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(Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMA N 1

Tuntang in the Academic Year of 2017/2018)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for

The degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)



NIM. 11314035










(Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMA N 1

Tuntang in the Academic Year of 2017/2018)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the

requirements for

The degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.Pd)



NIM. 11314035








In the name of Allah,

Hereby, the writer declares that this graduating paper is written by the

writer. This paper does not contain any materials published by other people and it

does not cite any other people’s ideas except those quoted overtly. The thing

related to other people’s work are written in quotation and included in the


This declartaion is written with the full concern of the researcher.


Salatiga, July 27th


Faizal Risdianto, S.S., M.Hum

The Lecturer of English Education Department

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Case: Graduating Paper of Tika Lutfia Ningsih


Dean of Teacher Training

and Education Faculty

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

After reading and correcting the graduating paper of Tika Lutfia Ningsih, entitled



(Classroom Action Research at The Eleventh Grade of SMA N 1 Tuntang in

the Academic Year 2017/2018)”, I have decided and would like to propose that

this paper can be accepted by the Teacher Training and Education Faculty. I hope

this paper will be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.




“Thoughts give birth to actions, actions

spawned a habit, habit bore the

character, and the character created



(Pikiran melahirkan tindakan, tindakan melahirkan kebiasaan, kebiasaan

melahirkan karakter, dan karakter menciptakan nasib)



The writer dedicated this graduating paper to:

1. My beloved mother (Kasniyati) and father (Suwarno Utomo) who always

love, pray and support me.

2. My beloved brother Nugroho Adi Utomo thanks for your kindness.

3. All members of Edi Mancoro Islamic Boarding House.

4. All members of LPM Dinamika IAIN Salatiga, especially for members of

Lpm Dinamika 2015.

5. My friends all members of TBI 2014, especially for class TBI A 2014

thanks for your support.

6. My roomates of Edi Mancoro Islamic Boarding House; Bunda Fajar, Dek

Surya, Masitoh, Bunda Mar’ah, Mbak Asya, Dek Ajeng, Dek Nanik, Mbak

Isma, Dek Riski, Dek Riris, and Dek Novita. Thanks for your support and


7. My big family that supported for my education and finishing this

graduating paper.

8. All my beloved friends, thank you for your support and togetherness.




Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful, The

Lord of Universe. Because of Him, the researcher could finish this graduating

paper as one of the requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan in English Education

Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for

Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad

SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness. However, this success

would not be achieved without supports, guidance, advice, helps, and

encouragements from individual and institution, and the researcher somehow

realize that an appropriate moment for him to deepest gratitude for:

The writer would like to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to:

1. Drs. Rahmat Hariyadi, M.Pd, the Rector for State Institute for Islamic Studies

(IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty in

the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph.D., as the Head of English Education Department,

thanks for your guidance.


4. Mr. Faizal Risdianto, S.S., M.Hum., as the writer’s counselor. Thanks for

your advice, suggestion and correct to my graduating paper.

5. Mr. Kastolani, Ph.D., as my academic consultant.

6. All lecturers and staffs of IAIN (Salatiga), the writer deeply thanks all for

your advice, knowledge, and kindness.

7. Almaghfurlah K.H. Mahfudz Ridwan and Hj. Nafisah as the founder of Edi

Mancoro Islamic Boarding House (PPEM).

8. Muhamad Hanif, M.Hum, as the patron of Edi Mancoro Islamic Boarding

House (PPEM).

9. My parents and my big family who always support and advice me.

10. All of my friends in Edi Mancoro Islamic Boarding House (PPEM), thanks

for your support and togetherness.

11. All my friends in TBI 2014, thank you for giving a sweet moment.

12. All my friends in LPM Dinamika IAIN Salatiga.

Finally, this graduating paper is expected to be able to provide useful

knowledge and information to the readers.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.



Ningsih, T. L. (2018). Improving The Students’ Ability to Write Hortatory

Exposition Text through Picture Word Inductive Model for Eleventh Grade

Students of SMA N 1 Tuntang in The Academic Year of 2017/2018. A

Graduating Paper. English Education Department. Teacher Training and

Education Faculty. State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga. Counselor:

Faizal Risdianto, S.S., M.Hum.

Keywords : Writing; Hortatory Exposition Text; Picture Word Inductive Model;

Classroom Action Research.

The objectives of this research are (1) To describe the implementation of Picture

Word Inductive Model (PWIM) in improving the students’ ability in writing

hortatory exposition text, (2) To find out the significant improvement after using

Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) in writing hortatory exposition text. This

research is Classroom Action Research (CAR). It was conducted in two cycles.

Each cycle consisted of four steps, they were planning, action, observation, and

reflection. The researcher took role as an observer who observed everything that

happened in the class while the teacher performed CAR for the students. The

number of the students in this research was 28 students. The researcher used pre-

test, post-test, documentation, and observation checklist to collect the data. The

students were active to follow the lesson, paying the attention, responding the

question, accomplishing the task and being enthusiastic an Picture Word Inductive

Model. The activities of the Picture Word Inductive Model can improve the

critical thinking and their writing ability. The students who pass the passing grade

improve gradually from the cycle I and the cycle II. The passing grade is 70. The

result of pre-test and post-test in cycle I is (61.53), (73.00). The result of pre-test

and post-test cycle II (65.71), (80.39). The improvement of the students’ ability in

writing hortatory exposition text in SMA N 1 Tuntang is significant. In the cycle

I, the t-test is 16.15 and the t-table is 2.052. Then, in the cycle II, the t-test was








Table 1.1: Students’ List of XI IPA 1 .................................................................. 12

Table 1.2: Reseach Schedule ................................................................................ 13

Table 1.3: The Students’ Observation Check List ............................................... 15

Tabel 1.4: The Teacher’s Observation Check List ............................................... 15

Table 2.1: The Analytical Scoring Rubric ........................................................... 31

Table 2.2: Example of Hortatory Exposition Text ............................................... 41

Table 4.1: The Students’ Observation Check List of Cycle I .............................. 66

Table 4.2: The Teacher’s Observation Check List of Cycle I ............................... 68

Table 4.3: The Result of Students’ Observation of Cycle I ................................. 70

Table 4.4: The Score of Pre-Test in Cycle I ......................................................... 72

Table 4.5: The Score of Post-Test in Cycle I ....................................................... 73

Table 4.6: Difference Square of Pre-Test and Post-Test Score of Cycle I .......... 75

Table 4.7: Descriptive Statistics Cycle I .............................................................. 76

Table 4.8: Paired Samples Test Cycle I ............................................................... 77

Table 4.9: The Students’ Observation Check List of Cycle II ............................. 84


Table 4.10: The Teacher’s Observation Check List of Cycle II .......................... 85

Table 4.11: The Result of Students’ Observation of Cycle II .............................. 87

Table 4.12: The Score of Pre-Test in Cycle II ..................................................... 90

Table 4.13: The Score of Post-Test in Cycle II .................................................... 91

Table 4.14: Diifference Square of Pre-Test and Post-Test Score of Cycle II ...... 92

Table 4.15: Descriptive Statistics Cycle II ........................................................... 93

Table 4.16: Paired Samples Test Cycle II ............................................................ 94

Table 4.17: Table of Data Analysis ...................................................................... 95



Figure 1.1: Four Activities in Each Cycle ............................................................ 10

Figure 2.1: The Steps of Thinking Inductively .................................................... 44

Figure 2.2 : The Picture that has been Identifying the Vocabulary ..................... 48




A. Background of the Research

Language is an important tool to communicate with each other in

the world. According to Brown (1980: 5), language is a set of arbitrary

symbols which used for communication. Gentner and Goldin-Meadow

(2003: 17) state that “Although we use language every day to talk about

experience, language itself is far from being an exact representation of our

experience. When we understand and produce language, we always have

to take into account the fact that language does not offer us exact maps of

the experiences we may wish to recount to someone or interpret from

someone else.” In short, language is an instrument to convey information

which is used to express ideas, feelings, purposes, thoughts, and opinion in

written or spoken way.

There are many languages to communicate with each other in the

world. Learning English is so necessary for every people in this era.

According to Harmer (2001: 5), English is a number of future possibilities,

all of which question the certainty of English as the number one in the


English has four basic language skills. They are listening,

speaking, writing, and reading. The four basics of English cannot separate

because they are related to each another. Speaking and writing include


production, they are productive skills. On the other hand, listening and

reading involve accepting the message, so they are as receptive skills.

The students have to learn all of the skills above because the

government had been arranged the curriculum of English lesson. But, not

all of them are capable of those skills. One of those skills above is writing

skills. According to Arumi (2015: 1), writing as one of language skill

considered very difficult. It is due to the fact that writing needs to produce

and organize ideas using appropriate vocabulary, language use, paragraph

organization, and mechanism. It also needs to turn the ideas into a readable

text and for foreign language learners; they should also transfer ideas from

their native language into the target language (foreign language).

In fact, Indonesian students have many difficulties in learning

English. Actually, in writing skill they have difficulties to practice because

to write a good text, students have to follow the rules of the target

language. The students have to learn the grammar, mastering the

vocabulary, elaborate their ideas to achieve writing form, and arrange the

paragraphs. They are difficult to change their ideas to become the text that

easy to read.

There are many texts that have been taught in senior high school.

One of the texts that have been taught at eleventh-grade in senior high

school is hortatory exposition text. According to Gerrot and Wignell

(1994: 166-167), a hortatory exposition text differs from analytical

exposition in that the latter argues that X is the case. Hortatory exposition


argues that X should or should not be the case. In short, hortatory

exposition is a type of spoken or written text that persuade the listeners or

readers that something should or should not happen or be done.

There were some problems occurring in SMA N 1 Tuntang. Based

on the interview with Mrs. Surti Harjanti who is the English teacher of

eleventh-grade students on March, 26th 2018 students’ difficulties in

writing for eleventh-grade students of SMA N 1 Tuntang. The researcher

asked some questions. The first question is about the Standardized of

Minimum Score (KKM) of English subject is 70 and SMA N 1 Tuntang

uses curriculum 2013. The next question is about the most difficult skills

in writing the subject for the students. The eleventh-grade students at SMA

N 1 Tuntang are difficult to write the text. There are caused some factors.

The factors were the students and teaching techniques used in the writing

teaching and learning process.

The first factor is the students. They said that they were difficulties

to convey their ideas, organizing the text, using appropriate vocabulary,

correct grammar, punctuation, and capitalization. Moreover, their writing

works indicated that their vocabulary mastery was very low. They used

words in their writing without considering the context and meaning. They

often used their smartphone to translate some words in the Indonesian

language into the English language. Because the students focus on

translating words into English by using the smartphone, they did not pay


attention to how to organize their idea into a good organization. As the

result, their sentences and paragraphs were not well sequenced.

Suharmi (2015: 3) states, “To be a good writer must have good

capabilities in writing. The writer has to be able to organize the ideas, to

construct the sentences, to use punctuation and spelling well. Besides that,

they must be able to arrange their writing into a cohesive and coherent

paragraph.” However, the students did not master grammar well. They

often made mistakes in writing sentences. They also were confused about

using pronouns and articles in their writing. Furthermore, they often

ignored the writing mechanics such as spelling, punctuation, and

capitalization. They thought that English is a difficult subject.

The next factors were the activities used in the teaching and

learning process. When the researcher observed the class in the teaching

and learning process, the students were talking to each other. They did not

pay attention to the teacher explanations. When they had a topic to write, it

is difficult for them to arrange the sentences into good writing. There was

no strategy that helped them to arrange text using the correct generic

structure. The teacher had given an example and the vocabulary below the

text, but many students did not understand if they have to arrange the

sequence sentences.

In teaching writing skill, the teacher has to improve the students’

writing skill. The teachers can use an appropriate strategy to teach their

students. From the explanation above, the researcher proposes to use the


Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) to improve students’ ability to

write hortatory exposition text. According to Calhoun (1999: 21)

“Developed the Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM), which uses

pictures containing familiar objects, actions, and scenes to draw out words

from children’s listening and speaking vocabularies. It is be effective for

the students who want to expand their writing skill. This model helps the

students add words to their sight-reading vocabulary, as well as their

writing vocabulary, and also discover phonetic and structural principles

present in those words.”

The reasons for conducting the research is as to give the teachers

appropriate teaching, especially in hortatory exposition text in the

eleventh-grade students. Then, they are willing and able to make writing

hortatory exposition text easily. It can solve students difficulty in

understanding a hortatory exposition text paragraph by using PWIM. The

students will be easy to arrange the words become sequence sentences and


Based on the explanation above the researcher is inspired to

conduct a research entitled Improving The Students’ Ability To Write

Hortatory Exposition Text through Picture Word Inductive Model

(Classroom Action Research at the Eleventh Grade of SMA N 1

Tuntang in the Academic Year of 2017/2018).


B. Problems of the Research

Based on the background of the research, there are some problems

with the research are as follows:

1. How is the implementation of Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM)

to improve the students’ writing ability in hortatory exposition text at

the eleventh-grade students’ of SMA N 1 Tuntang in the academic year

of 2017/2018?

2. What is the significant improvement after using the Picture Word

Inductive Model (PWIM) in students’ writing ability in hortatory

exposition text at eleventh-grade students of SMA N 1 Tuntang in the

academic year of 2017/2018?

C. Objectives of the Research

1. To describe the implementation of the Picture Word Inductive Model

(PWIM) in improving the students’ ability in writing hortatory

exposition text at eleventh-grade students of SMA N 1 Tuntang in the

academic year of 2017/2018.

2. To find out the significant improvement after using Picture Word

Inductive Model (PWIM) in writing hortatory exposition text at

eleventh-grade students of SMA N 1 Tuntang in the academic year of



D. Significances of the Research

This research is expected to be used theoretically and practically:

1. Theoretically

This research is expected to give an explanation about the use

of the Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) to improve students’

writing ability in hortatory exposition text.

2. Practically

The result of this research is expected to be useful for the

students, English teachers, and institution:

a. For the Students

1) Help the students to comprehend the hortatory exposition text


2) Improve the students’ writing ability which is taught by the

Picture Word Inductive Model.

b. For the English teachers

The finding of this research can be a new knowledge for the

English teachers to teach writing skill in hortatory exposition text.

Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) is effective to improve the

students’ writing ability.

c. For the Institution

The result of this research gives a new reference to improve

the teaching-learning process.


E. Hipotesis and Success Indicator

Based on the student's observation result in hortatory exposition

text as illustrated in chapter 1, the researcher tries to overcome those

problems by implementing the Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM). By

conducting this research, the researcher proposes a hypothesis: the

implementation of Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) can improve

the students’ ability in writing hortatory exposition text.

The success indicator of this research is taken from the students’

Basic Competence ability shown in Lesson Plan (RPP). The students’

success and failure in conducting the activities in cycle I and II will be

assessed by referring to the criterion of a passing grade (KKM). The

passing grade of English lesson in SMA N 1 Tuntang is 70. The teacher

and the researcher expect that there are at least 85% of the students who

pass the passing grade.

F. Research Methodology

1. Research Design

Type of this research is using Classroom Action Research

(CAR). Classroom Action Research (CAR) is a similar systematic

process aimed at gathering information on teaching and learning

problems in the classroom and working toward a solution.

According to Burns (2010: 2), action research is part of a broad

movement that has been going on in education generally for some


time. It is related to the ideas of reflective-practice and the teacher as

researcher. Action research involves taking a self-reflective, critical,

and systematic approach to exploring teacher own teaching contexts.

Burn (2010: 2) states that in the teaching-learning, the teacher

has to take a questioning and problematizing stance towards the

teaching. Problematizing doesn’t apply to look at the teaching as if it is

ineffective and full of problems. Rather, it means taking an area you

feel could be done better, subjecting it to questioning, and then

developing new ideas and alternatives. So, in Classroom Action

Research (CAR), a teacher becomes an ‘investigator’ or ‘explorer’ of

his or her personal teaching context, while at the same time being one

of the participants in it.

According to Kemmis and Mc. Taggart model as cited in Burns

(2010: 7-9). There were four phases in each cycle involved in this

research. Those were planning, action, observation, and reflection. The

figure of those steps is illustrated as follows:


Figure 1.1: Four Activities in Each Cycle

The spiral Model by Kemmis and Mc Taggart

Based on Arikunto (2008: 75), there are four steps in each

cycle for conducting classroom action research, which can be

explained as follows:

a. Planning

In this step, the researcher focusses on who, what, when,

where, and, how the action is conducted.

b. Action

In this step conducted to implement the strategies prepared

in the planning.

c. Observation

Observation is the next step to monitor and watch the

closely teaching-learning process and collects the data from the


result of the action. The researcher prepares the observation paper

to know class condition when the action is done, then the

researcher (as the observer and collaborator) and the English

teacher (is the teacher in the research) discuss about the result of

observation, what the problem faced when teaching-learning

process and look for good solution to solve the problem. In this

phase, the researcher observes and takes notes during the teaching-

learning process.

d. Reflection

Reflection means to analyze the result based on the data that

have been collected to determine the next action in the next cycle.

In this phase, the researcher could observe the activity that results

in any process, the progress happened, and also about the positives

and negatives sides.

In short, the researcher concludes that classroom action

research is an action research classroom, which can do by teacher

and researcher with involves students to improve teaching and

learning process.


2. Subject of the Research

The subject of research is students of the eleventh grade from

XI IPA 1 at SMA N 1 Tuntang in the academic year of 2017/2018.

There were 28 students in that class.

