IMRB Proposal_BSES Energy_Brand Imagery Study_260411

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For: BSES DelhiBy: IMRB International

April 2011

Assessing Brand Image of BSES in Delhi

- A Proposal For Research– 

The Magic of Minds

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Study Background

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Setting The Context

BSES, a subsidiary of Reliance Infrastructure through a partnership initiative with the Delhi

Government supplies power to 30 Lakh consumers in Delhi.

Following the privatization of Delhi‟s power sector and unbundling of the Delhi Vidyut Board in

July 2002, the business of power distribution was transferred to BSES Yamuna Power Limited

(BYPL) and BSES Rajdhani Power Limited (BRPL).

BSES Yamuna distributes power to 14 districts spread across Central & East areas of Delhi while

BSES Rajdhani distributes power to 19 districts spread across South & West areas. While the

competitor, NDPL, a subsidiary of Tata Power, distributes power primarily to North Delhi

Delhi consumers have experienced a significant change in the way customer care activities have

been processed by BSES across critical parameters of product & service.

The client want to understand perception about the brand among the consumers of Delhi oncritical product & service parameters. In this regard client has approached IMRB International

to conduct a study

This document outlines our research approach and design along with the associated time and

cost estimates

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OVERALL Research Approach

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Research Approach

The study design will include both, a qualitative module as well as a quantitative one.

The Qualitative phase will provide an understanding of the current existing perceptions

regarding BSES and competition as well sources of this image

In the Quantitative phase, the image attributes generated in the Qualitative phase would be

quantified to determine the brand image association among Delhi consumers

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Research Objectives - Quantitative

The key objective of this phase will be:

To ascertain the image association of BSES on identified attributes.

To determine the level of familiarity with BSES (& competition) in terms of the type of products /

services that it offers

To determine BSES strength and weaknesses

To uncover the image association with BSES and its competitor by understanding how they are viewed as

a company on identified attributes 

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Information Areas

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Information Areas

Broadly the areas of enquiry would be as follows (The Information areas would be fleshed out while

designing the questionnaire)

Brand Saliency

 – Spontaneous Recall

Existing energy usage

Rating on Importance of key attributes for various products & services

 – Supply Reliability

 – Transparency in billing

 – Door step service

 – Presence of customer care offices in all division etc.

Understanding level of satisfaction on various key attributes of products & services

Demographic Profiling

 – Age, Occupation, Education etc. in case of Individual

 – No of employees, turnover etc in case of SME‟s 

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BSES Values / Equity

Brand Identity

Brand Competitiveness/ Health

Perceived Quality and performanceBrand Loyalty/Commitment 

Brand Salience / standing 1. 

2.  3. 



Key category Codes in Industry across:-Product/service experience /expectations-Service experience/ expectations-Brand communication

-Documentation/forms/policies/instructions/bills-ATL/BTL-Service centers /service calls-Brand ID, packaging, labels


Category codes in Broking Industry

BSES’s equity 

   C  a   t  e  g  o  r  y  e  n  v   i  r  o  n

  m  e  n   t

   B  r  a  n   d   E  n  v   i  r  o  n

  m  e  n   t

Research Objective: Brand equity of BSES in category context

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Brand Awareness

Brand Associations

Perceived Quality

Brand Loyalty

Brand Identity (CompetitiveAdvantage)

Provides Value to customerby enhancing customers´:

•Interpretation, processing of

information•Confidence in the purchasedecision•Use satisfaction

Provides Value to firm byenhancing:

•Efficiency and effectiveness of•

marketing programs,•Brand loyalty, Prices, margins,•Brand extension, Trade leverage,•Competitive advantage

Qualitative approach

Understanding the category environment and its codes

To understand the market better we intend to adopt the Aaker’s Brand Equity Model 

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Information Areas

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The customer‟s daily routine, his hobbies and interest areas – active/passive

Family profile – number of dependants, their costs currently incurred/to be incurred in future.

