

2. Texture that can be seen, but not felt 3. *THE HATCHING TECHNIQUE originated in the MIDDLE AGES *Hatching is an artistic tecnhnique used to create shading effects by drawing closely spaced parallel lines *Hatching is important in liner media like DRAWING and PRINTMAKING TYPES OF PRINTMAKING -LINO CUTS -ENGRAVINGS -ETCHINGS -WOODCUTS exture.htm 4. *THE CROSSHATCHING TECHNIQUE became popular in WESTERN ART *Artists use this technique, varying the length, angle, closeness and other qualities of the lines *This technique was started to take HATCHING Further on the textured value scale*Crosshatching is often seen in drawings, linear paintings, engravings and woodcuts /cartooning-tips-and-tricks.html 5. *STIPPLING is the creation of a pattern simulating varying degrees of solidity or shading by using small dots. *POINTILLISM is a style of painting founded by artists Georges Seraut and Paul Signac in 1886 as a branch of IMPRESSIONSIM. *POINTILLISM is much like STIPPLING in that the artwork is made up of thousands of colored dots of color. Up close they dont look like much at all. From a distance they begin to take shape. rawing/pen_and_ink_drawing_7.htm 6. *With this technique, you simply come up with a pattern you like and repeat it. *The closer the lines get together in the pattern, the darker the area of the object will appear. ration-elephant-and-bird-art?ref=market 7. *Using the rectangular stencil provided, trace out 5 rectangles 2 x 12 *We will divide each rectangle into 6 equal 2 x 2 squares *We will be creating our IMPLIED TEXTURE SCALES as seen to the side. *The farther the lines are apart from each other, the lighter the surface appears to be. *The closer the lines get together, the darker the surface appears to be. b/d/Value_Scales_by_Neiya.jpg 8. *Using the rectangular stencil provided, trace out 5 rectangles 2 x 12 *We will divide each rectangle into 6 equal 2 x 2 squares *We will be creating our IMPLIED TEXTURE SCALES as seen to the side. *The farther the lines are apart from each other, the lighter the surface appears to be. *The closer the lines get together, the darker the surface appears to be. 9. THE PROJECT 10. GUIDELINES: *Finish IMPLIED TEXTURE VALUE SCALES *Decide what type of artwork you want to create for this projectRealistic Landscape Surrealistic Landscape Realistic Portrait Surrealistic Portrait Realistic Animal Surrealistic Animal Realistic Observational Study Surrealistic Observational Study *All Projects will be sketched out first in pencil and finished with PEN and INK*** IMPORTANT*** *Take your time when drawing in your implied textures. *Make each line purposeful. * This project is all about line quality. 11. 12. I N N AT U R E elements-of-art/ 13. I N N AT U R E we34d3M/s1600-h/Pen_Ink_Texture_Thumbs.jpg 14. I N N AT U R E 15. I N A RT WO R K etchings 16. THE RUBRIC 17. IMAGES CITED: -Art Factory. (n.d.). Stippling Examples, [graphic image]. Retrieved from _7.htm -Blogspot. (n.d.). Pen and Ink Texture, [illustration]. Retrieved from 3M/s1600-h/Pen_Ink_Texture_Thumbs.jpg -Cannon, Kevin. (June 29, 2007). Cartooning Tips and Tricks: Crosshatching, [drawing]. Retrieved from -Durer, Albrecht. (n.d) Classic Durer Engraving, [illustration]. Retrieved from -Frey Photography. (n.d.) Texture, [photography]. Retrieved from 18. IMAGES CITED: -Oschmann, Suzan. (n.d) Stock Photo Grid Texture in Black and White, [photograph]. Retrieved from -South, Helen. (n.d). Pen and Ink Hatching, Crosshatching and Scumbling: Basic Pen Strokes for Ink Drawing, [illustration]. Retrieved from -Mallett, Keith. (n.d.). Close up detail of etching Straight Ahead, [illustration]. Retrieved from -Neiya. (2009-1013). Value Scales, [illustration]. Retrieved from -Nelson, Dan. Pen and Ink Cross Hatching Masters Edition. YouTube. Mar 17, 2013. Web. Nov 1, 2013. Retrieved from 19. IMAGES CITED: -NikTheArtGuy. (Dec 21, 2011). Get to the Point Already, [illustration]. Retrieved from -Randall, Keith. (Mar 13, 2013). Shutterstock, [photograph]. Retrieved from Lozinak, Mary. (n.d.). Elephant and Bird, [illustration]. Retrieved from 20. IMAGES CITED: "Stippling." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 22 July 2004. Web. 1 Nov. 2013. "Pointillism." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 22 July 2004. Web. 1 Nov. 2013."Hatching." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 22 July 2004. Web. 1 Nov. 2013. "Cross Hatching." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. 22 July 2004. Web. 1 Nov. 2013.

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