Table 1.1: Students’ List of XI IPA 1

No Name Gender

1 AF Female

2 AS Male

3 AS Male

4 AKW Female

5 DK Female

6 DSR Female

7 DSN Female



9 DP Male

10 EDK Female

11 FAH Male

12 FAT Male

13 FPM Female

14 FDK Female

15 HRJ Male

16 IAI Female


17 IT


18 MDRC Female

19 MI Male

20 MNPI Male

21 RS Male

22 RAM Male

23 RSA Male

24 SWS Female

25 SPLS Male

26 SYP Male

27 TNGS Male

28 ZM Female

3. Steps of the Research

In conducting the research, the researcher carries out the steps

which summarized in the following research schedule. The research

schedule is shown in table 1.2.

Table 1.2: Research Schedule

No Activities Time Allocation

1 Preparing the research proposal March

2 Conducting observation April

3 Conducting cycle April


4 Analysis data April

5 Writing research result May

6 Continuing writing the graduating paper May

4. Data Collection Method and Research Instrument

The techniques of collecting data are ways to acquire data in a

classroom action research. The act old collecting data will be

presented as follows:

a. Observation

According to Arikunto, (2010: 272) observation is a

method which effectiveness with complete the observation sheet as

an instrument. The form that arranged items which explain the

occurrences, behaviors or actions which is described. Write the data

of observation is not just to write, but also have to consider the case

then assessing the level of scale.

In short, in the action and observation steps, the observation

guide was used to see the implementation of the actions and success

of the research. In the reflection steps, the field notes were used to

evaluate the actions that have been done.

In this classroom observation, the researcher observes

students and teacher activities in implementing Picture Word

Inductive Model of hortatory text. The observation consists of two

cycles. That is a cycle I and cycle II. The researcher uses the


checklist observation to make it more systematic. It consists of

student It consists of students’ and teachers’ observation checklist. In

filling the observation checklist, the researcher use the mark “√”.

The students’ observation checklist is written below:

Tabel 1.3 The Students’ Observation Check List

No Indicator Yes No Descriptions Obstacles Solutions

1 Paying attention

2 Asking Question

3 Responding to Question

4 Accomplishing task

5 Being enthusiastic of

Picture Word Inductive


The form observational field note for a teacher is shown in table 1.4

Table 1.4: The Teacher’s Observation Check List

No Aspect Yes No Descriptions Obstacles Solutions

1 Greeting students before the

lesson begin

2 Praying before the lesson


3 Checking student attendant

4 Reminding previous material

5 Giving an explanation of the



6 Use of Picture Word Inductive

Model in accordance with the


7 Giving opportunity for asking

a question

8 Help student’s difficulties

during learning

9 Answer student questions

10 Giving feedback after the


b. Test

To get the data, the researcher conduct the test that consists

of a pre-test and post-test. Each meeting consists of several

teaching activities a pre-test and post-test.

1) Pre-Test

Before conducting the cycle I and cycle II, the researcher

give the pre-test for each cycle. The purpose tried to know the

students’ writing ability before the teacher implementing the

Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM). The forms of the test

were an essayed test. In this test, the teacher give some grade

based on some aspect. Those aspects are grammar, content,

organization on form and, punctuation.

2) Post-test

After the students got pre-test and treatment in the cycle

I and cycle II from the researcher, they got post-test. They


needed to write the hortatory text based on the picture. The

purpose of conducting the post-test was to know the

improvement of the students’ writing ability after implementing

Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM).

c. Documentation

The researcher also used the documentation as the method

of collecting data in this research. The documentation also is a

method used to find the data related, by picture and video.

According to Arikunto (2010: 274), documentation is finding the

data about variables as a note, transcript, book, newspaper,

magazine, agenda, picture, video, voice record, etc.

5. Data Analysis Techniques

The researcher conduct the Classroom Action Research (CAR)

in improving the students’ ability to write hortatory exposition text

through Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) for the eleventh-grade

students of SMA N 1 Tuntang. In analyzing the data, the researcher

used the mixed method. It means that the research involved mixing of

qualitative and quantitative data. The researcher would like to analyze

the data using the mixed method as follow:

a. Qualitative data

According to Creswell (2016: 4), the qualitative data is a

method for exploring and understanding the meanings that some

individuals or groups of people attribute to problems of sociality or


humanity. This research applies an inductive way of looking at the

research, focusing on the meaning of the individual, and translating

the complexity of a problem.

The most important data in the action research is the

description behavior of the students. The analysis of qualitative

data is taken from observation, test, and documentation.

b. Quantitative data

Based on Creswell (2016: 5) the quantitative data is a

method for testing certain theories by examining relationships

between variables. Variables are measured, usually with research

instruments so that data composed of numbers can be analyzed

based on statistical procedures. The quantitative data is processed

by the teacher and the researcher gets the score of the students. The

maximum score is 100.

1) Score the Students’ Test

There are five components present in the analytical

scoring rubric for writing, are content, organization, grammar,

punctuation, and vocabulary (Brown, 2004: 244-245). The

researcher uses an analytical scoring rubric to analyze the data

related to the students’ paragraph writing test of writing ability.

2) Calculate the Result of the Test

After the scoring of students’ test, the researcher

calculates the data using the t-test to determine there was a


significant difference in cycle I and cycle II. This research uses

the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) for

analyzing the data. According to Landau and Everitt (2003: 1),

said that SPSS is manipulating, analyzing, and presenting data

program which is used in the social and behavioral science. In

practice, the researcher use SPSS Base. SPSS Base has a

number of add-on modules that extend the range of data entry,

statistical, or reporting capabilities. That also provides methods

for data description, simple inference for continuous and

categorical data and linear regression.

G. Graduating Paper Outline

This research is organized into five chapters. Chapter I present the

introduction. It contains the background of the research, research

question, objectives of the research, significance of the research,

hypothesis and success indicator, research methodology, and graduating

paper outlines. Chapter II describe the supporting theories and preevious

studies. It consists of the definition writing, the requirement of a good

writing, type of texts, the definition of hortatory exposition text, Picture

Word Inductive Model (PWIM), how to implementing the Picture Word

Inductive Model (PWIM) in writing hortatory exposition text.

Chapter III is implementation of research. It contains procedures of

the research and the minimum of passing grade. Chapter IV is research


findings and the data analysis. It contains the result of the research the use

of PWIM in improving students’ ability in writing hortatory exposition

text at the Eleventh-grade of SMA N 1 Tuntang in the academic year of

2017/2018. Chapter V is closure. It contains conclusions and suggestions.

After that, it is followed by bibliography and appendices.




A. Supporting Theories

1. Writing

a. The Definition of Writing

There are some experts who define writing, based on Lado

(1983: 143), says that writing is a partial representation of units of

language expression. To write is to put down the graphics symbols

if they know the language and the graphic representation.

Brown (2001: 334) states that learning writing is like

learning to swim. Learning to swim can only be practiced if there

is a body of water available and usually only if someone teaches

too. People learn writing if they are a member of a literate society

and usually only if someone teaches too. If someone wants to be

able to swim, he can not just master the theories to swim, but he

has to get into the water to practice and apply the theories, but

instead, he must plunge into the real writing world where he would

practically involve in writing.

In short, based on the explanation above the researcher

conclude that in writing is a text consider about the topic, the

vocabulary, organization of the words, clarity, the purpose of our

topic, cohesion, sequence, thinks.


b. The Purpose of Writing

According to Nunan (2003: 88), the purpose of writing is

express and impress. Writers typically serve two masters;

themselves, and their own desires to express an idea or feeling, and

readers, also called the audience, who need to have ideas expressed

in certain ways. Writers must then choose the best form for their

writing, shopping list, notes from a meeting, a scholarly article, a

novel, or poetry are only a few of the choices. Each of these types

of writing has a different level of complexity, depending on its


c. Types of Writing

According to Brown (2004: 220), the type of writing

contains four categories. Each category resembles that categories

defined for the other three skills, but these categories, as always,

reflect the uniqueness of the skill area. The types of writing, as


1) Imitative

To produce written language, the learner must attain

skills in fundamental, basic tasks of writing letters, word,

punctuation and very brief sentences. This category includes the

ability to spell correctly and to perceive phoneme-grapheme

correspondences in the English spelling system. It is a level at

which learners are trying to master the mechanic of writing. At


this stages, from is the primary if not exclusive focus, while

content and meaning are of secondary concern.

2) Intensive (controlled)

Beyond the fundamentals of imitative writing skill in

producing appropriate vocabulary within a context collocation,

idioms and correct grammatical features up to lengths of a

sentence. Meaning and contexts are of some importance in

determining connectors and appropriateness, but most

assessment tasks are more concerned with a focus on form and

are rather strictly controlled by the test design.

3) Responsive

Here, the assessment task requires learners to perform at

a limited discourse level, connecting into a paragraph and

creating a logically connected sequence of two or three

paragraphs. Tasks respond to pedagogical directives, first

criteria outline, and other guidelines. Genres of writing include

brief narratives and descriptions, short report, lab reports,

summaries brief responses to writing and interpretations of the

chart of graphs under specified conditions, the writer begins to

exercise some freedom of choice among alternative forms of

expressions ideas.

The writer has mastered the fundamentals of sentence-

level grammar and is more focused on the discourse conventions


that will achieve the objectives of the written text. From focus

attention is mostly at the discourse level, with a strong emphasis

on context and meaning.

4) Extensive

Extensive writing implies successful management of all

the processes and strategies of writing for all purposes, up to the

length of an essay, a term paper, a major research project report,

or even a thesis. Writers focus on achieving a purpose,

organizing and developing ideas logically, using details to

support or illustrate ideas, demonstrating syntactic and lexical

variety, and in many cases, engaging in the process of multiple

drafts to achieve a final product. Focus on grammatical form is

limited to occasional editing or proofreading of a draft.

d. Effective Writing

According to Langan (2004: 13), paragraph is a series of the

sentence about one main idea, or point. A paragraph typically starts

with a point, and the rest of the paragraph provides specific details

to support and develop that point. There are goals of effective

writing as follows:

1) Make a point

The sentence that expresses the main idea, or point, of

the paragraph which called the topic sentence. The best point is

stated in the first sentence of the paragraph.


2) Support the point

To support the point in the first paragraph, there is a

need for a support sentence or supporting details.

3) Organize the support

Organizing the support in a paragraph is important. The

students have to list the order, time order, and, attention about

the transitions.

4) Write error-free sentences

The students have to keep a good dictionary and

grammar handbook nearby to correct the error-free sentences.

In another hand, according to Oshima & Hogue (1988: 57-

63), the good writing has some components. There are:

(a) Topic sentence

The students have to write down the topics sentences in

a paragraph. The topics sentences usually in the first sentences

that is mention deductive paragraph. Sometimes, in the last

paragraph that is mention an inductive paragraph

(b) Supporting Sentence

The supporting sentence is to support the topic

sentences. The writer has to explore the topics in detail in

supporting sentences.


(c) The concluding sentence

The concluding sentence is a general statement that

introduces the topic to be discussed in the paragraph. The

concluding sentence can be written like the topics sentence

but in other words.

e. Writing Process

Based on Langan (2004: 16-25) as follows:

1) Prewriting

In the prewriting, there are several strategies before

writing the draft of the paper, as a freewriting, questioning,

clustering, and making a list.

2) Making an outline

Making an outline is a brief plan for a paragraph. It

shows at a glance the point of the paragraph and the main

support for that point. It is the logical backbone on which the

paper is built.

3) Writing the first draft

In writing the first draft the students have to prepare to

put in additional thoughts and details that didn't emerge in that

prewriting. In this steps, don't worry about the grammar,

spelling, punctuation, etc. It can do later in the next steps. In

writing the first draft, the student will start with a write a


sentence. According to Rafida (2017: 4), the sentence should be

arranged based on the correct rules include:

(d) The elements in a sentence

(e) The application of the correct spelling

(f) Selecting the right word in a sentence

4) Revising

Revising is as much a stage in the writing process as

prewriting, outlining, and writing the first draft. Revising means

rewriting a paper, building on what has been done.

5) Editing and proofreading

Editing and proofreading are checking a paper for

mistakes in grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. The

students often find it hard to edit a paper carefully. Eliminating

sentence-skill mistakes will improve an average paper and help

ensure a strong grade on a good paper.

f. Teaching Writing

In teaching writing, the teacher has to understand students’

need and their ability. According to Harmer (1998: 79), the

reasons for teaching writing to the students of English as a foreign

language include reinforcement, language development, learning

style, and, most importantly, writing as a skill in its own right. We

will look at each of these in a run.


On another hand, there some roles of the teacher to teach

writing, Based on Harmer (2001: 261) as a follows:

1) Motivator

One of the principal roles in writing tasks is a

motivator. The teacher has to motivate the students. Motivation

is a purpose to create the right conditions for the generation of

ideas, persuading them of the usefulness of the activity, and

encouraging them to make as much effort as possible for

maximum benefit. This may require special and prolonged

effort on the process of teaching-learning part for longer

process-writing sequences.

2) Resource

After giving the motivation, the teacher should be ready

to supply information and language where necessary. The

teacher should tell to their students that the teacher is available

and be prepared to look at their work as it progresses. For

example, there is usually time for discussion with individual

students, or students working in pairs or groups.

3) Feedback provider

The teacher should give a feedback on writing tasks

demands special care. The teacher should respond positively

and encouragingly to the content of what the students have

written. When offering correction teachers should choose what


and how much to focus on based on what students need at this

particular stage of their studies, and on the tasks they have


g. Assessing Writing

Assessing of writing is an important point in teaching

writing. According to Brown (2004: 241), there are three scoring

that can be applied by the teacher to assess the students’ writing.

The first scoring method is holistic scoring. Holistic scoring

is given a systematic set of descriptors, and the reader-evaluator

matches an overall impression with the descriptors to arrive at a

score. This scoring method is done by assigning a single score to a

piece of writing. It views the written product without paying too

much attention to the details. Teachers cannot diagnose students’

writing skills since five aspects of writing such as content,

organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics are not

rated specifically.

The second scoring is primary trait scoring. This scoring

focuses on how well students can write within a narrowly defined

range of discourse. This type of scoring emphasize the task at hand

and assigns a score based on the effectiveness of the text’s

achieving that one goal. This type focus on the principal function

of the text and therefore offers some feedback potential, but no


washback for any of the aspects of the written punctuation that

enhance the ultimate accomplishment of the purpose.

The third method is an analytic scoring or analytic

assessment. The scoring is done by assessing students’ writing

based on the aspects such as content, organization, vocabulary,

language use, and mechanics. According to Brown (2004: 243),

analytic scoring is the most appropriate scoring method to apply in

the classroom since teachers can get more details information of

students’ writing ability in each aspect.

Based on the reviews of the three types of scoring methods,

the researcher decided to use the analytic scoring method. It was

easier for the researcher to analyze the students’ lacks and needs

since this method provides details information about students’

ability in each aspect of their writing.

According to Weigle, S. C. (2002: 63), the type of texts can

be categorized along two major dimensions: cognitive processing

and dominant intention or purpose. There are three fundamental

levels of cognitive processing can be distinguished. The first level

is to reproduce information that has already been linguistically

encoded or determined. The next level of cognitive processing,

organizing, involves arranging or organizing information that is

known to the writer. Finally, the most demanding level of cognitive

processing involves inventing or generating new ideas or


information, as in expository writing. Then, the dominant intention

or purpose is to learn, to convey emotions, to inform, to convince

or persuade, to entertain/delight, and to keep in touch.

Table 2.1 The Analytical Scoring Rubric

adapted By Brown (2004, 244-245)

1. Organization;


Body, and


Appropriate title effective introductory paragraph, the

topic is stated, leads to the body; transitional

expressions used; arrangement of material shows plan

(could be outlined by the reader), supporting evidence

given for generalizations; conclusion logical and



Excellent to Good

The adequate title, introduction, and conclusion body

of the essay is acceptable, but some evidence may be

lacking some ideas aren't fully developed; the

sequence is logical but transitional expressions may

be absent or misused


Good to Adequate

Mediocre or scant introduction or conclusion;

problems with the order of ideas I body; the

generalizations may be not fully supported by the

evidence given; problems of organization interfere


Adequate to Fair

Shaky or minimally recognizable introduction; the

organization can barely be seen; severe problems with

the ordering of ideas, lack of the supporting evidence.

