Indoor advertising concept NAMO - Arunesh Chand Mankotia

Post on 21-Jan-2018






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Advertising is an audio or visual form of marketing communication that employs an openly sponsored, non-personal message to promote or sell a product, service or idea. Sponsors of advertising are often businesses who wish to promote their products or services. Advertising is differentiated from public relations in that an advertiser usually pays for and has control over the message. It is differentiated from personal selling in that the message is non-personal, i.e., not directed to a individual. Advertising is communicated through various mass media, including old media such as newspapers, magazines, Television, Radio, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as search results, blogs, websites or text messages. The actual presentation of the message in a medium is referred to as an advertisement or "ad".

Commercial ads often seek to generate increased consumption of their products or services through "branding," which associates a product name or image with certain qualities in the minds of consumers. On the other hand, ads that intend to elicit an immediate sale are known as direct response advertising. Non-commercial advertisers who spend money to advertise items other than a consumer product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations and governmental agencies. Non-profit organizations may use free modes of persuasion, such as a public service announcement. Advertising may also be used to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful.

Modern advertising was created with the techniques introduced with tobacco advertising in the 1920s, most significantly with the campaigns of Edward Bernays, considered the founder of modern, "Madison Avenue" advertising.

On the radio

Advertisement for a live radio broadcast, sponsored by a milk company, Adohr milk, and published in the Los Angeles Times on May 6, 1930

In the early 1920s, the first radio stations were established by radio equipment manufacturers and retailers who offered programs in order to sell more radios to consumers. As time passed, many non-profit organizations followed suit in setting up their own radio stations, and included: schools, clubs and civic groups.

When the practice of sponsoring programs was popularized, each individual radio program was usually sponsored by a single business in exchange for a brief mention of the business' name at the beginning and end of the sponsored shows. However, radio station owners soon realized they could earn more money by selling sponsorship rights in small time allocations to multiple businesses throughout their radio station's broadcasts, rather than selling the sponsorship rights to single businesses per show.

Commercial television

In the early 1950s, the DuMont Television Network began the modern practice of selling advertisement time to multiple sponsors. Previously, DuMont had trouble finding sponsors for many of their programs and compensated by selling smaller blocks of advertising time to several businesses. This eventually became the standard for the commercial television industry in the United States. However, it was still a common practice to have single sponsor shows, such as The United States Steel Hour. In some instances the sponsors exercised great control over the content of the show – up to and including having one's advertising agency actually writing the show. The single sponsor model is much less prevalent now, a notable exception being the Hallmark Hall of Fame.

Cable television

The late 1980s and early 1990s saw the introduction of cable television and particularly MTV. Pioneering the concept of the music video, MTV ushered in a new type of advertising: the consumer tunes in for the advertising message, rather than it being a by-product or afterthought. As cable and satellite television became increasingly prevalent, specialty channels emerged, including channels entirely devoted to advertising, such as QVC, Home Shopping Network, and ShopTV Canada.

On the Internet

With the advent of the ad server, online advertising grew, contributing to the "dot-com" boom of the 1990s. Entire corporations operated solely on advertising revenue, offering everything from coupons to free Internet access. At the turn of the 21st century, some websites, including the search engine Google,

changed online advertising by personalizing ads based on web browsing behavior. This has led to other similar efforts and an increase in interactive advertising.

The share of advertising spending relative to GDP has changed little across large changes in media since 1925. In 1925, the main advertising media in America were newspapers, magazines, signs on streetcars, and outdoor posters. Advertising spending as a share of GDP was about 2.9 percent. By 1998, television and radio had become major advertising media. Nonetheless, advertising spending as a share of GDP was slightly lower – about 2.4 percent

Guerrilla marketing involves unusual approaches such as staged encounters in public places, giveaways of products such as cars that are covered with brand messages, and interactive advertising where the viewer can respond to become part of the advertising message. This type of advertising is unpredictable, which causes consumers to buy the product or idea. This reflects an increasing trend of interactive and "embedded" ads, such as via product placement, having consumers vote through text messages, and various campaigns utilizing social network services such as Facebook or Twitter.

The advertising business model has also been adapted in recent years. In media for equity, advertising is not sold, but provided to start-up companies in return for equity. If the company grows and is sold, the media companies receive cash for their shares.

