability of the oracle account or APM.

This completes the post-installation procedure. Resolve any issue with the Oracle dbstart and dbshut scripts.

For additional documentation, refer to the Oracle Corporation Web site at

Starting Oracle Automatically (Optional)We recommend that you set up Oracle to start automatically. If you set up the UNIX system in /etc/rd2.d for the automatic start up script, and /etc/rd0.d for the automatic shutdown script, when UNIX system reboots, the Oracle server will be shut down orderly and start up automatically.

Refer to the README.database that is included in the CSCOcamdb package.

A-24 Cisco Access Manager Software Installation and Configuration Guide

Shutting Down Oracle (Optional)

Shutting Down Oracle (Optional)To set up Oracle and the Netscape FastTrack Server to be shut down automatically when the CAM server shuts down, refer to the README.database that is included in the CSCOcamdb package.

ExampleThe K80CSCOapm file should look like this example when you are done. (This example assumes you want to shut down the Oracle processes at system shutdown.)

#!/bin/sh# Oracle -- start/stop Oracle server[ -f /etc/nooracle ] && exitstate=${1-"x"}# start or stopset `uname -r | cut -d. -f1`if [ $1 = "4" ]; thenPS="/bin/ps -ax"elsePS="/bin/ps -e"fikillproc() {# kill the named process(es)pid=`$PS | /bin/grep $1 | /bin/sed -e '/grep/d' -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/.*//'`[ "$pid" != "" ] && kill $pid}# who -r returns# "who: cannot open utmp" on SunOS# " . run-level n MMM DD HH:MM 3 0 S" on Solaris#$9 is the last column in Solaris indicating the previous run-level#set `who -r`if [ $# -gt 4 ]; thenlast_state=$9;elselast_state=S;ficase $state in'start')[ $last_state = "2" -o $last_state = "3" ] && exit

Installing Oracle Software A-25

Shutting Down Oracle (Optional)

# The funny | tee <file> puts stdout to console and debug file# We us the full login option '-' because lsnrctl needs an# "oracle" environment.# This relies on the "oracle" login being intelligent enough# not to prompt when stdin is not a tty (see: tty -s)echo `date` Oracle Startup | tee /var/tmp/ora_startupls -l /var/tmp/o/* | tee -a /var/tmp/ora_startuprm -f /var/tmp/o/* | tee -a /var/tmp/ora_startupecho 'old LISTENER pipe files removed' | tee -a /var/tmp/ora_startup

# listener does not close stdout properly, causes lots <defunct>su - oracle -c "dbstart" <<EOF | tee -a /var/tmp/ora_startupEOFsu - oracle -c "lsnrctl start" <<EOF >>/var/tmp/ora_startup EOF;;'stop')echo `date` Oracle Shutdown | tee /var/tmp/ora_shutdown echo "Shutting down oracle databases"su - oracle -c "lsnrctl stop" <<EOF | tee -a /var/tmp/ora_shutdown EOFsu - oracle -c "dbshut" <<EOF| tee -a /var/tmp/ora_shutdown EOF;;esac

This completes the procedure for shutting down Oracle automatically at system shutdown.

For additional documentation, refer to the Oracle Corporation Web site at

A-26 Cisco Access Manager Software Installation and Configuration Guide

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