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International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)

Volume 6, Issue 9, Sep 2015, pp. 79-92, Article ID: IJCIET_06_09_008

Available online at


ISSN Print: 0976-6308 and ISSN Online: 0976-6316

© IAEME Publication





Abdullah Anwar, Sabih Ahmad, S. Mohd. Ashraf Husain and Syed Aqeel


Department of Civil Engineering, In tegra l University, Lucknow,

Uttar Pradesh, India, 226026


Concrete is the most widely used construction material in civil engineering

industry throughout the world because of its high structural strength and

stability, where the fine aggregate is generally natural sand. The use of sand

in construction activities results in the excessive mining, causing depletion of

natural resources resulting increase in scour depth and sometimes flood

possibility. Ceramic waste is most commonly produced from ceramic industry

whereas Marble powder from processing plants during the sawing and

polishing of marble blocks. Disposal of both ceramic waste and marble

powder is one of the major environmental problems worldwide today. Hence

the reuse of waste material has been emphasized to sustainable development.

In this research study the (OPC) cement has been replaced by ceramic waste

powder accordingly in the proportion of 0%,5%,10%,15%,20%,25%,30%

,35%,40%,45% & 50% and fine aggregate by waste marble powder in the

proportion of 0%,5%,10%, 15%,20%,25%,30%,35%, 40%,45% & 50% by

weight of M-20 grade concrete. Concrete mixtures were produced, tested and

compared in terms of compressive strength of the conventional concrete at 28

days. This paper presents the feasibility of the substitution of ceramic waste

powder for cement and marble dust for fine aggregates to achieve economy

and environment saving.

Key words: Ceramic Waste, Compressive Strength, Marble Dust Powder, OPC

Cement, Sustainable Development

Cite this Article: Abdullah Anwar, Sabih Ahmad, S. Mohd. Ashraf Husain

and Syed Aqeel Ahmad. Salvage of Ceramic Waste and Marble Dust for the

Refinement of Sustainable Concrete. International Journal of Civil

Engineering and Technology, 6(9), 2015, pp. 79-92.


Abdullah Anwar, Sabih Ahmad, S. Mohd. Ashraf Husain and Syed Aqeel Ahmad

http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 80 editor@iaeme.com


Sustainability in concrete production can be achieved by innovations in substitutions

of material used. Innovations are much needed to meet the increasing demand for new

and quality materials. Concrete is a widely used construction material consisting of

cementing material, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and required quantity of water,

where the fine aggregate is usually natural sand. Cement based material are the most

abundant materials in the world. Due to the high in demand of natural resources our

engineers & architect has growing interest in sustainable development by choosing

the material which is more sustainable that is why the green building concept is

emerging in our country. It is very eco-friendly & save the environment by using

waste products generated by industries. It is realistic that a technology can be

developed which can reduced the carbon dioxide emission related to concrete

production. In India the marble & ceramic are the most thriving industries.

The global consumption of natural sand is too high due to its extensive use in

concrete. The use of sand in construction results in excessive sand mining which is

objectionable. Due to rapid growth in construction industry, the available sources of

natural sand are getting exhausted, causing depletion of natural resources resulting

increase in scour depth and sometimes flood possibility. Also, good quality sand may

have to be transported from long distance, which adds to the cost of construction.

Therefore, it is necessary to replace natural sand in concrete by an alternate material

either partially or completely without compromising the quality of concrete. Waste

marble dust is one such material which can be used to replace sand as fine aggregate.

The present study is aimed at utilizing waste marble powder as fine aggregate in

concrete, replacing natural sand. Marble is a metamorphic rock produced from

limestone by pressure and heat in the earth's crust due to geological process [1]. In

INDIA, the marble processing is one of the most booming industries. Marble

industries in India grow more than 3500 metric tons of marble powder slurry per day.

India is among the top world exporters of marble rock. The Indian marble industry

has been rising steadily at an annual pace of about 10% per year. 20 to 30% of marble

blocks are changed into powder. 3,172 M tons of marble dusts were produced in year

2009-10. Marble is one of the most important materials used in buildings since

ancient times, especially for decorative purposes. The marble is widely used in

buildings due to its beauty, strength & resistance to fire.

