INLPTA NLP Trainer Certification Training€¦ · Advancing the NLP Training Design with the 4MAT model Learn how to deliver Training Modules Stagecraft Skills and the Unconscious

Post on 24-Aug-2020






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PO Box 105-385 Auckland 1143 New Zealand P: +64 9 475 6393




We welcome you to a new, more in-depth

way of being… by attending the extensive,

exciting and exceptional…


Certification Training

With INLPTA NLP Master Trainer, Mark Klaassen

Achieving the ultimate in NLP… � Teaching the content

� Training the process

� Gaining Amazing Skills

� Designing, Delivering, Dazzling!

� Transforming lives

Dates: 11-25 July and 5-9 August 2015 19 days training. Times: 9.30am – 7.00pm (approx.) daily

NOTE: Dates are subject to minor change or postponement

depending on participant numbers one month prior

Would you like to become a

highly effective developer of


Are you looking to be a

fabulous facilitator and

magical change agent?

Are you willing to step beyond

what you do now?

By doing this training you

become even more capable

and can teach others NLP

knowledge, skills, change

processes, along with many

transformational insights with

precision, effectiveness and


You will hear people saying…

• You’re outstanding!

• What awesome results!

• Thank you so much, my life

has changed for the better,

because of you!

Join us in Auckland,

NZ… and go for gold!

PO Box 105-385 Auckland 1143 New Zealand P: +64 9 475 6393




During the 20 Day NLP Trainer Certification you will be

learning the secrets of NLP mastery, plus…

Gaining more personal mastery

Reviewing and re-engaging your NLP skills

Advancing the NLP Training Design with the 4MAT model

Learn how to deliver Training Modules

Stagecraft Skills and the Unconscious Mind

Stage Anchoring & Nested Loops

Accelerated Learning / Superlearning

Learn more about Physiology & Engagement

The Art of Metaphor & Story Boarding

Become more familiar with Prac, Master Prac, and Trainer

content and be assessed for adequate understanding

Recognise and resolve students barriers to learning

Learn advanced group calibration, modelling & facilitation

including 'covert' interventions

Learn Advanced stage-states and energy management

Engage in experiential Learning Games and Processes

Discover how to teach to different Personalities, Myers-

Briggs Types and Spiral Dynamics values types

And, you will find out about Vertical and Horizontal

Learning, becoming a more Consciously Aware Leader

Who can attend this training?

Graduates of INLPTA NLP Master Practitioner (or


And INLPTA Diploma of NLP Training, and INLPTA NLP

Trainer reviewers (or equivalent).

By attending and achieving this NLP Trainer Certification,

you are gaining the Accreditation to deliver INLPTA NLP

Practitioner & NLP Master Practitioner Certification

Training Programmes.

International NLP Trainers Association Mission Statement…

“The purpose of INLPTA is to facilitate the alignment of

professional NLP trainers around the world in the ethical and

professional use of NLP through the standardisation and

continual improvement of the NLP accreditation process.”

Many years of success -

INLPTA has been successfully

conducting NLP Trainer Certification

Training for 20+ years on 5 continents.