Occupation, his career path over the years, satisfaction with currentjob and designation

Dreams and aspirations– what is the source of these aspirations,Concerns/ worries in his life

Attitude towards life, importance of money, attitude towards luxury,attitude towards comfort

Views on traditional values, views on modernity, attitude towardschange in last 10 years

Attitude to Money, expense heads like electricity

Understanding their world of money; How important is money for them.What makes it important

How does he manage his money – his current practices

Need to save v/s invest – his take on the same

What does he do How does he do this

Since when has he been doing this

Payoffs ; emotional and rational

Attitude to Investments (spont, motivators, hopes and aspirations)

Understanding thecustomer

Information areas- consumer module

Chapter A.

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Customer‟s past/current interaction with Power provider‟s services

(Bill copy to be made reference)

Current usage- number of phases in the house

Number of units consumed on an average

Current experience- any cribs, happy moments

Current bill receipt

Date of bill

Accuracy of bill

Past experience- any cribs, happy moments

How were cribs resolved

The processes involved

Advantages and disadvantages of those processes

Point of contact- quality of the touch point

Good memories= moments of happiness

Concerns if any

Level of satisfaction

Areas of improvement

The consumers‟ perspective of Power provider brands

Perceptions of brands

Expectations from the service

Mismatch of expectations between perceived and actual

Designing an ideal financial service

Satisfaction with the service

Information areas-consumer module

Customer interaction withPower provider’s services 

Chapter B.

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Brand Awareness

What is the salience of brand in market?

What is the perceived strength of market standing / level of dominance? What are its memory hooks / triggers?

What is the enthusiasm perceived (spontaneous level)?

What are the entry points for the brand = rational and emotional?

What is the role of advertisements

Information areas- Aaker’s Model- Brand Module

•Some Techniques to be used:

•Life stages : linking brands to human life stages e.g. infancy, youth,

 adult etc. to understand brand‟s life force, dominance, salience, TOM•Solar system : connecting brands to planets to demonstrate intangible

•values, aspirational feelings and unique associations

•Family tree : creates a genealogical relationship between brands and

•the consumer to underscore the level of emotional and rational connect being


Chapter C.

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Brand Associations w.r.tCompetition or

consideration setdesigned by the


What does the brand signify?

What are the tangible and intangible properties owned by the brand?

What is BSES known for? What does it stand for?

What icons, mood, inherent style does the brand own?

Magic and miserable experiences with brand

What are the 'real' personal, idiosyncratic benefits users get from their brand?

What values and attributes could it exploit (more)?

How could it differentiate itself (more) from its competitors?

What would be the ideal personality to have in this category?

 Which features distinguish BSES brand‟s personality? 

 How do I best use the personality that BSES has? …or potentially could have interms of the stretch that it can make if need be?

How deep is the consumer relationship with BSES?

What is the role of packaging, logo, policies and instructions

What is the role of advertisement ?

Some Techniques used

•Free associations : Images, words, descriptors, etc.•Grouping exercise of similar „kinds‟ of brands•Brand personification•Brand world

Information areas- Aaker’s Model- Brand Module

Chapter D.

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Perceived Quality

w.r.t competition

What are the quality attributes associated with BSES and competition

What are the symbolism /aspects of perceived quality for BSES and its competition?

What are the perceptual cues associated with them? What are the quality inferences from service (accuracy of bill, service proactiveness, grievance

addressal, assistance in case of no power, regular check of the meter etc.)

What is the strength of key attributes vis-a-vis competition?

What are the mnemonic characters of the key attributes ?

What are the memory hooks / triggers?

What separates generic (category) attributes from unique (brand) attributes?

What are the sensory aspects of brand (visual, audio)?

what is the brand quality perception?

What are the brand elements and brand experience which contribute to brand fingerprint?

What is the role of packaging, logo, policies and instructions (as it appears on bill)

Decoding the physical evidence i.e. THE BILL as a measuring tool

What is the role of advertisement ?

Some Techniques used

•Insurance/bank locker : uses consumer‟s own practice of locking up valuables to explore key brand

attributes vis-à-vis competition

•Fancy Dress : uses the “identical clothing” technique to explore brand mnemonic or strength of

brand quality

Information areas- Aaker’s Model- Brand Module

Chapter E.

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Brand Loyalty of BSESand competition

How deep is the customer relationship with BSES/competition ?

