Inbound Marketing Through Blogging

Post on 23-Dec-2014






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A detailed overview of Inbound Marketing using the platform of Blogging. This presentation was presented at the 2014 Fidelity Agent Recharge Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona.


Blogging and Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing and blogging go hand- in-hand.  Find out how a blog can become the hub of your inbound marketing efforts, how it can attract your target audience and why it can establish you as an industry expert. Discover the

benefits of blogs for boosting your business.

Senior SEO Analyst - Zion & Zion Advertising Agency Founder – Scorpion Sweepers Pest Control 8 Years of Content and SEO experience

Who Am I

Inbound Marketing Promoting a company by sharing

content with the outside world Blogs, Podcasts, Videos,

Whitepapers, Social Media, etc.

Increases traffic and leads from search engines, social media and other websites by creating content that draws people in

Establishes your company as a resource and expert in the field

Builds brand awareness

Inbound Marketing Overview

Organic Search - Home Sealing for Pest Control 2,179 people to the site 44 Leads

Inbound Marketing Example

Social Media – 11 DIY Tips to Prevent Pests 219 people to the site Noticeable spurts of activity

Inbound Marketing Example

What Do These Examples Have in Common?

They are Blog Posts

A blog is a collection of articles that provide helpful, valuable, educational, and remarkable content to your target audience

The blog of a website is the hub of information and the focus for inbound marketing

By creating content that is useful for consumers it will spread organically though the web via, search and social

Each blog post is a new door to your website, that is open for a targeted set of consumers that may become leads or customers

Blog posts can be targeted for set of terms that to attract the type of traffic wanted

Blogging For Inbound Marketing

Blog Example

Scorpion Sweepers

Blog Entrances

Visits that started on a blog page.

Blog Example

Zion & Zion

All Blog Traffic

Visits to a blog page.

Why Blog?

More pages on your website for users to find and enter through

Increases the authority of the domain Ability to target a focused set of consumers Capture potential clients in the top of the funnel Can drive social media strategy Builds brand awareness Establishes your company as an expert in the field

Blogging Benefits


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