INLPTA NLP Trainer Certification

Training (16 days) and Assessment (4

days) provides for you an intensive

training and personal development

programme, with advanced designs

skills, techniques and the necessary

extra learning to be an INLPTA NLP

Certification Trainer…

The enthusiastic and positive

response to the formation of

INLPTA from the NLP training

community in general has come

from increased awareness that…

� NLP can play a significant role in

contributing to the evolution of

individuals, groups, communities,

societies, nations, the world, and


� For NLP to optimally evolve itself

as a field, the NLP training

community must be self-

monitoring and united in the way it

maintains its frames of ecology and


Dancing with joy after


PO Box 105-385 Auckland 1143 New Zealand P: +64 9 475 6393




The competencies learned, demonstrated and achieved

by you will be outstanding…

• Excellence in attitudinal, behavioural, and

intellectual competency in all Practitioner and

Master Practitioner level skills

• Ability to design a complete training module

• Ability to design and conduct content chunks

• Ability to facilitate within students the learning of

content and the development of skills and attitudes

• Ability to establish and maintain excellent levels of

rapport with all participants, colleagues and trainers

• Ability to design and facilitate group inductions

overtly and covertly

• Ability to work ecologically with groups

• Ability to pace and lead a group in ecological


• Ability to model the learner

• Ability to pace, lead, incorporate and utilize the

differences between students-students and trainer-


• Ability to utilize Satir Categories as applied to group


• Ability to design, facilitate and debrief exercises

• Ability to deliver instructions for exercises

• Ability to establish and utilize stage anchors

• Ability to design and deliver nested loops

• Ability to answer questions and facilitate

unconscious processes in an open frame

• Ability to utilize environmental influences to

facilitate optimum learning at conscious and

unconscious levels

• Ability to facilitate learning at different logical levels

and of different logical types

• Ability to design and conduct trainings that facilitate

different adult learning styles

• Ability to appropriately assess and evaluate students

• Behavioural demonstration of being able to "walk

what you talk and talk what you walk"

• Excellent state control, emotional stability, stress

resistance and self-management

• Ability to handle and resolve conflict, and to make

effective and ecological decisions as appropriate to


You will learn fully how to ‘model the


Competencies continued…

• Ability to know and process

your own model of the world

and to adjust yourself

congruently, ecologically, and

respectfully to another

person's model of the world

• Ability to design, deliver and

utilize metaphors in training

• Ability to give and receive

feedback in educative and

self-evolutionary ways

• Ability to design, deliver and

facilitate educative tasking

• Ability to handle hecklers,

under achievers, "problem"

cases, ecological and/or

ethical issues

• Ability to calibrate groups and

to respond appropriately to

facilitate learning in their

model of the world

• Ability to alter one's own

training style as appropriate to

context, audience and


PO Box 105-385 Auckland 1143 New Zealand P: +64 9 475 6393




Your Primary Trainer is…

Mark Klaassen, INLPTA Certified NLP Master Trainer, Certified

mBIT Trainer, Spiral Dynamics (SD) I & II (NVC, USA), B.Theol, Dip

H.R. and Co-Director of Communications Plus Ltd NZ. Mark’s

background is in banking, business consultancy, human

development, counselling, coaching, marketing and training.

Consulting to businesses throughout New Zealand and

Internationally, Mark utilises NLP, mBIT, and the Spiral Dynamics

values model to effect cultural and systemic change. He teaches

NLP Certification Trainings, along with other short courses. He

brings with him a unique view of the ‘human development’ and

‘corporate business’ areas along with a deep caring for people.

Co-Training with Mark will be Richard Spencer and Paula

Powell… Both are INLPTA NLP Trainers – highly approachable, fun

to train with, effective, competent and confident, they will enhance

your NLP Trainer journey with integrity and ecology.

More from graduates of NLP Trainer Training…

“It’s surprising what you find, and who you find on the road of

personal development. It’s being on the road… not watching the

cars go by that is the single most important thing. A few words will

not fully encapsulate the quality of Mark’s training and delivery.

Hopefully reading this will get you to release your handbrake and

set the wheels in motion!”

Stephen Lewthwaite, ASB, Auckland. NZ.

“A hot house learning experience! Designed to grow us despite our

reservations – extend us beyond our comfort zone, and cause

amazing life changes… and for us to discover our potentiality and

work towards it as trainers. A fabulous, exciting, terrifying,

exhilarating experience… Thanks for the memories.”

Zoe Wilkinson, Director, Training Dynamics, BOP, NZ.

INLPTA Standards –

Pursuant to the conduct of their mission INLPTA has

formulated a Code of Ethics and a set of Standards for NLP

Practitioner, Master Practitioner, Trainer and Master Trainer


To prepare Trainers and Master Trainers to meet their

rigorous standards, INLPTA conducts International Trainer

and Master Trainer Trainings every year in several locations

around the globe. INLPTA has members on all five continents

that have agreed upon Certification Standards in the Training

of NLP. All of its members are NLP Trainers who have

graduated from the most rigorous Trainer Training available.

Mark Klaassen and

Richard Spencer

Our support teams are awesome!

NLP Trainer Training

Auckland 2005

PO Box 105-385 Auckland 1143 New Zealand P: +64 9 475 6393




General Criteria of Training… FULL CRITERIA

• Attend the 16 INLPTA NLP Trainer Certification Training days

conducted by an INLPTA Master Trainer authorized to do so by

the INLPTA Board of Directors

• Attend and successfully complete the final 4 day INLPTA Trainer

Assessment with the Authorised INLPTA Master Trainer/s

• Ensure the Full Certification training meets INLPTA training

structure requirements

• Complete a minimum of 150 hours of formal course room training.