Marble waste powder is produced from processing plants during the sawing and

polishing of marble blocks and about 25% of the processed marble is turn into powder

form. Marble waste when dumped on open land affects adversely the productivity of

land as it reduces the porosity and affects ground water recharge. Disposal of the

waste marble powder from the marble industry is one of the environmental problems

worldwide today. Recently, marble dust powder has been employed in the

construction industry and research has been carried on to examine their fruitful result.

The production of cheaper and more durable concrete using this waste can solve to

some extent the ecological and environmental problems. The various applications of

Marble Powder are as follows:

1. Power coating, paints and ceramic industry

2. Reinforced polyester glass fiber

3. Leather cloth and flooring applications

4. Detergent applications

5. Glass industry (in manufacturing sheet & optical glasses)

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The various advantages of Marble Dust Powder are as follows:

1. Marble powder can be used as filler in concrete and paving materials and helps to

reduce total void content in concrete.

2. Marble powder can be used as an admixture in concrete, so that strength of the

concrete can be increased.

3. We can reduce the environmental pollution by utilizing this marble powder for

producing the other products.

4. Marble dust is mixed with concrete, cement or synthetic resins to make counters,

building stones, sculptures, floors and many other objects.

5. Marble dust gives an iridescent feel to the object because of the crystallized

particles present in the dust from the marble. These cultured marble objects are

often seen in luxury settings. Synthetic marble objects made with marble dust are

more commonly used than 100 percent solid marble objects.

6. Marble dust is also used to make paint primer for canvas paintings, and as paint


7. Used as a component for manufacture of white cement.

8. The marble powder is also used to create carbonic acid gases which are used in

the bottling of beverages.

In addition to marble powder, silica fume, fly ash, pumice powder and ground

granulated blast furnace slag are widely used in the construction sector as a mineral

admixtures instead of cement (Demirel and Yazicioglu,2008, 2006, 2007) [2]-[4].

Marble dust can be used either to produce new products or as an admixture so that the

natural sources are used more efficiently and the environment is saved from

dumpsites of marble waste (Hameed and Sekar, 2009) [5]. Many studies have been

conducted in literature on the performance of the concrete containing waste marble

dust or waste marble aggregate, such as its addition into self compacting concrete as

an admixture or sand (Corinaldesi et al., 2010; Alyamac and Ince, 2009; Guneyisi et

al., 2009; Unal and Uygunoglu, 2003) [6]-[9], as well as its utilization in the mixture

of asphaltic concrete (Karasahin and Terzi, 2007; Akbulut and Gurer, 2007; Binici et

al., 2008) [10]-[12] and its utilization as an additive in cement production (Aruntas et

al., 010) [13]. Hanifi Binici et al (2007) [14] found that marble-dust concrete has

higher compressive strength than that of the corresponding lime stone -dust concrete

having equal w/c and mix proportion. The results indicated that the Marble dust

concrete would probably have lower water permeability than the lime stone concrete.

As non-pozzolanic fines it is at present the limestone and dolomite ones which are

most frequently used to increase the content of fine particles in self compacting

concretes (Billberg, 1999) [15]. Compared to normal plain concrete of the same w/c

ratio and the same cement, the concrete having high limestone filler content of

suitable particle-size-distribution generally improves the strength characteristics

(Sonerbi et al., 2000, Petersson, 2001) [16]-[17]. Sachin (2010) [18] used Marble

Powder and artificial sand or manufactured sand as partial replacement for natural

sand to conduct their study on mechanical behavior of concrete. Tests were conducted

using natural sand, manufactured sand, marble dust with equal amount of cement,

coarse aggregate and water. Sieve analysis was carried out on fine sand. A further step

Akbulut et al (2011) [19] found in their studies that the concrete containing waste

marble dust or waste marble aggregate, such as its addition into self-compacting

concrete as an admixture or sand as well as its utilization in the mixture of asphaltic

Abdullah Anwar, Sabih Ahmad, S. Mohd. Ashraf Husain and Syed Aqeel Ahmad

http://www.iaeme.com/IJCIET/index.asp 82 editor@iaeme.com

concrete and its utilization as an additive in cement production, the usage of marble as

a coarse aggregate and as a fine aggregate passing through 1 mm sieve.