Conclusion weak or illogical, inadequate effort at




The absence of introduction or conclusion; no

apparent organization of body; severe lack of

supporting evidence; the writer has not made any


Not College-level


effort to organize the composition (could be outlined

by the reader)


2. The logical

development of

ideas: Content

The essay addresses the assigned topic; the ideas are

concrete and thoroughly developed; no extraneous

material; essay reflects the thought


Excellent to Good

The essay addresses the issues but misses some

points; ideas could be more fully developed; some

extraneous material is present


Good to Adequate

Development of ideas not complete or essay is

somewhat off the topic; paragraphs aren’t divided

exactly right


Adequate to Fair

Ideas incomplete; essay does not reflect careful

thinking or was hurriedly written; inadequate effort in

the area of content



The essay is completely inadequate and does not

reflect college-level work; no apparent effort to

consider the topic carefully


Not College-level


3. Grammar Native-like fluency in English grammar; correct use

of relative clause, prepositions, modal, articles, verb

forms, and tense sequencing; no fragments or run-on



Excellent to Good

Advanced proficiency in English grammar, some

grammar problems don’t influence communication,

although the reader is aware of them; no fragments or

run-on sentences


Good to Adequate

Ideas are getting through to the reader, but grammar

problems are apparent and have a negative effect on

communication; run on sentences or fragments



Adequate to Fair

Numerous serious grammar problems interfere with

communication of the writer’s ideas; grammar review



of some areas clearly needed; difficult to read



Severe grammar problems interfere greatly with the

message; reader can’t understand what the writer was

trying to say; unintelligible sentence structure


Not College-level


4. Punctuation,

spelling, and


Correct use of English Writing conventions: left and

right margins, all needed capitals, paragraphs

intended, punctuation and spelling; very neat


Excellent to Good

Some problems with writing conventions or

punctuation; occasional spelling errors; left margin

correct; paper is neat and legible


Good to Adequate

Uses general writing conventions but as errors;

spelling problems distract reader; punctuation errors

interfere with ideas


Adequate to Fair

Serious problems with the format of paper; parts of

easy not legible; error n sentence punctuation and

final punctuation; unacceptable to educated readers



Complete disregard for English writing conventions;

paper illegible; obvious capitals missing, no margins,

severe spelling problems


Not College-level


5. Style and quality

of expression

Precise vocabulary usage; use of parallel structures;

concise; register well


Excellent to Good


Attempts variety; good vocabulary; not wordy;

register OK; style fairly


Good to Adequate

Some vocabulary misused; lacks awareness of

register; may be too wordy


Adequate to Fair

Poor expression of ideas; problems in vocabulary;

lacks a variety of structure



Inappropriate use of vocabulary; no concept of

register or sentence variety


Not College-level


2. Text

According to Pardiyono (2016: 2), teaching-learning English in

Junior High School or Senior High School is appropriate to the new

curriculum. The students learn about kind of texts and study about kind

of rhetorics. The students have to know about the basic of the reasons

what the case happens. One of the functions of language is giving

information and asking for the information.


a. Definition of Text

According to Gerrot Wignel (1994: 15), a genre can define

as a culturally specific text-type which results from using language

(written or spoken) to (help) accomplish something.

According to Halliday (2004: 3), the text is a rich, many-

faceted phenomenon that ‘means’ in many different ways. It can be

explored from many different points of view. But we can

distinguish two main angles of vision: one, focus on the text as an

object in its own right; two, focus on the text as an instrument for

finding out about something else. Focusing on the text as an object,

a grammarian will be asking questions such as: Why does the text

mean what it does (to me, or to anyone else)? Why is it valued as it

is? Focusing on the text as an instrument, the grammarian will be

asking what the text reveals about the system of the language in

which it is spoken or written.

b. Type of Texts

There are some types of text based on Gerrot and Wignel

(1994: 152), as follows:

1) Spoof

A spoof text is a text which functions to retell an event

with a humorous twist. Spoof text can be formed about a short

story, etc. It usually proceeds through an orientation, events,

and twist.


2) Recount

A recount text is used to retell events, to state what

happened for the purpose of informing or entertaining which

usually proceeds through an orientation, sequence of events in

time order, and re-orientation or conclusion.

3) Report

The report is a factual text which provides to describe

the ways things are and give the information about what is or

what happened. Reports can be written about an object, animal,

person, place, event or thing. It usually proceeds through a

classification and description.

4) Analytical Exposition

An analytical exposition is a text which functions to

persuade the reader or listener that something in the case. It

usually proceeds through a thesis, arguments, and re-iteration.

5) News item

The news item is a text which functions to inform

readers, listeners, or viewers about events of the day which are

considered newsworthy events, background events, and


6) Anecdote

The anecdote is a text that has a function to share with

others an account of an unusual or amusing incident. The


generic structures are abstract, orientation, crisis, reaction, and


7) Narrative

The narrative is a text that has a function to amuse,

entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience in

different ways. Narrative deal with problematic events which

lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn

finds a resolution.

8) Procedure

Procedure text is a text to describe how something that

accomplished through a sequence of actions or steps. The

generic structures of this text are goal, materials, and steps.

9) Description

Description text is a text to describe a particular person,

place or thing. There is generic structure as identification to

identifies phenomenon to be described. Then, description the

parts, qualities, characteristics.

10) Hortatory exposition

a hortatory exposition text differs from analytical

exposition in that the latter argues that X is the case. Hortatory

exposition argues that X should or should not be the case. In

short, hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text

that persuade the listeners or readers that something should or


should not happen or be done. A hortatory exposition text

consists of these following structures as thesis, arguments, and

the recommendation.

11) Explanation

An explanation text is a factual text used to explain the

process of how something works. It usually proceeds through a

general statement, explanation, and conclusion.

12) Discussion

The discussion is a text which used to present

information about the different sides of an issue or topic. It

usually proceeds through the issue, arguments, and


13) Reviews

Reviews is a text which contains any critiques of an

work or event for a public audience. It usually proceeds through

the orientation, interpretative recount, evaluation, and

evaluative summation.

3. Hortatory Exposition Text

a. Definition of Hortatory Exposition text

According to Gerrot and Wignell (1994: 166-167), a

hortatory exposition text differs from analytical exposition in that

the latter argues that X is the case. Hortatory exposition argues that

X should or should not be the case. In short, hortatory exposition is


a type of spoken or written text that persuade the listeners or

readers that something should or should not happen or be done.

In short, hortatory exposition text is kind of texts that

designed to give information to readers about opinion or argument

which we make as a result from the analysis from the problems as

nature, environment, society, culture, politics, economy, etc.

b. Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition Text

A hortatory exposition text consists of these following

structures (Gerrot and Wignell, 1994: 166-167):

1) Thesis

The thesis is the announcement of the issue of concern. It

is a statement about the truth or the fact the cases that occurred

based on our conviction, moreover, there are invited other

person to be contradicted the truth of our conviction about the

problems that have been occurred.

2) Arguments

The argument contains the reasons for conducting

something and leading to the recommendation. The argument is

an explanation of the thesis based on the experts. In the

argument, the writer has to find the referent of the experts that

mastery about the problems. The writer can quote their

statement from the journals, books. Magazines, articles, etc.


3) Recommendation

The recommendation is the statement of what ought to or

ought not to happen. In the hortatory text, there is any

recommendation about this problem that has been discussed

from thesis and argument.

c. Language Features of Hortatory Exposition Text

There are language features of hortatory exposition text

according to Gerrot and Wignel, 1994: 210):

1) Focus on generic human and non-human participants, except for

speaker or writer referring to self.

2) Use of:

(a) Mental Processes: to state what the writer thinks or feels

about the issue. For example: realize, feel, appreciate.

(b) Material Processes: to state what happens. For example: is

polluting, should be treated.

(c) Relational Process: to state what is or should be. For

example: doesn’t seem to have been, is.

(d) Use of simple present tense.


Table: 2.2 Example of Hortatory Exposition Text

Generic Structure Example Note

Thesis Now we can live in the global

era. We can find anything

from different concerns of the

world easily. Through the

internet, we can get any

information about anything in

the world easily.

The thesis is using the present

tense (modal verb: can)

Argument 1 The Internet is very useful for

junior highs school students,

as long as the students can use

this sophisticated media

properly On the internet, we

can find any materials which

are both good and bad. It is

said that an internet is like a

market. In the market, there

are many good and bad


The argument is using the

present tense.

a. Nominal sentence:


Example: it is very useful

for us.

b. Verbal sentence: find,

like, use, etc.

Example: we can find any


Argument 2 There are many different

kinds of people in the market;

different characteristics,

different professions, different

ages, different sexes, different

purposes, etc. We can see

these all on the internet too.

On the internet, there are

many kinds of learning

materials which help students

learn better. On the other hand,

good purposes may lead the

students into the wrong places

if they are not very careful

The argument is using the

present tense.

a. Nominal sentence:


Example: there are

many kinds of learning


b. Verbal sentence: use,

see, etc.

Example: We can see

on the internet too.


enough with them.

Recommendation To be effective in using the

internet, Junior High School

students need to be

supervised when using this

sophisticated media.

The recommendation is using

suggestion sentences. Verb:

should to, must be, need to,

have to, ought to, can be,

could be, may, might, etc.

Example: Students need to

supervised when using this

sophisticated media.

Source: Pardiyono (2016: 170)

4. Picture Word Inductive Model

a. Definition of Picture Word Inductive Model

According to Calhoun (1999: 21), Picture Word Inductive

Model (PWIM) is an inquiry-oriented inductive model language

arts strategy that uses pictures containing familiar objects and

actions to lead students in acquiring words to improve their

vocabulary mastery, to discover phonetic and structural principles,

and to observe and analyze text in their study of reading and

writing. PWIM contains writing techniques such as brainstorming,

listing, clustering, and free-writing. Teachers apply those

techniques in a sequence ste

The teacher uses the picture word chart as media. The

students have to identify the picture to find out the words. As


words are written surrounding the pictures, the chart can be used as

an illustrated dictionary to facilitate students’ writing process.

According to Joyce, Weil, & Calhoun (2009; 148), Picture

Word Inductive Model have arranged based on the research of

students’ ability of reading and writing. Picture Word Inductive

Model is appropriate for the cognitive and metacognitive

curriculum. This model has been implemented approximately 20

years ago, and the application of this model could improve the

student's ability in reading and writing, especially to improve their


According to Huda (2016: 78) inductive model based on

the beginning assumption that every human is the nature concept.

They always do the conceptualization every time. The human can

distinguish the object, cases, and emotion. The teacher should take

this opportunity to design the effective environment teaching-

learning. The teacher can give the students to improve their

effectiveness in creating and using a concept.


Figure 2.1: The Steps of Thinking Inductively by Huda (2016)

According to Yuniarsih & Saun (2014: 4), the Picture Word

Inductive Model contains a familiar object, actions, and scenes, the

students can hear and see the words spelled correctly and directly,

then they will analyze word by word, for example: phonetic,

synonym, antonym or how to spell it. The students also can read

the vocabulary, so it can make the students understand and make it

easier to memorize the vocabulary.

In conclusion, PWIM, as an integrated writing technique is

essential for the ongoing English teaching and learning process,

since it enables students to improve their vocabulary and to explore

their writing ability. Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) can

improve the students from passive learning into active learning by






applying the provided writing activities, and help students write up

paragraphs step by step by planning, drafting, revising, and


b. Advantages and Disadvantages of Picture Word Inductive


There are some advantages and disadvantages based on

Calhoun (1999: 55-65). The first advantages of PWIM is an

effective to use in all level, low level-middle-and advanced level.

Then, PWIM emphasizes phonics, grammar, mechanics, and usage

of Standard English. In another hand, the picture provides concrete

referents for the learning of new words, phrases, and sentences.

Furthermore, the students feel a part of a classroom community and

can participate in class activities. Then, Supporting all learning


The next advantage is balancing learning with nonfiction.

Then, the students hear and see the word spelled correctly and

participate in the correct spelling and writing. The next is the

picture word chart serves as an immediate reference to enable

students to add these words to their sight vocabulary. After then,

the students are assisted in seeing the patterns and relationships of

the English language, enabling them to apply this learning to newly

encountered words. The last is the model an effective to use in

minor class or major class.


In another hand, the Picture Word Inductive Model has

disadvantages. The first, this model needs a teacher who

competence in questioning, so this model can be a success if the

teacher can explore the illustration to the students. The teacher can

divide the students to be a heterogeneous group, so the teacher will

not difficult to set the activities of teaching-learning. Then, the

teacher has to guide the students in the teaching-learning, so the

students can understand more.

The teacher has to prepare the material and the picture in

teaching PWIM. The teacher has to explore the new issues to

adapted the students’ generation. The teacher has to get off the best

situation to illustrate the issue form the picture, This model is

depending on the picture, new issues, an illustration from the

teacher. The teacher can prepare well the media before teaching the

students in the classroom.

c. The Benefits of Picture Word Inductive Model

In implementing the Picture Word Inductive Model

(PWIM), the students have to be supported to read, explore the

vocabulary, analyze the phonetic, and understanding about the

content of the texts. According to Huda (2016: 89), there some

benefits of Picture Word Inductive Model, as follows:

1) The students are able to learn how to be mastery the vocabulary

based on the picture.


2) The students are able to learn about the structure of words and


3) The students are able to write the title, sentences, and


4) The result of the Picture Word Inductive Model is

understanding the correlation between writing and reading.

5) The students are able to explore their ability in phonetic and


6) The students are able to explore their ability to express their

ideas in writing.

7) Picture Word Inductive Model can improve reading nonfiction


8) The students can develop their ability to cooperation with

another person in reading or writing.

d. The Steps of Implementing Picture Word Inductive Model

There are steps of implementing the Picture Word Inductive

Model (PWIM) based on Calhoun (1999: 67-80), as follows:

1) The teacher selects the picture

The teachers display pictures related to the topic to

stimulate students in brainstorming ideas. Thi activity provides

the student's the opportunity to develop their ideas. A large

picture can be presented in a classroom in order the whole class

sees the picture well.


2) The students have to identify and label what they see in the


The next steps include a clustering technique which the

students are asked to draw a line from an identified object in the

picture. The words or phrases are put down in the paper or board

in a pattern which connects to a keyword in each picture.

Figure 2.2

The Picture That Has Been Identifying The Vocabulary

Source: Calhoun (1999: 3)

3) Read and review the picture word chart

The students are guided to read all the words in the

picture word chart. The teachers and students spell aloud the

words correctly and they pronounce them many times to

memorize words. Then, the students have to list the words and

phrases that come to their mind about the story without


considering the grammatical rules. It helps students to form a

good sequenced text based on the list of ideas.

4) Lead students into creating a title for the picture word chart

Teachers ask students to think about information on the

pictures and ask them about what they want to say about the

pictures. The students can look at the title of the textbook as an

example of how to arrange a good title. Generate all the

collected words or phrase into sentences, and arrange sentences

into paragraphs The technique which is used in this step is free-

writing. In this technique, the students generate words,

sentences, and paragraphs to express their ideas. The words and

phrases that have been written in the previous step aim to help

students to write easily and make them being comfortable in the

writing process.

5) Read and review the sentences and paragraphs

The students checked their writing whether it has been

qualified as a good, text or not. The reviewing process includes

checking the purpose of writing and the generic structure of the

texts. Teachers can present some students’ final drafts to give

examples of how to edit and revise the language use and

mechanics in their writing.


e. The Use of Picture Word Inductive Model in Writing

Hortatory Exposition Text

In practice teaching-learning, the teacher is using a picture.

Picture Word Inductive Model is effective to use because

according to Wright (1989; 2-3), the picture is verbal language that

only a part of the way to get meaning from context. The students

are not only hearing, reading but also remembering what they

having seen. The picture is not just an aspect of the method but

through their representation of places, objects, and people they are

an essential part of the overall experiences. Especially, the picture

contributes to interest and motivation; a sense of the context of the

language; a specific reference point or stimulus. There are some

reasons to use a picture in English language teaching, as follow:

easy to prepare; easy to organize; interesting; meaningful and

authentic; sufficient amount of language.

In writing a hortatory exposition text, the students have to

apply the technique of the writing process. There are prewriting,

making an outline, writing the first draft, revising, editing and

proofreading. The first steps to write the hortatory exposition text

is discovering the ideas from the picture that have been prepared.

The picture has to contain the problem, so the students can improve

their ideas and find out their argument (opinion). The students can


identify the word, phrases, sentences based on the picture. The

students write down many words after they observe the picture.

After brainstorming ideas, the students can begin writing

the sentences. The students can use the word that has been

identifying from the picture. The students are not difficult to

arrange the sentences. They can write the simple sentences using

the vocabulary from the picture to collect their ideas.

After completing the draft, the students are guided to the

revising stage. Picture Word Inductive Model provides an

opportunity for conducting a task in groups, so the students have a

collaborate with their friends to give a comment and suggestion,

then revise their writing. The students must be careful to read the

draft again. The activity focuses on checking whether the social

purpose of the text has been delivered or not and whether the

generic structure is corrected or not.

After revising the draft, the students edit the draft by re-

checking the draft carefully. The basic steps of the PWIM focus on

the components of phonics, grammar, mechanics, and usage

(Calhoun, 1999: 23). Editing process emphasizes checking

activities on aspects such as grammar, word choice, verb forms,

punctuation, and spelling. The teacher can give an example of

hortatory exposition text that is grammatically correct. Then, the

students can identify based on the generic structure of it.


PWIM also provides activities to spell words correctly and

to use correct punctuation and other mechanical aspects such as

commas and capital letter. After checking all the details of the

draft, the students can publish their hortatory exposition text. Their

draft may be different from the first plan because it has been

revised. In short, PWIM has the strength to keep the students

engage in the writing process of hortatory exposition text and it

deals with the aspect of writing ability such as generating ideas, an

organization of the text, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics.

B. Review of Previous Studies

In this chapter, the writer will explain the previous studies. The

writer takes a review of related literature from the other research. The first

research was done by Apiah (2016) in her graduating paper entitled “The

Effectiveness of Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) on Students’

Ability in Writing Recount Text (A Quasi-Experimental Research at the

Eighth Grade Students of SMPN Tangerang Selatan in Academic Year

of 2015/2016)”. The objective of this research was to know the empirical

evidence concerning whether Picture Inductive Word (PWIM) strategy is

effective on students’ ability in writing recount text. The method used in

this research was a quantitative method dealing with quasi-experimental

design. The instrument of this research was a written test. To gain the

reliability of the test instrument, the research used analytical scoring which


gives a score on the students’ writing pre-test and post-test. The result of

the calculation showed that students taught by using the PWIM strategy

have higher achievement than those who were taught without PWIM.

The third research was done by Louise (2007) in her annual

GRASP Symposium entitled, “The Picture Word Inductive Model and

Vocabulary Acquisition”. The purpose of this quasi-experimental research

was to determine if students’ vocabulary acquisition is enhanced with the

picture word inductive model (PWIM), a research-based method of

vocabulary instruction. During instruction with the PWIM, students were

shown a picture and were asked to identify items in the picture, eliciting

words from the children’s listening and speaking vocabularies. This

process essentially created a picture-word dictionary which the students

could employ to connect words with corresponding pictures. The results

indicated that statistically significant differences were achieved between

the control and experimental group participants on the final assessment.

