Improving Lives: Supporting Adults with Learning Disabilities conference

Post on 07-Feb-2017



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Hello I’m Sarah Watson. I’m the chair of Trustees for Carousel

I’m also a visual artist.

I recently did the visuals and photographs for a multi media show called Creatures of the Revolution that was at London’s South Bank. It will soon go on tour.

Carousel is• an award-winning arts


• that puts learning disabled people in control of their art

• and challenges what great art is and who can create it.

Being the chair of trustees for Carousel involves

• Chairing our meetings

• Signing accounts and funding applications

• Working on the annual report

• Going to Arts Council meetings

• Doing presentations, for example at the House of Lords

Let me tell you about a couple of things I am also involved in at Carousel

• I’m a committee member for Oska Bright

• Oska Bright is a three day international learning disability film and digital festival. It happens every two years and then goes on tour round the UK and to other countries.

I am involved in planning the festival

Selecting the films

Compering and being a spokesperson

Here is a very short trailer we used for the last festival

I’m also one of the original founders of Creative MindsWe started Creative Minds because we had all experienced having people patronise our work – saying things like “It’s such good therapy for you” when we were showing our films in cinemas or exhibiting our work in galleries or performing at a theatre

We were confused about why our work was seen by arts venues, galleries and cinemas as:• Education work• Outreach work• Community work• And not presented as “professional” work

• Together we formed the first Creative Minds Steering Committee

• We organised a conference at the Dome in Brighton to bring together learning disabled artists and performers with people from the wider arts world to talk about this

• Since then there have been other Creative Minds conferences in Bristol and Ipswich

• And we are planning one in Birmingham and helping a team to organise one in Stockholm

• We also deliver training and do presentations like today

• But our next conference will be here in Manchester at HOME on June 15th 2017

• You can come to the conference or join the discussion on our web site


Thank you for listening and I think you will have an opportunity to ask questions later.

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