Independent Component Analysis For Track Classification

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Independent Component Analysis For Track Classification. Seeding for Kalman Filter High Level Trigger Tracklets After Hough Transformation. Outline of the presentation. What is ICA Results (TPC as a test case) Why ICA has worked ? a. Unsupervised Linear Learning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


A K Mohanty 1

Independent Component Analysis For Track Classification

• Seeding for Kalman Filter

•High Level Trigger

•Tracklets After Hough Transformation

A K Mohanty 2

Outline of the presentation

• What is ICA

• Results (TPC as a test case)

• Why ICA has worked ?

a. Unsupervised Linear Learning

b. Similarity with Neural net

(both supervised and unsupervised)

A K Mohanty 3

Let me define the problem

m321 x........x, x,x



• m---Measurements• N----No. of tracksWe have to decide N good track out of Nm combinations

m321 ,,s,s


Find W which is a matrix of m rows and m columns

If si are independent, true tracks have certain characteristic which is not found for ghost tracks

A K Mohanty 4

Definition of Independence

Consider any two random variables y1 and y2. If independent p(y1,y2)=p1(y1)p2(y2) This is true for any n number of variables. This would imply that the independent variables should satisfy


Weaker definition of independence is uncorrelated ness. Two variables are uncorrelated if their covariance zero


A fundamental restriction is independent component must be non Gaussian for ICA to be possible

A K Mohanty 5

How do we achieve Independence ?

H(y)-)H(y)y.....y,I(y im21 m

Define Mutual Information I which is related to the differential Entropy H

Entropy is the basic concept of Information theory. Gaussian variables has the largest entropy among all random variables of equal variance. Look for a transformation which deviates from Gaussianity .


. Hyvarinen A and E. Oja, Neural Networks, 13, 411, 2000

A K Mohanty 6

Steps Involved:

1. Centering (Subs tract the mean so as to make X as zero mean variable)

2. Whitening (Transform the observed vector X to Y=AX where Y is white. Its

component are uncorrelated with unity variance.) The above two steps corresponds to the Principal Component

Transformation where A is the matrix that diagonalises the covariance matrix of X.

3. Choose an initial random weight vector W.

4. Let W+=E{Y g(WTY)}-E{g’(WTY)}W5. Let W=W+/||W+||6. If not converged go back to 4

A K Mohanty 7

Projection of fast points on X-Y planeOnly high PT tracks are being considered to start with. Only 9 rows of outer sectors are taken.

X-Y Distribution

A K Mohanty 8

Conformal MappingCircle Straight line

To reduce the number of combinatorics

A K Mohanty 9

Tracklet I

Tracket II

Tracklet III


Generalized Distance after PCA transformation

A K Mohanty 10

Global Tracking after PCA

A K Mohanty 11

In parameter space

At this stage variables are only uncorrelated, not independent. They can be made independent by maximizing the entropy

A K Mohanty 12



A=wT W W is a matrix and w is a vector

A K Mohanty 13

A K Mohanty 14

PCA TransformationICA transformation

A K Mohanty 15

True Tracks

False Tracks

A K Mohanty 16

Input Layer

jx iji

i i d

Hidden layer

Output Layer

• Principal Component Transformation (variables become un-correlated)• Entropy Maximization (variables become independent)

Linear Neural NetUnsupervised Learning

Why ICA has worked ?

A K Mohanty 17

Hidden Layer

Output Layer; 1 if true 0 if false

Non Linear Neural Network (Supervised learning)

Input Layer

•At each node, use a non linear sigmoid function•Adjust the weight matrix so that the cost function is minimized

Nxj /}t-){g(O 2iij

A K Mohanty 18

Independent Inputs

Neural net learns faster when the inputs are mutually independent. This is a basic and important requirement for any multilayer neural net.

Original Inputs

A K Mohanty 19

Out put of neural net during training

A K Mohanty 20

False True

Classification using supervised neural net

A K Mohanty 21


a. ICA has better discriminatory features which can extract good tracks either eliminating or minimizing the false combinatorics depending on the multiplicity of the events.

b. ICA which learns in a unsupervised way can also be used as a preprocessor for more advanced non-linear neural nets to improve the performance.

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