The last research was done by Anne (2010) in her graduating paper

entitled, “The Picture Word Inductive Model: An Effective Model for

Vocabulary Instruction”. In this paper, Karen was investigating the

Picture Word Inductive Model (PWlM) as an effective classroom tool for

vocabulary instruction. The purpose of this research was to inform the

reader not only of the value of the Picture Word Inductive Model as a

vocabulary instructional tool but also to help them better understand why it

is so effective.


The research that will be conducted by researcher have similarities

with previous research. However, there are several things that distinguish

this research from previous research. The first, the researcher is a focus to

teach by using the Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) in hortatory

exposition text. The second, the researcher made a collaboration with the

teacher to use the Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) in teaching

hortatory exposition text.




A. Procedures of the Research in Cycle I

In this research, the researcher conducted the research into two-cycle:

cycle I, and cycle II. The researcher collaboration with the English teacher who

taught in XI IPA 1.The researcher use picture to explore the vocabulary that

appropriates with the topic, which it can improve student understanding of the

hortatory exposition text. The procedure as below:

1. Planning

In this step, the researcher plans the following below:

a. Preparing the picture (poster) that planned appropriately with the material

b. Preparing the teaching material of cycle I

c. Make lesson plan of the cycle I

d. Preparing field note observation of cycle I

e. Preparing students attendance list

f. Preparing pre-test and post-test of the cycle I

The preparation design in order to gain the purpose of the teaching-

learning process. Students are supposed to improve their understanding of

the materials that have been given.


2. Action

In this section, the learning process is led by the teacher.

a. The teacher gives a pre-test.

b. The teacher explains the generic structure of hortatory exposition text

and gives a stimulant to the students about the hortatory text.

c. The teacher selects the picture that appropriates to the topic.

d. Giving some examples of hortatory exposition text that are represented to

the picture.

e. The teacher asking the students to write a draft about the vocabulary of

the picture that has been showed by the teacher. Example: “What is the

activity in the picture?”

f. The students have to read (pronunciation) and review the picture word


g. The teacher leads students into creating a title for the picture word chart.

h. The teacher leads the students to find out the argument based on the


i. The students have to read and review the sentences and paragraphs.

j. Made some sentences related to the picture that repairs to their friends

(cooperation in the group).

k. The teacher giving correction and feedback to the student’s answer.

l. At the end of the lesson, giving post-test.


3. Observation

The researcher observed students and teacher activity by using

field note.

4. Reflection

a. The researcher evaluated the activities that have been done.

b. The classroom teacher and the researcher discussed to make a reflection

about what should they do to repair the problems.

c. Analyzing the data from the observation checklist and test of the cycle I.

B. Procedures of the Research in Cycle II

The second cycle does base on the result of reflection from the first

cycle. If the result from observation shows that the quality of the students was

still low, it is needed for another action in order to make improvement of the

quality for the next cycle. The topic is same with cycle I. The procedures are as


1. Planning

a. The researcher identifies the problem and makes the solution to the


b. Preparing picture of cycle II

c. Preparing material

d. Designing lesson plan of cycle II

e. Preparing field note observation of cycle II

f. Preparing students' attendance list


g. Preparing post-test of cycle II.

2. Action

In this section the learning process is led by the teacher, as follow:

a. The teacher asked students about the generic structure of hortatory

exposition text that have already discussed at the previous meeting.

b. Explain again about the generic structure of hortatory exposition text that

has already discussed at the previous meeting.

c. Give some examples of hortatory exposition text based on the picture that

has been selected by the teacher.

d. The teacher checking the students’ mastering vocabulary.

e. The students have to read and review the picture word chart.

f. The students divided into some groups to identify the picture.

g. Each group is a different picture, the students have to identify the picture

and write down the word chart.

h. The teacher leads the students to find out the argument based on the


i. The students have to write sentences that appropriate with their title to

arranged the paragraph.

j. The sentence must be grammatically correct and accurately depict what is

happening in the picture.

k. Each group explains about their hortatory exposition text that has been

described into generic structure, correct grammatically, and the content

based on the pictures.


l. At the end of the lesson, giving post-test.

m. The students have to read and review the sentences and paragraphs.

n. Made some sentences related to the picture that repairs to their friends

(cooperation in the group).

o. Giving correction and feedback to the student’s answer.

p. At the end of the lesson, giving post-test.

3. Observation

The researcher observes students and teacher activity by using field


4. Reflection

a. The researcher evaluates the activities that have been done.

b. The classroom teacher and the researcher discuss to make a reflection

what will they do to repair the problems.

c. Analyzing the data from the observation checklist and test of cycle II.

d. Next cycle III will happen when the cycle II is fall.

C. The Minimum Passing Grade

The students’ success and failure in conducting the activities plan

above be assessed by referring to the criterion of a passing grade (KKM).

The passing grade of English lesson in SMA N 1 Tuntang is 70. The teacher

and the researcher expect that there are at least 85% of the students who

pass the passing grade.




This chapter focused on analyzed the collected data. The researcher

collected the data from the eleventh-grade students of SMA N 1 Tuntang. The

researcher was given the details of the findings. This chapter is likely the main

discussion of the research conducted. It displayed the finding of the collecting

data since in the beginning until the end of the research. The findings consist of

the result of the cycle I and cycle II. The two cycles are the treatment of the

implementation in using the Picture Word Inductive Model to improve students’

ability to write hortatory exposition text.

A. The Result of the Research

The research consists of two cycles, each cycle consists of planning,

acting, observing, and reflecting. The whole steps of this research would be

explained in the description below:

1. Cycle I

a. Planning

In the planning stage of the cycle I the researcher analyzed the

syllabus and the researcher discussed with the teacher about the topic

and source of the material which wants to use in teaching and learning

process besides that the researcher also prepared several instruments,

they are as follows:


1) Lesson Plan

The lesson plan was used to control the teaching and learning

process in this research. The researcher used it as a guide to

managing time and activities during teaching and learning process in

the class.

2) Material

Hortatory exposition text (meaning, purpose, generic

structure, example, and language feature).

3) Teaching Aid

The researcher prepared some instrument. They are board-

marker, a handout for students, and picture. The researcher also

provided the material and tools to succeed in the action.

4) Observation Sheet

Observation sheet was prepared in order to know the

students’ activities during the teaching and learning process.

5) Students attendance list

To know a total of students who enter in the class and follow

the lesson.

6) Pre-test and post-test

The researcher used pre-test and post-test in her action. The

pre-test was done before using the Picture Word Inductive Model to

know the competence of students in writing hortatory text. Then, the

researcher used post-test. Post-test was done after using picture


Word Inductive Model to see the result of the study before and after

using the Picture Word Inductive Model.

b. Action

The research was done in April, in SMA N 1 Tuntang. The

action of the cycle I was done on Tuesday, April 17th

, 2018. The teacher

is Mrs. Surti Harjanti and the researcher rolled as an observer. Before

starting the lesson, the researcher informed the students that for a few

days later the class would be observed by the researcher. The teacher

asked one of the students to lead the students to pray together. The

teacher started the lesson by greeted and asked about their condition

such as following the short conversation:

Teacher: “Assalamu’alaikum Waarahmatullahi Wabarrrakatuh.”

Students: “Wa’alaikum salam Warrahmatullahi Wabbarakatuh, Mom”

Teacher: “Good afternoon class.”

Students: “Good afternoon Mom.”

Teacher: “How are you today?”

Students: “I’m fine thanks, and you?”

Teacher: “I’m fine too, thank you.”

The teacher introduces herself, conveyed the purpose of coming

to the class, and checked the students’ attendance list. After checked the

attendance list the teacher giving a pre-test stimulate to the students

about material that day of hortatory exposition text. The students have

been writing a hortatory exposition text about “healthy”. Many students


were difficulties to write down the hortatory exposition text. The

students got difficulties in vocabulary, grammar, organization, and did

not pay attention to the punctuation. After done the pre-test

accomplished, the teacher asked the students about their argument

about the condition of their school. Then, the teacher asked the

students’ argument about the topic (global warming). Angger Setiawan,

one of the students answered that health is important to our body. Then,

other students’ response to like, “Our school has many plants that avoid

the pollution”.

Then the teacher giving a little explanation about the hortatory

exposition text. The teacher asked the students, “Who can explain the

definition and the generic structure of hortatory exposition text?”

Inzagi, one of the students answered that hortatory is “Teks untuk

mengajak pembaca untuk harus melakukan atau menjauhi sesuatu hal

(The text that persuades the readers should do or should not to do).”

Then, the teacher asked all students to give him an appreciation.

Moreover, The teacher was explaining again about the definition of

hortatory exposition text. The teacher said, “Hortatory exposition text is

the text that persuades the readers should do or should not to do.”

Furthermore, the teacher asked the students about the generic

structures of hortatory exposition text. Then, Ferdie (the student) said

that “The generic structure is a thesis, argument, and suggestion.”The

teacher always gave an appreciation to the student that could answer the


questions. In addition, the teacher gave a praise like, “You are great.” ;

“Brilliant!”; “You are smart.” ; “Good!”; etc. Furthermore, the teacher

explained the definition and steps of the Picture Word Inductive Model.

Then, the teacher asked some question about the topic to know the

students’ knowledge. The teacher has chosen the big picture about

“global warming” then pinch in the whiteboard and asked “Do you

know this picture tell about?” almost of students answered it “It is

about global warming.” The teacher said, “Yes, you are right. This is

about global warming.” The teacher asked, “Before I am continuing the

lesson, do you have a question?” Filda, one of the students asked,

“What is the definition of the thesis, Mom? Could you give an

example?” The teacher answered, “Thesis is a general truth of the

phenomenon. For example, Global warming is dangerous for our


After that, the teacher said, “Well. Can you write down the

vocabularies and make a line beside the picture?” The teacher asked

some students to write some vocabularies from the picture and be

related to the topic besides the picture. The students made a line that

appropriates the part of the picture to write the vocabulary on the

whiteboard. The students were enthusiastic to write down on the

whiteboard. After writing the vocabularies beside the picture, the

teacher made a word chart from the vocabularies that have written by

the students. Furthermore, the teacher asked the students to read and


spell it with a good pronunciation. For example, the teacher said

“Environment” then the all of the students repeated the teacher’s said.

After that, the teacher added the new vocabularies that were not written

in whiteboard and pronounce it together again.

Then, the teacher divided the students into some group (5-6

groups) and the teacher gave the sheet that any picture there. Each

group had written the vocabularies besides the picture with a made a

line appropriate a part of the picture. Furthermore, they wrote a

hortatory exposition text about “global warming” and discussed the

generic structure of the text. The teacher observed and accompanied the

students while the discussion going on. Indriyani, one of the students

asked the teacher, “How to make an argument, Mom?” Then the teacher

explained, “Making an argument it just writes your opinion from the

conditions based on the picture.”

After finishing the discussion, the teacher asked one of the

group to present their result of discussion in front of the class. The

teacher observed and gave a score about their moral value and behavior

aspect in front of the class. After that, the teacher gave a post-test for 15

minutes. The students would write the hortatory text based on the

picture (global warming) and used the steps of the Picture Word

Inductive Model that have been explained by the teacher. After

finishing done the post-test, the teacher concludes the material, gave a

feedback to the lesson that day, gave an information about the next


meeting. The teacher closed the meeting and said “hamdalah” together

and said, “Forgive me, if I have many mistakes today,

Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarrakatuh.”

c. Observation

The researcher observed students and teacher activity by using

an observation sheet. The researcher was a checklist for the learning

process. This observation was purposed to know how far the situation

and enthusiasm of the students and teacher activity during teaching and

learning process. The purpose of this activity was to evaluate the

teaching and learning process, collecting data and monitor the class.

Table 4.1

The Students’ Observation Check List of Cycle I

No Students Name Yes No Description Obstacles Solutions


Paying Attention

The students pay

the attention and

neat sit


Asking Question

There were two

students asked a

question about


exposition text

Students had a

different level



about the


Some students

had already

understood it

but some other

still confused

Explain more

detailed about




Responding to


There were

students answered

teacher question


Accomplishing task

All of the students

have been

accomplished the



Being enthusiastic a

Picture Word

Inductive Model

They felt enjoy

with the Picture

Word Inductive



Table 4. 2

The Teacher’s Observation Check List of Cycle I

No Aspect Yes No Descriptions Obstacles Solutions


Greeting students

before the lesson


Teacher greeted the

students by said



wabarokatuh” and

students answered

the greeting


Praying before the

lesson begins

The teacher asked

one of the students

lead their friends to

pray together


Checking student


The teacher called

the students one by




previous material

Teacher reminding

previous material

about opinion,

simple present tense

to understand about

hortatory exposition




Giving an

explanation of the


The teacher

explained the

material, she used

mix language: in

Indonesia and

English language


Use of Picture

Word Inductive

Model in

accordance with the


The teacher used a

picture which

showed to the

students. The

picture was big,

colored and in

accordance with the



Giving opportunity

for asking a


The teacher gave

time to the student

about everything to

asked question



Help student’s

difficulties during


The teacher helped

students to solve

the difficulties


Answer student


Teacher Answered

all of the students’

questions related to

the topic


Giving feedback

after the lesson

The teacher gave

feedback to the

result of the


Table 4.3 The Result of Students’ Observation of Cycle I







Responding to





enthusiastic a


1 AF

√ √ √

2 AS √

√ √

3 AS √

√ √ √

4 AKW √

√ √

5 DK √

√ √




8 DSW √

√ √

9 DP √

√ √

10 EDK

11 FAH

12 FAT √

√ √ √

13 FPM √

√ √

14 FDF √ √

15 HRJ

√ √

16 IAI √ √

√ √

17 IT √

√ √

18 MDRC √

√ √

19 MI √

√ √ √

20 MNPI √

√ √

21 RS

22 RAM

√ √

23 RSA

24 SWS √

√ √

25 SPLS √

√ √

26 SYP √

√ √


28 ZM √

√ √



Paying Attention : 19/28

Asking Question : 2/28

Responding to Question : 3/28

Accomplishing a task : 28/28

Being enthusiastic an PWIM :20/28

Researcher got the data from the test of the cycle I and analyzed

the data of pre-test and post-test based on writing hortatory exposition

text. There are five scoring was from the organization (O), content (C),

grammar (G), Punctuation (P), and Vocabulary (V). Each aspect of

writing test gave the point that divided into five; not college-level work,

unacceptable, adequate to fair, good to adequate, and excellent to good.

The researcher analyzed the data of pre-test and post-test. The

calculation and result of both tests are presented below:

1) The score of Pre-Test Cycle I

Table 4.4 The Score of Pre-Test in cycle I

No Students’ Name O C G P V Total

1 AF 12 15 9 11 11 58

2 AS 15 17 10 9 9 60

3 AS 15 16 10 9 12 62

4 AKW 18 16 9 12 13 68

5 DK 16 18 10 10 11 65

6 DSR 15 18 10 10 9 62

7 DSN 15 17 11 12 9 64

8 DSW 18 18 10 9 9 64

9 DP 14 17 10 10 10 61


10 EDK 15 18 9 9 9 60

11 FAH 15 18 10 8 8 59

12 FAT 13 15 9 10 10 57

13 FPM 18 16 11 12 11 68

14 FDF 9 17 10 15 11 62

15 HRJ 15 18 10 10 9 62

16 IAI 13 18 9 9 8 57

17 IT 10 17 11 11 12 61

18 MDRC 11 18 9 10 11 59

19 MI 15 17 9 9 10 60

20 MNPI 12 17 10 11 12 62

21 RS 12 18 10 10 8 58

22 RAM 15 18 10 9 8 60

23 RSA 16 18 11 9 10 64

24 SWS 15 18 9 10 12 64

25 SPLS 11 17 10 10 12 60

26 SYP 15 17 9 9 11 61

27 TNGS 15 18 10 9 9 61

28 ZM 15 18 12 9 10 64

Jumlah 1723

N 28

Rata-rata 61,536

2) The Score of Post-Test in Cycle I

Table 4.5 The Score of Post-Test in Cycle I

No Students’ Name O C G P V Total

1 AF 14 19 12 12 13 70

2 AS 18 16 12 10 15 71

3 AS 18 17 15 12 15 77

4 AKW 17 17 14 13 13 74

5 DK 17 18 15 9 12 71

6 DSR 18 17 15 12 13 75

7 DSN 16 17 15 12 14 74

8 DSW 19 18 16 14 13 80


9 DP 16 17 13 13 15 74

10 EDK 14 18 14 12 13 71

11 FAH 18 18 9 9 14 68

12 FAT 17 18 13 12 13 73

13 FPM 16 15 13 13 13 70

14 FDF 15 15 13 14 11 68

15 HRJ 19 18 12 11 12 72

16 IAI 13 15 14 13 12 67

17 IT 19 18 15 13 15 80

18 MDRC 16 17 13 12 11 69

19 MI 18 19 13 13 15 78

20 MNPI 18 18 14 12 13 75

21 RS 15 16 15 11 13 70

22 RAM 14 18 13 13 12 70

23 RSA 17 18 15 12 12 74

24 SWS 18 17 13 15 13 76

25 SPLS 18 17 14 12 13 74

26 SYP 18 18 13 13 14 76

27 TNGS 17 17 12 12 13 71

28 ZM 15 17 15 13 16 76

Jumlah 2044

N 28

Rata-rata 73

The researcher calculated the mean of pre-test and post-test in

cycle I. The researcher used individual student’s average score of pre-

test and post-test in cycle I.


