Ignite Your Creativity Retreat - Review March 2013

Post on 10-Mar-2016






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Curious to discover more about Ignite Your Creativity Retreats... Delve inside the covers of this review to uncover the story of our weekend together and what was co-created


A review from 22nd -24th March 2013


And so a unique group ofwomen came together

in a magical place ruledby the tides.

The island is know only by a few. And as always

became beloved by everyone who gifted themselves

the time and space to rest awhile on its shores...

It was thattime of yearwhen you had

the call to bethe call to bein nature, but wrapped up warm

Yet we braved the elementsto adventure, dance and stretch

into new creative pathways.

Throughout the 3 days we took thetime needed to look more closely at

our creative dreams & goals...

Slowly andrespectfully seeking our

true creative north

Together we drewto new depths inour imaginations

and personalstoriesstories

We learnt howto hand make

our owncreativetreasuretreasuremap book

And how toRe-chart our


The creative frolics of our minds were given flight to..

Then we flew away with our own resident songstress and her


We let our bodiesbe grounded

throughmovement & play

Opened ourselvesup throughdeeply connectionConversations,

Looked at our challengesfrom different viewpoints...

And felt our wayinto bread making.

Through Bag ofCreative Surprises

we re-ignitedinner creative

visions, makingskills & talents

And found our creative gold at the end of our rainbows.

Then set a clear and steadycourse to successfully unleash

our creative potential

Whilst keeping oureyes firmly onnew horizons...

What creative retreaters gained most from their retreat

“A really trusting, supporting atmosphere

which brought about pure creativity, love, warmth.

This helped me along the creative process no end in a

beautiful and intuitive way. The food was also

amazing.” Suke Driver, Cafe Create

“An opening onto my creativity. So it does what is

says on the tin. A strengthening of my core values

and qualities.”

Delia Remy, actress

“Being held, meeting some magical, exciting, “Being held, meeting some magical, exciting, gifted, loving, intelligent, creative people.” Sue Ingram, HR/Feedback specialist

“The play. Keep playing.

My book was my great joy!”

Jenny Leach, artist, director – Outrider Anthems

“Creativity, community, love. Feeling

super excited again. Excitement for

creating new music. More self


“Remembering to get the balance – home, fun, create, connect with others.”

Fiona Marshal, entrepreneur - Not Mass Produced

What creative retreaters wouldtell their friends about the retreat

“Such a profoundly beautiful experience.

You have to go! Anna is the most

welcoming, inspiring and yielding facilitator

and the place rocks!”

“It will open doors in your imagination, heart and mind you

didn’t know were there. I would do it again – anytime.

I will recommend it warmly. ”

Delia Remy, actress

“Go – expect nothing. Come away with everything.” Sue Ingram, HR/Feedback specialist

and the place rocks!”

Suke Driver, Cafe Create

“Be open and go!”

Jenny Leach, artist, director – Outrider Anthems

“Amazing! You absolutely have to do it! You

will come back changed and full of ideas.”

“It’s a retreat that’s needed.I would say go – it’s a great experience”

Fiona Marshal, entrepreneur - Not Mass Produced

What creative retreaters said aboutAnna B. Sexton Anna B. Sexton Anna B. Sexton Anna B. Sexton – Open To Create...Open To Create...Open To Create...Open To Create...

“What an extra-ordinary human being. The attention

to details was what made the retreat such a success.”

Jenny Leach, artist, director – Outrider Anthems

“Amazing! Anna I love your work. Your

encouragement for more trust in ones self

and one’s creativity. I loved the bag with

surprised as I got lots of ideas. Thanks for the

“Very well organised but flexible. Great facilitator, welcoming, caring & bringing everything together.” Fiona Marshal, entrepreneur - Not Mass Produced

“Laid back, playful, insightful a happy leader, an

incredible facilitator . Thought of everything in fine

detail and at the same time totally in the flow.

