Infinite bounce 1_final

Post on 28-Jan-2018






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Infinite Bounce 1

18 Questions

10 Points

1. The cock-eyed squid, Histioteuthis sp., has one dorsal eye (on top) and one ventral (below). The larger, dorsal eye is used to detect the silhouettes of prey/predators, as they move across sunlight filtering in from above. What purpose does the smaller eye serve ?

What purpose does the smaller eye serve ?

It looks out for Bioluminescent creatures.

The Answer is


• A recent Nature news article reported that genetic links have been found to distinguish those people who like and those who dislike(tastes soapy to them) this notoriously divisive herb, known by different names on either side of the Atlantic.

• A genetic survey of nearly 30,000 has identified two genetic variants linked to perception of _____________, the most common of which is in a gene involved in sensing smells.

• One of those genes, OR6A2, encodes a receptor that is highly sensitive to aldehyde chemicals, which contribute to the flavour of ________. Which herb ?

The Answer is…


3. Fill in blank

• The Tolman–Oppenheimer–Volkoff limit (or TOV limit) is an upper bound to the mass for formation of __________ stars.

• When a star exceeds the TOV mass limit it collapses to form black hole. TOV limit is set at approximately 10 solar masses.

The Answer is…

Neutron/Neutron Star

4. A-C please• A was a French surgeon and biologist who was

awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1912 for pioneering vascular suturing techniques. He invented the first Bwith C opening the way to organ transplantation. C was awarded the medal of honor by US for a certain historic feat accomplished in the year of 1927 .C laterbecame a prolific prize-winning author, international explorer, inventor, and environmentalist.

The Answer is…

• A- Alexis Carrel

• B- Perfusion pump

(helps organs survive

outside body)

• C- Charles Lindberg


• Shocked quartz is a form of quartz that has a microscopic structure that is different from normal quartz. Under intense pressure (but limited temperature), the crystalline structure of quartz will be deformed along planes inside the crystal. These planes, which show up as lines under a microscope, are called planar deformation features (PDFs), or shock lamellae.

• Shocked quartz is found worldwide, in a thin layer(strata). What is it called ?

The Answer is…

Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary/K-T Boundary

• The boundary is associated with the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event(because of meteor collision), a mass extinction, which is considered to be the demise of the non-avian dinosaurs.

6.This Experiment-in-Progress is an example of which emerging field of Biology ? Use of Light to trigger pathways, very often in the brain cells of animals, and hopefully soon, humans.

The Answer is …


Conversely, the triggering of genes can be signalled as impulses of light.

For example, an amputee’s ‘thought’ of moving a limb could be conveyed to an electro-mechanical prosthesis.


• A _______ ring is a specialized liquid crystal thermometer, wearable on the finger. The ring is typically ornamented with a faux gemstone (usually made of quartz or glass) which is either a clear capsule filled with thermochromic liquid crystal, or has a thin sheet of liquid crystal sealed underneath. Changes in body temperature of the wearer cause the crystal to reflect different wavelengths of light which changes the color of the stone.

The Answer is…

Mood Ring

7. Sancho: “..what I beg of your worship is to dress your wound, for a great deal of blood flows from that ear, and I have here some lint and a little white ointment in the alforjas."

"All that might be well dispensed with," said Don Quixote, "if I had remembered to make a vial of the ______ of Fierabras, for time and medicine are saved by one single drop."______ was the aspirin of the renaissance pharmacy.

The ______ tree remains popular as a Christmas tree.

The Balsam tree, Abies balsamea

[Fierabras (“Formidable Arm”) was a mythical knight.]


• This hypothetical particle is a possible candidate for dark energy and dark matter, and may contribute to cosmic inflation. In the ________ dark-energy model, the observed acceleration of the universe is caused by a light, spin-zero particle that evades experiments. This evasion is due to the fact that the properties of the hypothetical _________ particle---namely its mass---varies with the environment, hence its moniker.

The Answer is…

Chameleon Particles

9.Id and Connect

Ulam-Teller Configuration(Hydrogen Bomb), UlamSpiral, Monte-Carlo Method. All proposed by StanislawUlam


• A Million ___________ Digits with 100,000 Normal Deviates is a 1955 book by the RAND Corporation. The book, consisting primarily of a ________ number table, was an important 20th century work in the field of statistics and ________ numbers. It was produced starting in 1947 by an electronic simulation of a roulette wheel attached to a computer, the results of which were then carefully filtered and tested before being used to generate the table. The main use of the tables was in statistics and the design of scientific experiments.

The Answer is …

Random Numbers


• A X-Y is a particle that is its own antiparticle. The term is sometimes used in opposition to Dirac-Y, which describes particles that differ from their antiparticles. The concept goes back to X's 1937 suggestion that neutral spin-1/2 particles can be described by a real wave equation (the Xequation), and would therefore be identical to their antiparticle (since the wave function of particle and antiparticle are related by complex conjugation).

The Answer is …

Majorana Fermions

12. Identify this Nobel Laureate

The Answer is…

George Smoot(Nobel prize for work on cosmic microwave background)

13. What word connects these pictures ?

The Answer is…


• It is a portmanteau of the words dynamic, maximum, and tension.


• X is a mechanism through which atoms can be cooled and trapped using laser beams. It comes about as a result of a polarization gradient created by two counter-propagating laser beams with orthogonal polarization.

Atoms moving through the potential landscape created by the standing wave (created by the interference of the two counter-propagating beams) lose kinetic energy as they move to a potential maximum, at which point optical pumping moves them to a lower-energy state, thus losing the potential energy they had.

The Answer is…

Sisyphus Cooling

15. What kind of radiation??

• X (from German for “braking radiation” ) is electromagnetic radiation produced by the deceleration of a charged particle when deflected by another charged particle, typically an electron by an atomic nucleus. The moving particle loses kinetic energy, which is converted into a photon because energy is conserved.

The Answer is…



According to the ancient Indian text of Amarakosa what are the following ?

• Urvara• Usara• Maru• Aprahta• Sadvala• Pankila• Jalaprayamanupa• Kaccha• Sarkaravati• Nadimatrka• Devamatrka

The Answer is…

Different types of soils.

17. Connect this statement to the picture in the next slide…

According to a certain Chayes-X-Winn theorem: “For a certain simplified model for magnetism, the Curie temperature is equal to the critical temperature below which percolation can occur; this means that even when the bar is unmagnetised, enough of the iron atoms in the bar spin in the same direction that they can create a connected path from one end of the bar to another.”


The Answer is …

Danica Mckellar

18. Id the pictures and connect them to the text….

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I stand before you now because I never stopped dawdling like an eight-year-old on a spring morning on his way to school. Anything can make me stop and look and wonder, and sometimes learn. I am a very happy man. Thank you.” Nobel acceptance speech by a fictional character who discovered “ice-nine”

The Answer is …

Connect : Irving Langmuir

• Adsorption Isotherm

• Langmuir Circulation

• Langmuir Probe(to measure various properties of plasma gases).

• Dr. Felix Hoenickker of Cat’s Cradle (Inspired by Irving Langmuir)

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