(excluding breaks longer than 30 minutes)

• Do a minimum of 16 days of formal course room training.

• Ensure the attended training meets the INLPTA accreditation

competency standards and guidelines

• The certificate needs to be signed following the INLPTA

Assessment by an Authorised INLPTA NLP Master Trainer.

Getting ready –

You will want to:

• Review your NLP Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner

Training Folders and notes

• Get very familiar with the answers to the INLPTA NLP

Practitioner and NLP Master Practitioner written integration

questions (If you are from a different training organisation, or

would like a copy of these, please ask Eileen at the CPL office for

them to be emailed to you).

• If you have time, it’s a good idea to meet with other NLP Master

Practitioners for a couple of study sessions prior to attending,

and review/practice your NLP interventions.

Where could becoming a Certified

NLP Trainer lead you?

Paula Powell (below) now runs her

own successful training, coaching

and consulting practise in

Dargaville, Northland and

frequently co-trains with Mark on

NLP Certification training courses…

Paula writes –

“Thank you Eileen & Mark for this

incredible opportunity to grow and

expand myself, my self-belief and my

sense of capability. I do believe it now!

Huge stretches at times and I always

felt so committed to going there

because of the safe encouraging and

totally supportive space you held for us

all. You are both a fantastic

demonstration of the Magi Creed. I am

so delighted to have you both in my

world and on my journey. Kia ora, kia


Paula Powell, People Dynamics.

Baylys Beach, Northland, NZ.


“In those ‘popcorn’ moments you realise

that there are only a few opportunities

to be in the company of such great

trainers, and witness one of the true

masters of NLP training – Mark

Klaassen… Thank you, Brilliant!”

James Marris,

Aurora Zone Coaching, Hamilton, NZ

“By becoming a fully Certified NLP Trainer

with Communications Plus, you will be

positively changing who you are now… and

then welcoming yourself to – a whole new

way of being” Eileen and Mark

PO Box 105-385 Auckland 1143 New Zealand P: +64 9 475 6393




INLPTA Directors…

Have agreed on standards of ethics, professionalism and

competence in the training of NLP. Their syllabus for NLP

Practitioner and Master Practitioner Trainings is updated yearly

and includes both the classic and new cutting edge


Some History…

The first INLPTA Trainer and Master Trainer Training was held in

Munich, Germany in 1994 with 75 people in attendance. And over

the next 6 years NLP Trainer programmes were held in Sydney,

Australia – Toronto, Canada – Munich, Germany – Washington, DC.

USA – London, England – Manchester, England (twice) and Denmark,


Since 1990’s there have been over 50 INLPTA Trainer Trainings -

in United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, France,

Australia, Netherlands, Sweden, Slovenia, Turkey, Syria, Bahrain,

United Arab Emirates and New Zealand.

Since 2005 INLPTA Trainer Training’s have been conducted in

English, German and French and through translation in Arabic.

From Wyatt Woodsmall, co-founder of INLPTA – to embark

on an NLP Trainer training journey - you need to know 8


1. You will need credibility

2. You will need to know what to train

3. You will need to know how to train

4. You will need to know how to market your trainings

5. You will need mentoring and a pathway for


6. Look at the credentials and experience of the people

training you

7. You need to be certified by a reputable organisation

8. You need to train with people who teach NLP with

integrity, professionalism and for the right reasons!

Mark Klaassen and Co-Director, Eileen Darwin have a

passion for facilitating people to reach their fullest potential.

They believe becoming a fully certified NLP Trainer is a

pinnacle that only a few courageous NLPers achieve – and

they are believing in you – and that you’ll be joining them!

You can join the elite group of

INLPTA Certified NLP Trainers

around the World…

Back row 2nd from right is Richard

Spencer, now CPL Co-Trainer.

2005 Trainer Training, Auckland

NLP Trainer certification 2011

Stephane Witzmann

NLP Trainer Training 2011 now

running INLPTA Certs in France!