How emotionally attached are customers to BSES/competition ? On what is

this relationship based? How does BSES strengthen that relationship?

What is the consumer‟s level of involvement with brand and competition 

What are the factors that strengthen/weaken loyalty

What are the motivations to purchase

What is the Perceived weaknesses/ strengths of brands

What are the unique, exclusive and strong associations

Information areas- Aaker’s Model- Brand Module

Some Techniques used

•Involvement graphs : simple pre-structured arrow graphs over which consumers place brands to

show current and emerging trends

•Distance from self : another pre-structured set of arrows which clarify the level of loyaltyevoked by


•Election Speech : brands as potential candidates to amplify their strengths and achievements;

competing brand candidates highlight each other‟s weaknesses - and the reasons for consumer


Chapter F.

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Brand competitiveness/


What is the health of the brand in the competing market?

What is the communication focus and suggestions for further developing thebrand?

What are the reasons that competition is strong/weak?

Mapping all the key brands in the competitive set ?

What are the tangible & intangible properties of the brands?

What icons, mood, style does the brand own?

What are the values associated with the brands?

What is the brand mapping w.r.t each other and the market dynamics?

Comparison of BSES strengths and weaknesses with other brands?

Information areas- Aaker’s Model- Brand Module

Some Techniques used

•Brand war : turns brand strengths into weapons of war to determine the power of its

competitive stance

•Brand doctor (illness) : explores the underbelly of (strong) brands through the doctor/ailment technique

•Brand obituary: a scenario wherein the brand has died and people are talking about it

Chapter G.

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Key deliverables

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Judgments Feelings

Performance Imagery

Salience1. IdentityWho is BSES?

The purpose is to create an identificationof the brand and an association with

certain properties

2. MeaningWhat does BSES signify ?

Linking brand associations with certainproperties

3. ResponseWhat about you?

Proper customer responses to thebrand identification and

meaning are elicited 

4. RelationshipsWhat about you and BSES?

Resonance with brand values

Output from the research

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Equity of BSES Vs. competing Brands

Core Values


Which elements of the brand are driving these values


Which elements of the brand are

in the blind spotbut neither add or detract from

its equity 


Which elements of the brand are eroding the assets


Which desirable values are

 present in the competitive set,but remain absent in the brand 

•What are the assets which are driving the brand’s reputation and distinctiveness 

•Which elements are contributing to this advantage

•What are the weaknesses of the brand’s equity versus benchmarks

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Physique Personality 

External Reflection Internal Self image

Relationship Culture

Prominent characteristics (spring to mind on mention of brand)

Dormant characteristics (nevertheless


Character of the brand 

The viewer’s emotional

relationship with the brand 

The cultural setting of the


Viewer of the peopleengaging with the brand 

Self perception

•What is the emotional space within which the brand is operating in

How robust is this across the market – consistency, desirability

Personality of BSES Vs Competing Brands

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•SWOT will aid in Identifying differentiators for brand


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Quantitative and QualitativeResearch Design

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Research Design- Quantitative

Research Methodology

As mentioned earlier, the study design will include both, a qualitative module as well as a

quantitative one.

The structured questionnaire in the quantitative module will be based on the inputs from the

qualitative exercise and hence the two modules will be staggered. However, for the structured

questionnaire, we shall also draw from our own past experience in researching this field.

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Research Design - Quantitative

Research Methodology

A quantitative research study would be conducted among consumers of Delhi

Face-to-face interviews would be conducted using a structured questionnaire with a few open

end questions to capture spontaneous response from the respondents

Mass & Medium users would be selected randomly across Delhi

Client to provide database for High & Premium users

Target Group

The target group would be consumers of BSES & NDPL (in North) in Delhi who would be

classified on basis of energy consumption:

 Mass users - 0-350units 

 Medium users - 351units – 4000units 

High users - 4001units – 20,000units and

Premium users - 20,001units and above

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Research Design-Quantitative

Sample Spread:

550 energy consumers spread across 5 zones of Delhi

100 respondents each in Central, South, West & East (BSES Users)

150 respondents across North zone (Competition Users)


We would maintain minimum quotas for Mass users, Medium users, Heavy Users & Premium

users across 5 zones of Delhi

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Respondent methodology: Qualitative

• Objective: • This will enable involvement of various perspectives and angles.

