iNorthampton Journey

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The iNorthampton Journey

Julie Usher

The University of Northampton

13th Feb 2012


Why mobile?

– Strategic planning and pedagogy

– Marketing

– Demand?

Anticipated challenges (pt 1)

Why not?

“not everyone has a smartphone”

“not everyone can ‘do’ mobile learning”

Challenges or opportunities?

1. Inclusion

– Device provision?

– Wireless campus

– Mi-fi units

Challenges or opportunities?

2. Accessibility

– Choice

– Personalisation

– Control

3. Usability and skills gaps

– Training and support

What are the needs?

Different audiences (students, staff, prospects)

What’s possible?

Choosing a supplier

• ‘Most of the people, most of the time’... Audiences, platforms and the pace of change

• Creating learning opportunities

• Works ‘out of the box’ and customisable

• Cost

Anticipated challenges to openness (pt 2)

Where’s the data?

Creating a ‘one stop shop’

Web team and CIS


Library systems


Creating mobile learning opportunities

• Putting Mobile Learn through its paces

– in-house testing

– external experts

• Introducing Mobile Learn to staff

– support resources

– inspiration

Launch & promotion

Welcome weekend (21st and 22nd September 2011)

• Print marketing

– Posters

– Door hangers

– Stands

• Web promotion

– University website

– Blackboard

– Facebook

– Twitter

Is it working? Measuring adoption


1000 downloads one week after launch

>3000 downloads after one month

7833 downloads to date

5 months from purchase to deployment

Most popular link was timetables with 21,686 hits in the first month

Is it working? Feedback from users

• Twitter (#iNorthampton)• Email• Blog• Spot surveys• Focus groups• Pilots

Get the @UniNorthants app immediately! Dream!!

Get the @UniNorthants app immediately! Dream!!

@UniNorthants has an app!! This is tres exciting! I'm actually having a physical reaction I am that excited. Will make life so much easier!

@UniNorthants has an app!! This is tres exciting! I'm actually having a physical reaction I am that excited. Will make life so much easier!

@UniNorthants now have their own app. Snazzy.

@UniNorthants now have their own app. Snazzy.

Am not tryna gas but thank God for the Northampton app because now I left my timetable at home, I would have been lost.

Am not tryna gas but thank God for the Northampton app because now I left my timetable at home, I would have been lost.

Bloody good idea!Bloody good idea!

Is it still working? 5 months on...

• 85% of students rate Mobile Learn as ‘useful’ / ‘very useful’

• Library, Directory and Timetables score over 70%

• “it enables me to see students work as and when they produce it, even when they are off campus … and this means I can respond and comment instantly.” (Staff)

• “Can access NILE when ever I need to and if I need to check something quickly I can do. Also comes in handy if can’t see properly in lectures as can bring them up on my phone.” (Student)

Top five tips

1. Identify needs (and decide which ones you can meet)

2. Bring together a project team with range of experience

3. Find a provider who can satisfy the immediate need and

provide extensions for the future (SDKs)

4. The app stores are your friends (?)

5. Stay in the loop

Next Steps

– Dissemination and case studies: what could a mobile VLE do for you?

– Feedback and new iterations

– Customisations (SDK)

– Investigating support models


Contact details:

Julie Usher


References etc.

Useful links

•More about the iNorthampton project:

•Guidelines on accessibility for the mobile web: 

•TechDis on mobile learning:

•Traxler, J. (2010) “Students and mobile devices.” ALT-J Research in Learning Technology [online] 18.2, p149-160. Available from: [Accessed 10th February 2012]

•More info on JADU MyAPI (presentation by Steve Martin):

Image credits

•Photography by Rob Farmer, University of Northampton

•3d characters from

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