Domain name registrants (usually those who register and renew domains as an investment) sometimes "park" their domains and allow advertising companies to place ads on their sites in return for per-click payments. These ads are typically driven by pay per click search engines like Google or Yahoo, but ads can sometimes be placed directly on targeted domain names through a domain lease or by making contact with the registrant of a domain name that describes a product. Domain name registrants are generally easy to identify through WHOIS records that are publicly available at registrar websites.


Advertising may be categorized in a variety of ways, including by style, target audience, geographic scope, medium, or purpose. For example, in print advertising, classification by style can include display advertising (ads with design elements sold by size) vs. classified advertising (ads without design elements sold by the word or line). Advertising may be local, national or global. An ad campaign

may be directed toward consumers or to businesses. The purpose of an ad may be to raise awareness (brand advertising), or to elicit an immediate sale (direct response advertising).

Traditional media

Virtually any medium can be used for advertising. Commercial advertising media can include wall paintings, billboards, street furniture components, printed flyers and rack cards, radio, cinema and television adverts, web banners, mobile telephone screens, shopping carts, web popups, skywriting, bus stop benches, human billboards and forehead advertising, magazines, newspapers, town criers, sides of buses, banners attached to or sides of airplanes ("logojets"), in-flight advertisements on seatback tray tables or overhead storage bins, taxicab doors, roof mounts and passenger screens, musical stage shows, subway platforms and trains, elastic bands on disposable diapers, doors of bathroom stalls, stickers on apples in supermarkets, shopping cart handles (grabertising), the opening section of streaming audio and video, posters, and the backs of event tickets and supermarket receipts. Any place an "identified" sponsor pays to deliver their message through a medium is advertising.


Television advertising is one of the most expensive types of advertising; networks charge large amounts for commercial airtime during popular events. The annual Super Bowl football game in the United States is known as the most prominent advertising event on television – with an audience of over 108 million and studies showing that 50% of those only tuned in to see the advertisements. The average cost of a single thirty-second television spot during this game reached US$4 million & a 60-second spot double that figure in 2014. Virtual advertisements may be inserted into regular programming through computer graphics. It is typically inserted into otherwise blank backdrops or used to replace local billboards that are not relevant to the remote broadcast audience. More controversially, virtual billboards may be inserted into the background where none exist in real-life. This technique is especially used in televised sporting events. Virtual product placement is also possible. An infomercial is a long-format television commercial, typically five minutes or longer. The word "infomercial" is

a portmanteau of the words "information" and "commercial". The main objective in an infomercial is to create an impulse purchase, so that the target sees the presentation and then immediately buys the product through the advertised toll-free telephone number or website. Infomercials describe, display, and often demonstrate products and their features, and commonly have testimonials from customers and industry professionals.


Radio advertisements are broadcast as radio waves to the air from a transmitter to an antenna and a thus to a receiving device. Airtime is purchased from a station or network in exchange for airing the commercials. While radio has the limitation of being restricted to sound, proponents of radio advertising often cite this as an advantage. Radio is an expanding medium that can be found on air, and online. According to Arbitron, radio has approximately 241.6 million weekly listeners, or more than 93 percent of the U.S. population.


Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web for the expressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract customers. Online ads are delivered by an ad server. Examples of online advertising include contextual ads that appear on search engine results pages, banner ads, in pay per click text ads, rich media ads, Social network advertising, online classified advertising, advertising networks and e-mail marketing, including e-mail spam. A newer form of online advertising is Native Ads; they go in a website's news feed and are supposed to improve user experience by being less intrusive. However, some people argue this practice is deceptive.

Domain Names

Domain name advertising is most commonly done through pay per click web search engines, however, advertisers often lease space directly on domain names that generically describe their products. When an Internet user visits a website by

typing a domain name directly into their web browser, this is known as "direct navigation", or "type in" web traffic. Although many Internet users search for ideas and products using search engines and mobile phones, a large number of users around the world still use the address bar. They will type a keyword into the address bar such as "geraniums" and add ".com" to the end of it. Sometimes they will do the same with ".org" or a country-code Top Level Domain (TLD such as "" for the United Kingdom or ".ca" for Canada). When Internet users type in a generic keyword and add .com or another top-level domain (TLD) ending, it produces a targeted sales lead. Domain name advertising was originally developed by Oingo (later known as Applied Semantics), one of Google's early acquisitions.