Table 4.6

Difference Square of Pre-Test and Post-Test Score of Cycle I

No Students’ name Pre Test I Post Test I Difference

(D) D


1 AF 58 70 12 144

2 AS 60 71 11 121

3 AS 62 77 15 225

4 AKW 68 74 6 36

5 DK 65 71 6 36

6 DSR 62 75 13 169

7 DSN 64 74 10 100

8 DSW 64 80 16 256

9 DP 61 74 13 169

10 EDK 60 71 11 121

11 FAH 59 68 9 81

12 FAT 57 73 16 256

13 FPM 68 70 2 4

14 FDF 62 68 6 36

15 HRJ 62 72 10 100

16 IAI 57 67 10 100

17 IT 61 80 19 361

18 MDRC 59 69 10 100

19 MI 60 78 18 324

20 MNPI 62 75 13 169

21 RS 58 70 12 144

22 RAM 60 70 10 100

23 RSA 64 74 10 100

24 SWS 64 76 12 144

25 SPLS 60 74 14 196

26 SYP 61 76 15 225

27 TNGS 61 71 10 100

28 ZM 64 76 12 144

Jumlah 1723 2044 321 4061


Then, the researcher calculates the deviation standard by using

SPSS 20.0. It can be shown as follows:

3) Descriptive statistic cycle I

Table 4.7 Descriptive Statistics Cycle I

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic

Pre test cycle 1 28 57,00 68,00 61,5357 ,53818 2,84777

Post test cycle 1 28 67,00 80,00 73,0000 ,66468 3,51715

Valid N (listwise) 28

From the table above it can be seen that the mean of pre-test

in the cycle I is 61.53 with the standard deviation of 2.84. While

mean post-test in cycle I is 73.00 with the standard deviation of 3.51.

The quantity (N) of the students is 28 students.

(a) The Passing Grade of the Cycle I

Cycle I also has shown that the students can improve

their English score especially in writing skill in Hortatory

Exposition text. Mean of post-test 73.00 it is better than mean of

pre-test 61.53. The researcher also calculates the passing grade

is 70.

(b) Significant

The researcher analyzes the result of pre-test and post-

test by using SPSS 20.0 to know there is a significant

improvement in writing skill in hortatory exposition text.


4) Paired Samples Test Cycle I

From the table above can be seen that:

(a) T-test cycle I is 16.15

(b) T-table (a=0,050) from the quantity (n) 28 is 2.0522

(c) T-test > T-table = 16.15 > 2.0522

From the explanation above it can be concluded that there is

a significant improvement by using Picture Word Inductive Model in

cycle I because the value of the T-test is bigger than T-table. But

from the score of data, some students was not attain the target. The

teacher will repeat the treatment in cycle II.

d. Reflection

Based on the result of the cycle I, there was some reflection that

should be given attention to maximizing the skill of students in writing.

The researcher found some weakness that happened during the teaching

and learning process. The weakness is less of a quarter of eleventh-year

students did not have an idea to write. They were still confused about

organizing the sentences. The students had low mastery of grammar,

Table 4.8 Paired Samples Test Cycle I

Paired Differences

t df

Sig. (2-

tailed) Mean






95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper





-11,46429 3,75630 ,70987 -12,92083 -10,00774 -16,150 27 ,000


punctuation, and have limited vocabulary so they feel difficult to write

a good hortatory exposition text. The result of cycle I was not attain the

target (85%). There was any 3 students who did not pass the target.

In cycle I, there many problems like mention above. The teacher

coped with gave homework. Furthermore, the teacher was engaging the

parents to guide their children in conducting the assignment from the

teacher at home. To minimize the same problems in cycle I, the teacher

havve given a material that will be studied in the next cycle. The

students have to learn the material before. The teacher also gives

appreciation to the students who can answer the teacher’s question.

2. Cycle II

a. Planning

In the planning stage of the cycle I the researcher analyzed the

syllabus and the researcher discussed with the teacher about the topic

and source of the material which wants to use in teaching and learning

process besides that the researcher also prepared several instruments,

they are as follows:

1) Lesson Plan

The lesson plan was used to control the teaching and

learning process in this research. The researcher used it as a guide

to managing time and activities during teaching and learning

process in the class.


2) Material

Hortatory exposition text (meaning, purpose, generic

structure, example, and language feature).

3) Teaching Aid

The researcher prepared some instrument. They are board-

marker, a handout for students, and picture. The researcher also

provided the material and tools to succeed in the action.

4) Observation Sheet

Observation sheet was prepared in order to know the

students’ activities during the teaching and learning process.

5) Students attendance list

To know a total of students who enter in the class and

follow the lesson.

6) Pre-test and post-test

The researcher used pre-test and post-test in her action. The

pre-test was done before using the Picture Word Inductive Model

to know the competence of students in writing hortatory text. Then,

the researcher used post-test. Post-test was done after using picture

Word Inductive Model to see the result of the study before and

after using the Picture Word Inductive Model.


b. Action

The action of the cycle II was done on Tuesday, April 24th


2018. The teacher is Mrs. Surti Harjanti and the researcher rolled as an

observer. The teacher started the lesson by greeted “Assalamualaikum

warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.” Before the teacher began the lesson,

she asked Inzagi the leader in the class to lead the students to pray

together. After that, the teacher asked about the condition of the

students, “How are you today?” The students answered, “I’m fine to

thank you, and you?” The teacher answered, “I’m very well too, thank

you.” She continued the lesson based on the lesson plan arranged. The

teacher checked the students' attendance list. The researcher informed

to the students that day would be the last observed by the researcher.

The teacher said about the lesson that day still about hortatory

exposition text and the topic is about “Be Wise to Use a Smartphone”.

The teacher gave a pre-test 15 minutes about “Reading a Book

is Important” to stimulate the students and to know their knowledge

about the material of hortatory exposition text that has been explained

in the previous meeting. After done the pre-test in cycle II, the teacher

reviewed the material in the previous meeting. The teacher asked,

“Who can explain the definition of hortatory exposition text?” Irma,

one of the students answered, “The text should or should not to do,

Mom.” The teacher gave an appreciation, “Yes, Good, Irma! Then


others?” Then Haidar one of the students said, “Giving a

recommendation to the reader.” The teacher asked the students to give

an applause for their friend that has been answered it well.

Furthermore, the teacher asked again, “Who can make an example?

You can make an argument, thesis, or recommendation? Anyone, to

try?” Rizky, the students from the second line answered it, “We should

read a book because it is important.” The teacher gave a praise,

“Awesome, Rizky. Thank you very much.”

After reviewing the material of hortatory exposition text, the

teacher explained the Picture Word Inductive Model to remind the

students’ memories in the previous meeting. The teacher had chosen

the big and colorful picture, then pinch it into a whiteboard. Moreover,

the teacher asked the students about the picture, “What about your

argument from this picture?” Nabil, one of the students said, “The

picture is about a technology. In the picture, the people are busy with

their smartphone.” The teacher gave a praise “Yes, Nabil. You are


Then the teacher continued the lesson, asked the students to

write down the vocabularies beside the picture which made a line from

the picture. After that, the teacher made a word chart and asked the

students to spell together with a right pronunciation. The teacher also

writes about the meaning of vocabularies. From the activities of the

Picture Word Inductive Model, the students could use a dictionary


picture from the word chart. The students could be easy to write down

their ideas in writing a hortatory exposition text.

After that, the teacher divided the students into some groups (5-

6 groups) to discuss and made a hortatory exposition text together. In

addition, the teacher gave the sheet that any picture there. Each group

had written the vocabularies besides the picture with a made a line

appropriate a part of the picture. Furthermore, they wrote a hortatory

exposition text about “Be a Wise to Use A Smartphone” and discussed

the generic structure of the text. The teacher observed and

accompanied the students while the discussion going on. Redik, one of

the students asked the teacher, “Mom, how to distinguish between the

thesis and the argument?” The teacher explained, “You have to

remember that argument is opinion, example: I think, it is too hot.

While a thesis is a general truth, example: The water can be liquid and

be froze. Do you understand, Redik?” Redik said, “I know. Thank you,


Lucky, other students asked, “Can we write a negative

recommendation, Mom?” The teacher answered, “You can, If your text

appropriate with the topic, but remember, you have to consistent in

your text.” Your text has to appropriate with the topic. Then the

students continued the discussion. The teacher accompanied the

students during the discussion and learn together. The teacher gave a


motivation to the students in order to put it down their ideas in

hortatory exposition text.

After finishing the discussion, the teacher asked one of the

group to present their result of discussion in front of the class. The

teacher observed and gave a score about their moral value and

behavior aspect in front of the class. After that, the teacher gave a post-

test for 15 minutes. The students would write the hortatory text based

on the picture (Be Wise to Use a Smartphone) and used the steps of the

Picture Word Inductive Model that have been explained by the teacher.

After finishing done the post-test, the teacher concludes the material,

gave a feedback to the lesson that day, gave an information about the

next meeting. The teacher closed the meeting and said “hamdalah”

together and said, “I am sorry for my mistakes today,

Wassalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarrakatuh.”

c. Observation

The researcher observed students and teacher activity by using

an observation sheet. The researcher was a checklist for the learning

process. This observation was purposed to know how far the situation

and enthusiasm of the students and teacher activity during teaching

and learning process. The purpose of this activity was to evaluate the

teaching and learning process, collecting data and monitor the class.


Table 4.9

The Students’ Observation Check List of Cycle II

No Students Name Yes No Description Obstacles Solutions


Paying Attention

The students pay

the attention and

neat sit


Asking Question

There were two

students asked a

question about


exposition text

Students had a

different level



about the


Some students

had already

understood it

but some

other still








Responding to


There were four

students answered

teacher question


Accomplishing task

All of the students

did the task



Being enthusiastic a

Picture Word

Inductive Model

They felt enjoy

with the Picture

Word Inductive


Table 4.10

The Teacher’s Observation Check List of Cycle II

No Aspect Yes No Descriptions Obstacles Solutions


Greeting students

before the lesson


Teacher greeted the

students by said



wabarokatuh” and

students answered

the greeting


Praying before the

lesson begins

The teacher asked

one of the students

lead their friends to

pray together


Checking student


The teacher called

the students one by




Reminding previous


Teacher reminding

previous material

about hortatory

exposition text, the

tenses, and the

generic structure.


Giving an

explanation of the


The teacher

explained the

material, she used

mix language: in

Indonesia and

English language


Use of Picture

Word Inductive

Model in

accordance with the


The teacher used a

picture which

showed to the

students. The picture

was big, colored and

in accordance with

the material



Giving opportunity

for asking a


The teacher gave

time to the student

about everything to

asked question


Help student’s

difficulties during


The teacher helped

students to solve the



Answer student


Teacher Answered

all of the students’

questions related to

the topic


Giving feedback

after the lesson

Teacher gave

feedback to the result

of the learning


Table 4.11 The Result of Students’ Observation of Cycle II







Responding to





enthusiastic a


1 AF

√ √ √

2 AS

3 AS √

√ √

4 AKW √

√ √

5 DK √

√ √

6 DSR √

√ √

7 DSN √

√ √


9 DP √

√ √

10 EDK

11 FAH √

√ √

12 FAT √

√ √

13 FPM √

√ √

14 FDF √

√ √

15 HRJ √

√ √ √

16 IAI √

√ √

17 IT √

√ √ √

18 MDRC √

√ √

19 MI √

√ √

20 MNPI √

√ √ √

21 RS √

√ √

22 RAM √

√ √

23 RSA √

√ √ √


24 SWS

25 SPLS √ √

√ √

26 SYP

27 TNGS √

√ √

28 ZM √

√ √


Paying Attention : 22/28

Asking Question : 2/28

Responding to Question : 4/28

Accomplishing a task : 28/28

Being enthusiastic an PWIM :23/28

Researcher got the data from the test of the cycle I and analyzed

the data of pre-test and post-test based on writing hortatory exposition

text. There are five scoring was from the organization (O), content (C),

grammar (G), Punctuation (P), and Vocabulary (V). Each aspect of

writing test gave the point that divided into five; not college-level work,

unacceptable, adequate to fair, good to adequate, and excellent to good.

The researcher analyzed the data of pre-test and post-test. The

calculation and result of both tests are presented below:


1) The score of Pre-Test Cycle II

Table 4.12 The Score of Pre-Test in Cycle II

No Students’ Name O C G P V Total

1 AF 13 18 12 10 10 63

2 AS 13 17 12 10 9 61

3 AS 13 18 11 9 9 60

4 AKW 17 17 12 12 12 70

5 DK 15 18 16 7 12 68

6 DSR 15 16 14 12 9 66

7 DSN 16 18 15 9 11 69

8 DSW 15 19 9 10 9 62

9 DP 18 18 12 10 9 67

10 EDK 13 19 15 11 9 67

11 FAH 16 18 11 11 13 69

12 FAT 15 17 12 12 12 68

13 FPM 15 14 15 15 14 73

14 FDF 14 15 10 10 11 60

15 HRJ 16 17 11 10 9 63

16 IAI 13 13 11 13 12 62

17 IT 18 17 14 12 12 73

18 MDRC 16 18 11 10 9 64

19 MI 15 17 12 11 10 65

20 MNPI 13 18 12 10 9 62

21 RS 12 18 12 11 11 64

22 RAM 14 19 12 12 10 67

23 RSA 17 16 15 9 9 66

24 SWS 16 17 10 9 9 61

25 SPLS 14 18 13 12 10 67

26 SYP 15 17 15 10 10 67

27 TNGS 17 18 13 10 10 68

28 ZM 16 18 12 12 10 68

Jumlah 1840

n 28

Rata-rata 65,714


2) The Score of Post-Test in Cycle II

Table 4.13 The Score of Post-Test in cycle II

No Students’ Name O C G P V Total

1 AF 19 18 15 13 12 77

2 AS 17 18 15 15 13 78

3 AS 19 19 17 15 14 84

4 AKW 17 17 15 14 14 77

5 DK 20 19 18 17 15 89

6 DSR 20 20 16 12 12 80

7 DSN 20 18 17 14 15 84

8 DSW 18 19 16 13 15 81

9 DP 16 19 17 12 14 78

10 EDK 18 18 15 17 13 81

11 FAH 18 18 15 13 13 77

12 FAT 20 19 17 17 17 90

13 FPM 19 17 15 17 15 83

14 FDF 19 18 16 13 12 78

15 HRJ 18 18 13 13 15 77

16 IAI 16 17 14 14 13 74

17 IT 19 20 18 16 16 89

18 MDRC 18 18 14 13 14 77

19 MI 18 19 18 15 15 85

20 MNPI 18 18 13 13 15 77

21 RS 18 18 16 15 13 80

22 RAM 13 19 14 12 13 71

23 RSA 20 18 16 12 15 81

24 SWS 18 19 13 15 13 78

25 SPLS 19 19 15 15 15 83

26 SYP 18 18 14 14 15 79

27 TNGS 18 19 16 15 14 82

28 ZM 19 19 14 16 13 81

Jumlah 2251

n 28

Rata-rata 80,393


The researcher calculated the mean of pre-test and post-test in

cycle II. The researcher used an individual student’s average score of

pre-test and post-test in cycle II.

Table 4. 14

Difference Square of Pre-Test and Post-Test Score of Cycle II

No Students’ Name Pre Test


Post Test



(D) D


1 AF 63 77 14 196

2 AS 61 78 17 289

3 AS 60 84 24 576

4 AKW 70 77 7 49

5 DK 68 89 21 441

6 DSR 66 80 14 196

7 DSN 69 84 15 225

8 DSW 62 81 19 361

9 DP 67 78 11 121

10 EDK 67 81 14 196

11 FAH 69 77 8 64

12 FAT 68 90 22 484

13 FPM 73 83 10 100

14 FDF 60 78 18 324

15 HRJ 63 77 14 196

16 IAI 62 74 12 144

17 IT 73 89 16 256

18 MDRC 64 77 13 169

19 MI 65 85 20 400

20 MNPI 62 77 15 225

21 RS 64 80 16 256

22 RAM 67 71 4 16

23 RSA 66 81 15 225

24 SWS 61 78 17 289

25 SPLS 67 83 16 256

26 SYP 67 79 12 144

27 TNGS 68 82 14 196

28 ZM 68 81 13 169

Jumlah 1840 2251 411 6563


Then, the researcher calculates the deviation standard by using

SPSS 20.0. It can be shown as follows:

3) Descriptive statistic cycle II

From the table above it can be seen that the mean of pre-test

in the cycle II is 65.71 with a standard deviation of 3.58. While

mean post-test in cycle II is 80.39 with standard deviation of 4.42.

The quantity (N) of the students is 28 students.

(a) The Passing Grade of the Cycle II

Cycle II also has shown that the students can improve

their English score especially in writing skill in Hortatory

Exposition text. Mean of post-test 80.39 it is better than mean of

pre-test 65.71. The researcher also calculates the passing grade

is 70.

(b) Significant

The researcher analyzes the result of pre-test and post-

test by using SPSS 20.0 to know there is a significant

improvement in writing skill in hortatory exposition text.

