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As a partialSarjana Pendidikan

Faculty of Mahasaraswati Denpasar University






As a partial fulfillment of the requirement for theSarjana Pendidikan degree of English Department

Faculty of Teacher Training and EducationMahasaraswati Denpasar University












This thesis entitled “Improving The Students’ Vocabulary through

Interactive Games to the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Negeri 3 Mengwi” has

been approved and accepted as partial fulfillment for the Sarjana Pendidikan

degree in English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

Mahasaraswati Denpasar.

Advisor I Advisor II

Dr. Drs. I Made Sukamerta M.Pd Dr. Nyoman Winata M.Hum NIP. 195505071982031003 NIP. 130795908




This thesis has been examined by the committee on oral examination on

Monday, 12th August, 2013

Chief Examiner

Drs. I Nengah Astawa, M. HumNIP. 19571113 198603 1 001

Examiner I Examiner II

Dr. Drs. I Made Sukamerta, M.Pd Dr. Nyoman Winata, M.Hum NIP. 195505071982031003 NIP. 130795908

Approved by

Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Head of the English Department Training and Education

Prof. Dr. Wayan Maba I Komang Budiarta, S.PdNIP. 19660819 199203 1 003 NPK. 82 8208 306




First of all, I would like to praise to supreme God, for His blessing and

mercies, so that this thesis could be finished at the proper time as a partial

requirement for taking the final examination.

In the secondly, I would like to express my gratitude to my first and

second advisors respectively, Mr. Dr. Drs. I Made Sukamerta, M.Pd, and Mr. Drs.

Nyoman Winata, M.Hum, for their invaluable guidance and corrections in the

course of writing this thesis.

Next, my profound thank is also due the lecturers of the English

Department the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Mahasaraswati

University at Denpasar for their valuable guidance and encouragement in writing

this thesis.

My great thank to SMP N 3 Mengwi, also to the Headmaster and the

seventh grade student of SMP N 3 Mengwi for their cooperation during the field

data collection.

Furthermore, a special word for thank goes to my parent, my young

brother in helping me to correction the data of the student, all of my friends and

thank a lot for all of their support, motivation and help during the process of

writing this thesis.

Finally, I deeply realized that this thesis is certainly far from perfect.

.therefore, any criticism and suggestion for the development of this thesis are

highly appreciated.

The Researcher

I Gede Surya Prajana





Cover.......................................................................................................... i

Inside Cover ............................................................................................... ii

Approval Sheet 1 ........................................................................................ iii

Approval Sheet 2 ........................................................................................ iv

Acknowledgement ...................................................................................... v

Table Of Content ........................................................................................ vi

List Of Tables ............................................................................................. ix

List Of Graft ............................................................................................... x

Abstract ...................................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1

1.1 Background of the Study.................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of Research Question......................................................... 4

1.3 Purpose of the Research..................................................................... 5

1.4 Limitation of the Study ...................................................................... 5

1.5 Significance of the Study ................................................................... 5

1.6 Assumption........................................................................................ 6

1.7 Hypothesis ........................................................................................ 6

1.8 Definition of Key Term .................................................................... 6

1.9 Theoretical Framework ..................................................................... 7



CHAPTER II REVIEW TO RELATED LITERATURE ............................ 8

2.1 Conception of Vocabulary ................................................................ 8

2.2 Conception of Teaching Vocabulary ................................................. 9

2.3 Conception of The Importance of Vocabulary ................................... 13

2.4 Classification of Vocabulary.............................................................. 15

2.5 Technique in Teaching Vocabulary ................................................... 16

2.5.1 Unplanned Vocabulary teaching............................................... 17

2.5.2 Planned Vocabulary Teaching.................................................. 17

2.6 Interactive Games in Improving Students, Vocabulary ...................... 18

2.7 Assessment of Vocabulary ................................................................ 20

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ..................................................... 24

3.1 Subject of the Study .......................................................................... 24

3.2 Research Design................................................................................. 24

3.2.1 Initial Reflection..................................................................... 25

3.2.2 Planning ................................................................................. 25

3.2.3 Action .................................................................................... 26

3.2.4 Observation............................................................................ 27

3.2.5 Reflection............................................................................... 28

3.2.6 Point of Revisions .................................................................. 28

3.4 Research Instrument........................................................................... 28

3.5 Data Collection………………………………………………………. 29

3.6 Data analysis…………………………………………………………. 30




4.1 Data................................................................................................... 32

4.2 Data Analysis .................................................................................... 37

4.3 Discussion of the Findings ................................................................. 44

CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS ............................. 47

5.1 Conclusion......................................................................................... 47

5.2 Suggestions........................................................................................ 48

References .................................................................................................. 50






1.1 Figure 1 Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects’ Progressing

Scores In Improving Vocabulary through Interactive

Games ............................................................................ 32-34

1.2 Figure 2 Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects’ Changing

Attitudes and Motivation in Learning Vocabulary

through Interactive Games ............................................ 35-36

1.3 Figure 3 Tabulation of the data showing the Frequency

Distribution of Initial Reflection (IR) and Post Test

Scores in Learning Vocabulary through Interactive

Games ............................................................................ 37

1.4 Figure 4 Summary of Research Findings Showing the Mean of

each Session and the Grand Mean for cycle I and cycle

II .................................................................................... 39




1.5 Figure 5 Graph Depicting the Subject’ Progressing Mastery in

Learning Vocabulary Through Interactive Games .......... 42

1.6 Figure 6 Graph Depicting the Subject’ Progressing Mastery in

Learning Vocabulary Through Interactive Games ........ 43

1.7 Figure 7 Graph Depicting the Subject’ Progressing Mastery in

Learning Vocabulary Through Interactive Games ......... 44




Surya Prajana, I Gede, 2013. Improving the students’ Vocabulary through Interactive Games to the Seventh Grade Student of SMP N 3 Mengwi in the Academic year 2012 /2013. The First Advisor : Mr. Dr. Drs. I Made Sukamerta, M.Pd, Second Advisor : Mr. Drs. Nyoman Winata, M.Hum.

The present classroom action study dealt with improving vocabulary through interactive Games to the Seventh Grade students of SMP N 3 Mengwi in academic year 2012/2013. The number of the subject was 36 students, consisted of 16 female and 20 male. This study was designed in the form action research consisted of two cycles. Each cycle involved four step, namely: planning, action, observation, and reflection. Each cycle consisted of three teaching sessions. The data were obtained from the students’ achievement test; pretest, post test 1 and 2 in each cycle. Meanwhile the students ‘behavior was recorded during the implementation of the action through the result of questionnaire. Both in the first cycle and the second cycle the instructional process was conducted in an individual work. The result of the study showed that interactive games were effective to improve the students’ achievement in English vocabulary. It could be seem from the result of the student’ achievement test which increased during the application of the technique. The result of the IR clearly showed that the pre existing vocabulary subject was low with mean score 6.36 the result of the data analysis of the reflection score for cycle I figured out the increasing mean figures of 7.42,7.70. and 8.042 for S1 , S2 and S3. The result of data analysis of reflection score cycle II clearly figured out increasing mean figures of 7.08, 8.014 and 11.458 for S4, S5, S6 respectively. The grand mean figures for cycle I and II showed the figures of 7.721 and 8.851. there was a different mean figure of 1.130 between the two cycle. The result of analysis of the questionnaire score showed the comparative percentages of 4,68%, 31,82%, 2,14%, 0% for the total responses of the questionnaire items of option A, B, C, and D. The obtained comparative percentages of the items of the questionnaire indicated the subjects’ positive changing attitudes and motivation in mastering students’ vocabulary through interactive games was effective enough in helping the seventh grade student of SMP N 3 Mengwi to increase their vocabulary in English. The mean figure of IR score was much lower than the corresponding mean figure obtained for each session. The significant difference further suggested that cycle II was more effective than cycle I. This could plausibly be understood since cycle II started with revised planning.





1.1 Background of the Study

Language has a very important role in our daily life. In almost all activities

we do, we use language as means of communication. People use language to

convey their ideas and wishes, or what they have in their mind to other people.

Both, speaker and listener must be able to understand each other to establish good

communication. Without language, it will be hard for people to communicate

among themselves.

Learning foreign language means learning how to communicate in the

target language through its spoken or written forms. In this case the knowledge of

the target language involves four language skills such as: reading, writing,

listening, and speaking. These skills are also taught with language components

namely: grammatical structure, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling .It is

undeniable that students who want to master English well should acquire the four

major languages altogether.

By looking at its important function, all countries, including Indonesia, put

English as one of the compulsory subjects at the schools. In teaching English as a

foreign language most teaching programs are aimed at helping the students to gain

a large number of vocabularies of useful words. The researcher points out that the

more vocabularies (words) a person masters, the more ideas he / she can express



(Keraf, 1987 in Ningsih, 2003 : 1). He further describes that people who have

many ideas or ones who master large numbers of vocabulary (words) are able to

communicate easily and fluently with other people. According to (Philips,1993 in

Mustisari, 2007 : 2), states that having good vocabulary proficiency will enable

the student to acquire components all four basic language skills of listening,

speaking, reading and writing.

Vocabulary is the sum of words, used by, understood by or add the

command of particular person or group of any language used in books or texts, In

order to understand text or books the vocabulary as one element of the text should

be mastered well. To master vocabulary, the words should be learned item by item

by its definition, ( j.jpikulski and Shane,2004 :1). Vocabulary can be of a single

words.for example, post office and mother in law, which are made up of two or

three words but express a single idea, (Penny,1996 in Mustisari, 2007 :1).

Therefore, in every lesson, the teacher has to introduce new words, ask

student to practice them, make clear meanings, as well as ways in which the

words being learnt can be used. The objective of teaching English in junior high

schools getting students to be able to listen, speak, write, and read in English. We

can also see in the English GBPP (Guide line of teaching instruction) of junior

high school that at the end of the course, the students are expected to

approximately 500 words. Thus the mastery of vocabulary is seriously considered

in the education in Indonesia along with syntax as a means of expressing meaning,

feeling, ideas, though, and also opinions. It means vocabulary, among other


element of language, is firstly taught in order to make the students to be able to

speak or express their ideas.

However, there are a large number of pupils in primary school fail to

achieve the expectation above. They are found to have poor achievement in

vocabulary, which result in their poor performance in English language skills.

Having lack of words that they obtain also causes them to find English learning

hard and unattractive. This phenomenon can be explained by condition that there

are many junior high school teachers still encounter problems in presenting

English in their classes. They use limited number of teaching media to promote

the instruction and mostly use Indonesian in presenting the material. The media

they usually used are already familiar to the students such as flash cards, pictures

and real things. They are evidently textbook-oriented in sense that they concern

only with material provided in the textbooks whereas the use of teaching media

allows the teacher to simplify the instruction as well as make it interesting and


In teaching vocabulary, the teacher usually asks the students to translate

several Indonesian words into English. If the students were unable to do the task,

the teacher helped them translate the words. The teacher wrote down all the words

on the blackboard, and that was all. This method is called conventional method . It

did not help much to fulfill the purpose or goal of learning.

Junior school students especially the Seventh grade are only about 12 to 13

years old. This age is time where they are playing and having fun but still in

serious of the study. They often pay little attention to the teacher's speech or


explanation, and students find difficult about English vocabulary. The students'

habit to play and have fun in their seventh grade junior school actually is not a

peril to the success of the teaching learning process. On the contrary, the teachers

can gain benefit from this behavior. English teachers should be creative and

innovative in teaching and practicing different vocabulary teaching technique.

