In the Trenches - Lead Generation By Example

Post on 09-May-2015






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One of the best ways to see what works is to learn from someone who is in the trenches and digging into the details on a daily basis, especially when it comes to demand generation. There can be a lot of moving parts in a demand generation strategy so implementing the right processes can work wonders. Be ready to get your hands dirty in this webinar by Ryan Johnston, Demand Generation Manager at Pardot. You'll get an in-depth look at how the lead generation process works — from preparation to execution and beyond. Join Ryan for great insight into: - What a modern lead generation process looks like - How to convert, identify and assign leads - How to scale your process with the growth of your business


In the Trenches - Lead Generation by Example

Ryan Johnston Demand Generation Manager



About me!•  Ryan Johnston"•  Demand Generation Manager"•  Almost 3 years at Pardot"

•  @ryanejohnston"


Contributing to the Bottom Line


Lead Generation

The Concept!•  Create leads for sales"•  Contribute to the bottom line"Keys to Success!•  Set goals"

•  # of qualified leads, opportunities"

•  Define processes"•  Campaign execution"

•  Build reporting"•  Lead to close"


Prepping for Lead Generation Success


The Modern Marketer

Advent of Technology!•  Increased marketing spend"•  Double edged sword"

•  More accountability"Lead Gen Arsenal!•  Campaign management"

•  Capture"•  Qualify"•  Assign"•  Track"



Lead Generation Sources

Organic/Natural!•  If you build it, they will come"Paid Advertising!•  Find them where they are"Third Party!•  Targeting leads in another

database"Internal!•  Targeting your own database""



Importance of content!•  Information exchange"Choosing the right content!•  Create qualifying content"

•  Ex. CMO Toolkit"•  Understand the database"

•  Who are you targeting?"•  Determine influential content"

•  Conversions and Influence"•  Pick the right type"

•  Infographic vs. eBook""




Ideal Prospect Profile!•  Meet with sales"•  Historical data"

•  Trends"•  Top indicators!

Marketing Qualified Lead!•  Meet with sales, again"•  Strict definition"

*Always adapt"


Executing the Campaigns


Capturing Lead Info

Forms!•  Content gating"•  Core requirements"•  Important forms"•  Progressive Profiling""Landing Pages!•  Tracking"•  No distractions"•  A/B testing""


Qualifying Leads

Qualifying Leads!•  MQL"•  Automatic qualification"Scoring!•  Interest"•  Assign point values"

•  Pricing page"Grading!•  Prospect fit"•  Grade threshold""



Lead Routing!•  Sales-readiness"•  Automatic assignment"Qualified vs Unqualified!•  Lead wasteland"Sales Enablement!•  Campaign reference"•  Follow-up content""



Pre-sales!•  Build prospect profiles"•  Generate interest"•  Encourage action"During the sales cycle!•  Constant touch"•  Provide value"Lead revival!•  About that lead wasteland"



Campaign tracking!•  Tactic performance"•  Lead performance"Reports!•  Goals"•  Lifecycle (accountability)"•  Net New vs. Influence"Feedback!•  Keep talking to sales""



Leads!•  Quality vs. Quantity"•  Pipeline"Lead Routing!•  Automatic assignment"Campaigns!•  Multiple channels"Definitions!•  Buyer profile"




Demand Generation Manager Ryan Johnston



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