PO Box 105-385 Auckland 1143 New Zealand P: +64 9 475 6393




History of INLPTA NLP Trainer Training…

The first INLPTA Trainer and Master Trainer Training was held

in Munich Germany in August 1994 with 75 people in

attendance, and then INLPTA Trainer and Master Trainer

Training was held in Sydney, Australia in October 1994 with 40

people in attendance. A third INLPTA Trainer and Master

Trainer Training was held in Toronto, Canada in May 1995 and

a fourth in Munich, Germany in August 1995.

The fifth INLPTA Trainer and Master Trainer Trainings were

held in Washington, D.C. in August 1996. 1996 also marked the

first INLPTA Trainer Training in French. The sixth was held in

England in 1997. 1997 also saw the continuation of the French

Trainer Training and the first INLPTA Trainer Training in

German. The seventh INLPTA Trainer and Master Trainer

Trainings were held in Manchester, England in August 1998

and INLPTA Trainer Trainings were also held in French and

German. The eighth INLPTA Trainer and Master Trainer

Training was held in Manchester, England in July, 1999 and the

ninth INLPTA Trainer Training was held in Copenhagen,

Denmark in July, 2000. (Mark was at this one too).

Since 2000 there have been over 40 INLPTA Trainer Trainings in

the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada,

France, the Netherlands, Sweden, Slovenia, Turkey, Syria,

Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Australia and New Zealand

(2000, 2005, 2011 and 2014).

Every year now INLPTA Trainers Trainings are conducted in

English, German and French and Arabic.

Where could becoming a Certified

NLP Trainer lead you? Our NLP

Trainers have successfully

advanced in their careers and have

become –

� NLP Trainers

� Leaders in Community

� Executive Business Coaches

� Learning & Development


� Human Resource Managers

� Senior Executives in large


� Successful Business Owners

(even in tough financial times)

� Training Managers

� Life Coaches

� Better parents

� Superb Negotiators

� Excellent at Sales

� Sought after National and

International speakers

� Seminar Leaders

� Marketing and Advertising


And other areas of life too… like

David Bargh, Principal of Dargaville

High School NZ – after completing

his Master Prac assignment - here

receiving his NLP Trainer

Certification from Paula recently!

Mark’s NLP Master Trainer Certification, 2005 after

meeting the criteria for this next level having completed 5

major NLP training’s and written a new model – in Mark’s

case the “Generative Change Pattern” now taught at his

INLPTA NLP Master Practitioner Certification.

PO Box 105-385 Auckland 1143 New Zealand P: +64 9 475 6393




Registration Form – Auckland, NZ INLPTA NLP Trainer Certification: 11-25 July and 5-9 August 2015

(15 days Training and 4 days Assessment)

SPECIAL PAY PLAN OFFER: $959 x 6 (GST Inclusive) 20 March - 20 August 2015

� Early Bird: $5395+gst in full by 20 June 2015

� Full Investment: $5995+gst in full by 1 July 2014

First Name: …………………………………………………………… Last Name: ……………………….……..………..…………………………………

Mailing Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…….…………………………

Telephone (Bus): ……………………………………………..………… (AH): …………………………….………………………………………..………

(Mob): ………………………………………….…………………………………………................................................................................

Email: ……………………………………………………………..…………………………………..………………………………………………………………..

Date: ………………………………………………………….…… Your Signature: …………………….…………………………………………............

Payment method: Cash � Cheque � Company Invoice � Credit Card

� Direct Credit - Communications Plus Ltd, ANZ Newmarket Account # 010194 0216511 25

Credit Card 2% Admin fee - please circle one: VISA Mastercard

Name on Card: ………….………………..……………………………………….Signature: ……………………………………………………..….……….…………

Card No.: ……………………………………………………..………………………Expiry Date: ………………………………………..….................................

Please note the terms and conditions of enrolment into CPL’s courses:

1. Withdrawal/Transfer after enrollment incurs a minimum 25% of full course fee for administration costs.

2. Withdrawal from the course within 1 month of start date defaults 50% of your full course fee.

3. Withdrawal from the course within 2 weeks or after commencement of start date your full course fee is payable.

Do you believe in yourself enough to embark on this magical training journey? Join Mark on this

exceptional NLP Trainer Training journey for you – he’ll do his absolute best – you already know that –

are you ready to excel and meet his training standard? Yes! Fantastic! See you there…

Trainer Training 2014…

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