One of the vocabulary activities which is considered more effective is interactive

games. The use of games in improving vocabulary is not only changes the

dynamic of the class but also it rejuvenates students and helps the brain to learn

more effectively. Games also allow students to: work co-operatively, compete

with each other, strategize, think in a different way, compare and share

knowledge, learn from others, learn from mistakes, work in less stressful and

more productive and allow students to have fun. In addition, the researcher

believes that Interactive Games can improve the achievement in English

vocabulary to the seventh grade students of SMP N 3 Mengwi.

1.2 Statement of Research Questions

The problem of vocabulary is very broad and complex, it is learned which

involve four basic language skill (listening, reading, speaking and writing). With

limited number of vocabularies the student can convey a simple grammar, but

without vocabularies the grammar does not work. The mastery of vocabularies is

still the problem for the student of junior high school as young learners in

learning English as foreign language. So Based on the explanation above, the

problem of the study can be stated as follows: Can Interactive Games improve the

seventh grade students of SMP N 3 Mengwi in academic year 2012/2013?


1.3 The Purpose of the Study

Finding the answer of the research question is the most important

objective of research study .The objective purposes of the present study is To

know whether interactive games can improve or not the seventh grade students’

vocabulary of SMP N 3 Mengwi in academic years 2012/2013?

1.4 Limitation of Study

The writing I of research paper must complete and not too broad. it should

convey every thing that is worthy written in a research paper. So, relation to the

purpose of the study above, this study is limited to effort of improving the

students' vocabulary through interactive games. The material and source are taken

from the same book as used in the class of the seventh grade students of SMP N 3


1.5 Significance of the Study

The results of the study are expected to be beneficial for the students, the

teachers and other researcher.

1. For the Students it is expected that they can improve their vocabulary by

playing and enjoying interactive games.

2. For the teachers it is expected to be able to use appropriate strategies or

methods in teaching English to cope the students' problem in achievement


3. For other researchers, it is expected that the result of the study is useful for

teaching techniques in term those conducting study about teaching vocabulary.

4. For the Schools, it is expected that more rewards and achievements to

teachers who were able to find a new technique.


5. For the educational institutions, it is expected to find new techniques that

teachers can innovate with it.

6. For the expect government institutions, it is expected to facilitate

infrastructure and update of new knowledge about technique interactive


1.6 Assumption

In this study, the investigator thinks it is necessary to make assumption.

The underlying assumptions of the present study are the following.

1. The seventh grade students of SMP N 3 Mengwi have received vocabulary

study and interactive games where the settings are attractive.

2. The English teacher of SMP N 3 Mengwiis qualified enough.

3. The seventh grade students of SMP N 3 Mengwihave been learning English

with the same duration.

1.7 Hypothesis

Hypothesis is as a tentative or temporary answer of the research question

under the study. in order to give direction in collecting and interpretating the data

and also as a tentative solution to the problem in which the variables will be

tested, the hypothesis is stated as the following: The student's vocabulary can be

improved through interactive game.

1.8 Definition of Key Terms

The definition of the terms used in this study necessary to be defined as to

make a clear understanding of the terms utilized in this research paper. The

following is an explanation of some key terms used in this study:


1. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is defined as a list of new words which should be mastered by

the students under study and the new vocabulary will be taught by conducting a

series of teaching sessions and the students mastery of the new vocabulary will be

measured by administrating a series of post tests.

2. Interactive games

Interactive game is defined as a technique used by the teachers to improve

the students’ vocabulary ability in which the students are actively and

interactively engage to the various English games.

3. SMP N 3 Mengwi

One of the Junior high school which is located in Buduk village, sub

distric head of Mengwi, regency of Badung.

1.9 Theoretical Framework

1. This present study is based on the following theoretical framework:(1)

conception of vocabulary (2) conception of teaching vocabulary (3)

conception of the importance of vocabulary (4) classification of

vocabulary (5) technique in teaching vocabulary, (6) interactive games in

improving students’ vocabulary (7) assessment of vocabulary.




2.1 Conception of Vocabulary

Learning English should be fun ,interactive and exciting. A teacher should

be creative in teaching learning process to finding way to arouse the student’s

interest to be active to take a part in vocabulary learning activity in classroom.

Vocabulary is no question that people who have large speaking

vocabularies generally tend to have large listening, reading, and writing

vocabularies; like wise people who are limited in one of these aspects are likely

limited in other aspects as well. We have seen that this close relationship does not

exist in preliterate children. Also, some children who develop large reading

vocabularies may not use that vocabulary in their writing without teacher help and

guidance. However, in the years during which children develop as readers and

writers, there is an increasing high relationship among all four aspects of

vocabulary-listening, speaking, reading, and writing,( j.jpikulski and Shane, 2004


According to (j.jpikulski and Shane, 2004 :5)Purposes For Teaching

Vocabulary One reason teachers are concerned about teaching vocabulary is to

facilitate the comprehension of a text that students will be assigned to read. If

students do not know the meaning of many of the words that they will encounter

in a text, their comprehension of that selection is likely to be compromised. When

the purpose of vocabulary instruction is to facilitate the comprehension of a



selection, it is obvious that this instruction must take place as an introduction

before the reading of the selection.

Thomas, W. P., & Collier, V.. P. (2001:9 ) states the vocabulary is central

to language and of critical importance to the typical language learner. the teaching

and learning of vocabulary has been undervalued in the field of second language

acquisition (SLA) throughout its varying stages and up to the present

day.”Vocabulary receives considerably less attention than grammar and

phonology, vocabulary and it is only in the last decade that more research has

focused on second language vocabulary acquisition -especially in the fields of

teaching and curriculum design (Ibid).

2.2 Conception of Teaching Vocabulary

According to National Reading Panel(2000:4), Summary of the National

Reading Panel’s Specific Conclusions about Vocabulary Instruction :

1. There is a need for direct instruction of vocabulary items required for a

specific text.

2. Repetition and multiple exposure to vocabulary items are important. Students

should be given items that will be likely to appear in many contexts.

3. Learning in rich contexts is valuable for vocabulary learning. Vocabulary

words should be those that the learner will find useful in many contexts.

When vocabulary items are derived from content learning materials, the

learner will be better equipped to deal with specific reading matter in content


4. Vocabulary tasks should be restructured as necessary. It is important to be

certain that students fully understand what is asked of them in the context of


reading, rather than focusing only on the words to be learned. Restructuring

seems to be most effective for low-achieving or at-risk students.

5 Vocabulary learning is effective when it entails active engagement in learning


6. Computer technology can be used effectively to help teach vocabulary.

7. Vocabulary can be acquired through incidental learning. Much of a student's

vocabulary will have to be learned in the course of doing things other than

explicit vocabulary learning. Repetition, richness of context, and motivation

may also add to the efficacy of incidental learning of vocabulary.

8. Dependence on a single vocabulary instruction method will not result in

optimal learning. A variety of methods was used effectively with emphasis on

multimedia aspects of learning, richness of context in which words are to be

learned, and the number of exposures to words that learners receive.

According to Hatch and Brown (2000: 187) there are several principles in

teaching vocabulary, they are:

1. Aims

The teacher has to clear about his or her aims, how many things are listed and

what the teacher expects the learner to be able to do. It should be clear what

the teacher teaches and what the students learn.

2. Quantity

After deciding the aims in learning vocabulary, the teacher has to consider the

quantity of vocabulary to be learnt, how many new words the learners can


learn. The teacher selects the words that suit the level of students’


3. Frequent Exposure and Repetition

It is seldom, however, that we remember a new word simply by hearing it

once. There has to be certain amount of repetition until there is evidence that

the have learnt the target words. A vocabulary must be used as often as


5. Situational Presentation

Using words must be related to the situation. It is in the line with how well

the user know to whom, where, when and how he or she is speaking. It seems

sensible that students should learn the words in the situation in which they are

appropriately used.

6. Meaningful Presentation

The learners must have a clear and specific understanding of what it denotes

or refers to, i.e. it’s meanings. The requirements that they would be presented

in such a way that its denotation or reference is perfectly clear and

unambiguous, which is not always an easy task.

7. Inference Procedures in Vocabulary Learning

It is possible for a student to master all vocabularies (words) of certain

language. He or she needs the various specifically taught the meaning of

words. They may look up a dictionary without understanding all the

meanings. By making an inference from the context or guessing their

meanings from the context so that he or she can understand the word.


David (1991 : 5) states there are several ways of making clear the meaning

of a word, and these may be used alone or in combination.

1. Synonym

Synonyms are words that mean more or less the same thing. Take the word

coach, for example. It is a bus, but one that makes long distance journeys.

Synonyms are best shown on the board using the mathematical sign for

equals. Example of synonyms are the pairs : shield = protect, bone = skeleton,

predict = guess, disease = sickness, various= different.

2. Antonym

Antonym are words that have an opposite meaning. For example, poor is the

opposite of rich while dirty is the opposite of clean, accept is an antonym of

reject, and best is an antonym of worst (David,1991 : 7).

3. Ostensive : means by showing. We can hold up things or point to objects in

the classroom (such as lamp, flag, window, boy, girl, cupboard, duster).

4. Translation : awareness of certain differences and similarities between the

native and the foreign language, words or expressions in the learners’ mother

tongue that is (more or less) equivalent in meaning to the item being taught.

5. Polysemy : distinguishing between the various meaning of a single word form

with several but closely related meaning. For example: head of a person, head

of a pin, head of an organization.

6. Homographs are words which are written in the same way but have different

meaning (Michael 2001 : 38).

For example: I live in the north of England. /liv/

Your favorite pop star is singing live on TV tonight. /laiv/


7. Homophones are words which are pronounced in the same way but are spelt

differently. (Michael 2001 : 38)

For example : air /heir, pray/prey, tea/tee

sole/soul, sale/sail, pale/pail

8. Hyponyms : items that serve as specific examples of a general concept.

For example : melon, mango, water melon, grape are hyponym of fruits.

Vocabulary is central element in the language which links all skills

efficiently in speaking, listening, writing or reading would be of no use if not for

words. Even the best students often complain about them primary problem in

acquiring English, which is lack of vocabulary. Teachers must enable the students

to function accurately, appropriately and fluently in situation they will find

themselves in.

Teaching vocabulary is exciting and interesting tasks for teacher. There are

several techniques and tools that can be used in teaching vocabulary. It is very

difficult to determine which one is the best way, however the teacher should be

able to select the most appropriate way and tool to ensure the improvement of

student’s vocabulary ability. However, in relation to this study, the researcher will

discuss Improving the Students’ Vocabulary through Interactive Games.

2.3 Conception of The Importance of Vocabulary

According to Hatch (1983, p.74 :4) the importance of vocabulary in the

acquisition and use of language: ‘it is the lexical level that adult second language

learners claim is most important.


When our first goal is communication, when we have little of the new

language a tour command, it is the lexicon that is crucial words will make basic

communication possible.’ It is the aim of this dissertation to analyze the

importance and function of vocabulary in second language learning, and to assess

the body of research that has contributed towards addressing this importance.

The learning of vocabulary can help to overcome these problems as the

regular consulting of lists of words helps to family arise students with the

appearance and structure of words which they will later be able to pronounce. For

example, William Nagy emphasises how the teaching of vocabulary must be

sustained and holistic in order for the students to experience the full effects:

‘Effective instruction must also be multifaceted, encompassing: teaching

individual words; extensive exposure to rich language, both oral and written; and

building generative word knowledge.’ (Nagy.In Hiebert et al: 2005, p.28).