Table 4.15 Descriptive Statistics Cycle II

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. Error Statistic

Pre test cycle 2 28 60,00 73,00 65,7143 ,67819 3,58864

Post test cycle 2 28 71,00 90,00 80,3929 ,83625 4,42501

Valid N (listwise) 28


4) Paired Samples Test Cycle II

From the table above can be seen that:

(a) T-test cycle II is 17.52

(b) T-table (a=0,050) from the quantity (n) 28 is 2.052

(c) T-test > T-table = 17.52 > 2.052

From the explanation above it can be concluded that there is

a significant improvement by using the Picture Word Inductive

Model in cycle II because the value of the T-test is bigger than T-


d. Reflection

Based on the result of the cycle II, the researcher found most of

the students could increase vocabulary, organization, and

grammatically during the learning process. The were some students

increase in punctuation and content. They could put it down their

ideas from the picture. They felt easy to write down the hortatory

exposition text. In cycle II, the teacher reviewed the material as

frequently to choose some students to answer the teacher’s questions.

Table 4.16 Paired Samples Test Cycle II

Paired Differences

T df

Sig. (2-

tailed) Mean



Std. Error


95% Confidence

Interval of the


Lower Upper



Pretest2 –


-14,67857 4,43098 ,83738 -16,39673 -12,96042 -17,529 27 ,000


The teacher had given an appreciation with added the bonus of the

score to the students that could answer the questions. In cycle II, the

teacher also gave a motivation to the students in beginning the lesson

and connection the lesson to the students’ experiment in their life.

The students was succesfully in the cycle II. The result of all

the students’ test was be better than the result in cycle I. There was

indicate that the students was pass the target more than 85%. From

the explanation above it can conclude that there is a significant

improvement using the Picture Word Inductive Model because the

value of the T-test is bigger than T-table. It means that the expectation

is successfully achieved. Therefore, the teacher and the researcher do

not need to conduct the next cycle.

B. Analysis the Data and Discussion

After analyzing the students’ score in the cycle I and cycle II, the

researcher conclude that there is a significant improvement of the students' skill

in writing hortatory exposition text after being taught by using Picture Word

Inductive Model. The improvement can be seen as follows:

Table 4.17 Table of Data Analysis

No Analysis Cycle I Cycle II

1 Mean of Pre-test

Mean of Post-test






2 Standard Deviation







3 T-table

N = 28

a = 0.050



4 T-test 16.15 17.52

From the table above, it could be seen that the t-test is bigger than t-

table. It means that there was an improvement in students' skill in writing

hortatory exposition text after using the Picture Word Inductive Model. It is

shown the result of T-test in cycle I is 16.15 and cycle II is 17.52. At the cycle

I, the mean of post-test is higher than the mean of the pre-test. The mean of

post-test is 73.00 and pre-test are 61.53. In the cycle II, the mean of post-test

is higher than the mean of the pre-test. The mean post-test is 80.39 and pre-

test are 65.71. Furthermore, the t-test in the cycle II is bigger than the t-test of

the cycle I. It means that there was significant influence from the cycle I to the

cycle II. Based on the explanation above, the researcher concluded that using

the Picture Word Inductive Model (PWIM) can improve the students’ writing

skill in hortatory exposition text.




A. Conclusion

After conducting the research and analyzing the data, the researcher

comes to several conclusions to answer the problems of the research that:

1. The implementation of the Picture Word Inductive Model to improve the

students’ writing ability in hortatory exposition text at eleventh-grade of

SMA N 1 Tuntang in the academic year 2017/2018 was successful. There

were some activities such as choose the picture, write down the

vocabularies like make a line to the part of the picture, read together,

spelling, adding a meaning, stimulate the condition from the picture, from

inductive mind to make generalization ideas, make sentences, and

paragraph of hortatory exposition text. The students were active to follow

the lesson, paying the attention, responding the question, accomplishing

the task and being enthusiastic an Picture Word Inductive Model. The

activities of the Picture Word Inductive Model can improve the critical

thinking and their writing ability.

2. There is a significant improvement after using the Picture Word Inductive

Model in writing a hortatory exposition text at eleventh-grade of SMA N 1

Tuntang in the academic year 2017/2018. It can be seen from the score of

pre-test and post-test which are increased from the result of the calculation

of the t-test in two cycles. The t-test of the cycle I is 16.15 and t-test of the


cycle II is 17.52. The quantity (N) of this research is 28, based on the

quantity of this research; the t-table is 2.052. In cycle I, the t-test is higher

than t-table that is 16.15 > 2.052. While in the cycle II, the t-test is higher

than t-table that is 17.52 > 2.052. In addition, the result showed that there

is a significant improvement of t-test in the cycle I and cycle II, in cycle I

16.15 and the cycle II 17.52. The researcher concluded that there is a

significant improvement after using the Picture Word Inductive Model in

writing a hortatory exposition text at eleventh-grade of SMA N 1 Tuntang

in the academic year 2017/2018.

B. Suggestion

Based on the research findings and discussion, the following

suggestions addressed to the teacher, the students, and the future researcher

are presented:

1. For the Teacher

The teacher can use the Picture Word Inductive Model to improve

the students’ writing ability in hortatory exposition text. Through the

Picture Word Inductive Model, the teaching-learning process is an

interesting and really enjoyable activity for students. Moreover, trough

PWIM, teaching-learning process is very easy to be applied. It can

motivate and make the students easier in writing a subject. It can rich the

vocabulary through the picture. The students will have a critical thinking.


2. For the Students

The students can apply and practice the Picture Word Inductive

Model by following the steps. It will help the students to solve their

problems in writing and to improve their writing ability.

3. For the Future Researcher

The researcher suggests the future researcher to conducted

Classroom Action Research through Picture Word Inductive Model to

improve students’ writing ability especially in writing hortatory exposition

text. The future researcher can also examine the effectiveness of using the

Picture Word Inductive Model in the teaching-learning process if it is

applied in Senior High School.



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1. Curriculum Vitae

2. Declaration and Permission for Puclication

3. Profil of The School

4. Syllabus

5. The Material of Hortatory Exposition Text

6. The Attendance of Students

7. Lesson Plan (RPP) Cycle I & II

8. The Students’ Observation Check List of Cycle I & II

9. The Teacher’s Observation Check List of Cycle I & II

10. Pre-Test and Post-Test of Cycle I & II

11. The Result of Interview

12. Letters

13. Sheet of Consultasion

14. Documentation

15. The Certificate of Student Activity (SKK)



Name : Tika Lutfia Ningsih

Students Number : 113-14-035

Gender : Female

Place and Date of Birth : Kab. Semarang, July 2nd


Phone Number : 085642400139

Education Background

(2003-2008) : Elementary School (SD) N Jatirunggo 02

(2008-2011) : Junior High School (SMP) N 1 Tuntang

(2011-2014) : Vocational High School (SMK) N 1 Pringapus

(2014-2018) : English Education Department, Teacher Training

and Education Faculty, State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN ) Salatiga

Organization Experiences

(2015-2018) : Member of Jurnalistic, DinamikA

(2017-2018) : Member of Pers and Jurnalistic in Edi Mancoro

Islamic Boarding House



I have been marked bellow :

Name : Tika Lutfia Ningsih

NIM : 113-14-035

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Departement : English Education Departement

Declares that this paper is written by the researcher and it does not copy from

other researcher. Theories and citations are used codes of ethics of writing for

graduating paper. I give permission to publish this graduating paper on IAIN

Salatiga’s E-repository.



SMA N 1 Tuntang, located on Jl. Tuntang-Bringin Km 1.

SMA N 1 Tuntang was established in 2004 but legitimated on June

23st, 2005 by Governor of Middle Javanese, H. Mardiyanto. There is

an identity of SMA N 1 Tuntang:

The name of the school: SMA Negeri 1 Tuntang

Adress : Jl. Tuntang-Bringin Km 1, Delik,

Tuntang, Semarang regency, Jawa Tengah.

Telephone : (0298) 7100851

Pos zip code : 50773

Accreditation : A

Established : 2004

authenticate : 2005

Majors : Science, sociality, Indonesian language

Headmaster : Dra. Ariyati Adi Kusumawati

Curriculum : 2013 curriculum revision

Email :

1. Vission and Mission

a. Vission

1) Preeminently in the achievement

2) Have a virtuous character

3) Have a conception of culture

b. Mission

1) Increase the quality of learning process and facility of

education to support the development of learning program,

so the students capable of rich the achievement in academic

or unacademic.

2) To build the good socialization among the school society

based on the piety and implementing 5S, senyum, sapa,


salam, sopan, dan santun (Smile, greetings, peaceful,

respectful, and polite.)

3) Making extraculiculer activities which suitable and

conserve the culture of the region.

2. The Situation and Condition of the Educational Sistem

In SMA N 1 Tuntang using a curriculum 2013 revision.

But, there are many different system between ten, eleven grade

and twelve grade. For twelve grade still using curriculum 2006

(KTSP). Whereas, ten and eleven using a new curriculum

(curriculum 2013 revision), but in learning Islamic education still

using curriculum 2006 (KTSP).

The structured curriculum of SMA N 1 Tuntang, follows

as implementation of curriculum 2013 revision that sets out the

literacy process dan HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill).

To improve learning achievement, SMA N 1 Tuntang

implemented a new curriculum, such as:

a) Preparation of workshop teaching-learning process

b) Improving result of learning

c) Steadyble a mental and technique ability

d) Improving conviction and pious

3. The Situation and Condition of Educational Facilities

The environment is very influential in the learning process.

The conducive environment makes the activities of both students

and teachers to run smoothly. Based on the observation that has

done in SMA N 1 Tuntang is located in a position that is the

strategic place. The security system is also quite a good school

with their school gate guard who had done their job well.

In addition, there are any 22 classrooms, 4 laboratorium,

UKS, library, canteen, teachers’ room, student sanitation,

cooperation, mosque, sports area, parking area, internet facility.

(a) The data of Operational


Status of BOS : Available

Implementation : Morning

Sorce of electricity : PLN (Power 12500)

Internet accesses : WIFI available (Tri ‘3’)

(b) The data of facility at the school

Group of study : 25

Classroom : 22

Laboratorium : 4

UKS : Available

Library : Available

Students’ sanitation : Available

Canteen, Coperation : Available

Mosque : Available

Sport area : Available

Parking area : Available

(c) The data of learning-process

Ratio of students’ group study : 32

Ratio of classroom : 36

Ratio of teacher : 24

Presentation of teacher qualification : 100

Prentation of proper classroom : 88

Journal of classroom and attendace : Available

LCD Proyektor : Available

Lab. science : Available

Lab. language : Available

Lab. Computer :Available





Hortatory Exposition Text

Hortatory exposition is a text which represent the attempt of the writer

to have the addressee do something or act in certain way. In other words, a

hortatory exposition is a text whose purpose is persuade the readers that

something should or should not be the case or be done.

a. Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition

1. Thesis/ General Statement

2. Arguments

3. Recommendation

b. Language Feature of Hortatory Exposition

1. Focusing on the writer

2. Using abstract noun: policy, advantage, etc

3. Using action verbs

4. Using thinking verbs

5. Using modals

6. Using adverb: certainly, surely, etc

7. Using temporal connectives/transition: firstly, secondly, etc

8. Using evaluative words: important, valuable, trustworthy, etc

9. Using passive voice

10. Using simple present tense


c. Example of a Hortatory Exposition Text

Indonesian People Should Value All the Different Culture

to Promote Unity of the Nation

(Thesis 1)

Indonesia is a culturally-diverse country. Many different religions and

cultures from many provinces are now seen living side by side in many places.

One of the biggest questions facing Indonesian today is how to deal with a

culturally diverse citizenry and then promote unity.

(Thesis 2)

Therefore, Indonesians should appreciate differences among culture for the

following reasons. Firstly, Indonesia is vulnerable to separation for its archipelago

and culture diversity. Raising tolerance among people is the best way to maintain

the unity among differences. Many ways or cultures of living are equally legal,

even if they are not regarded as normal by some people. If a society claims to be

tolerant of personal choice, then it must respect the personal choice to retain their

heritage. Then, unity of the nation can be preserved.

(Argument 1)

Secondly, Indonesians must recognize that every culture has different

customs and beliefs. Thus, people are forbidden to make judgments of

comparative value, for it is measuring something unmeasured. A plurality of

nations, especially in the modern era, can allow for cultural development and

cultural exchange that benefits both parties. The cross-cultural understanding

among cultures makes the world a better place and preserves the unity of the




Nama Sekolah : SMA N 1 Tuntang

Kelas : XI MIPA 1

Semester : 2/Genap

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

No Nama

Cycle 1

Cycle 2

1 AF √ √

2 AS √ √

3 AS √ √

4 AKW √ √

5 DK √ √

6 DSR √ √

7 DSN √ √

8 DSW √ √

9 DP √ √

10 EDK √ √

11 FAH √ √

12 FAT √ √

13 FPM √ √

14 FDK √ √


15 HRJ √ √

16 IAI √ √

17 I √ √

18 MDRC √ √

19 MI √ √

20 MNPI √ √

21 RS √ √

22 RAM √ √

23 RSA √ √

24 SWS √ √

25 SPLS √ √

26 SYP √ √

27 TNGS √ √

28 ZM √ √

Catatan :






Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Tuntang

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/2

Materi Pokok : Hortatory Exposition Text

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 menit (cycle 1)

A. Kompetensi Inti

Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya. Menunjukkan

perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerja sama,

toleran, damai), santun, responsif, dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap

sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi

secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta menempatkan diri

sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin

tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan

humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan,

dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta

menerapkan pengetahuan procedural dan pada bidang kajian yang

spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan


KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah

abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di

sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai

kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.9 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks hortatory

exposition lisan dan

tulis dengan memberi

dan meminta informasi



mengenai topik yang

hangat dibicarakan

umum, argumentasi

pendukung, serta saran,

3.9.1 Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi

informasi terkait fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa

teks hortatory exposition lisan dan

tulis dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait pandangan/pendapat

mengenai topik yang hangat

dibicarakan umum, argumentasi

pendukung, serta saran, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya.

3.9.2 Siswa dapat menerapkan informasi

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks hortatory


sesuai dengan konteks


exposition lisan dan tulis dengan

memberi dan meminta informasi

terkait pandangan/pendapat mengenai

topik yang hangat dibicarakan umum,

argumentasi pendukung, serta saran,

sesuai dengan konteks


3.9.3 Siswa dapat menganalisis informasi

terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks

hortatory exposition lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait pandangan/pendapat

mengenai topik yang hangat

dibicarakan umum, argumentasi

pendukung, serta saran, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya.

4.9 Teks Hortatory


4.9.1 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual

terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

teks hortatory

exposition lisan dan

tulis, terkait isu


4.9.2 Menyusun teks

hortatory exposition

lisan dan tulis,

terkait isu aktual,



fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan,

secara benar dan

sesuai konteks.

4.9 Siswa dapat menyajikan paragraf

hortatory exposition teks.

4.9.1 Siswa dapat menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks

hortatory exposition lisan dan tulis,

terkait isu aktual.

4.9.2 Siswa dapat menyusun teks hortatory

exposition lisan dan tulis, terkait isu

aktual, dengan memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai


C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui pembelajaran cooperative learning melalui metode

pengamatan, diskusi dan penugasan, siswa mampu menyusun teks hortatory

exposition lisan dan tulis, terkait isu aktual, dengan memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks


dengan menggunakan teks, ppt, sehingga dapat menghayati dan

mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianut melalui belajar bahasa inggris,

mengembangkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong

royong, kerja sama, toleran, damai), santun, dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai

bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta menempatkan diri sebagai

cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Fungsi Sosial

Mengajak, membujuk orang lain/pembaca atau pendengar untuk menyetujui

melakukan tindakan yang direkomendasikan dalam teks

Struktur teks

1. Menyebutkan pokok permasalahan terhadap sesuatu yang hangat

dibicarakan (Thesis statement)

2. Menyebutkan pandangan/pendapat mengenai permasalahan tersebut

beserta ilustrasi sebagai pendukung (Arguments)

3. Diakhiri dengan jalan keluar/ solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi

permasalahan tersebut

Unsur Kebahasaan:

1. Kalimat Simple Present

2. Conditional Clauses

3. Modals

4. Kosa kata, tata bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata, dan intonasi.


Berbagai hal terkait dengan interaksi antara guru dan siswa selama

proses pembelajaran, di dalam maupun di luar. Hortatory exposition is a text

which represent the attempt of the writer to have the addressee do

something or act in certain way. In other words, a hortatory exposition is a

text whose purpose is persuade the readers that something should or should

not be the case or be done. Example of Hortatory exposition text, entitled

“The Internet”: Generic Structure Example Note

Thesis Now we can live in the global

era. We can find anything

from different concerns of the

world easily. Through the

internet, we can get any

information about anything in

the world easily.

The thesis is using present

tense (modal verb: can)


Argument 1 Internet is very useful for

junior highs school students,

as long as the students can use

this sophisticated media

properly In the internet, we

can find any materials which

are both good and bad. It is

said that an internet is like a

market. In the market, there

are many good and bad


The argument is using present


c. Nominal sentence:


Example: it is very useful

for us.

d. Verbal sentence: find,

like, use, etc.

Example: we can find any


Argument 2 There are many different

kinds of people in the market;

different characteristics,

different professions, different

ages, different sexes, different

purposes, etc. We can see

these all in the internet too. In

the internet, there are many

kinds of learning materials

which help studets learn better.

On the other hand, good

purposes may lead the

students into the wrong places

if they are not very careful

enough with them.

The argument is using present


c. Nominal sentence:


Example: there are

many kinds of learning


d. Verbal sentence: use,

see, etc.

Example: We can see

in the internet too.

Recomendation To be effective using the

internet, Junior High School

students need to supervised

when using this sophisticated


The recommendation is using

suggestion sentences. Verb:

should to, must be, need to,

have to, ought to, canbe,

could be, may, might, etc.

Example: Studennts need to

supervised when using this

sophisticated media.

