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Post on 08-Nov-2018






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Take Action before Poor Diet begins to Affect your Health !!!

Nine (9) Cancer----Protective & Hearty----Healthy Benefits of Rooibos Tea

1) May Prevent Cancer

� Rooibos tea “helps” immune system “produce” anti-bodies > > that “could” protect you from cancer.

2) Treats Allergies

� The “same” impact it has on your immune system in fighting cancer also helps > > treat allergies.

3) May Treat and Prevent Diabetes

� Strongly linked to its “ability” to strengthen the “heart” is the healing effect of Rooibos on diabetes.

4) Packed with Anti----Inflammatory & Anti----Oxidant Properties

� These anti-inflammatory & anti-oxidant properties “protect” your cells from damage by free radicals.

5) Aids in Digestion

� Rooibos is a tonic for a healthy gut, especially if you “suffer” from abdominal pain or diarrhoea.

6) Supports Strong Bones

� Rooibos “contains” manganese and calcium which are “beneficial” for the growth of healthy bones.

7) Helps Reduce Unwanted Body Fat Naturally

� Rooibos “causes” existing fat cells to “metabolize” faster and “prevents” new fat cells from forming.

8) Improves Heart Health

� It contains flavonoids that “regulate” blood pressure and “improve” blood circulation to the heart.

9) Keeps Hair and Skin Looking Younger

� Anti-oxidant properties of Rooibos “protect” hair from damage and also help > > skin “look” brighter.

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Take Action before Debt Worries begins to Affect your Health !!

Make your Dreams come True !!!

� Become debt-free.

� Secure early retirement.

� Spoil yourself and your family.

� Afford the best > > health care facilities.

� Buy a holiday home, or go for that dream holiday.

� Build a passive income stream through word-of-mouth advertising.

These are the great dreams that are “worth” being pursued. If you have not realised them yet, the only

way to get them is to work > > 5 times harder … until you “become” financially free.

However, if you want financial security; you have to invest lots of money in business (e.g. manufacturing,

construction, property or retail) … but if you do not have the money … time will be the only investment

into which you can invest.

a) Time is the greatest sacrifice that’ll help you “build” a continuous or residual passive income stream.

b) If you invest in time, you should discover the joy of personal growth, and the adventure of turning

nothing into something, as well as building > > everlasting legacy that’ll change your life completely.

Remember: At the moment you’re investing about 9 hours per day in a job that’ll not give you enough

money … and … in addition to this … employee loyalty is “not” being appreciated by “most” employers.

We “offer” you > > the “most” sustainable > > passive income business opportunity … that > > >

1) Will not require you to sell anything.

2) Will not restrict your potential to “earn” unlimited income.

3) Will not require you to convince > > > other people to join.

You’re a potential candidate to be amongst the greatest entrepreneurs in the world that could embrace

freedom, personal fulfilment and financial independence in the 21st century.

� If you’re frustrated with your salary … then you’re a candidate.

� If you’re frustrated by lack of progress in your life … you’re also a candidate.

� If you’re attracted to the idea of a passive income stream … then you’re a perfect candidate.


What is an Income Stream ???

An income stream refers to any “source” of regular income. For example, your Job is “source” of income.

Your Pension is another source. Rent from the tenants of your flat is yet another one.

Besides age not being on their side, most people do not have the time to look for, or invest in a new job,

so, the best route for them is to look for “sustainable” passive income business opportunities.

A passive income stream is one where, once you’ve done the initial investment, there’s little or no upkeep

will be required of that investment in order to maintain the income stream.

Writing a book is a passive income stream, for example - - once that book is complete and on its way to

the publisher, you just sit back and wait for the proceeds.

Most passive income streams require significant chunk of investment up front. Generally, this investment

can be “broken down” into 2 categories … being … investing in money … and … investing in time.

a) Investing in Money

This of course requires money up front and the expectation that each year will only return a small portion

of your initial investment. Usually though, a significant portion of the initial investment can be recouped

through the selling of the investment or waiting for your investment to can fully mature.

An annuity is an example of an investment you can purchase, typically from an investment company that

will pay you a certain amount annually. Of course, the younger you are, the smaller the amount will be.

Let’s say for example you purchase an annuity for R10 000. This simply means at a rate of 4%, you will

receive R400 every year from the investment company.

The risk here of course is that … the investment company may eventually become insolvent, leaving you

with nothing. If I were to buy an annuity, I would look for a credible institution with a long history of

stability and a good credit rating, and even then, I would diversify across multiple companies.

b) Investing in Time

Investing in time means you engage in activities which are “calculated” to bring you meaningful rewards.

Generally, you’re turning your spare time into developing a great idea that could provide you with a

steady “stream” or “continuous flow” of … income … that’ll eventually “lead” to … financial freedom.