River cited by Murcia (1991 : 296) states that the acquisition of an

adequate vocabulary is essential for successful second language use because

without and extensive vocabulary, we may have learnt for comprehensible


The importance of vocabulary suggests that formal vocabulary instruction

for preschoolers until junior high school students could be beneficial. This can be

done by actively engaging student with words in creative ways. Word games are

an especially effective way of helping student interact with new words.

Learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning English. If

someone makes a mistake in grammar, it may be wrong but very often people will


understand one anyway. In the other side, if someone wants to communicate with

another by using English but he does not master the vocabulary, so people can not

understand him because of lack of vocabulary.

It is obvious that the mastery of vocabulary is really needed especially for

the young English Foreign Language (EFL) learners in learning a foreign

language because it enables them to express and understand other's ideas as well.

2.4 Classification of Vocabulary

Young leaner learnt particular vocabulary that is called basic vocabulary,

Hurlock as cited by Dwitha (2008:10) classifies the basic vocabulary into two

major divisions, there is general and special vocabulary. This division is based on

the childhood vocabulary:

A. General Vocabulary

Noun : defined as a word which names a person, place or

thing. Here are some examples of nouns: sky

mountain, moon, john, student, Australia, plane,

chair, father etc.

Verbs : after children have learnt enough nouns to apply

names of people, object in their environment, they

start to master verb designate action, i.e. jump,

walk, stand, run, sit, read, put, write etc.

Adjective : the adjectives most commonly used at first time

such as good, bad, hot, happy, nice, applied

principally to people, food, and also toys.


Adverb : defined as a word that gives more information

about a verb an adjective or another adverb. The

first appearances are : here, there, where, etc.

Preposition : defined a word which shows relationships among

other words in the sentence. The relationships

include direction, place, time, cause, manner, and

amount. Example : to the market, by car, on

Sunday, at two o’clock, under the tree.

B. Special Vocabulary Color vocabulary

Color vocabulary : the first appearance is the primary colors such as

red, blue, and white. How soon they will learn

other interest in color and opportunity to learn it.

Number vocabulary : it appears when they start to learn count.

Times vocabulary : children know the meaning of morning, afternoon,

night, winter, spring, summer, etc. It is for children

at age of 6-7.

Money vocabulary : 4-5years begin to label coins according to the size

and color.

2.5 Technique in Teaching Vocabulary

Napa (1991:24) states that technique is implementation which actually

takes place in techniques have been used to teach vocabulary. Vocabularies are

developed using different methods and techniques, such as word games,

crossword puzzle, word selection, word formation, matching, identifying words


and completion. The purpose is, of course, to make the materials more enjoyable,

interesting, and challenging.

Murcia (1991:298) states that technique in teaching vocabulary divided

into two part. The first part deals with “Unplanned Vocabulary Teaching” and the

second part deals with “Planned Vocabulary Teaching”.

2.5.1 Unplanned Vocabulary Teaching

Unplanned vocabulary sometimes and may be always happen in teaching

learning vocabulary. It may arise because the students have a problem with a word

that has come up in the lesson. Therefore, teacher has to improvise an explanation

and do some unplanned teaching.

The great dangers in unplanned vocabulary teaching divide into two. First

is the teacher much not goes far enough in dealing with the word and second

teacher may go too far and get carried away, devoting an excessive amount of

time to the word and other related words.

2.5.2 Planned Vocabulary Teaching

There are two types of planned vocabulary teaching. The first is similar to

unplanned vocabulary teaching in that the words taught are incidental to the

objective of the lesson. The teacher has predicted that certain key words are going

to cause difficulty for the students and has devised an approach to deal with them

in order for the rest of the lesson to proceed smoothly.

The second type of planned vocabulary teaching, that can describe as the

vocabulary lesson, since the primary objective of the teaching activities is the


presentation and practice of the lexical items themselves. It is with latter type that

the rest of this section will deal.

In teaching vocabulary, it’s suggested that the items selected for the lesson

come from the same lexical domain, e.g., words relating to marriage, words of

size and shape, adjectives of happiness and sadness. There are several advantages

to this. First, by learning items in sets, the learning of one item can reinforce the

learning of another. Second, items that similar in meaning can be differentiated.

Third, students may more likely feel a sense of tangible progress in having

mastered circumscribe lexical domain. Finally, follow up activities can be more

easily designed that incorporate the items.

Comments below assume that the vocabulary lesson being taught involves

the teaching of such a lexical set.

The vocabulary lesson needs to be stated in the same sequence as

unplanned vocabulary teaching, expect that each stage can be more elaborately


2.6. Interactive Games in Improving Students’ Vocabulary

Learning a new language should be fun, interactive and challenging

experience. Through games, learners practice and internalize vocabulary,

grammar and structure. The use of games in a learning environment will not only

change the dynamic of the class, but it will also rejuvenate students and help the

brain to learn more effectively. The brain is a muscle just like any other. It needs

to be worked out, tested and put into competitive situations.


A number of techniques can be applied to present new vocabulary items

and games have become popular technique in classroom and recommended by

methodologist. Games also allow students to: work co-operatively, compete with

each other, strategize, think in a different way, compare and share knowledge,

learn from others, learn from mistakes, work in less stressful and more productive

and allow students to have fun, (Agoestyowati, 2007 : 1).

Furthermore, Philips (1993:79) states that games in the language

classroom help children to see learning English as enjoyable and rewarding.

Playing games in the classroom develops the ability to co-operate, to compete

without being aggressive, and to be a’ good loser’.

In this research, the researcher will use interactive games to improve the

students’ vocabulary. The classroom activity is divided into three phase, they are

pre-activity, whilst activity, and post activity. In pre-activity the teacher in this

case the researcher will ask the students some questions to arouse their interest in

studying vocabulary through asking some new words. Whilst activity is the main

activity to improve students’ vocabulary through interactive games based on the

topic that they had been studying. There are several interactive games that we can

use in teaching learning English, they are :

1. Antonym Matching : teacher prepared some words with their opposite words

and than asks the students to find the antonym of word.

2. Synonym Matching : teacher prepares some words with their synonym and

than asks the students to find the synonym of word.

3. Matching sentences with appropriate word(s)


Post activity is the closure of the vocabulary teaching activity, Post test or

reflection is administered in this phase which last about 10 to 15 minutes. After

the post - test, the students are suggested to practice and try to use the new

vocabulary in daily conversation.

2.7 Assessment of Vocabulary

We have seen that thinking about what will be assessed and the ways

teachers will assess students’ (mainly written and oral) work is a part of the

planning cycle for teaching – not something tacked on, to be considered when

everything else is settled The UK English Benchmark Statement puts assessment

matters in a nutshell, as shown :

1. The assessment of students should be explicitly linked to the learning

processes and outcomes of their degree programmer, which should recognize

that assessment significantly influences how and what students learn.

Assessment inheres in and informs the learning process: it is formative and

diagnostic as well as summative and evaluative, and the process should

provide students with constructive feedback. Students should be given the

opportunity to pursue original thought and ideas, and encouraged to question

received opinion.

2. The diversity of material and approaches, as well as programme objectives

which value choice and independence of mind, suggest that it is desirable for

students of English to experience a variety of assessment forms. Programme

should specify and make explicit the overall rationale for their approach to

assessment, make clear the relationship between diagnostic and final


assessment, and ensure, within the variety of approaches taken, that

assessment is consistent in the demands it makes on students and the standards

of judgements it applies. Ellie Chambers and Marshall Gregory(2006-161).

Assessment is also moral in that most forms of assessment in some way

measure one student against another-that is, they assign not just an absolute

value but also a relative value. Here issues of justice creep in: There is a

delicate balance between treating everyone equally and rewarding those who

do better, whether through hard work, innate ability, or a combination of these

(an important issue to which I return a bit later).Furthermore, assessment is

moral because it often has serious real-world consequences for learners. The

grades we give our students, and the scores they obtain on standardized tests,

often have huge significance in their lives: Because of these scores and grades,

they get or do not get accepted into programs, they are or are not given

scholarships and funds, they are or are not promoted, are or are not given a

raise, and so on, Bill Johnson, (2003 : 64).

According to Geoffrey Broughton, (1998: 146 -147) The word test is much

more complicated. It has at least three quite distinct meanings. One of them refers

to a carefully prepared measuring instrument, which has been tried out on a

sample of people like those who will be assessed by it, which has been corrected

and made as efficient and accurate as possible using the whole panoply of

statistical techniques appropriate to educational measurement. The preparation of

Assessment and Examinations such tests is time-consuming, expensive and

requires expertise in statistical techniques as well as in devising suitable tasks for

the linguistic assessment to be based on.


The second meaning of test refers to what is usually a short, quick teacher-

devised activity carried out in the classroom, and used by the teacher as the basis

of an on going assessment. It may be more or less formal, more or less carefully

prepared, ranging from a carefully devised multiple-choice test of reading

comprehension which has been used several times with pupils at about the same

stage and of the same ability, so that it has been possible to revise the test,

eliminate poor distractors and build up norms which might almost be accepted as

statistically valid, to a quick check of whether pupils have grasped the basic

concept behind a new linguistic item, by using a scatter of oral questions round

the class.. The third meaning which is sometimes given to test is that of an item

within a larger test, part of a test battery, or even sometimes what is often called a

question in an examination. In relation to this study the researcher will focus on

testing the students' performance in vocabulary achievement in synonym

matching, antonym matching, and matching sentences with appropriate word(s)

and the tests will give objective feedback for both students and the researcher.

Heaton, (1988: 15) specifies four main approaches to language testing: the

essay-translation approach, the structuralist approach, the integrative approach

and communicative approach. It is important that through objective test where

active vocabulary should be assesses by means of productive tests. In real

classroom situations, teachers mostly construct objective tests, namely multiple

choice tests, as means to assess both their passive and active vocabulary mastery.

Good classroom English tests should consist of objective and productive tests.


Furthermore, Heaton, (1988 : 25) writes that all tests are constructed

subjectively by the tester, who decides which areas of language to test, how to test

those particular areas and what kind of item to use for this purpose. Thus, it is

only the scoring of a test that can be described as objective. This means that a

tester will score the same mark no matter which examiner mark the test.

If classroom tests have low validity and reliability, then the results of the

tests cannot be appropriately used, for instance, to assign grade to the students, to

made better teaching and more effective instructional program. There are several

ways to assess the students’ mastery of vocabulary, such as multiple choice ,

matching, spelling, dictation, and singing, depending the levels of the students. In

order to be able to construct valid and reliable test for classroom use, the English

teachers need to have enough knowledge and working principles of test


Assessment is not complete as soon as you collect the student work.

Offering feedback is an integral part of the assessment process and should follow

as soon as possible after the assessment task is carried out. One of the best ways

to give feedback is through conferencing with the student, when you discuss the

results of the assessment by written feedback in the form of short comments.

The researcher expects that the students' vocabulary mastery will be

increased significantly after six sessions are conducted. Every teaching session

will be completed with assessment to figure out the success of each teaching and

learning activity.




3.1 Subject of the Study

The subjects of this study are taken from the one classes of seventh grade

students of SMP N 3 Mengwi in academic year 2012/2013. The number of

subjects was 36 students 16 females and 20 males' students. They were selected

on the basis of the junior observation, which showed that those students had low

achievement in recognizing and producing word meaning.