Warm, cheerful, fun.” Suke Driver, Cafe Create

“An incredibly inspiring woman – she created just the right

environment and has the gift for making people feel part of a

family.” Delia Remy, actress

“Fun with intelligence behind it!”Sue Ingram, HR/Feedback specialist

surprised as I got lots of ideas. Thanks for the

coaching session – I gained lots to take back

to London. Thank you so much – you are


What creative retreaters said aboutPenny Stanford Penny Stanford Penny Stanford Penny Stanford – Book makingBook makingBook makingBook making

“Amazingly clear in demonstrating what we

were about to create. Warm, cheerful, fun.

I feel the book is a treasure I will always

keep.” Suke Driver, Cafe Create

“Loved it – she started me on a journey & I love mybook. I love books and it’s the first book I have created.”Sue Ingram, HR/Feedback specialist

“Really lovely, passionate and generous.”

Fiona Marshal, entrepreneur - Not Mass Produced

“Another inspiring lady – very clear and creative.

She gave us a skill for life.”

Delia Remy, actress

“Missed the actual book making but what a delight meeting in full!”

Jenny Leach, artist, director – Outrider Anthems

“Very kind and inspiring with her bookmaking.

The book was a great tool to have over the

days. Thanks you!”

What creative retreaters said aboutSarah Bellorini Sarah Bellorini Sarah Bellorini Sarah Bellorini – personal biographiespersonal biographiespersonal biographiespersonal biographies

“Sarah was beautifully intense. I could feel

her pain and also her path to where she

wants to go. Her workshop was the hardest

for me as it is difficult to look back.”

Suke Driver, Cafe Create

“Vulnerable and strong, warm and directive.The biography work has changed my outlookon my life.” Delia Remy, actress

“Incredibly generous in what she shared. Very well

devised and well supported.”

Jenny Leach, artist, director – Outrider Anthems

“Interesting – myself I have already looked and resolved my past. Glad to have come & realised that

it is gone and done. Now I move forward.”Sue Ingram, HR/Feedback specialist

Jenny Leach, artist, director – Outrider Anthems

“Great insights from the biography work. Very

emotional workshop. I found it very revealing

especially the symbol creation and taking it

into the night.”

“Lovely, a great insight into seeing visually our biographies.”

Fiona Marshal, entrepreneur - Not Mass Produced

What creative retreaters said aboutSue Ingram Sue Ingram Sue Ingram Sue Ingram – Bread makingBread makingBread makingBread making

“I didn’t participate but the results were magnificent.” Suke Driver, Cafe Create

“Lovely and encouraging, soft-spoken and positive.”

Delia Remy, actress

“I had fun. I loved baking & I hope others did

“She was super. You could see she

loved it herself - inspiring.”

“Very generous, a great teacher, kind and patient.”Fiona Marshal, entrepreneur - Not Mass Produced

“I had fun. I loved baking & I hope others did

too.” Sue Ingram, HR/Feedback specialist

What creative retreaters said aboutother interventions

“The creative surprises session – surprisingly creative.”

Jenny Leach, artist, director – Outrider Anthems

“Loved the yoga with Sallyanne and Delia’s session.”

Fiona Marshal, entrepreneur - Not Mass Produced

“Great yoga, wonderful conversations, inspiration

all round.” Delia Remy, actress

How can you become aHow can you become aHow can you become aHow can you become acreative retreater?creative retreater?creative retreater?creative retreater?

Open To Create... Open To Create... Open To Create... Open To Create... intends to host 3 Ignite Your Creativity retreats each year in March, July and November.

Each will have onlyonlyonlyonly 10 places available.

To secure your place do the following;

Call us now on 07941 655 85607941 655 85607941 655 85607941 655 856

Email us on anna@opentocreate.com

Tweet us up @opentocreate

Join the conversation on our Facebook page

Follow our website www.opentocreate.com

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Until the next timeUntil the next timeUntil the next timeUntil the next time

Thank you to;Thank you to;Thank you to;Thank you to;Hannah, PennyBo, Marty & DerekAliceGita & UEL CEWEAnsal, Sarah. B

“The commitment we make is toour journey together.”

K. Bradford Brown


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