Ceramic waste is most commonly produce from ceramic industry, this waste is in

the form of pest and hard form, pest waste is known as the filter waste or slurry waste,

which is produced at the end of polishing and finishing of ceramic tiles. The overall

size of the Indian ceramic industry is about Rs 18,000 crores producing 100 Million

tons per year. The production during 2011-12 stood at approx. 600 million square

meters. However, the ceramic waste is durable, hard and highly resistant to biological,

chemical and physical degradation.

Different types of ceramic products are:

Wall And Floor Tiles

Bricks And Roof Tiles

Table-And Ornamental ware (Household Ceramics)

Refractory Products

Sanitary ware

Vitrified Clay Pipes

Tiles used in the Space Shuttle program

Gas burner nozzles

Missile nose cones

Coatings of jet engine turbine blades

Ceramic disk brake, etc.

Ceramic wastes can be separated in two categories in accordance with the source

of raw materials. The first one are all fired wastes generated by the structural ceramic

factories that use only red pastes to manufacture their products, such as brick, blocks

and roof tiles. The second one is all fired waste produced in stoneware ceramic such

as wall, floor tiles and sanitary ware. These producers use red and white pastes;

nevertheless, the usage of white paste is more frequent and much higher in volume. In

each category the fired ceramic waste was classified according to the production

process. This classification is reported in the following diagram (Figure 1) (F.P.Torgal

and S. Jalali, 2010) [20].

In the ceramic industry, nearly 15%-30% waste material generated from the full

production. The ceramic wastes cause soil, air and groundwater pollution. The

ceramic wastes are not recycled in any course at present owning a problem in present-

day society. Thus, a suitable form of management is required in society to attain

sustainable growth. The industries are dumping the wastes in any nearby pit or vacant

spaces, near their unit, although notified areas have been marked for dumping. This

contributes to severe environmental and dust pollution and occupation of a immense

expanse of solid ground, especially after the powder dries up and then it is necessary

to throw out the ceramic waste quickly and employ in the construction industry. It has

been estimated that about 30% of the daily production in the ceramic industry goes to

waste. This waste is not recycled in any form at present. However, the ceramic waste

is durable, hard and highly resistant to biological, chemical and physical degradation

forces. As the ceramic waste is piling up every day, there is pressure on the ceramic

industries to find a solution for its disposal (RM. Senthamarai and P. D. Manoharan,

2005) [21]. Thus, employment of the ceramic waste powder and marble dust powder

in various industrial sectors, especially the construction industry would help to protect

the surroundings. Thus, resulting in the growth of eco-friendly concrete.

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Figure 1 Classification of ceramic wastes by type and production process. (F. P.Torgal and S.

Jalali, 2010)

Ceramic waste is seen as non-hazardous solid waste and possesses pozzolanic

properties. Therefore, after recycling can be reused in different building construction

application [22]-[26]. Industrial wastes coarser than cement particles generally uses as

fine and coarse aggregate in concrete mix up to 35% tile waste [27]-[28]. Utilization

of non-hazardous industrial waste is also gaining popularity in India to use in building

construction employment for training building material elements. (Abdullah Anwar et

al, 2014, 2015) in their study analyzes that there is a continuous decrement in the

compressive strength of concrete on partial replacement of cement with ceramic waste

and marble dust powder. [29]-[30].

The advancement of concrete technology can reduce the consumption of natural

resources. They have driven to focus on recovery and reuse of natural resources and

find other options. The role of partial replacement of cement by ceramic waste

powder and fine aggregate by marble dust powder may reduce some cement

production and depletion of natural resources thus brings down the demand for land

area for describing resources and disposal of industrial waste too. The use of

substitute materials may provide cost reduction, energy savings, arguably superior

products, and fewer hazards in the surroundings. Ceramic waste powder or Marble

dust powder is one of the most dynamic research areas that cover a number of

subjects including civil engineering and building fabrics. This paper presents the

feasibility of the substitution of ceramic waste powder for cement and marble dust

powder for fine aggregates to achieve economy and environment saving.