Print advertising describes advertising in a printed medium such as a newspaper, magazine, or trade journal. This encompasses everything from media with a very broad readership base, such as a major national newspaper or magazine, to more narrowly targeted media such as local newspapers and trade journals on very specialized topics. One form of print advertising is classified advertising, which allows private individuals or companies to purchase a small, narrowly targeted ad paid by the word or line. Another form of print advertising is the display ad, which is generally a larger ad with design elements that typically run in an article section of a newspaper.


There have been increasing efforts to protect the public interest by regulating the content and the influence of advertising. Some examples include restrictions for advertising alcohol, tobacco or gambling imposed in many countries, as well as the bans around advertising to children, which exist in parts of Europe. Advertising regulation focuses heavily on the veracity of the claims and as such, there are often tighter restrictions placed around advertisements for food and healthcare products.

The advertising industries within some countries rely less on laws and more on systems of self-regulation. Advertisers and the media agree on a code of advertising standards that they attempt to uphold. The general aim of such codes is to ensure that any advertising is 'legal, decent, honest and truthful'. Some self-regulatory organizations are funded by the industry, but remain independent, with the intent of upholding the standards or codes like the Advertising Standards Authority in the UK.

In the UK, most forms of outdoor advertising such as the display of billboards is regulated by the UK Town and County Planning system. Currently, the display of an advertisement without consent from the Planning Authority is a criminal offense liable to a fine of £2,500 per offense. In the US, many communities believe that many forms of outdoor advertising blight the public realm.[83] As long ago as the 1960s in the US there were attempts to ban billboard advertising in the open countryside. Cities such as São Paulo have introduced an outright ban with London also having specific legislation to control unlawful displays.

Some governments restrict the languages that can be used in advertisements, but advertisers may employ tricks to try avoiding them. In France for instance, advertisers sometimes print English words in bold and French translations in fine print to deal with Article 120 of the 1994 Toubon Law limiting the use of English).

The advertising of pricing information is another topic of concern for governments. In the United States for instance, it is common for businesses to only mention the existence and amount of applicable taxes at a later stage of a transaction. In Canada and New Zealand, taxes can be listed as separate items, as long as they are quoted up-front. In most other countries, the advertised price must include all applicable taxes, enabling customers to easily know how much it will cost them.



Indoor Advertising is an eye-catching, innovative approach to advertising. By utilizing internet driven display media outlets such as indoor billboards, display boards and TVs, (both static and digital), we can deliver a cost effective and efficient method of reaching out to the consumers our advertisers want to target. Marketers can select from our unique media offerings to select the medium that best fits their needs.


High Volume Locations Undivided Attention of the audience Greater Reception in a casual and relaxed atmosphere Extended viewing up to one to two minutes Ads are read 95 – 100% of the time A welcome alternative to looking at a blank wall No tuning out, trashing or turning pages Memorization: 84% remember ad details Audience targeted specifically by matching customers.


The use of indoor advertising can provide a powerful medium for ad agencies,

media buyers and advertisers to reach their target audience.

The concept is simple, ads are strategically placed inside businesses, shops, showrooms and public spaces where the target market can be found. The message

is presented in a way such that the intended recipient is willingly engaged in connecting with the advertiser’s message.

NAMO indoor advertisings approach allows and encourages the recipient to

capture the message and take that information with them to be viewed again. We employ a variety of methods to reach our client’s desired target.



1. Display media at shops, showrooms and shopping malls are connected to central ads serving servers

2. Through Patented Technology, we deliver ads (static images or videos) to media screens

3. Based on Client’s requirements, Media screen (which will be split into 6

slots) can display either a static banner image or play video for fixed time duration

4. The Ads can be displayed to set number of screens across different locations/Pan India at the same time or on different times.

5. Ads are managed and serviced in real-time from the central ad server.


NAMO has three ad sizes. Advertiser’s artwork is posted on every billboard at each venue –

Small: 4.5″ x 9″ – 300 per month/30minute

Medium : 7″ x 9″ – 500 per month/30minute Large: 14″ x 9″ – 600 per month/30minute

Full Screen Ads Display – 800 per month/30 minute Footer Screen Ads Display –100 per month/30 minute

One Billboard includes

3 Frame(4’.5x9’)+

2 Frame(7’x9’)+ 1 Frame(14’x9’)

1 Frame Full Screen 1 Footer Screen

•Adds will be statured with schedule & will be sent to specified location.