C. Metode Pembelajaran

Pendekatan : Saintifik

Model : Picture Word Inductive Model

Metode : Mencari informasi, pengamatan, diskusi,

penugasan, presentasi


F. Media Pembelajaran

1. Spidol, papan tulis,ppt

2. Printed text

3. Picture sesuai topik

G. Sumber Belajar


2. Pardiyono. (2016). Genre: Mastering English Throgh Context.

Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.

H. Langkah Langkah Pembelajaran


Kegiatan Deskripsi Alokasi


Pendahuluan 1. Guru membuka kegiatan dengan memberi salam

2. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk memimpin doa

3. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

4. Guru menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan dicapai

5. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan belajar yang akan



Inti 1. Guru menanyakan beberapa informasi terkait hortatory

exposition text, siswa merespon (HOTS)

2. Guru bersama siswa menganalisa teks hortatory teks

terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan horatatory exposition text.

3. Guru memperkenalkan Picture Word Inductive

Model dan menjelaskannya.

4. Guru memilih sebuah gambar dan meminta siswa

untuk menuliskan beberapa kosakata yang terdapat di

gambar dengan cara menarik garis sesuai gambar dan

ditulis kosakata di samping gamabar tersebut.

5. Siswa menuliskan kosakata dengan spelling yang

benar. Guru membuat word chart, dan meminta siswa

untuk membacanya bersama-sama dengan

pronounciation yang benar.

6. Siswa dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok diskusi



untuk menyusun teks hortatory menggunakan strategi

Picture Word Inductive Model

7. Guru membagikan gambar (tema: Global Warming)

kepada setiap kelompok dan di uraikan kosakatanya

dengan menarik garis sesuai gambar yang diberikan.

8. Siswa membuat word chart dan diklasifikasinkan

sesuai part of speechnya (noun, verb, adjective,

adverb, etc)

9. Dari kosakata yang mereka dapatkan. Siswa mulai

menentukan judul yang tepat. Kemudian menuliskan

kalimat disusun menjadi paragraf sesuai generic

structure dari hortatory text.

10. Guru mengamati dan merespon siswa selama diskusi


11. Siswa mempresentasikan hasil diskusi kepada teman


12. Guru mengamati dan menilai presentasi siswa dari

aspek ketrampilan.

Penutup 1. Guru bersama siswa menyimpulkan pembelajaran

tentang hortatory exposition text.

2. Guru memberikan umpan balik pembelajaran

3. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran untuk

pertemuan berikutnya

4. Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan salam.


I. Penilaian

1. Teknik : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk : menyusun teks deskriptif



3. Instrumen :

Name :


Class :


1. Write the hortatory exposition text which the topic is about healthy!

Name :


Class :


1. Write the hortatory exposition text that the topic is about Global

Warming by using Picture Word Inductive Model based on the picture



Students’ Observation Cycle 1








to question


ing task



an English


1 AF

2 AS

3 AS


5 DK




9 DP

10 EDK

11 FAH

12 FAT

13 FPM

14 FDF

15 HRJ

16 IAI

17 IT


19 MI



21 RS

21 RAM

23 RSA

24 SWS


26 SYP


28 ZM

A. Pedoman penilaian

Rubrik Penilaian, adapted from Brown, (2004, p.244-245).

Komponen writing Indikator Nilai

Organization Excellent to Good 20-18

Good to Adequate 17-15

Adequate to Fair 14-12

Unacceptable 11-6

Not College-level work 5-1

Content Excellent to Good 20-18

Good to Adequate 17-15

Adequate to Fair 14-12

Unacceptable 11-6

Not College-level work 5-1

Grammar Excellent to Good 20-18

Good to Adequate 17-15


Adequate to Fair 14-12

Unacceptable 11-6

Not College-level work 5-1

Punctuation Excellent to Good 20-18

Good to Adequate 17-15

Adequate to Fair 14-12

Unacceptable 11-6

Not College-level work 5-1

Vocabulary Excellent to Good 20-18

Good to Adequate 17-15

Adequate to Fair 14-12

Unacceptable 11-6

Not College-level work 5-1

Kriteria Nilai

A = 80 – 100 : Baik Sekali

B = 70 – 79 : Baik

C = 60 – 69 : Cukup

D = ‹ 60 : Kurang


Salatiga, 17 April 2018


Guru mata pelajaran Peneliti

Surti Harjanti, S.S Tika Lutfia Ningsih

NIP. 19760125 200902 2 002 NIM. 11314035


Lampiran Materi

Hortatory exposition is a text which represent the attempt of the writer

to have the addressee do something or act in certain way. In other words, a

hortatory exposition is a text whose purpose is persuade the readers that

something should or should not be the case or be done.

d. Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition

4. Thesis/ General Statement

5. Arguments

6. Recommendation

e. Language Feature of Hortatory Exposition

11. Focusing on the writer

12. Using abstract noun: policy, advantage, etc

13. Using action verbs

14. Using thinking verbs

15. Using modals

16. Using adverb: certainly, surely, etc

17. Using temporal connectives/transition: firstly, secondly, etc

18. Using evaluative words: important, valuable, trustworthy, etc

19. Using passive voice

20. Using simple present tense

f. Example 1 of a Hortatory Exposition Text

Indonesian People Should Value All the Different Culture

to Promote Unity of the Nation

(Thesis 1)

Indonesia is a culturally-diverse country. Many different religions and

cultures from many provinces are now seen living side by side in many places.

One of the biggest questions facing Indonesian today is how to deal with a

culturally diverse citizenry and then promote unity.


(Thesis 2)

Therefore, Indonesians should appreciate differences among culture for the

following reasons. Firstly, Indonesia is vulnerable to separation for its archipelago

and culture diversity. Raising tolerance among people is the best way to maintain

the unity among differences. Many ways or cultures of living are equally legal,

even if they are not regarded as normal by some people. If a society claims to be

tolerant of personal choice, then it must respect the personal choice to retain their

heritage. Then, unity of the nation can be preserved.

(Argument 1)

Secondly, Indonesians must recognize that every culture has different

customs and beliefs. Thus, people are forbidden to make judgments of

comparative value, for it is measuring something unmeasured. A plurality of

nations, especially in the modern era, can allow for cultural development and

cultural exchange that benefits both parties. The cross-cultural understanding

among cultures makes the world a better place and preserves the unity of the


(Argument 2)

Lastly, raising nationalism is one way to preserve unity of the nation. It is

a sense of fellow feeling between group members. This promotes cooperation and

social cohesion within the group. The sense of social cooperation makes welfare,

social security and medical programs much more likely and stronger.


Cultural differences are sometime a sensitive matter for people. Indonesian

people must teach younger generation about the importance of the cultural

identity and nationalism to promote unity of the nation.


Lampiran gambar

Global Warming



Lampiran soal cycle 1


1. Write the hortatory exposition text which the topic is about Global

Warming based on the picture below and explain the generic

structure, discuss with your group!














1. Write the hortatory exposition text which the topic is about Global

Warming based on the picture below and explain the generic structure,

discuss with your group!















Sekolah : SMA Negeri 1 Tuntang

Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI/2

Materi Pokok : Hortatory Exposition Text

Alokasi Waktu : 2 X 45 menit (cycle 2)

A. Kompetensi Inti

Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya. Menunjukkan

perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerja sama,

toleran, damai), santun, responsif, dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap

sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi

secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta menempatkan diri

sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,

konseptual, prosedural dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin

tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan

humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan,

dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta

menerapkan pengetahuan procedural dan pada bidang kajian yang

spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan


KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah

abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di

sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai

kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.10 Membedakan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

beberapa teks hortatory

exposition lisan dan

tulis dengan memberi

dan meminta informasi



mengenai topik yang

hangat dibicarakan

umum, argumentasi

pendukung, serta saran,

3.10.1 Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi

informasi terkait fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa

teks hortatory exposition lisan dan

tulis dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait pandangan/pendapat

mengenai topik yang hangat

dibicarakan umum, argumentasi

pendukung, serta saran, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya.

3.10.2 Siswa dapat menerapkan informasi

fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan beberapa teks hortatory


sesuai dengan konteks


exposition lisan dan tulis dengan

memberi dan meminta informasi

terkait pandangan/pendapat mengenai

topik yang hangat dibicarakan umum,

argumentasi pendukung, serta saran,

sesuai dengan konteks


3.10.3 Siswa dapat menganalisis informasi

terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks

hortatory exposition lisan dan tulis

dengan memberi dan meminta

informasi terkait pandangan/pendapat

mengenai topik yang hangat

dibicarakan umum, argumentasi

pendukung, serta saran, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya.

4.10 Teks Hortatory


4.10.1 Menangkap makna

secara kontekstual

terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan

teks hortatory

exposition lisan dan

tulis, terkait isu


4.10.2 Menyusun teks

hortatory exposition

lisan dan tulis,

terkait isu aktual,



fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan,

secara benar dan

sesuai konteks.

4.10 Siswa dapat menyajikan paragraf

hortatory exposition teks.

4.10.1Siswa dapat menangkap makna secara

kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan

teks hortatory exposition lisan dan tulis,

terkait isu aktual.

4.10.2Siswa dapat menyusun teks hortatory

exposition lisan dan tulis, terkait isu

aktual, dengan memperhatikan fungsi

sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai


C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Melalui pembelajaran cooperative learning melalui metode

pengamatan, diskusi dan penugasan, siswa mampu menyusun teks hortatory

exposition lisan dan tulis, terkait isu aktual, dengan memperhatikan fungsi


sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

dengan menggunakan teks, ppt, sehingga dapat menghayati dan

mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianut melalui belajar bahasa inggris,

mengembangkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli (gotong

royong, kerja sama, toleran, damai), santun, dan menunjukkan sikap sebagai

bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara

efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam serta menempatkan diri sebagai

cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Fungsi Sosial

Mengajak, membujuk orang lain/pembaca atau pendengar untuk menyetujui

melakukan tindakan yang direkomendasikan dalam teks

Struktur teks

4. Menyebutkan pokok permasalahan terhadap sesuatu yang hangat

dibicarakan (Thesis statement)

5. Menyebutkan pandangan/pendapat mengenai permasalahan tersebut

beserta ilustrasi sebagai pendukung (Arguments)

6. Diakhiri dengan jalan keluar/ solusi yang ditawarkan untuk mengatasi

permasalahan tersebut

Unsur Kebahasaan:

5. Kalimat Simple Present

6. Conditional Clauses

7. Modals

8. Kosa kata, tata bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata, dan intonasi.


Berbagai hal terkait dengan interaksi antara guru dan siswa selama

proses pembelajaran, di dalam maupun di luar.

Hortatory exposition is a text which represent the attempt of the

writer to have the addressee do something or act in certain way. In other

words, a hortatory exposition is a text whose purpose is persuade the readers

that something should or should not be the case or be done. Example of

Hortatory exposition text, entitled “The Internet”:

Generic Structure Example Note

Thesis Now we can live in the global

era. We can find anything

from different concerns of the

world easily. Through the

The thesis is using present

tense (modal verb: can)


internet, we can get any

information about anything in

the world easily.

Argument 1 Internet is very useful for

junior highs school students,

as long as the students can use

this sophisticated media

properly In the internet, we

can find any materials which

are both good and bad. It is

said that an internet is like a

market. In the market, there

are many good and bad


The argument is using present


a. Nominal sentence:


Example: it is very useful

for us.

b. Verbal sentence: find,

like, use, etc.

Example: we can find any


Argument 2 There are many different

kinds of people in the market;

different characteristics,

different professions, different

ages, different sexes, different

purposes, etc. We can see

these all in the internet too. In

the internet, there are many

kinds of learning materials

which help studets learn better.

On the other hand, good

purposes may lead the

students into the wrong places

if they are not very careful

enough with them.

The argument is using present


e. Nominal sentence:


Example: there are

many kinds of learning


f. Verbal sentence: use,

see, etc.

Example: We can see

in the internet too.

Recommendation To be effective using the

internet, Junior High School

students need to supervised

when using this sophisticated


The recommendation is using

suggestion sentences. Verb:

should to, must be, need to,

have to, ought to, canbe,

could be, may, might, etc.

Example: Studennts need to

supervised when using this

sophisticated media.

E. Metode Pembelajaran

Pendekatan : Saintifik

Model : Picture Word Inductive Model


Metode : Mencari informasi, pengamatan, diskusi,

penugasan, presentasi

F.Media Pembelajaran

1. Spidol, papan tulis,ppt

2. Printed text

3. Picture sesuai topik

G.Sumber Belajar


2. Pardiyono. (2016). Genre: Mastering English Throgh Context.

Yogyakarta: Andi Offset.

H.Langkah Langkah Pembelajaran


Kegiatan Deskripsi Alokasi




6. Guru membuka kegiatan dengan memberi salam

7. Guru meminta salah satu siswa untuk memimpin


8. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa

9. Guru menyampaikan kompetensi yang akan


10. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan belajar yang

akan dilakukan


Inti 13. Guru menanyakan beberapa informasi terkait

hortatory exposition text, siswa merespon (HOTS)

14. Siswa diberikan stimulan dengan berbagai

masalah yang ada disekitar lingkungan dan

meminta siswa untuk berpendapat.

15. Guru memilih sebuah gambar dan meminta

siswa untuk menuliskan beberapa kosakata yang

terdapat di gambar dengan cara menarik garis

sesuai gambar dan ditulis kosakata di samping

gamabar tersebut. (PWIM)

16. Siswa menuliskan kosakata dengan spelling

yang benar.


17. Guru membuat word chart, dan meminta siswa

untuk membacanya bersama-sama dengan

pronounciation yang benar.

18. Siswa dibagi menjadi beberapa kelompok

diskusi untuk menyusun teks hortatory

menggunakan strategi Picture Word Inductive


19. Guru membagikan gambar dengan tema: Be

Wise to use Smartphone kepada setiap

kelompok dan di uraikan kosakatanya dengan

menarik garis sesuai gambar yang diberikan.

20. Siswa membuat word chart dan

diklasifikasinkan sesuai part of speechnya (noun,

verb, adjective, adverb, etc)

21. Dari kosakata yang mereka dapatkan. Siswa

mulai menentukan judul yang tepat. Kemudian

menuliskan kalimat disusun menjadi paragraf

sesuai generic structure dari hortatory text.

22. Guru mengamati dan merespon siswa selama

diskusi berlangsung

23. Siswa mempresentasikan hasil diskusi kepada

teman sekelas

24. Guru mengamati dan memberikan penilaian

terkait aspek ketrampilan


Penutup 5. Guru bersama siswa menyimpulkan pembelajaran

tentang hortatory exposition text.

6. Guru memberikan umpan balik pembelajaran

7. Guru menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran

untuk pertemuan berikutnya

8. Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan salam.




I. Penilaian

1. Teknik : Tes tertulis

2. Bentuk : menyusun teks deskriptif

3. Instrumen :

Name :


Class :


2. Write the hortatory exposition text which the topic is about reading a

book is important!


Name :


Class :


3. Write the hortatory exposition text that the topic is about Be Wise to

Use a Smartphone by using Picture Word Inductive Model based on

the picture!


Students’ Observation List

Cycle II








to question


ing task



an English


1 AF

2 AS

3 AS


5 DK




9 DP

10 EDK

11 FAH

12 FAT

13 FPM

14 FDF

15 HRJ

16 IAI

17 IT



19 MI


21 RS

22 RAM

23 RSA

24 SWS


26 SYP


28 ZM

A. Pedoman penilaian

Rubrik Penilaian, adapted from Brown, (2004, p.244-245).

Komponen writing Indikator Nilai

Organization Excellent to Good 20-18

Good to Adequate 17-15

Adequate to Fair 14-12

Unacceptable 11-6

Not College-level work 5-1

Content Excellent to Good 20-18

Good to Adequate 17-15

Adequate to Fair 14-12


Unacceptable 11-6

Not College-level work 5-1

Grammar Excellent to Good 20-18

Good to Adequate 17-15

Adequate to Fair 14-12

Unacceptable 11-6

Not College-level work 5-1

Punctuation Excellent to Good 20-18

Good to Adequate 17-15

Adequate to Fair 14-12

Unacceptable 11-6

Not College-level work 5-1

Vocabulary Excellent to Good 20-18

Good to Adequate 17-15

Adequate to Fair 14-12

Unacceptable 11-6

Not College-level work 5-1

Kriteria Nilai

A = 80 – 100 : Baik Sekali

B = 70 – 79 : Baik

C = 60 – 69 : Cukup

D = ‹ 60 : Kurang


Salatiga, 24 April 2018


Guru mata pelajaran Peneliti

Surti Harjanti, S.S Tika Lutfia Ningsih

NIP. 19760125 200902 2 002 NIM. 11314035


Lampiran Materi

Hortatory exposition is a text which represent the attempt of the writer

to have the addressee do something or act in certain way. In other words, a

hortatory exposition is a text whose purpose is persuade the readers that

something should or should not be the case or be done.

g. Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition

7. Thesis/ General Statement

8. Arguments

9. Recommendation

h. Language Feature of Hortatory Exposition

21. Focusing on the writer

22. Using abstract noun: policy, advantage, etc

23. Using action verbs

24. Using thinking verbs

25. Using modals

26. Using adverb: certainly, surely, etc

27. Using temporal connectives/transition: firstly, secondly, etc

28. Using evaluative words: important, valuable, trustworthy, etc

29. Using passive voice

30. Using simple present tense

i. Example 1 of a Hortatory Exposition Text

Indonesian People Should Value All the Different Culture

to Promote Unity of the Nation

(Thesis 1)

Indonesia is a culturally-diverse country. Many different religions and

cultures from many provinces are now seen living side by side in many places.