3.2 Research Design

This study aimed at Improving Students’ vocabulary through interactive

games to the Seventh Grade Students of SMP N 3 Mengwi. The type of

investigation used in this research was classroom action research. Action research

is a cyclic process of planning action, observation and reflection Kemmis and

Taggart (2003: 18). This study was intended to know the effectiveness of

interactive games in teaching vocabulary to the Seventh grade students of SMP N

3 Mengwi. This classroom action study was concerned with teaching interactive

games consists of : initial reflection or pretest, questionnaire, and reflection or

post test. In this classroom action study the learning process were divided into two

cycles, in which each cycle consist of tree sessions., in which, every cycle

included planning (P) , action (A), observation (O) and reflection (R). The

designed of the present class action study can be formulated as in the following :



Cycle I IR → P1 → A1 → O1 → R1

Cycle II RP → P2 → A2 → O2 → R2

3.2.1 Initial Reflection

Initial reflection (IR) is a pre test. It was used to get weather the students

faced difficulties or not in study English vocabulary. The mean score of IR was

compared to the corresponding mean scores of the R administered at the end of

each session for the sake of establishing the degree of improve in English

vocabulary of the subject. The pre test was carried out as follows :

1. Distributing the test to the students.

2. Asking them to observe the test and question about the things related to the

test that they don’t understand.

3. Observing the student when they are working.

4. Collecting the student’ answer.

5. Evaluation the students’ work.

3.2.2 Planning

Planning is a step to determine subjects, teaching scenarios, instruments,

and visual aids. The planning stage was done before conducting action in each

cycle. In the planning stage, some preparation were made, such as preparing

teaching scenarios, visual aids, tests and teacher’s diary. Planning for cycle 1 was

done as follows:


1. Preparing teacher’s scenario

2. Choosing the vocabulary material, such as : preparing list of words to be

taught in the first cycle

3. Designing the material namely such as : interactive games synonym matching,

antonym matching, matching word, and questionnaire sheet.

4. Preparing the questionnaire for the students and teaching diary

5. Preparing post test at the end of the meeting, to measure the students mastery

in English vocabulary

3.2.3 Action

Action is what the teacher does in the classroom based on scenario made.

In conducting the action, the researcher followed teaching scenario prepared in the

planning stage. Classroom activities were classified into three main parts : they

were pre-activity, whilst activity and post activity.

1. Pre Activity

- The researcher greeted the students

- The researcher checked the students' attendance list

- The researcher asked the student whether they know about Interactive


- The researcher asked the students whether they can and like study English

with interactive games ?

2. Whilst Activities

- The researcher gave explanation about Interactive Games

- The researcher told the way of games to the students


- The researcher gave some examples about Interactive Games

- The researcher asked the students to do the task about interactive games :

synonym matching and antonym matching

3. Post Activities

- The researcher asked the students to collect their worksheet

- The researcher gave comment about their task

- The researcher gave explanation toward the students' problem

- The researcher concluded the lesson and greeting the students.

3.2.4 Observation

The Observation conducted to know the effectiveness of teaching learning

process and to know the ability of the students, how far the students receive the

material and whether interactive games could improve students’ vocabulary or

not. The changing behaviors here included positive attitudes, higher motivation

learning which are certainly reflected through their active and creative

participation and involvement in English vocabulary when interactive games was

used to improve their English vocabulary. The researcher made questionnaires to

measure the degrees of changes in the subject’ learning behaviors attitudes and

motivation, after they have been taught English vocabulary through Interactive

games in cycle I. The data obtained from the questionnaires were used as

informative feedback and bases to make some remedial revisions for the sessions

in cycle II.


3.2.5 Reflection

Reflection was done to reflect the success or the failure of the action by

comparing the result of pre-test 1, post-test 2 and data collected from teacher's

diary. From those data, some interpretations were drawn, why the success or the

failure happened. And these became the basic to plan the next cycle.

3.2.6 Points of Revisions

The revisions was conducted after first cycle had have been done by the

researcher. The revision is very necessary to do the next cycle. Some of the

revision in cycle II included:

a. The researcher divided the students into new pairs groups, so that the students

who were less active become more active in discussing and doing the exercise.

b. The researcher gave more serious attention to the students who were less

active, they were more frequently encourage to share their ideas with the other


c. The researcher minimized her talking at the expense of increasing the student's

discussion in English.

3.3 Research Instrument

Instrument is a means for gathering the data. The instruments used in this

study were: teaching scenario, test, and questionnaire.


1. Teaching Scenario

The teacher’s scenario was prepared in order to have a clear description of

what to be done in the classroom. It was a guideline for the teacher in conducting

every step of the teaching plan.

2. Test

It consisted of pre-test. A pre-test is developed in order to know the

problem in detail and to examine students' achievement in vocabulary before the

treatment is given. While post-test was conducted at the end of each cycle.

3. Questionnaire

The questionnaire were given to the students in order to got the subject'

response toward learning English, especially in English vocabulary through

interactive games. It would be distributed at the end of the second cycle.

3.4 Data Collection

The intended data in this study were collected by using Initial reflection

(pre- test), Reflection (post-test), and questionnaire. Firstly before the teaching

was carried out the students were given pre test. This was conducted in order to

find the initial reflection as well as to see the problem they faced. There are two

kinds of data : quantitative and qualitative data The students’ score that can be

collected by the students in post-test 1 - post-test 2 shows quantitative data The

qualitative data is obtained from the questionnaire.


3.5 Data Analysis

In this study, two types of data were obtained. Those were quantitative

data. The quantitative data is obtained from the result of the pre-test and two post-

tests. Where as the qualitative data was obtained from the teacher's diary

observation sheet.

Both data were analyzed descriptively in which t the mean score of the

pre-test was compared to mean score of the post-test 1 and post-test 2 to know

how far the effectiveness of the treatment given in improving the students'

vocabulary achievement.

The following formula was used to analyze the obtained data adopted from

the criteria proposed by Masidjo ( 1995 ) :

1. The score obtained by each student/subject (X)

The total number of correct answerX = x 100

The total number of items

2. The student’ level of Mastery

Score obtainedX = x 100

Maximum score

3. The student’s mean score (M)

The total score of the students M = x 100

The total number of the students

As an addition, if the mean score were > 75 the cycle would be stopped.

For determining the level of students' mastery, particularly, the criterion

referenced type I was used in which the minimum competence that considered as


a passing score is 65% from the whole materials and that falls into sufficient


The students’ levels of mastery will be estimated on the following way :

90 – 100% = Excellent

80 – 89% = Good

65 – 79% = Sufficient

55 – 64% = Insufficient

Less than 55% = Poor

4. The data resulted from the questionnaire :

Number of subject choosing an item% = x 100%

Number of the whole subjects

(Masidjo, 1995)




4.1 Data

As stated previously that three were two kind of data found in this

research, namely quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data was

showed by the students’ scores based on the result of the pre test, and post test.

The qualitative data was presented by the result of questionnaire toward the

effectiveness of Interactive Games to the Seventh grade students of SMP N 3

Mengwi. The pre test of IR in English vocabulary was administered to the subject

under the study to obtain their pre existing mastery in English vocabulary. Post

test or reflection was administered for six times (three times in cycle I and three

more times in cycle II). As a result, there were seven sets of score collected are

tabulated as the following:

Figure 1

Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects’ Progressing Scores

In Improving Vocabulary through Interactive Games

Subject IR S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6

1 5.5 8 7 8 7 8.5 9.5

2 7 6 7 8.5 6 7 10



3 6 7.5 8 7.5 8 8 10

4 6.5 7 7 7.5 6 9 9.5

5 5 8.5 7.5 9 6 8 10

6 6 6.5 7 8.5 6.5 6.5 10

7 6.5 9 7.5 8 6.5 8 10

8 6 9 7.5 8 7 8 6

9 7 8.5 8 7.5 6.5 9.5 10

10 7 7 8 8.5 6.5 8.5 9.5

11 7 8.5 6.5 8.5 6.5 7 9

12 6.5 7.5 7.5 8.5 7 9 6

13 6 6.5 8.5 8 8.5 7.5 10

14 6 7.5 7.5 9 6.5 8.5 9.5

15 8 9 8 8.5 7 8.5 9

16 5 7 8.5 8.5 8 9 10

17 5.5 7.5 8.5 6.5 7 7.5 10

18 7 9 8.5 8 7 7 8.5

19 6.5 8.5 8.5 9 7 7.5 10

20 8 8.5 8 8.5 7.5 9 10

21 6 5 8.5 9 7 7.5 9

22 6 8 7.5 7 7 9 10

23 7 6.5 8.5 8.5 7 8.5 9.5

24 7 7.5 8 8.5 7 7.5 10

25 5.5 7.5 7.5 8 7 7 10

26 7.5 6.5 7 7 6.5 8 10

27 6 6.5 7.5 7 6.5 6.5 10

28 7 5.5 8.5 7.5 7.5 9 9.5

29 7 7.5 7 8.5 6.5 8.5 9.5

30 7 6.5 8 8 7 7.5 8.5

31 7 6 7.5 8 6.5 8.5 10


32 6.5 7 7.5 8 6.5 8.5 10

33 5.5 8 8 8 6.5 7.5 10

34 7.5 8 7.5 8.5 7 9.5 10

35 3.5 7.5 6.5 6.5 7 7 10

36 5 7 7.5 8 8 7 10TOTAL 229 267 277 289.5 255 288.5 412.5

Further data required for the present class action study were collected

through administering questionnaires. The questionnaire was the simple one; it

was composed of only 10 items to be responded by the students. It was intended

to know the student's attitude, feeling, interest, and difficulties after the treatment

given at the end of cycle I. They answers of the questionnaires were quantitatively

scored by using the rating scale 0-3. The questionnaire which was prepared by the

researcher consists of ten items, 3 point for the answer “A”, 2 point for “B”, 1

point for “C” and 0 for “D”. The scores gathered from administering

questionnaires showed the subjects’ English Vocabulary through Interactive

Games. The obtained data showing the subjects; total scores for items of the

questionnaires are tabulated as the followings:


Figure 2

Tabulation of Data Showing the Subjects’ Changing Attitudes and Motivation in

Learning Vocabulary through Interactive Games


1 6 2 2 0

2 4 4 2 0

3 6 3 1 0

4 3 6 1 0

5 4 4 2 0

6 5 3 2 0

7 6 2 2 0

8 4 4 2 0

9 5 3 2 0

10 5 3 2 0

11 3 4 3 0

12 7 2 1 0

13 7 2 1 0

14 5 4 1 0

15 6 3 1 0

16 7 2 1 0

17 5 4 1 0


18 7 2 1 0

19 3 5 2 0

20 6 3 1 0

21 5 4 1 0

22 4 3 3 0

23 6 3 1 0

24 4 3 3 0

25 4 4 2 0

26 5 2 3 0

27 5 3 2 0

28 5 4 1 0

29 4 4 2 0

30 5 3 2 0

31 3 5 2 0

32 5 3 2 0

33 6 3 1 0

34 6 3 1 0

35 4 4 2 0

36 4 3 3 0

TOTAL 175 119 80 0


4.2 Data Analysis

The data obtained for the present classroom action study would be

analyzed so as to reveal the extent of the subject’s progress or increasing ability in

English Vocabulary. These data should be analyzed and then results of analysis

are to be discussed. Before the above data were analyzed they were first of all

tabulated as the following:

Figure 3

Tabulation of the data showing the Frequency Distribution of

Initial Reflection (IR) and Post Test Scores in Learning Vocabulary through

Interactive Games

Xo Fo X1 F1 X2 F2 X3 F3 X4 F4 X5 F5 X6 F6

8 2 9 4 8.5 8 9 4 8.5 1 9.5 2 10 22

7.5 2 8.5 5 8 8 8.5 12 8 3 9 6 9.5 7

7 11 8 4 7.5 12 8 11 7.5 1 8.5 8 9 3

6.5 5 7.5 8 7 6 7.5 4 7 15 8 15 8.5 2

6 8 7 5 6.5 2 7 3 6.5 12 7.5 7 6.5 2

5.5 4 6.5 6 6.5 2 6 3 7 6

5 3 6 2 6.5 2

3.5 1 5.5 1

5 1


Based on the data from the table above, as presented in Figure 1 and

Figure 2, now the mean of the IR score (Xo) and the mean of the post test scores

for the six sessions ( X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6) can be computed as the following:

Xo 2291. The Xo of IR scores = = = 6.36 N 36

X1 2672. The X1 of S1 scores = = = 7.42 N 36

X2 2773. The X2 of S2 scores = = = 7.70 N 36

X3 289.54. The X3 of S3 scores = = = 8.042 N 36

X4 2555. The X4 of S4 scores = = = 7.08 N 36

X5 288.56. The X5 of S5 scores = = = 8.014 N 36

X6 412.57. The X6 of S6 scores = = = 11.458 N 36

The grand mean X I of the post test scores in cycle I is :

X1 + X2 + X3 7.42 + 7.70 + 8.042 23.162 = = = 7.721 3 3 3

The grand mean X II of the post test scores in cycle II is :

X4 + X5 + X6 7.08 + 8.014 + 11.458 26.552 = = = 8.851 3 3 3


The result of the above analysis were considered as the findings of the present

classroom action study; which can be summarized as the following :

Figure 4

Summary of Research Findings Showing the Mean of each Session and the Grand

Mean for cycle I and cycle II

Pre-test/IR So Xo = 6.36 Grand Mean

S1 X1 = 7.42S2 X2 = 7.70S3 X3 = 8.042

Cycle I X1 = 7.721

S4 X4 = 7.08S5 X5 = 8.014S6 X6 = 11.458

Cycle II XII = 8.851

The additional supporting data were collected by means of administering

questionnaires by the end of cycle I to the subjects under study. The data obtained

from the questionnaires have to be computed and then discussed. The computation

of the comparative percentages for the scores of the items of the questionnaires

showing the subjects’ total answer for item of A, B, C, and D were shown as



1. Total Percentage of item A = x 100% = 4.68% 374

1192. Total Percentage of item B = x 100% = 31.82% 374


803. Total Percentage of item C = x 100% = 2.14% 374

4. Total Percentage of item D = 0%

From the table above figure 3 and figure 4 it’s clearly, first there were 36

students took the test. The mean score in pre tests or IR (Xo) obtained by the

seventh grade students was 6.36. In details, the result got by each student can be

classified as follows : two students got 8.0, two students got 7.5, eleven students

got 7.0, fifth students got 6.5, eight students got 6.0, and four students got

5.5,three student got 5.0 and one student got 3,5. All students got under

insufficient or poor level or mastery. The results indicated that the students had

problem in their achievement in English vocabulary. Second, the mean of the

reflection or post-test scores of cycle I (S1, S2, S3) obtained by the subjects under

study showed the mean figures of 7.42, 7.70 and 8.042. The mean figure obtained

by the subjects for each session is comparatively higher than the mean figure of

pre-test or IR scores. This phenomenon certainly shows an improvement.

However, the improvement occurred in the first cycle was considered not

satisfying enough. Since the improvement of the mean score in cycle 1 could not

reach the criteria of success in this study 8.5. Third , the means of the reflection or

post-test scores for cycle II (S4, S5, and S6) obtained by the subjects under study

pointed out the mean figures of 7.08, 8.014 and 11.458. The mean figure showed

mat each session of cycle II is still comparatively much higher than the mean

figure of the pre-test or IR and reflection or post-test in cycle I.


The grand means obtained by the subjects under study for under study for

both cycle I and cycle II of X I = 7.721 and X n = 8.851 are realistically much

higher than their corresponding pre-test mean scores. The grand mean of cycle IIo

also realistically much higher than the grand mean of cycle I. The difference of

the grand figure of cycle I and cycle II is 1.130. The difference is clearly

significant. Obviously, the findings of the present classroom action study

discovered that the ability of the students of class 7 of SMP N 3 Mengwi in

English vocabulary was improved significantly from session to session after they

had been taught through Interactive Games.

The results of the analysis of the questionnaire scores showed the

comparative percentages of 4.68%, 31.82%, 2.14%, 0% for the total responses of

the questionnaires items of options A, B, C, D. These findings undoubtedly

supported the mayor finding of the present classroom action study. Clearly, the

obtained comparative percentages of the items of the questionnaires indicate the

subjects' positive changing attitudes and motivation in mastering vocabulary

through interactive games. These findings also convincingly proved the

effectiveness of interactive games in improving English vocabulary.

To make it vivid, the main findings of the present classroom action study,

that is, the increasing comparative mean figures of the IR score and the post test

score obtained by the seventh grade students of SMP N 3 Mengwi for cycle I and

cycle II can be graphically presented as the following:


Figure 5

Graph Depicting the Subject’ Progressing Mastery in Learning Vocabulary

Through Interactive Games











XO X1 X2 X3




Figure 6

Graph Depicting the Subject’ Progressing Mastery in Learning Vocabulary

Through Interactive Games









XO X4 X5 X6





Figure 7

Graph Depicting the Subject’ Progressing Mastery in Learning Vocabulary

Through Interactive Games

4.3 Discussions of the Findings

It has been stated that the purpose of this study was to improve students’

mastery in English vocabulary through interactive games for the seventh grade

students of SMPN 3 N Mengwi in academic year of 2012/2013. The finding of

this study certainly accepted hypothesis stated previously. It was proven that by

using interactive games students’ mastery in English vocabulary could be

improved. The data analysis shows that the mean of the IR or pre-test scores (Xo)

obtained by the subjects under study in vocabulary mastery showed the mean

















figure of 6.36. This mean figure clearly shows that the ability of the subjects

under study is relatively low. Knowing that vocabulary mastery is one of

important language component therefore this problem has to be immediately

solved. It was hard to find out why the ability of the students in vocabulary

mastery was quite low as there were many factors dealing with it. The result of the

data analysis of reflection scores in cycle 1 (S1, S2 and S3) showed the increasing

mean figures of 7.42, 7.70, and 8.042. The mean figure obtained by the subjects

under study for each session in cycle I was obviously much higher than the mean

figure of the IR scores. The grand mean figure of the reflection of post-test score

obtained by the subjects under study in cycle 1 was 7.721. It was much higher

than the mean figure of the IR scores. This grand mean figure for cycle 1 showed

the obvious improvement of the students' mastery in learning vocabulary through

interactive games. The results of the data analysis of reflection of post-test scores

obtained by the subjects under study for cycle II (S4, S5 and S6) pointed out the

increasing mean figures of 7.08, 8.014 and 11.458 compared with the mean figure

of IR scores, the mean figure obtained by the subjects for each session was

convincingly much higher than the IR mean figure. The grand mean figure of the

reflection or post test score obtained by the subjects under study in cycle I was

7.721 and in cycle II was 8.851. There was significant difference of 1.130

between the main figure of cycle I and cycle n. This was due to the fact that cycle

n was a revised version of cycle I, in that the teaching scenarios or the lesson

plants in cycle II were revised by taking into account the weakness consequently.


The comparative percentage figure of the total response of the questionnaire for

item A, B, C and D were 4.68% (means strongly agree), 31.82%, (means agree),

2.14% (means undecided) and 0% (means disagree). This figure proved that the

subject’ positive changing behaviors in learning vocabulary through interactive


The findings of the present classroom action study were in line with the

existing research findings, which have revealed the effectiveness of interactive

games in learning vocabulary. Although all the finding of the present classroom

action study clearly revealed the improvement of the mastery in learning

vocabulary by the seventh grade student of SMP N 3 Mengwi. It had however,

rather limited validity and reliability. The researcher folly realized and admitted

that the established finding have some weak versions. This was due to the fact that

there are many aspects that could contaminate the validity and reliability of the

established findings. This mean that the findings of the present classroom actions

study should be only used as one of the optional technique.




The discussions throughout the present classroom action study which dealt with

teaching vocabulary by using interactive games to the seventh grade students of

SMP N 3 Mengwi, in academic year 2012/2013 could finally be concluded in this

chapter. Some practical suggestions in reference to the significance of the

established research findings are also recommended in this chapter so that the

findings of this study could essentially give some benefits for the English teachers

and the seventh grade students of SMP N 3 Mengwi.

5.1 Conclusion

On the basic of findings and discussion in previous chapter, it can be

summarized that there was a significant effect of using interactive games upon the

achievement on the vocabulary mastery especially on the seventh grade students

of SMP N 3 Mengwi. As it has previously shown that the students’ average score

in the pre-test was 6.36 and then the mean figure improved to 7.721 in terms of

level of mastery. This mean score was obtained by calculating the average point in

the post-test 1 (7.42), post-test 2 (7.70), post-test 3 (8.042) then divided by 3.

Following the second cycle treatments, the grand mean of the student’s

achievement increase significantly to 8.851. This mean score was also derived

from adding three means score (post-test 4, post-test 5, post-test 6) those were

7.08, 8.014 and 11.458 after that it was divided by 3. Therefore, interactive games



contributed significantly to improve the students’ mastery on the vocabulary

mastery of English words.

Apart from the result of the tests and observation, the researcher also made

use of questionnaire to find out the student's perception toward the teaching

method applied. The analysis of the questionnaire scores showed the comparative

percentages of 4.68%, 31.82%, 2.14%, 0% for the respective total response of the

items of the questionnaires options A, B, C, D. In addition, the application of

interactive games was also able to raise the students motivation, interest and

enjoyment in learning as it was shown by the result of the observation. The result

of the questionnaire also indicated a good findings in terms of students’ responses

towards the application of interactive games. The students enjoyed the class of

interactive games. Moreover, the technique could also reduce the students’

boredom, which made it possible for the students to learn English at their best.

5.2 Suggestions

Regarding to the results of the study, the researcher would like to suggest

the following :

1. It is suggested to English teachers to be creative and innovative in

teaching and practicing different vocabulary teaching technique.

English teachers especially the one who teaches English in SMP N 3

Mengwi should try interactive games in teaching vocabulary, since it

has been proved that the students surely become more active in

teaching learning process. Besides that the English teacher in SMP N 3

Mengwi is suggested to make better preparation in planning teaching


English for the future. In this case, the teacher should give more

attention to English vocabulary, since vocabulary plays a very

important role in communication. Moreover, if they are given a game,

it will stimulate or help the brain to learn more effectively in learning

vocabulary. Other variations of technique are also suggested which can

also create a good atmosphere in the classroom and rejuvenates thee


2. The pre-existing fact showed student's mastery in English vocabulary

was very low, and after the treatment with interactive games, students

are recommended to have more practices with their friends in learning

vocabulary, by using a variation of interactive games. In addition,

more practices will certainly increase their achievement in vocabulary.

3. Since in this study, the use of interactive games is only experimented

in teaching vocabulary, it is recommended to conduct further

researches to examine and investigate the effectiveness of interactive

games in teaching English for students of junior school.



Agoestyowati, Redjeki, 2007. 102 English Games From A to Z. Jakarta. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

Brown, Jensen, 1983. Language 2.Brothers, Publishers.

Carter, R & McCarthy, M. 1998.Vocabulary and Language Learning. London: Longman.

Christina, Bratt Paulston. 1976. Teaching English as a Second Language. Pittsburgh: English Institute Department of General Linguistic of Pittsburgh.

Cross, David, 1991. A Practical Handbook of Language Teaching. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.

