iHCP - iPad Apps & Pharma Marketing for Physicians

Post on 10-May-2015






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Describes how iPad marketing strategies can help health care professionals make more informed decisions, improve patient care, and assist patients while still in the waiting room.


A New Age of Physician Marketing

973.392.4896 – www.PadenNoble.com - info@PadenNoble.com

This is the New Normal

  Delivery of health eMagazine for disease state information

  Prepare patients for the procedures by showing them pictures of staff they will encounter.

  Social media practice-based content for brands or disease groups

Stanford School of Medicine has just announced that incoming students in the Class of 2014 will get an iPad as part of their welcome kit. The School cited that: “iPad allows students to view and annotate course content electronically, facilitating advance preparation as well as in-class note-taking in a highly portable, sharable and searchable format.”

973.392.4896 – www.PadenNoble.com - info@PadenNoble.com

If you’re not early, then you’re late

  Calgary Scientific’s ResolutionMD Mobile app has approved by Health Canada for diagnostic use by physicians

  Synchronized delivery of electronic branded support program materials

  Social media practice-based content for brands or disease groups

Apps are already being developed and adopted by Calgary Scientific, imc2, TeraRecon, University of Notre Dame, Stanford Medical School and others

St. Louis Children’s Hospital uses iPad for three purposes: Education, distraction, and preparation

When my patients want to see their labs or x-rays I can show it to them immediately! - Sudeep Bansal, M.D. Internal Medicine

973.392.4896 – www.PadenNoble.com - info@PadenNoble.com

Apps for Physicians

  Create Anticipation

  Reinforce Brand Message

  Detailed analytics of physician use provides invaluable insight to internal stakeholders

More than 60 percent of physicians who participated in a new survey have shown interest in Apple's recently announced iPad, and one in five already intend to purchase one. - Apple Inside

Physicians are early personal technology adapters, as a result they are already heavy users of smartphones. Nearly 80 percent of physicians use such devices—up from 54 percent a year ago.

973.392.4896 – www.PadenNoble.com - info@PadenNoble.com

Apps for Sale Force

  Rep-delivered interactive detail optimizes marketing efforts

  Ease of development allows for scalable pilots

Immense Benefits

  Eye catching presentations make for longer face time

  Closed loop marketing system tracks presentation trends and audiences

  Secure transmission with no competitor access

  Ease of update and removal of expired collateral

973.392.4896 – www.PadenNoble.com - info@PadenNoble.com

Physician & Patient Engagement

  Use the iPad to teach patients. Leverage multimedia resources such as patient videos, animations, diagrams, charts, etc. to teach patients about specific diseases and conditions.

  Use the iPad to take notes. Who needs a clipboard? Even if you’re not using an electronic health record (EHR) or electronic medical record (EMR) in your office, you can still use the iPad to take some notes. The application in which the notes are taken can be branded and equipped with an intuitive medical language database. Perhaps after the note is complete, the app recommends sites to visit or prescriptions to learn more about. Think taking notes while WebMD is reading and interpreting the text.

  As a physical exam tool. Use the iPad to conduct mini mental exams and other diagnostic evaluations. Need them to remember 3 objects? Provide them with visual aids. Performing a psychometric evaluation? Skip the paper and go straight to the iPad.

973.392.4896 – www.PadenNoble.com - info@PadenNoble.com

Improve Waiting Room

  Let patients check their e-mail and browse the web while they’re waiting. They’re probably already doing that with their smartphones. Provide them a device that’s bigger and easier to use.

  Mount the iPad on the wall and use it for some of the things described above. This way, it won’t fall or walk away. Plus, you could use it as a digital photo frame.

  Allow patients to use a medical iPad calendar to schedule their next appointment. The app then requests email, or knows their email address by entering their name, and sends a reminder to the address. 

  Games. Do you treat children? Let them play some games on the iPad. They will love visits to the doctor’s office! They’ll be asking their parents, “Can we please go to the doctor’s office today? Please?”

973.392.4896 – www.PadenNoble.com - info@PadenNoble.com

Patients Learn

  Allow patients to use the iPad to learn about health/wellness as they’re waiting for the doctor. Could you imagine what it would be like to walk into a doctor’s office and to find an iPad on the chair? The screen could say: “pick me up and learn how to improve your health.” Then, it could go through an interactive educational module with the patient while he/she waits for the physician to enter the room. Patients could also read the latest medical/health news on the iPad.

  Allow patients to retrieve their personal health record or PHR information from the Internet. You probably don’t want to hand them your tablet PC that contains your EHR/EMR data, but maybe you’ll be OK handing them an iPad that’s connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi.

973.392.4896 – www.PadenNoble.com - info@PadenNoble.com

App Functionality

  View webcast

  Read Article


  Subscribe to Updates

  Tell a Colleague

  View prescribing information

  Links to pharmaceutical sites

  Link to branded site

  Material Download

  Link to Search for Hospitals

973.392.4896 – www.PadenNoble.com - info@PadenNoble.com

973.392.4896 – www.PadenNoble.com - info@PadenNoble.com

A New Age of Physician Marketing


973-392-4896 www.PadenNoble.com

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