S tttt eeee pppp tttt oooo Fiiii nnnn aaaa nnnn cccc iiii aaaa llll Frrrr eeee eeee dddd oooo mmmm

If you do not believe in the idea of making money through > > > passive income business opportunities;

popularly known as network marketing; I have written a special report for you.

After almost 2 years of religiously going to meetings, setting up appointments, and showing up the plan,

I came to a point where I hit a massive brick wall. For all my hard work, I had nothing to show for it.

The worst part about this was that I could not - for the life of me - figure out why this was not working!

I was doing everything I had been told to do. In fact, I did way more than that.

But I was not any closer to the dream of financial freedom than I was when I started. So, I began to look

for real answers why I was spinning my wheels. To make a long story short, and get right to the point;

I finally did figure out what was going wrong … and my entire view of this income system has changed.

So, this report will help you de-program the over-exaggeration and the pyramid scheme thinking

that has Stigmatized many Network Marketing Opportunities.

Highly Controversial LIESHighly Controversial LIESHighly Controversial LIESHighly Controversial LIES often used used used used by many DDDDodgy odgy odgy odgy RRRRecruitecruitecruitecruiters ers ers ers are exposedexposedexposedexposed in this BookBookBookBook....

You can Download your Free Copy of this Report from the Website below > > >


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Join the Workers Life Network and Live the Life you Deserve !!!

Workers Life has been providing “value” for “money” insurance products for “more than” 15 years;

and looks forward to hosting you as one of their most valued member and business partner.

Membership Benefits


Workers Life “offers” the following Benefits to all of its Members who choose to take up > > Option A;


Workers Life “offers” the following Benefits to all of its Members who choose to take up > > Option B;

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Main Member “must” be under the age of 65 R10,000

Spouse or Partner “must” be under the age of 65 R10,000

Biological & Adopted Children “between” the ages of 14 & 21 R7,000 per Child

Biological & Adopted Children “between” the ages of 6 & 13 R4,000 per Child

Monthly Premium R98 per Month


Main Member “must” be under the age of 65 R18,000

Spouse or Partner “must” be under the age of 65 R18,000

Biological & Adopted Children “between” the ages of 14 & 21 R14,000 per Child

Biological & Adopted Children “between” the ages of 6 & 13 R8,000 per Child

Monthly Premium R155 per Month


� Free Car Hire for 3 Days (No Deposit Required + Full Tank Free Fuel + Unlimited Mileage).

� Free Electricity Bill Assistance for 3 Months “valued” at R250 per Month.

� Free Cellular Air-Time “valued” at R250 per Claim.


Potential Income if Everyone takes Funeral Cover for R98 p/m

We suggest that you recruit a team of 5 people; or 1 person “every” month for a period of 5 months.

If “each” of these 5 “new” members “could” duplicate the same thing you’d have done; for example, if

all of you could go for a funeral cover for which “each” of you pay a subscription of R98 per month;

your % share of the commission will be calculated as “follows” > > >

Potential Income if Everyone takes Funeral Cover @ R155 p/m

If a funeral cover for R155 p/m is taken up, your commission will be calculated as “follows” > > >

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Level Members in your 1st Team Total Value of Premiums Your % Share of Commission

1 {You recruit 5 people} = 5 5 x R98 = R490 5% of R490 = R25

2 {They recruit 5 “each”} = 25 25 x R98 = R2,450 10% of R2,450 = R245

3 {25 recruit 5 “each”} = 125 125 x R98 = R12,250 5% of R12,250 = R613

4 {125 recruit 5 “each”} = 625 625 x R98 = R61,250 5% of R61,250 = R3,062

5 {625 recruit 5 “each”} = 3,125 3,125 x R98 = R306,250 8% of R306,250 = R24,500

Team Membership = 3,905 Monthly Total = R28,445 p/m

Level Members in your 1st Team Total Value of Premiums Your % Share of Commission

1 {You recruit 5 people} = 5 5 x R155 = R775 5% of R775 = R39

2 {They recruit 5 “each”} = 25 25 x R155 = R3,875 10% of R3,875 = R388

3 {25 recruit 5 “each”} = 125 125 x R155 = R19,375 5% of R19,375 = R969

4 {125 recruit 5 “each”} = 625 625 x R155 = R96,875 5% of R96,875 = R4,844

5 {625 recruit 5 “each”} = 3,125 3,125 x R155 = R484,375 8% of R484,375 = R38,750

Team Membership = 3,905 Monthly Total = R44,990 p/m


More Reasons to Consider a Passive Income Opportunity !!!

Dieketseng was evicted from her house. The company that she worked for … merged with another one,

and unfortunately, her job “became” redundant; and as a result, she was “demoted” to a typist.

She “could” no longer > > afford > > installments on her vehicle; which the bank “later” repossessed.

You can prevent this from becoming your “own” story.