Central Panel

•The device will download the feed via internet. (Device comes with internet compatibility).

InstalledDevice •The broadcast will follow

along with option of 5 divided OR single screen display. Single bottom moving text option.

Television Display

Upon approval of terms and the artwork, ads will be posted throughout the following network of venues:

Min 1000 venues Average venues serves 28 lakhs minutes per month on 1000 venues/6

Frames/8hours per day 1000 Interactive Billboards 28 lakhs impression per month No additional charge for creating and linking the advertiser QR Codes and

mobile apps videos ads. Production Fee For one min :-

300x(‘4.5x9’)x3x1= 900 per month/30minute 500x(‘7x9’)x2*1= 1000 per month/30minute 600x(‘14x9’)x1*1= 600 per month/30minute

800x(’Full Screen”)x1*1= 800 per month/30minute Footer Screen Ads Display –100 per month/30 minute


The NAMO’s online display network lets you target the most eligible prospects on desktop and mobile, both on and across other local, national and niche

websites. Helping your business get noticed by those who are most likely to be in the market for your products or services. Our digital marketing experts

analyze and optimize your campaign to maximize ROI and you’ll have access to an award-winning advertisement design team.


InAd TV Systems can design the perfect system for any corporation or

institution. Our product can be incorporated into any existing network or work as a

stand-alone system. Every system sent out can be customized to fit your décor.

If social media is your thing, then let us implement a Social Networking application to increase online traffic.

InAd TV Systems is digital signage that gets noticed and will boost your marketing efforts!

This system is designed for restaurant owners, entertainment operators, or anyone that has a high-traffic restroom.

Get your message out quickly to the masses in the most captivating way and eliminate most of your printing expenses by displaying specials, upcoming

events, or any info you'd like on your screens. Most importantly, you can make money by placing ads from surrounding

businesses, vendors, or liquor purveyors on your system. Your investment will turn heads and payoff quickly!

Let our team of professionals create a network for you in the market of your choice.

This package is perfect for college students who want a business while attending school.

We will secure locations, install all the equipment, and provide marketing material so you can start making money immediately.

Our "In-A-Box" system is an affordable plug-n-play system that is delivered directly to your door and can be installed by a novice, a digital pro, or anyone in-between.

This solution is perfect for individuals or companies who don't want to reinvent the wheel.

InAd TV, the pioneers of digital restroom advertising, can assist you and supply you with everything you need!


• 25000.00/Year/1800min/Frame

• 200.00 Activation Fee


• 55000.00/Year/3600min/Frame

• 200.00 Activation Fee


• 85000.00/Year/5400min/ Frame

• 200.00 Activation Fee


Each installation is independently programmed, so you can design a different advertising campaign depending on your targeted prospects.






Interconnectivity with centrally managed controls.

Dedicated advertisement of our brand & ease of

changing when required.

For institutions, it can create an information

system to build in effective communication

through the internal television network.

Institutions like Hospitals, Semi Government

departments, Training Institutes, & commercial

establishments like Hotels, Restaurant chains, Shop

Store Chains, Education Hubs….

You can cross advertise through our mobile

application NAMO DIGI MONEY.

Advertise your product category or market

your service.

Advertise your location, your brand.

Get your own adds promoted at all NAMO

Offline & Online network.

Locate our television advertisement network

location on the app.


5 Televisions



5-10 Televisions



11 & above Televisions



Bottom Text

Footer……………………………………………………… charges

for the first year.

Be a NAMO Broadcast Partner

STEP 1 Advertise your brand at our network & let our other

partners advertise at your internal network…. STEP 2 Start

earning through our monthly Televisión partner program STEP

3 Redeem points across NAMO Partners, Redeem Your points

against your monthly corporate subscriptions.

Pricing for Advertisers

Brand at our locations at Rs.5000/15 Hours/Month/ Full


Bottom Text Footer Ads Display price Rs.900/15


Partner with us & Earn!

Share your screen for external advertising earn 5% of the

total advertising cost billed.

Introduce NAMO to new advertisers & earn 10% of the total

advertising cost billed.


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