Ceramic Wastes

Red Paste




Roof tiles

Porous stone ware tiles

Twice fired

Porous stone ware tiles

White Paste

One fired

Sanitary ware

Porous stoneware tiles

Stoneware tiles

China stoneware tiles

Twice fired

Porous stoneware tiles

Abdullah Anwar, Sabih Ahmad, S. Mohd. Ashraf Husain and Syed Aqeel Ahmad

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2.1. Cement

Commercially available Ordinary Portland Cement of 43 grades manufactured by the

JP Cement Company confirming to IS 8112:1989 was used in the field [31]

(Specification, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi). The Physical Properties of

OPC Cement are shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Physical Properties of Cement

Details Normal Consistency (%) Specific


Setting Time (min.)

Initial Final


(G-43) 26.75 3.05 80


2.2. Fine Aggregate

Fractions from 4.75 mm to 150 microns are termed as fine aggregate. Locally

available river sand passed through 4.75mm IS sieve is applied as fine aggregate

conforming to the requirements of IS 383:1970 [32]. The specific gravity of sand is

2.60 and fineness modulus is 3.30. The free and compacted bulk density values

obtained are 1645 Kg/m3 and 1780 Kg/m

3 and water absorption is 1.10%.

2.3 Coarse Aggregate

Fractions from 20 mm to 4.75 mm are used as coarse aggregate. The Coarse aggregate

are obtained from a local quarry, conforming to IS 383:1970 is used. The coarse

aggregate with a maximum size 20 mm having a specific gravity 2.70 and fineness

modulus of 6.50. The free and compacted bulk density values obtained are 1600

Kg/m3 and 1790 Kg/m

3 respectively, water absorption of 1.50%.

2.4. Marble Dust Powder

The Marble dust powder was collected from the locally available manufacturing unit

in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. Specific gravity of marble dust powder is 2.64 and

water absorption is 0.97%. It was sieved by IS-90 micron sieve before mixing in

concrete. The Chemical properties were given in Table 2 and these properties are in

reference to [Omar M.O. et al (2012)] [33]

Figure 2 Marble Dust Powder

Source: Ceramic World, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

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Table 2 Chemical Properties of Marble Dust Powder

S.No. Materials Marble Powder (%)

1. Loss of Ignition (L.O.I) 43.63

2. CaO 43.20

3. Fe2O3 1.90

4. Al2O3 2.50

5. SiO2 13.8

6. MgO 2.70

7. SO3 0.07

8. K2O 0.60

9. Na2 O 0.90

10. CL 0.03

Source: Omar M.O. et al (2012)

2.5. Ceramic Waste

Ceramic waste can be used in concrete to improve its strength and other durability

factors. It is estimated that 15 to 30% wastes are produced of total raw material

utilized. Ceramic waste can be applied as a partial replacement of cement or as a

partial replacement of fine aggregate, sand as a supplemental add-on to achieve

different properties of concrete. The ceramic waste was accumulated from the locally

available manufacturing unit in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India. The sample of the

waste was collected and the same was made in dust form manually in Transportation

Engineering Laboratory, CED, INTEGRAL UNIVERSITY, Lucknow. Specific

gravity of ceramic waste powder is 2.30 and water absorption is 2.40%. The chemical

properties were turned over in Table 3 with the submission of test method IS

3812:1998 [34].

Figure 3 Ceramic Waste Powder

Source: Ceramic World, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Abdullah Anwar, Sabih Ahmad, S. Mohd. Ashraf Husain and Syed Aqeel Ahmad

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Table 3 Chemical Properties of Ceramic Waste Powder

Source: Geo-Test House, Baroda, Gujarat

2.6. Water

Water is an important factor of concrete as it actually participates in the chemical

reaction with cement. Portable water is employed in fusing of concrete.


The Economic Feasibility of materials is tabulated as below in Table 4.