Ekwall, Eldon E. 1981. Diagnostic-Prescriptive Phonics Lessons. Student Puzzle Pages And Worksheets. University of Texas at El Paso.

Gairns, R. & Stuart Redmaa 2003.Working with Words.USA : Cambridge University Press.

Harmer, J. 1998.Howto Teach English. Malaysia, PP.

Hatch, E.& Cheryl Brown. 2000. Vocabulary, Semantics and Language Education. USA : Cambridge University Press.

Heaton, J.B 1988. Writing English Language Tests. A Practical Guide for Teachers of English as second Language. London: Longman group, Ltd.

Hornby, A. S. 1987. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Third Edition.Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hornby, A. S. 1995. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Fifth Edition.Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Indriatna, Maria, 2008. Teaching Vocabulary Through Word Search Puzzle Game to The Sixth Grade Students of SD No. 3 Timbubeneng in Academic Year 2007-2008. English Department the Faculty of Teacher Training and Edication Mahasaraswati University, Denpasar.

Jones, Watcyn, 1991. Test your vocabulary 1. Penerbit Gelantik.



Kemmis, S. and Mc.Taggart, R. 1985. The Action Research Planner. Victoria: Deakin University Press.

Kustaryo, S. 1998. Reading Techniques for Collage Students. Jakarta : Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Ling, Smith &Choo 2007.My Pals are Here English 4A .Marshall Cavendish Education

Masidjo, lan. 1995. Penelitian Pencapaian Hasil Belajar Siswa di Sekolah. Yogyakarta: Kanisius.

Michael ,2001. English Vocabulary in Use. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England Press.

Murcia, Marianne Celce, 1991. Teaching English as a second or ForeignLanguage, University of California, Los Angles.

Napa, P.A. 1991. Vocabulary Development Skill. Yogyakarta: Kanisius

Ningsih, Ni Ketut Swastari, 2003.The Use of Paper Puppets as Teaching Aids Combined with Games in Teaching Vocabulary on The Fifth Grade Students of SD Laboratorium IKIP Negeri Singaraja. Unpublished Thesis: KIP Negeri Singaraja.

Phillips, Sarah, 1993. Young Learners. Oxford University Press

Pusparini, Nyoman Y, 2006. Improving The Achievement and Participation ofThe Fifth Grade Students of SD Negeri 4 Banyuasri in Speaking EnglishThrough "Interrupt Me If I am wrong" combined with The Use of Picturefrom Magazine in The Academic Year 2005-2006. Unpublished Thesis:IKIP Negeri Singaraja.

Tan, Marilyn, 2002. Know Your Words. Singapore Asian Publications (S) Pte Ltd






1. Made Ardi Satria Wardana 29. Putu Surya Adinata

2. I Kadek Angga W 30. I Made Tangkas H. W

3. Ni Kadek Ayu Rina Dwi Cahyani 31. Thimothy Tonny Meilinium

4. Komang Ayu Sri Wulandari 32. Ni Komang Tri Handayani

5. I Made Gede Bagus Pasek Dwipayana 33. Wahyu Pratama

6. Putu Dian Gmelina 34. Ni Putu Winda Widiari

7. I Gd Dikki Candra Ari W 35. I Md Wirawan Suputra

8. Ni Putu Elda Damayanti 36. Gd Ngurah Bagus Wisnu Hartanto

9. Ni Luh Gede Elys Sandra Dewi

10. I wayan Erik Eryanto

11. Erva Pryanka Aryandika

12. Ni Kadek Herna Wulan Sari

13. Ni Kadek Indah Pebriyanti

14. Ni Pt Indah septiyaningsih

15. I Made Jendi Harta B

16. I PT kori Agung S P

17. I Made Krisna Yogandana

18. Ni Putu Milayanti

19. I Gede Palguna Tresna Diputra

20. Pingkan Ayu Ningtyas

21. Ni Made Pratiwi

22. Singurah Rai Putra Jaya

23. Regina Putu Irmayanti

24. Ricko Hari W

25. Ni Wayan Rika Widyaning seftyani

26. Ni Putu Sinta Apriyanti Dewi

27. Ni Komang Suharjaya

28. I Md Sukarunia Putra




Pre Test

Replace the underlined word(s) with another of similar meaning and write its

number in the brackets provided !

1. Helmet is meant to protect the head from big accident on the road.

(1) keep (3) shield

(2) conceal (4) save (.......)

2. H.I.V AIDS is a disease that affects to all of the humans mind and body.

(1) sickness (3) state

(2) drug (4) condition (.......)

3. Nobody is perfect; everyone makes errors.

(1) losses (3) true

(2) faults (4) bad (.......)

4. We see various kinds of animals at the zoo.

(1) plentiful (3) similar

(2) different (4) abundant (.......)

5. Peter was confident that he would pass his examination.

(1) happy (3) hoping

(2) clear (4) sure (.......)

6. These porcelain vases are easily broken.

(1) weak (3) fragile

(2) worried (4) soft (.......)

7. Please do not forget to bring my book.

(1) recall (3) recollect

(2) remind (4) remember (.......)

8. The coffee machine was out of order

(1) losses (3) wrong

(2) broken (4) mistakes (.......)


9. Water is essential to all living things.

(1) necessary (3) plentiful

(2) suitable (4) valuable (.......)

10. many tourist will be traveling on march, because its holiday school.

(1) visitor (3) guide

(2) foreigner (4) translator (.......)

Underline the word which has the opposite meaning to the word in bold!

11. jack wanted to accept my motorcycle now but he had already (refuse, take,

confirm) when I was given him 2 month ago.

12. The strong man will soon (wild, weak, shrink) when he’s fell make a


13. Some of the ancient buildings have been torn down to make room for (tall,

vacant, modern) ones.

14. The (narrow, small, short) road is not wide enough for the lorry to pass


15. The top of the table is (clean, beautiful, smooth) but its bottom is rough.

16. The sharp knife was used so frequently that it became (smooth, jagged,


17. You have to stop thinking about the past and concentrate on the (future,

forward, modern).

18. It is not (easy, quick, hard) to solve a difficult problem like this one.

19. The poor farmer borrowed some money from his (healthy, wealthy, wise)


20. It is not safe to travel alone in this (strange, lonely, dangerous) place.



Teaching and Learning Scenario of the Session 1 in Cycle I

Subject : English

Theme : Hobbies and Dinosaurs

Sub Theme : Favorite hobby

Topic : Synonym and antonym Matching

Language Skill : Writing

Education : Junior high School

Class : VII E

Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Standard Competence : Having the ability to comprehend usage new

vocabulary related to the theme and topic of

vocabulary as suggested by English Teaching


I. Basic Competence:

Students have adequate understanding of new vocabulary

II. Indicator:

1. Identifying new vocabulary

2. Mention and identify the meaning of new vocabulary

3. Getting contextual meaning

4. Getting synonym of the new vocabulary

5. Getting antonym of the new vocabulary

III. Instructional Goal

1. Students are able to identify new vocabulary

2. Students are able to mentioning new vocabulary

3. Students are able to get the contextual meaning

4. Students are able to get the synonym of the new vocabulary

5. Students are able to get the antonym of contextual meaning

IV. Material and Sources:

1 Students’ English book, work book (LKS)

2 Dictionary


V. Teaching Media:

1. Color paper and pencil or board marker

2. Interactive games (matching synonym and antonym)

VI. Teaching Learning Activity:

1. Discussion and sharing opinion

2. Interactive Games

3. Giving post-test


A. Pre Activity A. Pre Activity

1. The teacher greets

the students

2. The teacher checks

the students’ attendance

3. The teacher asks

the students about

related with hobby and


4. The teacher explains

about hobby and


1. The teacher greets

the students

2. The Students pay

attention and raise their

hand, when their names

are called

3. The students answer

the teacher’s questions

4. The students pay


5 minutes

5 minutes

B. Whilst Activity B. Whilst Activity

1. The teacher introduces

interactive games

2. The teacher tells the

rules of interactive


3. The teacher gives

examples about

interactive games

4. The teacher asks

students to do in group

to match each word

with it similar meaning

1. The students pay


2. The Students pay


3. The students listen


4. The students match the

word with it similar


30 minutes

30 minutes


5. The teacher discusses

the task of interactive


5. The students respond

by sharing their opinion

C. Post Activity C. Post Activity

1. The teacher conducts

the post test

2. The teacher asks the

Students to replace the

underlined word(s)

with another of

similar meaning

3. The Teacher ends the

class by saying good


1. The students do the

post test

2. The students answer

the students’ worksheet

3. The students replied

10 minutes

VII. Evaluation:

The evaluation is being done by observation when the students do in group

to match each word with it similar meaning and post test.

Denpasar, 07th May 2013





Teaching and Learning Scenario of the Session 2 in Cycle 1

Subject : English

Theme : Hobbies and Dinosaurs

Topic : Words related to status or occupation

Language Skill : Writing

Education Unit : Junior high School

Class : VII E

Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Standard Competence : Having the ability to comprehend usage new

vocabulary related to the theme and topic of

vocabulary as suggested by English Teaching


I. Basic Competence:

Students have adequate understanding of new vocabulary

II. Indicator:

1. Understand the words related to status

2. Match the sentences with the words related to status or occupation

3. Do the task carefully

III. Instructional Goal:

1. Students are able to add the suffix -ist, -er, -or, -ent, - eer and -ant to

some words that refer to a person’s occupation or status.

2. Students are able to match the sentences with the words related to status

or occupation.

3. Students are able to do the task carefully.

IV. Material and Sources:

1. Students’ English book, work book (LKS)

2. Dictionary


V. Teaching Media:

1. Color paper and pencil or board marker.

2. Interactive games (add the suffix -ist, -er, -or, -ent, - eer and -ant to some

words that refer to a person's occupation or status in a piece of paper).

VI. Teaching Learning Activity:

1. Giving explanation about the topic

2. Discussion and sharing opinion

3. Interactive Games

4. Giving Post-test


A. Pre Activity A. Pre Activity

1. The teacher greets

the students

2. The teacher checks

the students’ attendance

3. The teacher asks

the students whether

they know about the

words related to

occupation and hobby

1. The teacher greets

the students

2. The Students pay

attention and raise their

hand, when their names

are called

3. The students answer

the teacher’s questions

5 minutes

5 minutes

B. Whilst Activity B. Whilst Activity

1. The teacher explains

about the works related

to occupation and


2. The teacher gives

interactive games about

the works related to

status and tells the rules

of interactive games

3. The teacher asks

students to do in group

to add the suffix -ist, -

1. The students pay


2. The Students acclaim

and pay attention


3. The students work

together in group and

try to do the best in

interactive games

60 minutes


er, -or, -ent, - eer and -

ant to some words that

refer to a person’s

occupation or status

4. The teacher discusses

the task of interactive


4. The students pay

attention and share their


C. Post Activity C. Post Activity

1. The teacher conducts

the post test

2. The teacher asks the

students to match the

sentences with

appropriate related to

status or occupation

3. The Teacher ends the

class by saying good


1. The students do the post


2. The students answer the

students’ worksheet

3. The students replied

10 minutes

VII. Evaluation:

The evaluation is being done by observation when the students do in group

to add the suffix -ist, -er, -or, -ent, - eer and -ant to some words that refer to

a person’s occupation or status and post test.

Denpasar, 08th May 2013





Teaching and Learning Scenario of the Session 3 in Cycle I

Subject : English

Theme : Hobbies and Dinosaurs

Sub Theme : Hobby

Topic : Synonyms and Antonyms Matching

Language Skill : Writing

Education Unit : Junior high School

Class : VII E

Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Standard Competence : Having the ability to comprehend usage new

vocabulary related to the theme and topic of

vocabulary as suggested by English Teaching


I. Basic Competence:

Students have adequate understanding of new vocabulary.

