Infographics – Having Students Visualize Data

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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Infographics – Having Students Visualize Data. Taken from Mrs. Smokes” Presentation: Adapted By Jill Beam. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Infographics – Having Students Visualize DataInfographics are: fun, informative, inspiring, thought-provoking, knowledge-enhancing, stimulating and

above all, engaging. If you don’t know what an infographic is, it’s the fusion of graphic design, with data handling. An infographic takes some data and

turns it into an attractive poster which uses a variety of data representation techniques to communicate

the message that emerges from the data.

Taken from Mrs. Smokes” Presentation:Adapted By Jill Beam

Visual Learners

I am a visual learner, which means I prefer to learn through seeing

Visual learning is a teaching and learning style in which ideas, concepts, data and other information are associated with images and techniques. It is one of the three basic types of learning styles that also includes kinesthetic learning and auditory learning.Visual learners also prosper when shown graphs, graphic organizers, such as webs, concept maps and idea maps, plots, and illustrations such as stack plots and Venn plots, are some of the techniques used in visual learning to enhance thinking and learning skills.

What are Infographics

?• Data Sets – both

quantitative and qualitative – made visual for easily analysis and explanation

We’ve Always Been Visual

Folks • Cave Paintings told

the first data sets and stories

Even the Egyptians and Early

Europeans Were Visual Storytellers


• This is an infographic of human characteristics of successful and unsuccessful people.

• Successful people forgive others and continuously learn while unsuccessful people hold a grudge and never set goals.

Visual Literacy

Infographics Live Binders

Ask Yourself

What sort of data do my kiddos collect?Qualitative and Quantitative• Basic Survey data (tallies, favorites, etc)• Trends over time• Research data - historical and/or interview• Prioritize Lists• Probability• Positives/Negatives

Determine How it Should Be Shown?

Prioritize Lists? Tallies? Make the most important graphic the largest.

Compare Contrast Switch Color Schemes

Historical Data Think Fast Facts in Little Text Boxes

Trends over time? Timelines with graphics in different sizes according to impact

Now Let the Kiddos Create

• Remember - graphics are great with paper and pencil first

• Provide examples for kiddos to referenceo Create a livebinder with your favorite visuals

• Remember Graphic Organizers make great kick starts for infographics

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