Table 4 Cost of Materials

S.No. Materials Rate (Rs/Kg)

1. Cement (OPC G-43) 8.00

2. Fine Aggregate (Regional) 0.65

3. Coarse Aggregate (Regional) 0.70

4. Ceramic Waste Powder 2.00

5. Marble Dust Powder 12.00


The concrete mix is designed as per IS: 10262-1982 [35], IS: 456-2000 [36] for the

normal concrete. The grade of concrete, which we adopted, is M20. The concrete mix

proportion (cement: fine aggregate: coarse aggregate) is 1:1.5: 3 by volume and a

water cement ratio of 0.50.


The evaluation of Ceramic Waste Powder as a replacement of cement material and

Marble Dust Powder as a replacement of fine aggregate begins with the concrete

testing. The study is conducted to analyze the compressive strength of concrete when

the base materials, i.e. Cement is replaced with ceramic waste powder and fine

aggregate is replaced with Marble Dust Powder respectively. Compressive strength

tests were done on compression testing machine using cube samples. Firstly, the

ceramic waste powder replacement was made at proportions 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%,

S.No. Materials Ceramic Powder (%)

1. SiO2 63.29

2. Al2O3 18.29

3. Fe2O3 4.32

4. CaO 4.46

5. K2O 2.18

6. Na2 O 0.75

7. MgO 0.72

8. P2O5 0.16

9. Mn2O3 0.05

10. CL 0.005

11. SO3 0.10

12. Loss of Ignition (L.O.I) 1.61

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20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45% and 50% by weight of M-20 grade concrete. Three

samples per batch were tested with the average strength values reported in this paper.

The maximum average value of compressive strength at a certain definite replacement

proportion of cement with ceramic waste powder was noted. Now, the ceramic waste

powder replacement is kept at the constant proportion (proportion attaining maximum

average value of compressive strength) and marble dust powder replacement was

made at proportions 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, 45% and 50%

by weight of M-20 grade concrete. Again, three samples per batch were tested with

the average strength values reported in this paper. In all total 66 cubes of OPC

(150mm × 150mm × 150mm) were examined and results were analyzed after curing

28 days. Result obtained from the replacement is compared with data from a

Conventional concrete.


Subsequently, on a detailed study we have obtained the following outcomes for the

compression tests as shown in the Table 5 and Table 6

Table 5 Ceramic Waste Powder Replacement; Compressive Strength of Concrete (M 20)

(Partial Replacement of Cement)

%age content of Ceramic Waste Powder

0 10 20 30 40 50 60



ive S




28 d


s (N











%age Content of Ceramic Waste vs Compressive Strength

CERAMIC WASTE POWDER (Partial Replacement of Cement)

Figure 4 Percentage Replacement of Ceramic Waste Powder vs Compressive Strength

(N/mm2) of Concrete for M 20

S.No. Specimen Compressive Strength at 28 days (N/mm2)

1. Conventional Concrete 30.50

2. 5% 29.20

3. 10% 28.14

4. 15% 27.60

5. 20% 26.40

6. 25% 25.46

7. 30% 23.50

8. 35% 21.67

9. 40% 20.29

10. 45% 19.68

11. 50% 18.75

Abdullah Anwar, Sabih Ahmad, S. Mohd. Ashraf Husain and Syed Aqeel Ahmad

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Table 6 Marble Dust Powder Replacement; Compressive Strength of Concrete (M 20)

(Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate, at Constant Ceramic Waste Proportion,

i.e. 30%)

MARBLE DUST POWDER (Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate)

%age content of Marble Dust Powder (30% Ceramic Waste Proportion)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60







th a

t 2

8 d


s (N








%age Content of Marble Dust Powder vs Compressive Strength

Figure 5 Percentage Replacement of Marble Dust Powder vs Compressive Strength (N/mm2)

of Concrete for M 20

S.No. Specimen Compressive Strength at 28 days (N/mm2)

1. Conventional Concrete 30.50

2. 5% 31.44

3. 10% 32.08

4. 15% 33.60

5. 20% 34.16

6. 25% 32.40

7. 30% 30.75

8. 35% 28.50

9. 40% 26.29

10. 45% 23.08

11. 50% 20.54

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%age Content of Marble Dust vs Compressive Strength