II. Indicator:

1. Identifying new vocabulary

2. Mentioning new vocabulary

3. Getting contextual meaning

4. Getting synonym of the new vocabulary

5. Getting antonym of the new vocabulary

III. Instructional Goal:

1. Students are able to identify new vocabulary about dinosaurs and hobby

2. Students are able to mention and identify the meaning of new vocabulary

3. Students are able to get the contextual meaning

4. Students are able to get the synonym of new vocabulary

5. Students are able to get the antonyms of new vocabulary

IV. Material and Sources:

1 Students’ English book, work book (LKS)

2 Dictionary


V. Teaching Media:

1. Color paper and pencil or board marker

2. Interactive games (matching synonym and antonym)

VI. Teaching Learning Activity:

1. Giving explanation about the topic

2. Interactive Games

3. Giving Post-test


A. Pre Activity A. Pre Activity

1. The teacher greets

the students

2. The teacher checks

the students’ attendance

3. The teacher asks

the students about


1. The teacher greets

the students

2. The Students pay

attention and raise their

hand, when their names

are called

3. The students try to

share their opinion

10 minutes

B. Whilst Activity B. Whilst Activity

1. The teacher explains

about the topic

2. The teacher gives

interactive games and

tells the rules of

interactive games

3. The teacher asks

students to do in pair to

have quick search, quick

thinking, synonym and

antonym matching

1. The students pay


2. The Students pay


3. The students work

together with her/his


60 minutes

4. The teacher discusses

the task of interactive


4. The students listen and

share their opinion


C. Post Activity C. Post Activity

1. The teacher conducts

the post test

2. The teacher asks the

students to write down a

work(s) with another of

similar meaning and a

work(s) with the

opposite meaning.

3. The Teacher ends the

class by saying good


1. The students do the

post test

2. The students answer

the students’ worksheet

3. The students replied 10 minutes

VII. Evaluation:

The evaluation is being done by observation when the students make a flow

chart to work out the sequence of the steps taken to remove fossils from

rock, and post test.

Denpasar, 14th May 2013





Teaching and Learning Scenario of the Session 4 in Cycle II

Subject : English

Theme : Hobbies and Dinosaurs

Sub Theme : How Dinosaurs Get Their Names

Topic : Synonyms Matching

Language Skill : Writing

Education Unit : Junior high School

Class : VII E

Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Standard Competence : Having the ability to comprehend usage new

vocabulary related to the theme and topic of

vocabulary as suggested by English Teaching


I. Basic Competence:

Students have adequate understanding of new vocabulary

II. Indicator:

1. Identifying new vocabulary

2. Mentioning new vocabulary

3. Getting contextual meaning

4. Getting synonym of the new vocabulary

III. Instructional Goal

1. Students are able to identify new vocabulary

2. Students are able to mention new vocabulary

3. Students are able to get contextual meaning

4. Students are able to get the synonyms of the words

IV. Material and Sources:

1 Students’ English book, work book (LKS)

2 Dictionary


V. Teaching Media:

1. Color paper and worksheet

2. Interactive games (matching synonym)

VI. Teaching Learning Activity:

1. Interactive games with Quick Search and Quick Thinking

2. Interactive games with Synonym Matching

3. Discussion and sharing opinion


A. Pre Activity A. Pre Activity

1. The teacher greets

the students

2. The teacher checks

the students’ attendance

3. The teacher asks

the students about

how Dinosaurs get their


1. The teacher greets

the students

2. The Students pay

attention and raise their

hand, when their names

are called

3. The students answer

the teacher’s questions

5 minutes

5 minutes

B. Whilst Activity Whilst Activity

1. The teacher explains

about how Dinosaurs get

their names

2. The teacher gives

interactive games and

tells the rules of

interactive games

3. The teacher gives

examples about

interactive games

4. The teacher asks

students to do in pair to

have quick search, quick

thinking and synonym


1. The students pay


2. The Students pay


3. The students listen


4. The students work

together with her/his


60 minutes


5. The teacher discusses

the task of interactive


5. The students respond

by sharing their opinion

C. Post Activity C. Post Activity

1. The teacher conduct the

post test

2. The teacher asks the

students to match and

write down a work(s)

with another of

similar meaning

3. The Teacher ends the

class by saying good


1. The students do the

post test

2. The students answer

the students’ worksheet

3. The students replied

5 minutes

5 minutes

VII. Evaluation:

Take the students class and post-test score through direct observation of

students activity in the class and post-test.

Denpasar, 15th May 2013





Teaching and Learning Scenario of the Session 5 in Cycle II

Subject : English

Theme : Hobbies and Dinosaurs

Sub Theme : How Dinosaurs Get Their Names

Topic : Antonyms Matching

Language Skill : Writing

Education Unit : Junior high School

Class : VII E

Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Standard Competence : Having the ability to comprehend usage new

vocabulary related to the theme and topic of

vocabulary as suggested by English Teaching


I. Basic Competence:

Students have adequate understanding of new vocabulary

II. Indicator:

1. Identifying new vocabulary

2. Mentioning new vocabulary

3. Getting contextual meaning

4. Getting antonym of the new vocabulary

III. Instructional Goal:

1. Students are able to identify new vocabulary

2. Students are able to mention new vocabulary

3. Students are able to get contextual meaning

4. Students are able to get the antonym of the words

IV. Material and Sources:

1 Students’ English book, work book (LKS)

2 Dictionary


A. Pre Activity A. Pre Activity

1. The teacher greets

the students

2. The teacher checks the

students’ attendance

1. The teacher greets

the students

2. The Students pay

attention and raise their

hand, when their names

are called

10 minutes

B. Whilst Activity V. Whilst Activity

1. The teacher reminds

about the last lesson and

about words related

with it

2. The teacher gives

interactive games and

tells the rules of

interactive games

3. The teacher gives

examples about

interactive games

4. The teacher asks

students to do quick

search, quick thinking

and antonym matching

with her/his partner

5. The teacher discusses

the task of interactive


1. The students pay

attention and share

their opinion about the

last lesson

2. The Students pay


3. The students listen


4. The students work

together with her/his


5. The students respond

by sharing their opinion

60 minutes

C. Post Activity C. Post Activity

1. Te teacher conducts the

post test

2. The teacher asks the

students to write down

the opposite of each of

the words on the left

3. The Teacher ends the

class by saying good


1. The students do the

post test

2. The students answer

the students’ worksheet

3. The students replied

10 minutes


V. Teaching Media:

1. Color paper and worksheet

2. Interactive games (matching antonyms)

VI. Teaching Learning Activity:

1. Interactive games with Quick Search and Quick Thinking

2. Interactive games with Antonyms Matching

3. Discussion and sharing opinion

VII. Evaluation:

Take the students score through direct observation of students activity in the

class and post-test.

Denpasar, 21th May 2013





Teaching and Learning Scenario of the Session 6 in Cycle II

Subject : English

Theme : Hobbies and Dinosaurs

Topic : Synonym, antonym and words related to status or


Language Skill : Writing

Education Unit : Junior high School

Class : VII E

Time Allotment : 2 x 40 minutes

Standard Competence : Having the ability to comprehend usage new

vocabulary related to the theme and topic of

vocabulary as suggested by English Teaching syllabus

I. Basic Competence:

Students have adequate understanding of new vocabulary

II. Indicator:

1. Getting synonyms of the new vocabulary

2. Getting antonyms of the new vocabulary

3. Match the sentences with the words related to status or occupation

III. Instructional Goal:

1. Students are able to get the synonyms of new vocabulary

2. Students are able to get the antonyms of new vocabulary

3. Students are able to match the sentences with the words related to status

or occupation

IV. Material and Sources:

1 Students’ English book, work book (LKS)

2 Dictionary

V. Teaching Media:

1. Color paper and pencil or board marker


2. Interactive games (matching synonym and antonym and words related to


VI. Teaching Learning Activity:

1. Interactive Games


A. Pre Activity A. Pre Activity

1. The teacher greets the


2. The teacher checks the

students’ attendance

1. The teacher greets

the students

2. The Students pay

attention and raise their

hand, when their names

are called

10 minutes

B. Whilst Activity B. Whilst Activity

1 . The teacher gives

interactive games and

tells the rules of

interactive games

2. The teacher gives

examples about

interactive games

3. The teacher asks

students to practices the

interactive game.

1 . The students pay


2. The Students pay


3. The students take a part

in interactive game

60 minutes

C. Post Activity C. Post Activity

1 . The teacher conducts the

post test

2. The teacher asks the

students to find the

1. The students do the

post test

2. The students answer

the students’ worksheet


synonym and antonym

of word and word

related to status

3. The Teacher ends the

class by saying good bye

3. The students replied

10 minutes

VII. Evaluation:

Take the students score through direct observation of students activity in the

class and post-test.

Denpasar, 22th May 2013





Post Test 1 in Cycle I

Vocabulary Test

Replace the underlined word(s) with another of SIMILAR meaning and

Write its number in the brackets provided !

1. Dinosaurs were enormous reptiles.

(1) strong (3) wild

(2) fierce (4) huge (.......)

2. you have a new friend now in the front of class , how do you say to him?

(1) need (3) find

(2) old (4) recent (.......)

3. When the student find new hobby, they will do it every moment.

(1) get (3) take

(2) look for (4) throw (.......)

4. what is the student say when the student meeting with the teacher in the


(1) cut (3) talk

(2) bring (4) deal (.......)

5. The fossils are very fragile. If that is so, the scientist wrap them in sack cloth

and cover them in wet plaster for protection

(1) easily broken (3) smooth

(2) strong (4) harsh (.......)

6. The scientists chip away the section of the rock in which the fossil lie.

(1) sell (3) buy

(2) cut (4) make (.......)


7. The fossils are very large and heavy.

(1) dirty (3) light

(2) big (4) weight (.......)

8. If some bones are missing or badly broken, new parts may be made from


(1) dirty (3) large

(2) fragile (4) lose (.......)

9. The scientists study and compare the assembled skeletons to those of similar

animals alive to day.

(1) meat (3) bones

(2) skin (4) legs (.......)

10. Each fossilized bone, tooth, claw or even footprint that is found and studied

becomes part of a huge dinosaur databank.

(1) small (3) light

(2) big (4) weight (.......)

Underline the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning to the word in bold!

11. Fresh bread will become (solid, stale, soft) in few day.

12. The explorers defended themselves when the savages (attacked, captured,

destroyed) them.

13. The carpenters have finished building the house which they (built, began,

took) two months ago.

14. This shop sells both foreign and (strange, familiar, local) products.

15. Is this statement (real, true, honest) or false?

16. There is no easy solution to such a/an (strange, difficult, unusual) problem.

17. I thought the snake was dead but it was still (alive, moving, well).

18. Mr. Dass (sold, rented, lent) his car which he bought a year ago.

19. Your parents will find out the truth, sooner or (earlier, later, after).

20. The raw meat was placed over the fire until it was (cooked, delicious, ready).



Post Test 2 in Cycle I

Vocabulary Test

Words related to status or occupation

Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box below. Use each word

only once.

plumber waiter mountaineer cobblersurgeon dentist artist customerdirector florist photographer archer

mechanic tailor inventor vegetarianmillionaire pedestrians athletes passengers

1. He bought a bouquet of roses from roses from the _____________

2. The _____________ is examining my teeth.

3. The _____________ who served us the food was polite and cheerful.

4. A team of nurses assisted the ___________________ during the operation.

5. The __________________ will use sound effects in the movie to make the

dinosaurs sound frightening.

