Infosheet1 history

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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History of Information Systems

History of Information Systems

 During the 1970s and 1980s, corporations’ perception of information changed. They no longer saw information as merely a resource to support day-today operations.

  Executives learned that information an significantly

change an organization’s long-term strategic position in national and global markets. Often, applying information systems to long-term planning completely changes the way a firm conduct its business. Some systems even change the product or service that a firm provides. This realization became even more evident when the World Wide Web became a major commercial medium in the late 1990s.

Historical Perspective

Information Systems have been around a long time.

People have always been the backbone of an IS

The only thing that’s changed in the complexity of the information and the complexity of the technology.

Historical Perspective

Previous to computers, telephones were probably the biggest innovation that improved information systems.

Previous to telephones, Paper was the big innovation.

What will be the next big thing?

What will we learn?

In this course, we will concentrate on

Foundational Concepts, Information

Technologies, and Business Applications

Role of IS has evolved over time

Role of IS has evolved over time

Brick and Mortar Companies

You might be familiar with retail companies as and Lands' End, which allow you to purchase goods through online websites and product catalogs. Unlike these companies, brick-and-mortar store establishments are physical locations that execute business operations through a constructed storefront. These stores also embrace the in-person customer experience, offering company associates and accessible inventories.

Brick and Mortar company examples

Brick-and-mortar marketing

Brick-and-mortar marketing is the direct reference to the business strategy identified as servicing customers with an interactive means within the confines of the store's products, or a traditional storefront if you will. During the explosion of the era in the 1990's, the term was coined to give identify to the marketing strategy separate from the boom of online retailers.


Identify an existing brick and mortar organization

Enumerate at least 2 business processes of that company (Answer by taking into consideration time and cost to do the process)


Activity/Task No. of Transactions 1 hour Cost/hour

(Manual )


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