
Initiative, Referendum, Recall or Direct Primary?

In 2003, Californians were upset with their governor, Gray Davis, due to the state budget. They voted him out of office before his term was over. This is an example of a ___________.


Tim thinks that speed bumps should be put in on College Avenue. He collects 500 signatures. This is an example of a ___________.


Mary is concerned with the education that her child is getting and wants the school day extended in her district. She collects 500 signatures so that the city council will vote on it. This is an example of an __________.


In 2008, Arkansas voters were able to decide on whether or not to begin a state lottery. This is an example of a _______________.


This year, voters get to decide on which candidate will be chosen as the Republican candidate. This is an example of a _______________

Direct Primary

The citizens of San Francisco voted to ban the use of plastic bags to help keep their city clean. Instead, they use recyclable bags. Their vote for this law is an example of a _____________.


In 1964, Arkansas voters chose to abolish the poll tax. This is an example of a ____________.


A group of students want to make smoking in any public facilities in Fayetteville illegal. They gather signatures so that the city council will vote on it. This is an example of an _______________.


In Wisconsin, Governor Scott Walker, wants to eliminate all unions for state employees. If this makes enough people upset, citizens of Wisconsin could choose to end his term early. This is an example of _________.


In 1956, Arkansas citizens voted that the state legislature should fight school integration using any constitutional means. This was an example of a____________.


In the 1980s, many small town schools combined school districts to cut down on costs, but area citizens had to agree to the idea. This is an example of a _______________.


Mayor Lioneld Jordan just mandated that all males age 10-19 caught eating school lunch will immediately be sentenced to 20 days of forced labor. If this new mandate is unpopular enough, the citizens of Fayetteville could use a ___________.


In 2008, Obama became the candidate for President in the Presidential election, but the people had to first choose him in the _______________.

Direct Primary

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