6. What a beautiful painting of the Tyrannosaurus Rex! Who is the talented

_____________ who drew it ?

7. Without the help of the skillful ____________, the scientist could not have

climbed this high.

8. “Where’s my camera lens?” the ____________ asked anxiously.

9. I called the ______________ because one of the pipes was leaking.

10. The _____________ took only a few minutes to mend my shoes.

11. Mrs. Lee is a regular ___________________ of this shop.

12. The ______________ shot at the target with his bow and arrow.

13. The ________________ is repairing my motorcycle.

14. The __________________ made Mr. Dass a new suit.


15. Alexander Graham Bell was the __________________ of the telephone.

16. Mr. Row does not eat meat; he is a __________________

17. A ____________________ has invested several million dollars in this


18. Several ___________________ were badly hurt when their train was


19. __________________ should use the overhead bridge to cross the road.

20. All the __________________ were proud to represent their countries in the




Post Test 3 in Cycle I

Vocabulary Test

Synonym Matching

Write down a word(s) with another of SIMILAR meaning. Choose from the

ones on the right!

1. allow = …………………………… angry

2. seldom = …………………………… forgive

3. mute = …………………………… common

4. show = …………………………… trip

5. general = …………………………… permit

6. confident = …………………………… fragile

7. easily broken = …………………………… rarely

8. pardon = …………………………… sure

9. eager = …………………………… dumb

10. journey = …………………………… demonstrate

Write down the opposite of each of the words on the left. Choose a suitable

word from the box carefully !

11. advance x …………………………… alive

12. defended x …………………………… distract

13. dead x …………………………… cooked

14. amateur x …………………………… retreat

15. attract x …………………………… child

16. raw x …………………………… attacked

17. adult x …………………………… reward

18. follow x …………………………… easy

19. punishment x …………………………… professional

20. difficult x …………………………… lead



Post Test 4 in Cycle II

Vocabulary Test

Synonym Matching

Write down a synonym for each of the words on the left. Choose a suitable

word from the box carefully !

1. habit = …………………………. popular

2. nice = …………………………. close

3. near = …………………………. courteous

4. awful = …………………………. hopeful

5. polite = …………………………. pleasant

6. brave = …………………………. good looking

7. optimistic = …………………………. rude

8. funny = …………………………. abandon

9. handsome = …………………………. silent

10. dull = …………………………. terrible

11. impolite = …………………………. valiant

12. leave = …………………………. difficult

13. quiet = …………………………. beautiful

14. quick = …………………………. inexpensive

15. cheap = …………………………. amusing

16. hand = …………………………. secure

17. pretty = …………………………. journey

18. safe = …………………………. custom

19. travel = …………………………. boring

20. famous = …………………………. rapid



Post Test 6 in Cycle II

Vocabulary Test

Antonym Matching

Write down the opposite of each of the words on the left. Choose a suitable

word from the box carefully !

1. all x ………………………….. before

2. active x ………………………….. badly

3. dead x ………………………….. giant

4. modern x ………………………….. strong

5. absent x ………………………….. attack

6. arrive x ………………………….. alive

7. defend x ………………………….. solid

8. after x ………………………….. ancient

9. well x ………………………….. succeed

10. dwarf x ………………………….. soft

11. shy x ………………………….. shallow

12. weak x ………………………….. bold

13. liquid x ………………………….. present

14. fail x ………………………….. sorrow

15. hard x ………………………….. believe

16. deep x ………………………….. depart

17. joy x ………………………….. curse

18. disbelieve x ………………………….. none

19. bless x ………………………….. passive

20. excited x ………………………….. calm



Post Test 5 in Cycle II

Vocabulary Test

Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box below. Use each word

only once.

lawyer artist pilot principal

musician cashier chef barber

employer electrician

1. That ______________ has worked in menu restaurants.

2. The __________________ has won many cases in court.

3. You don’t have to be a/an ____________ to change a simple light bulb.

4. I receive my salary from my __________________ once a month.

5. James is a very talented ___________________. He can play seven different

musical instruments.

6. The _____________ did an oil painting of China town.

7. The ________________ ejected from the burning plane.

8. Although the __________________ was strict and firm, all the pupils like


9. I told the ____________________ to trim an inch of my hair.

10. I asked the __________________ for receipt.


Replace the underlined word(s) with another of SIMILAR meaning and

Write its number in the brackets provided !

11. When a dinosaur dies, its flesh rot away and only its skeleton remain.

(1) meat (3) teem

(2) bone (4) skin (.......)

12. The scientists search for information.

(1) hunt (3) get

(2) work (4) see (.......)

13. Please pardon me if I have hurt your feelings.

(1) scold (3) forgive

(2) leave (4) forget (.......)

14. The scientists conduct experiments and do research to verify their idea.

(1) do (3) see

(2) look for (4) get (.......)

15. The scientists gather evidence

(1) collect (3) learn

(2) make (4) get (.......)

Underline the word which has the OPPOSITE meaning to the word in bold!

16. Please follow me; I shall (show, give, lead) the way.

17. The strong man carried the heavy box as though it was as (easy, empty, light)

as feather.

18. The bridge which was built across the river has been (destroyed, repaired,


19. The train had already (left, stopped, waited) the station when we arrived.

20. That wicked man has more enemies than (slaves, friends, relatives).



Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini sesuai dengan ini sesuai pendapat adik-adik

mengenai belajar Vocabulary (kosa-kata) melalui Interactive Games dengan

memberi tanda silang pada (X) pada huruf A, B, C, atau D.


1. Bagaimana pendapat murid-murid, bila Guru mengajar English Vocabulary

(kosa-kata Bahasa Inggris) sambil bermain dengan menggunakan Interactive

Games (Synonym Matching, Antonym Matching and Matching sentences

with appropriate word(s)) ?

a. sangat menyenangkan c. kurang menyenangkan

b. menyenangkan d. tidak menyenangkan

2. Bagaimana perasaan murid-murid bila belajar vocabulary melalui Interactive

Games (Synonym Matching, Antonym Matching and Matching sentences

with appropriate word(s)) secara berkelompok ?

a. sangat senang c. kurang senang

b. senang d. tidak senang

3. Bagaimana perasaan murid-murid bila belajar vocabulary melalui Interactive

Games (Synonym Matching, Antonym Matching and Matching sentences

with appropriate word(s)) secara perseorangan ?

a. sangat senang c. kurang senang

b. senang d. tidak senang

4. Bagaimana pendapat murid-murid tentang cara / aturan permainan Interactive

Games (Synonym Matching, Antonym Matching andMatching sentences with

appropriate word(s)) ?

a. sangat mudah dimengerti c. kurang mudah dimengerti

b. mudah dimengerti d. tidak mudah dimengerti


5. Apakah dengan Interactive Games (Synonym Matching, Antonym Matching

and Matching sentences with appropriate word(s)) ini, memberikan manfaat

dalam meningkatkan kemampuan murid-murid dalam belajar vocabulary ?

a. sangat bermanfaat c. kurang bermanfaat

b. bermanfaat d. tidak bermanfaat

6. Apakah murid-murid sering mengalami kesulitan pada saat menuliskan kata-

kata yang diberikan guru ?

a. sangat sering c. jarang

b. sering d. tidak pernah

7. Apakah di dalam murid-murid menulis kata-kata (vocabulary), murid-murid

mengerti artinya ?

a. sangat mengerti c. kurang mengerti

b. agak mengerti d. tidak mengerti

8. Setelah murid-murid belajar dengan Interactive Games apakah murid- murid

merasa lebih mudah untuk mengerti arti kata-kata dalam bahasa inggris


a. sangat mudah c. kurang mudah

b. mudah d. tidak mudah

9. Bagaimana menurut murid-murid jumlah kata-kata yang diajarkan ?

a. sangat sedikit c. banyak

b. cukup d. sangat banyak

10. Apakah murid-murid senang mengikuti pelajaran ini ?

a. sangat senang c. kurang senang

b. senang d. tidak senang



Key Answer

Pre Test

1. (3) shield

2. (1) sickness

3. (2) faults

4. (2) different

5. (4) sure

6. (3) fragile

7. (4) remember

8. (2) broken

9. (1) necessary

10. (2) foreigner

11. refuse

12. weak

13. modern

14. narrow

15. smooth

16. smooth

17. future

18. easy

19. wealthy

20. dangerous



Key Answer

Post Test 1 in Cycle I

1. (4) huge

2. (4) recent

3. (3) talk

4. (3) calculate

5. (1) easily broken

6. (2) cut

7. (4) weight

8. (4) lose

9. (3) bones

10. (2) big

11. (stale)

12. (attacked)

13. (began)

14. (local)

15. (true)

16. (difficult)

17. (alive)

18. (sold)

19. (later)

20. (cooked)



Key Answer

Post Test 2 in Cycle I

1. florist

2. dentist

3. waiter

4. surgeon

5. director

6. artist

7. mountaineer

8. photographer

9. plumber

10. cobbler

11. customer

12. archer

13. mechanic

14. tailor

15. inventor

16. vegetarian

17. millionaire

18. passengers

19. pedestrian

20. athletes



Key Answer

Post Test 3 in Cycle II

1. permit

2. rarely

3. dumb

4. demonstrate

5. common

6. sure

7. fragile

8. forgive

9. angry

10. trip

11. retreat

12. attacked

13. alive

14. professional

15. distract

16. cooked

17. child

18. lead

19. reward

20. easy



Key Answer

Post Test 4 in Cycle II

1. custom

2. pleasant

3. close

4. terrible

5. courteous

6. huge

7. hopeful

8. amusing

9. good looking

10. boring

11. rude

12. abandon

13. silent

14. rapid

15. inexpensive

16. difficult

17. beautiful

18. secure

19. journey

20. popular



Key Answer

Post Test 6 in Cycle II

1. none

2. passive

3. alive

4. ancient

5. present

6. depart

7. attack

8. before

9. badly

10. giant

11. bold

12. strong

13. solid

14. succeed

15. soft

16. shallow

17. sorrow

18. believe

19. curse

20. calm



Key Answer

Post Test 5 in Cycle II

1. chef

2. lawyer

3. electrician

4. employer

5. musician

6. artist

7. pilot

8. principal

9. barber

10. cashier

11. (1) meat

12. (1) hunt

13. (3) forgive

14. (1) do

15. (1) collect

16. lead

17. light

18. destroyed

19. left

20. friends



I Gede Surya Prajana was born in Denpasar on 26

january1991. He comes from Tabanan and he lives at Sanur

village, Denpasar, Bali. His Balinese. His father is I Wayan

Dadu and His Mother is Ni Made Sukani. He is the

first child in his family, He has one brother. He comes from

simple and ordinary family. His father is an employee and his mother is an

employee as well. They want their son could be a teacher in the future. He started

his kindergarden at TK Hotel Bali Beach in 1995 until 1997 that spent 2 years to

finish. He started his Elementary school at SD N No. 2 Sanur in 1997 until 2003

that spent 6 years to finish his first grade until sixth grade. He started his junior

high school at SMP N 9 Denpasar in 2003 until 2006 that spent 3 years to finish

his seventh grade until ninth grade. He started his senior high school at SMA

Dwijendra Denpasar in 2006 until 2009 that spent 3 years to finish my tenth until

twelfth grade. He started his college at Mahasaraswati university in 2009 until

2013. He took English Department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education.

He want to make his parents proud of him. He want to be an English Teacher

because he want to share his knowledge and some experience with other people.

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