0 10 20 30 40 50







th a

t 2

8 d


s (N








%age Content of Ceramic Waste vs Compressive Strength

%age Content of Marble Dust vs Compressive Strength

Figure 6 (BAR GRAPH) Percentage Replacement of both Ceramic Waste and Marble Dust

Powder vs Compressive Strength (N/mm2) of Concrete for M 20


Experimental investigation is performed to determine the Compressive Strength of

ceramic waste concrete and marble dust concrete on partial replacement of cement

and fine aggregate and also to compare the behavior of concrete for more fruitful

outcome. At different proportions, varying strength of concrete was observed, which

are measured in N/mm2. The results obtained for 28-day compressive strength

confirms the optimal percentage requirement for replacement of cement with Ceramic

Waste Powder and fine aggregate with Marble Dust Powder as shown in Fig. 6 (Bar


7.1. Effect of Ceramic Waste Powder on Compressive Strength

Compressive strength is determined at 28 days after successful curing period. Due to

higher part of silica oxide in ceramic waste its core compressive strength is attained at

30% replacement of ceramic waste concrete. By more than 30% of replacement, the

compressive strength is decreasing; hence more research on it is preferred (Table 5).

On further replacement its compressive strength is decreased. The results obtained

confirms the optimal percentage requirement for replacement of cement with Ceramic

Waste Powder as shown in Fig. 4

7.2. Effect of Marble Dust Powder on Compressive Strength

The results given in Table 6 indicate that as the amount of the marble dust powder in

the concrete increase, the unit weights of the specimens increase. This is an expected

outcome as specific gravity of marble dust powder is higher than fine aggregate and

filler effect of marble dust because of its finer particles than fine sand aggregate.

Therefore, the unit weight of marble dust powder concrete increases as the percentage

Abdullah Anwar, Sabih Ahmad, S. Mohd. Ashraf Husain and Syed Aqeel Ahmad

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replacement of marble dust powder content increases up to certain proportion. With

the inclusion of marble dust powder the compressive strength of concrete gradually

increases up to a certain limit but then gradually decreases. The compressive strength

have increased with the increase of marble dust powder content till 20% replacement

of fine aggregate and after that there is a decrease in its strength. With the inclusion of

marble dust powder up to 20%, there is 10.71% increase in compressive strength for

28days curing as compared to conventional concrete (without marble dust powder).

The results obtained confirms the optimal percentage requirement for replacement of

fine aggregate with Marble Dust Powder as shown in Fig. 5


As compared to conventional concrete, on addition of ceramic waste powder its

characteristic strength is gradually decreased. So the ceramic waste powder has been

replaced by up to 30% by weight of cement without affecting the characteristic

strength of M20 grade concrete. On further replacement of cement with ceramic

waste powder decreases the compressive strength. (Fig. 4 and 6)

As compared to conventional concrete, on addition of marble dust powder its

compressive strength gradually increases up to a certain limit but then gradually

decreases. The increase in strength of concrete is due to the fact that certain

proportions of waste had been added to the concrete as very fine aggregate

substitutes. This is an expected outcome due to the high specific gravity of marble

dust powder and also filler effect of marble dust because it has finer particles than

fine aggregate. As a matter of fact, marble dust powder had a filler effect and played a

noticeable role in the hydration process.

The compressive strength have increased with the increase of marble dust powder

content till 20% replacement of fine aggregate and after that there is a decrease in its

strength. With the inclusion of marble dust powder up to 20%, there is 10.71%

increase in compressive strength for 28days curing as compared to conventional

concrete (without marble dust powder). (Fig. 5 and 6)

Utilization of ceramic waste or marble dust and its application for the sustainable

development of the construction industry is the most effective solution and also speak

the high value application of such waste.

It is the possible alternative solution of safe disposal of the Ceramic waste powder

and Marble dust powder thus stepping into a realm of solving the environmental

pollution by cement production; being one of the primary objectives of Civil



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