One of the biggest questions facing Indonesian today is how to deal with a

culturally diverse citizenry and then promote unity.


(Thesis 2)

Therefore, Indonesians should appreciate differences among culture for the

following reasons. Firstly, Indonesia is vulnerable to separation for its archipelago

and culture diversity. Raising tolerance among people is the best way to maintain

the unity among differences. Many ways or cultures of living are equally legal,

even if they are not regarded as normal by some people. If a society claims to be

tolerant of personal choice, then it must respect the personal choice to retain their

heritage. Then, unity of the nation can be preserved.

(Argument 1)

Secondly, Indonesians must recognize that every culture has different

customs and beliefs. Thus, people are forbidden to make judgments of

comparative value, for it is measuring something unmeasured. A plurality of

nations, especially in the modern era, can allow for cultural development and

cultural exchange that benefits both parties. The cross-cultural understanding

among cultures makes the world a better place and preserves the unity of the


(Argument 2)

Lastly, raising nationalism is one way to preserve unity of the nation. It is

a sense of fellow feeling between group members. This promotes cooperation and

social cohesion within the group. The sense of social cooperation makes welfare,

social security and medical programs much more likely and stronger.


Cultural differences are sometime a sensitive matter for people. Indonesian

people must teach younger generation about the importance of the cultural

identity and nationalism to promote unity of the nation.


Lampiran Gambar

Be Wise to Use Smartphone



Lampiran soal cycle 2


1. Write the hortatory exposition text which the topic is about Be

Wise to Use a Smartphone based on the picture below and

explain the generic structure, discuss with your group!















1. Write the hortatory exposition text which the topic is about Be

Wise to Use a Smartphone based on the picture below and

explain the generic structure, discuss with your group!





















Responding to





enthusiastic an




√ √


AS √

√ √


AS √ √

√ √



√ √


DK √

√ √






√ √


DP √

√ √






FAT √ √

√ √



√ √


FDF √ √



√ √


IAI √ √

√ √

17 IT

√ √



√ √


MI √ √

√ √




√ √





√ √





√ √



√ √



√ √




ZM √

√ √








Responding to





enthusiastic an




√ √




AS √

√ √



√ √


DK √

√ √



√ √



√ √



DP √

√ √






√ √



√ √



√ √



√ √


HRJ √ √

√ √



√ √

17 IT

√ √

√ √



√ √


MI √

√ √


MNPI √ √

√ √


RS √

√ √



√ √


RSA √ √

√ √




SPLS √ √

√ √





√ √


ZM √

√ √



No Aspect Yes No Descriptions Obstacles Solutions


Greeting students

before the lesson


Teacher greeted the

students by said



wabarokatuh” and

students answered

the greeting


Praying before the

lesson begins

Teacher asked one

of the students lead

their friends to

pray together


Checking student


Teacher called the

students one by one



previous material

Teacher reminding

previous material

about opinion,

simple present tense

to understand about

hprtatory exposition




Giving explanation

of the material

Teacher explained

the material, she

used mix language:

in indonesia and

English language


Use of Picture

Word Inductive

Model in

accordance with the


Teacher used a

picture which

showed to the

students. The

picture was big,

colored and

accordance with the



Giving opportunity

for asking question

Teacher gave time

to student about

everything to asked



Help student’s

difficulties during


Teacher helped

students to solve

the difficulties



Answer student


Teacher Answered

all of students’

questions related

with the topic


Giving feedback

after the lesson

Teacher gave

feedback to the

result of the




No Aspect Yes No Descriptions Obstacles Solutions


Greeting students

before the lesson


Teacher greeted the

students by said



wabarokatuh” and

students answered

the greeting


Praying before the

lesson begins

Teacher asked one of

the students lead

their friends to pray



Checking student


Teacher called the

students one by one


Reminding previous


Teacher reminding

previous material

about hortatory

exposition text, the

tenses, and generic




Giving explanation

of the material

Teacher explained

the material, she

used mix language:

in indonesia and

English language


Use of Picture

Word Inductive

Model in

accordance with the


Teacher used a

picture which

showed to the

students. The picture

was big, colored and

accordance with the



Giving opportunity

for asking question

Teacher gave time to

student about

everything to asked


8 Help student’s

difficulties during

√ Teacher helped

students to solve the


learning difficulties


Answer student


Teacher Answered

all of students’

questions related

with the topic


Giving feedback

after the lesson

Teacher gave

feedback to the result

of the learning
















A. Interview with The English Teacher

R : Pelajaran yang paling sulit bagi anak-anak itu apa ya, Bu?

T : Pelajaran writing di kelas XI

R : Untuk KKM mata pelajaran bahasa inggris berpa ya, Bu?

T : KKM untuk mata pelajaran bahasa inggris itu 70, mbak.

R : Untuk di SMA N 1 Tuntang sendiri menggunakan kurikulum

berapa, apakah ibu juga menerapkan di kelas XI?

T : Untuk di SMA N 1 Tuntang sendiri sudah menerapkan kurikulum

2013. Untuk kelas X dan XI sudah saya terapkan kurikulum 2013.

Sedangkan kelas XII masih KTSP.

R : Teknik mengajar yang seperti apa yang ibu gunakan di kelas bahasa


T : Seperti biasa menggunakan sistem cooperative dimana ada group

discussion, questioning,diselingi games.

R : Kendala apa yang ibu hadapi dalam mengajar writing?

T : Anak sulit menemukan topik dan ide untuk menulis. Kosakata

mereka sangat kurang. Mereka lebih sering mencari yang instatn seperti

searching di google atau memnggunakan fitur google translate. Dalam

penyusunan grammar masih sangat kurang. Anak-anak sering lalai

dalam hal pemberian tanda (punctuation).

R : Apakah ibu pernah mendengar Picture Word Inductive Model? Jika

sudah, apakah ibu pernah menerapkannya di kelas?

T : Saya pernah mendengar dan membaca sekilas tentang Picture Word

Inductive Model, tapi saya belum pernah menerapkannya di kelas.


R: Researcher

T: Teacher


B. Interview with The Students

1. Ferdie Agung Tombokan (Siswa kelas XI IPA 1)

R : Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan dalam pelajaran writing,

terutama dalam materi hortatory exposition text?

S : Iya, saya merasa kebingungan menyusun kata-kata yang baik dan


R : Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang metode PWIM yang diterapkan

oleh guru bahasa inggris di kelasmu?

S : Sangat membantu, karena metode ini kita lebih mudah menyusun

kata-kata menjadi sebuah kalimat dan dikembangkan menjadi sebuah


R : Menurut kamu, apakah metode ini juga cocok untuk diterapkan

pada materi horatatory exposition text?

S : Pendapat saya, metode PWIM sangat cocok diterapkan dalam

membuat hortatory exposition text. Karena melalui kata-kata yang ada

pada gambar kita menjadi lebih mudah merangkai menjadi sebuah

kalimat dan paragraf.

R : Apakah kemampuan menulis kamu meningkat setelah

menggunakan metode PWIM?

S : Iya, kemampuan saya dalam menulis menjadi meningkat karena

model pembelajaran ini membantu kita mengembangkan kata-kata pada

gambar menjadi sebuah kalimat dan paragraf.

R : Apakah kamu juga akan menerapkannya pada materi writing yang


S : Iya, metode PWIM ini sangat cocok untuk membuat text recount

juga diskriptive text.


2. Muhammad Inzagi (Siswa kelas XI IPA 1)

R : Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan dalam pelajaran writing,

terutama dalam materi hortatory exposition text?

S : Iya, saya merasa kebsulitan. Soalnya saya bingung mau nulis apa

dan menulisnya gimana.

R : Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang metode PWIM yang diterapkan

oleh guru bahasa inggris di kelasmu?

S : Sangat membantu, soalnya kalau kita tahu apa yang dituliskan

digambar tersebut kita bisa lebih mudah menulis hortatory exposition


R : Menurut kamu, apakah metode ini juga cocok untuk diterapkan

pada materi horatatory exposition text?

S : Pendapat saya, metode PWIM sangat cocok diterapkan dalam

membuat hortatory exposition text. Karena lebih mudah dan membantu

kita untuk mengetahui apa yang harus kita tulis dalam hortatory

exposition text.

R : Apakah kemampuan menulis kamu meningkat setelah

menggunakan metode PWIM?

S : Iya, bisa dibilang meningkat, karena ada maksud yang pasti dalam

menulis.kemampuan saya dalam menulis text terutama hortatory

exposition text.

R : Apakah kamu juga akan menerapkannya pada materi writing yang


S : Iya, pasti digunakan lagi, karena lebih mudah untuk diterapkan.


3. Irma Tiara (Siswa kelas XI IPA 1)

R : Apakah kamu mengalami kesulitan dalam pelajaran writing,

terutama dalam materi hortatory exposition text?

S : Iya, kadang, karena kurang inspirasi dalam menulis text hortatory


R : Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang metode PWIM yang diterapkan

oleh guru bahasa inggris di kelasmu?

S : Iya, karena metode PWIM sangat memotivasi dan membantu saya

untuk menyusun text hortatori exposisi.

R : Menurut kamu, apakah metode ini juga cocok untuk diterapkan

pada materi horatatory exposition text?

S : iya, karena metode PWIM sangat membantu menemukan dan

menysusun kata untuk merangkai text hortatori exposisi.

R : Apakah kemampuan menulis kamu meningkat setelah

menggunakan metode PWIM?

S : Iya, kemampuan saya dalam menulis menjadi meningkat karena

model pembelajaran ini membantu kita mengembangkan karena metode

PWIM membuka inspirasi dalam menulis kalimat menjadi paragraf,

terutama pada text hortatory exposisi.

R : Apakah kamu juga akan menerapkannya pada materi writing yang


S : Iya, tentu saya akan menggunakan paa materi writing yang lain juga.


R : Researcher

S : Student









Cycle I

(Pre-test & Post-test)


(Group discussion )


(The teacher explain the material by using PWIM)



(The students’ presentation in front of the class)

Cycle II

(Pre-Test & Post-Test)


(Group Dsicussion)


(The students’ presentation)


(Teaching-Learning Activities by using PWIM)


(The teacher guides the students in group giscussion)


(The student asked a question to the teacher)




Nama : Tika Lutfia Ningsih

NIM : 113-14-035

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pembimbing Akademik : Drs. Kastolani, M. Ag.

NO. Nama Kegiatan Pelaksanaan Sebagai Nilai



“Aktualisasi Gerakan Mahasiswa

yang Beretika, Disiplin dan

Berfikir Terbuka”

18-19 Agustus 2014 Peserta 3




“Aktualisasi Pendidikan Karakter

Sebagai Pembentuk Generasi yang

Religius, Educative, dan Humanis”

20-21 Agustus 2014 Peserta 3


Orientasi Dasar Keislaman

(ODK), “Pemahaman Islam

Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin Sebagai

Langkah Awal Menjadi

Mahasiswa Berkarakter” oleh

LDK Darul Amal dan ITTAQO


21 Agustus 2014 Peserta 2


Motivation Traiining (AMT),

“Dengan AMT Semangat

Menyongsong Prestasi” oleh CEC


23 Agustus 2014 Peserta 2



“Library User Education

(Pendidikan Pemakai

Perpustakaan)” oleh UPT



28 Agustus 2014 Peserta 2


“Training Pembuatan Makalah”

oleh LDK Darul Amal STAIN


17 September 2014 Peserta 2


Talk Show, “Ciptakan Karakter

Mahasiswa Religius dan

Berakhlaq Mulia” oleh Al

Khidmah Kampus Kota Salatiga

19 September 2014 Panitia 3


Masa Ta’aruf (MASTA)

“Membentuk Pribadi,

Kembangkan Diri, Lahirkan


26 September 2014 Peserta 2


English Friendship Camp, “CEC is

The Best Way for Great

Generation” oleh CEC STAIN


27-28 September

2014 Peserta 2



Semester Ganjil Tahun 2014” oleh



24-25 Oktober 2014 Peserta 2


“Diklat Microteaching” oleh

Himpunan Mahasiswa Program

Studi (HMPS) Pendidikan Agama

Islam Jurusan Tarbiyah STAIN


08 November 2014 Peserta 2



“Training and TOEFL Test” oleh

Himpunan Mahasiswa Program

Studi (HMPS) Jurusan Perbankan


08-09 November

2014 Peserta 2


Talk Show Pra Nikah,

“Menjemput Jodoh Impian” oleh

LDK Darul Amal STAIN


09 November 2014 Peserta 2


“Scholarship Forum” oleh CEC

STAIN SALATIGA 15 November 2014 Peserta 2


“Seminar Nasional

Entrepreneurship” oleh RACANA



16 November 2014 Peserta 8



Semester Ganjil Tahun 2014” oleh



19-20 Desember

2014 Peserta 2


CEC Study Club Tahun 2014 oleh

CEC STAIN SALATIGA 07 Desember 2014 Peserta 2


Seminar Nasional “Peranan

Technopreneur dalam Mendukung

Program Pemerintah Melalui

Ekonomi Kreatif” oleh KOPMA


15 April 2015 Peserta 8



Semester Genap Tahun 2015” oleh



17-18 April 2015 Peserta 2



Bedah Novel “Gus Dur dan Sinta

(Sebuah Romansa Tentang Buku,

Bunga, dan Cinta)”oleh UPT

Perpustakaan Pondok Pesantren

Edi Mancoro

17 Mei 2015 Peserta 2


Seminar Nasional “Understanding

the World by Understanding the

Language and the Culture” oleh


04 Juni 2015 Peserta 8


Workshop Terapi Hati oleh Biro

Konsultasi TAZKIA IAIN


05 Juni 2015 Peserta 2


Seminar Nasional Bahasa Arab

ITTAQO, “Aktualisasi Bahasa

Arab untuk Membentuk Karakter

Bangsa yang Bermartabat” oleh


10 Juni 2015 Peserta 8


Tabligh Akbar, “Surat Cinta dari

Surga” oleh LDK Fathir Ar Rasyid


13 Juni 2015 Panitia 3


“Ibtida’ Ikat Hati, Bina Diri,

Songsong Teladan Sejati” oleh

LDK Fathir Ar Rasyid IAIN


03-04 Oktober 2015 Peserta 2


Pendidikan Pers Mahasiswa

Tingkat Dasar (PPMTD)

“Revolusi Persma Tonggak Kritis

Progresif” oleh LPM Dinamika


30 Oktober 2015





Seminar Nasional, “Peningkatan

Profesionalisme Guru Sebagai

dalam Pembelajaran di Era

Globalisasi” oleh DEMA FTIK


23 November 2015 Peserta 8


Seminar Nasional. “English-

Preneurship: Do You Dare to be

The Next Moslem Business

Owner?” oleh HMJ TBI IAIN


27 November 2015 Peserta 8


Bedah Buku “Ulama-Ulama

Aswaja Nusantara yang

Berpengaruh di Negeri Hijaz”

diselenggarakan oleh UPT

Perpustakaan Pondok Pesantren

Edi Mancoro

21 Februari 2016 Panitia 3


Seminar Nasional “Geliat

Masyarakat Urban” oleh LPM


25 Maret 2016 Peserta 8


Diskusi Terbuka “Degradasi

Nasionalisme Akibat Pengaruh

Hedonisme” oleh LPM Dinamika


20 April 2016 Panitia 8


Pelatihan Jurnalistik Tingkat

Lanjut (PJTL) “Aktualisasi

Militansi Pers Mahasiswa” oleh


28 April - 01 Mei

2016 Peserta 3


Seminar Nasional “Esensi Dakwah

Kontemporer” oleh LDK Fathir Ar


21 Mei 2016 Panitia 8



Pesantren Kilat oleh TBB dan TK

Al-Qur’an Edi Mancoro 06-18 Juni 2016 Pemateri 4


Asramanisasi Ramadhan

“Meningkatkan Kreativitas,

Intelektualitas, dan Spiritualitas di

Bulan Berkualitas” oleh Panitia

Asramanisasi Pondok Pesantren

Edi Mancoro

06-27 Juni 2016 Panitia 3


Diskusi Ramadhan “Ta’aruf Sastra

Timur Tengah” oleh LPM


17 Juni 2016 Panitia 3


Surat Keputusan Rektor IAIN

Salatiga tentang panitia

penyelenggara dan pemateri

Pendidikan Pers Mahasiswa

Tingkat Dasar (PPMTD) LPM

Dinamika Institut Agama Islam

Negeri (IAIN) Salatiga Tahun


18 Oktober 2016 Panitia 3


Piagam Penghargaan Juara 1 Cipta

Mars Edi Mancoro dalam Rangka

Memperingati Hari Lahir Pondok

Pesantren Edi Mancoro ke-27

16 Desember 2016 Peserta 4


Pelatihan Karya Ilmiah

diselenggarakan oleh Litbang

Pondok Pesantren Edi Mancoro

24 Januari 2017 Peserta 2


Pelatihan Perawatan Jenazah untuk

Menyiapkan Kader-Kader

Khodimul Ummah oleh Organisasi

Santri Pondok Pesantren Edi

30 Januari 2017 Peserta 2


Mancoro (OSPPEM)


Surat Keputusan Rektor IAIN

Salatiga tentang pengangakatan

pengurus Lembaga Pers

Mahasiswa (LPM) Dinamika

Institut Agama Islam Negeri

(IAIN) Salatiga Masa Bakti 2017

27 Februari 2017 Pengurus 4


Seminar Nasional dan Launching

Majalah LPM Dinamika

“Hedonisme” oleh LPM Dinamika


04 Maret 2017 Peserta 2

Jumlah 153

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