We offer you a highly ethical … business opportunity … that “should” keep you away from debt.

Logon to our Website below for a Summarised Introduction to this Opportunity > > >


Visit our Website below and Take your 1st Step to Financial Freedom > > >


We “look” forward to helping you make your dreams come true.

From: Masera “Eulenda” Khooa & Partner

You Can Contact Us @ 083 282 0643

C oooo nnnn tttt iiii nnnn uuuu eeee dddd oooo nnnn tttt hhhh eeee N eeee xxxx tttt P aaaa gggg eeee


Turn some of your Monthly Expenses into an Income Opportunity

A Special E----Book for Every Shelf and Every Household !!!

Many people … do not know that … there lies a great income opportunity in their monthly shopping list.

Most of them are not “even” aware that > > they have “built” other people’s lives … through referrals.

To enjoy a flow of continuous income; I invite you to change your shopping habits “slightly” by doing

what you’ve always “been” doing all the time.

I listen to many people in their conversations and realise - - how “often” they talk about > > what items

they always “have” to include in their > > monthly shopping list.

� David > > spends … about … R5,000 … “per” … month … on … groceries.

� Benny > > spends … about … R1,500 … “per” … month … on … take-away meals.

� Victoria > > spends … about … R3,500 … “per” … month … on … toiletries and cosmetics.

I invite you to take a look at your monthly expenses, find a product that you’re already paying for … find

a credible network marketing company that “offers” this product, and sign up today.

Then do what you have been doing all your life referring your friends and colleagues, except that this time

around you will be “rewarded” every month, and most importantly, you could be financially free.

People out there “need” help and are waiting for you. They all incur > > > monthly expenses, and do not

know that they can turn them into an income opportunity.

Be on the look-out for illegal pyramid schemes “disguised” as legitimate network marketing companies

that only want to deceive and take money from people who cannot recognise them, or tell the difference.

This Practical E----Book will Help You > > >

1) Beat your Debt Stress.

2) Create > > Everlasting Wealth.

3) Become > > Financially Independent.

4) Identify > > Credible Network Marketing Opportunities.

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The Greatest Wealth Opportunity that’ll Clear all your Debts !

Ask anyone why they work, and you’ll get a host of responses. Some of us work to make more money,

some people for a sense of purpose and others simply “work to live”. If we work to live, we need to ask

ourselves … what kind of life do we really want ? ? ?

Many people “live” from hand to mouth - - and - - as a result - - they “accumulate” lots & lots of debt.

Most of us will not even survive “without” debt.

There are > > many reasons … why … most people are getting into debt:

� Most people are planning to extend “or” renovate their properties.

� Some people are planning to consolidate “all” their short term loans into a long term loan.

� Other people are “forced” to settle > > > outstanding university fees “or” school fees for their kids.

The trouble starts when we start to think of the latest cellphone, the newest fashion or even a flashy car

as basic needs and start to “use” debt as a “form” of income.

We think of credit cards and store cards as actual money we have - - and not as money we do not have;

that we have to pay back with interest. It is cheaper and wiser to save money over a period of time,

and then buy what we need, rather than borrowing to buy.

Let us challenge “ourselves” to question the true value of the things we spend money on. Let us use

more sense and fewer cents when spending. Poet Oscar Wilde says, “Now-a-days, People know the

Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing”.

When we “use” sound judgement and learn from our experiences and those of other people; it becomes

easier for us to avoid getting into unnecessary debt. It allows us to be true to ourselves about the things

we really need; so that we only end-up with the good debt.

In this way, we will not be afraid of “private” telephone calls from debt collectors.

It’s true: being wise in how we borrow is not always easy. It means we may have to read very very long

documents; get informed on various options and ask ourselves tough questions such as, “why do I think

I need this loan in my life?” or “would I be able to repay this debt?”

But in a country where more than 45% of people have bad credit records, it seems the smartest thing we

could ask. If your debt “makes” you miserable to the point of depression, and it’s becoming a trend,

rather than occasional pain; we advise you to consider this wealth opportunity as a sustainable option.


Look after Yourself and Stop Worrying about Debt !!!

Did you know that > > > all “modern” recommendations to healthy eating “include” increasing your

intake of fresh fruits and vegetables ?? In addition to “providing” healthy fibre … fruits and vegetables

contain > > key minerals that’ll help you treat > > chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure.

Are you “also” aware that > > debt is a major risk factor that may lead to high blood pressure ??

We offer you a tried & tested … wealth opportunity … that’ll stop you from worrying about debt.

Logon to our Website below for More Detailed Information on this Opportunity > > >


Visit our Website below and Get your Special Tonic for Debt > > >


We “look” forward to helping you invest in your future with us.

From: Mojalefa “Vincent” Khooa & Partner

You Can Contact Us @ 063 394 4732

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