• Also, as the discussion would be brand centric, group discussion will enableexcavation of various aspects of the brand 

• Process: • This will be a 2 hour session.

Brand Module:Mini groupdiscussion 


•To better understand brand perceptions, we need to trace the consumerback to his environment. To better understand his orientation andbackground of his perception.

•The findings generated in the group scenario, will be delved in greaterdetail in the contextual interview

•Process: •This will be a 2 hour session with the select few respondents from acrossthe groups.This will be a one on one interaction between the moderator and thecustomer •We will observe the gadgets placed at home, meter placement, how doeshe verify meter reading, how does he read the bill


Home tour +contextualInterview 

2 pronged methodology

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Respondent Profile-Qualitative

Target Group

Respondents need to be aware of their competition brand i.e. NDPL (Tata Power)

The target group would be consumers of BSES & NDPL (in North) in Delhi who would be classified on basis

of energy consumption:

 Mass users - 0-350units 

 Medium users - 351units – 4000units 

High users - 4001units – 20,000units and

Premium users - 20,001units and above 

Segmented basis

Family type:

Nuclear family set up

Joint family set up


BSES Yamuna- Central, East Delhi

BSES Rajdhani- South and West Delhi

NDPL- North Delhi

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Respondent Profile-MGDs-Qualitative

CentralDelhi -BSES


East Delhi -BSES


South – BSES


West Delhi– 


NorthDelhi- NDPL 


Mass users 1,nuclear 1, joint 1, nuclear 1, joint 1, joint 5


1,joint 1, nuclear 1, joint 1, nuclear 1, nuclear 5

High users 1, nuclear 1, joint 1, nuclear 1, joint 1, joint 5


1,joint 1, nuclear 1, joint 1, nuclear 1, nuclear 5

Total 4 4 4 4 4 20 MGDs

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Respondent Profile-Home tours+ Contextual interviews

CentralDelhi -BSES


East Delhi -BSES


South – BSES


West Delhi– 


NorthDelhi- NDPL 


Mass users 1,nuclear 1, joint 2


1, nuclear 1, joint 2

High users 1, joint 1, nuclear 1, joint 3


1,joint 1, nuclear 1, nuclear 3

Total 2 2 2 2 2 10 hometours +contextual


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Quantitative and QualitativeTime and Investment

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Consumer Research  Working Days** 

Commissioning by the client and questionnaire development & finalisation 0

Fieldwork setup and coordination 4

Fieldwork 22*

Analysis (data coding, entry, tabulation) 6

Final Presentation 5

TOTAL  37 days 

** Working days doesn’t include Saturdays, Sundays & Public holidays

* Subject to productivity 

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The cost for the study (n=550) would be Rs. 4,10,000/- (Rupees Four Lakh Ten Thousand


Any charges for researcher travel (ex-Mumbai) for briefing/client accompaniment and client meetings /

presentations will be charged separately at actual

10.3 % service tax would be charged on the total amount as per Government of India


Terms of payment

50% advance upon commissioning of the study

30% upon completion of fieldwork

20% upon presentation of the findings

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Stages No. of working days  Cumulative no. of workingdays 

Commissioning  0 0

Set Up  10 10

Field Work (parallel)  20  30

Transcription & first levelAnalysis 

15 45

Second level analysis 4 49

Presentation  5 54

Total time required  54 working days required for submitting the findings

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Total Research cost for 32 MGDs

 – Rs.7,40,000/- (seven lakh and forty thousand rupees only)

Additionally the following costs will be charged at actuals: – Respondent incentives (ranging between Rs. 500-Rs.1000/-) *

 – Researcher travel and stay ex-Mumbai

 – Field team travel & stay for out-station center

 – TA/DA of field recruiters/interviewers travelling out of station

 – Tele-caller TA/DA

 – CCTV/video recording, venue and any equipment hire

Terms of payment: – 50% on commissioning, before commencement of fieldwork

 – 50% on completion after the presentation of findings

 – Service charges of 10.3% applicable to the study cost, in accordance with GoI regulations.

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Thank You

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