Post on 13-Jul-2015






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Dr.T.V.Rao MD


Today Life is

Multidimensional We all know that work-life

balance is critical to your

wellbeing and happiness.

Today, this notion of ‘life-

balance’ that

acknowledges the

interconnectedness of the

different dimensions our

life is entering mainstream

thinking like never before

Are We Forgetting to

Innovate Our Life ?As humans, we often

disregard our long-

term goals because we

want immediate

benefits for our

actions. With life being

so unpredictable it’s

hard to associate how

what we do today will

affect us a year from


Are we Disconnected with

Long term Ambitions

The True problem is that when we disconnect our short-term efforts from our long-term dreams, we often lose our sense of direction and can feel trapped.



As humans, we

need to change our

mind-set and look

for ways in which we

can experiment,

test, and practice

more. The purpose

of this is to not try

and fail

Every Life is a Experiment It’s an

understanding that

each experiment

whether a failure

or success is

providing critical

information that is

helping us tweak

the present to

support the future


Innovation is effective

and powerful

simplicity. Every new

product or idea to treat

our patients or

Teaching our students

is taking a complex or

antiquated process and

making it easier and

more accessible.

Identify the Purpose of Our Life

Your personal mission

statement must reflect

the things that matter

most to you. These

guiding principles help

you to set priorities.

What do you need to

have in a day to make it


Finding Joy in Our Career

Finding joy in your

career and life means

knowing what you’re

passions are. If you

have trouble coming

up with your list of

passions, think about

the best experiences

you’ve had,

Dreaming with Purpose

All men dream: but not

equally. Those who dream by

night in the dusty recesses of

their minds wake in the day to

find that it was vanity: but the

dreamers of the day are

dangerous men, for they may

act their dream with open

eyes, to make it possible.

~ T. E. Lawrence

Change Your Concept to


“If you want

something new,

you have to stop

doing something


― Peter F. Drucker

Start with Something New

If you never

start, you’ll

never have a

chance to fail.

But you’ll never

have a chance

to succeed,


Do not pretend

Start Acting Stop pretending you haven’t failed by not trying. Stop procrastinating and go for it. Your dilly-dallying around, your excuses, your poking, playing, puttering and loafing about aren’t fooling anyone. Procrastination is fear cloaked in nonchalance.

Success Needs

Patience Making ideas happen isn’t

easy and requires

patience, determination

and hard work. The most

important part of it is not

just coming up with a

promising concept, but

rather rethinking it over

and over again,

implementing it and then

putting it to practice.

Invention is a Necessity

Most inventions come from necessity, so pay attention to small problems in your environment and find simple solutions to these problems. Do not sit idle on the idea — act instead. Take opposing thoughts and resolve them in your innovative designs.

The Work of Futurists

Most futurists see their

mission as investigating

how social, economic, and

technological developments

will shape the future.

Futurists help others

understand and respond to

the coming changes. They

also help apply anticipatory

thinking to issues facing

education, business, and


A good vision story inspires

Believe that there is a better future, well

worth sacrificing what they now do to gain it.

See that a blind spot has kept them from

seeing this future sooner.

Trust in your ability and commitment to make

it happen.

Ask for more conversation about this future.

India’s Contribution to


National Innovation

Foundation-India is an

autonomous body of the

Department of Science and

Technology, Government of

India, based on the Honey

Bee Network philosophy,

which provides institutional

support to grassroots

innovators and outstanding

traditional knowledge holders

from the unorganized sector

of the society.

For More Articles on Human

Empowerment visit me

The Human life is a Vision to Live and

Innovate, every act of Innovation and

Creativity makes us to Live better in the



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